Action 3.1. Theme: Democracy, Citizenship, Participation Venue: Pristina, Kosovo Date: October 2015 Title of project: My Rights equal to My responsibilities The new challenge nowadays is how to prepare young people for democracy in contexts that are quite different from those that have been known in the past. In the past slogans like ‘active citizenship’ has often been used to signal that citizens need to be involved in their democracy. This is still the case, but much more is now required. Young people need to know about democracy – how it works and what is worth defending. As well as being ‘active’ citizens, young people in the future need to be informed and compassionate citizens”. The training course will provide a platform for youth workers from EU and non-EU countries to learn how young people can take an active role on local and international level and to have their voice heard regarding current European challenges. Therefore, an exchange of tools and approaches for active participation of young people and means of influencing and creating youth policy on local and national level will be core elements of the training. The aim of this project is: To increase capacity of 30 youth workers in citizenship education in order to contribute to a working civil society across the national borders in Europe. It will place the vision of a common European Citizenship into the context of European challenges. The training course will elaborate on the potentials of the concept of European Citizenship to tackle existing issues of migration and inclusion, discrimination and intolerance; issues that are currently dominating European debates. Our objectives for the training are as follows: - to explore the concept of citizenship and other concepts realted with it (democracy, rights and responsabilities, social and political activism, youth participation) - foster an understanding on concept of active citizenship with particular focus on European citizenship and find new chanels to promote it; - to analyze four dimension of citizenship in youth field (political, social, economic and cultural) and find new tools to use them in a balanced way in youth work -to improve participants skills in citizenship education for young people with fewer opportunities and guide them to be agent of positive change in communities they live -to exchange examples of active citizenship and participation in practice, analyse achievements and challenges related to it using non formal education as integral part of youth work;Equipping participats different types communication tools, introduce them to various types of media tools and methodologies available for youth work - to establish new partnerships and cooperation between organizations of Western Balkans and EU for the improvement and quality in international youth work using as tool Erasmus + program