Celebrating and promoting a vibrant arts community WHERE DO

Celebrating and promoting a vibrant arts community
The Salt Spring Arts Council (SSAC), a not-for-profit 200-member organization that supports and encourages the
arts through partnership, advocacy and events, invited candidates in the 2011 election to respond in writing to
seven arts-related questions. All but two replied by the Nov.11 deadline. Voters are encouraged to read complete
answers on our website. All responses were reviewed and, in this report, condensed to focus on specific
commitments made and other key observations. Unedited responses may be seen on the SSAC website:
Q 1. How would you enhance support for the arts? What more should be done to
promote and sustain the arts?
Islands Trust Candidates
David Borrowman
 The Trust can play an advocacy role for SSAC initiatives, including an arts school.
George Grams & Mark Wyatt
 We will robustly support the Arts Council
Peter Groves
 I am strongly committed to supporting a vibrant SS arts community
 I will support efforts to make a SS School of Fine Arts happen
 I am committed to working to seek funding from governments to promote existing
programs and workshops
Larry Woods
 I would work with others to promote SS as an arts destination
CRD Candidates
Carole Eyles
 Avenues of co-operation with other businesses, B&Bs, caterers, restaurants could be
 In summer, perhaps school buses could run special tours to artists’ studios
Garth Hendren
 I can see a grant in aid being used to support the worthy establishment of a school
for the arts
Ken Lee
 I would enhance support for the arts
Wayne McIntyre
 A good step forward would be to have a strategic plan in place as a baseline and to
focus on priorities, barriers and potential revenue support
Leslie Wallace
 I will continue financial support for the SSAC
I will encourage the Economic Development Commission and SSAC to work together
on an economic development plan for the island
Q 2. What opportunities you see for SSAC to access other regional and provincial
funding, in particular from the CRD?
Islands Trust Candidates
David Borrowman
 This is a question for the CRD
George Grams & Mark Wyatt
 We will ask for the current policy of not assisting Chambers of Commerce to be
reviewed… SSAC could work with the Chamber of Commerce to promote events
Peter Groves
 I am committed to working with CRD to support seeking funding from all levels of
Larry Woods
 I would work with CRD and support efforts to get funding from regional, provincial
and foundation donors
CRD Candidates
Carole Eyles
 I would support any initiatives to access any funding from other sources
Garth Hendren
 Where appropriate, an application could be made by SSAC to the CRD grants officer
Ken Lee
 I would press relentlessly for federal, provincial and regional funding. The CRD Arts
Development Service would be an excellent place to begin
Wayne McIntyre
 I will push hard for our share of CRD arts and culture stimulus programs; if these
programs don’t exist, I will push hard to create them
Leslie Wallace
 I will subscribe SSI to the CRD Arts Development Service
Q 3. How will you address the need for affordable housing on SSI?
Islands Trust Candidates
David Borrowman
 I will advocate for the widest possible liberalization of rules on suites and cottages,
with broad provisions for home-based businesses, studios, galleries & workshops
George Grams & Mark Wyatt
 We will immediately introduce Tim Wake recommendations to legalize secondary
suites and cottages
 We will seek to enable Norton Road housing project to proceed
 We will work with CRD and others to identify lots suitable for affordable housing
 We will facilitate affordable housing through density transfers
Peter Groves
 I will support projects with affordable housing through SS Island Land Bank Society
Larry Woods
I would support the SS Community Affordable Housing Strategy, particularly plans
already in the OCP and its recommended revisions, starting with legalizing suites
and conditions
CRD Candidates
Carole Eyles
 The community has to agree on a definition of “affordable” and then engage
property owners in a discussion about how to provide affordable housing within
this framework
Garth Hendren
 School District #64 has provided land for public housing; the Housing Council will
determine the type of housing, what target group should be supported and whether
rental or for purchase
Ken Lee
 I would work with the trust and the private sector to expedite any initiatives
towards affordable housing
Wayne McIntyre
 Implement the legalization of secondary suites and cottages now.
 I will push hard for action on innovative affordable housing
Leslie Wallace
 Increasing the supply of affordable housing is a priority
 I will lobby to legalize existing suites and cottages immediately, and to legalize new
cottages and suites that can prove adequate water supply
 I will lobby to ensure these suites and cottages remain affordable
 I will encourage the business community to make a significant contribution to
affordable housing
 I will increase significantly the household contribution to the CRD Regional Housing
Fund while reducing other taxes
 I will support other affordable housing initiatives
 I will support the work of the new SSI Housing Council
Q 4. What role do you see that SSAC and the arts have in enhancing economic
development on the island?
Islands Trust Candidates
David Borrowman
 I am encouraged by the growing links between the commercial and arts sectors
George Grams & Mark Wyatt
 Arts tourism should be encouraged, as well as quality accommodation, affordable
ferry fees and protection of the beautiful natural environment
Peter Groves
 I support SSAC efforts to support the arts and attract students and tourists
Larry Woods
 I think using the Artists in the Community workshops to promote holidays on SSI is
an excellent step
CRD Candidates
Carole Eyles
 Artistic endeavours are logical home business ventures
 The move toward an art school could be very positive
Garth Hendren
 I see the SSAC weighing in on the plan that will be established by the Community
Economic Development Commission
Ken Lee
 Q. 4, 5, 6, 7 No response
Wayne McIntyre
 Arts is an important sector; should establish a baseline and explore additional
resource requirements
Leslie Wallace
 My platform includes strengthening and diversifying the local economy
 The arts sector’s potential contribution to local economic development is enormous
Q 5. How will you address the need to increase tourism to SSI?
Islands Trust Candidates
David Borrowman
 Financial initiatives in this sector is a question for the CRD
George Grams & Mark Wyatt
 Desirable to prepare a traffic and parking management plan for Ganges
 Merit in pedestrianizing part of Main Street when market is on
 Explore opportunities in Ganges for mixed use live/work, loft accommodation above
 Encourage regeneration of our downtown core, including redevelopment of the
current fire hall site, completing the boardwalk and encouraging downtown vendors
to stay open in the evening and on Sundays in tourism season
 Encourage more involvement of Chamber of Commerce
Peter Groves
 I will work with the Chamber, CRD and Province to raise our profile throughout the
 I support increased density in Ganges
 I will work to streamline the number of zones along the waterfront to reduce
barriers to improvement
Larry Woods
 Keep our island from becoming like every other small community that’s turned into
a municipality
 Keep growth carefully managed and within the bounds of the OCP
 I champion development of a year-round covered market in Ganges
 I would encourage developers, like those at Bullock’s Lake, to build some kind of
arts aspect into their proposal
 I would support current efforts to create some kind of arts learning centre on the
 I would support affordable housing opportunities. Some legalization of cottages
might be an avenue for this, but legalizing cottages is more fraught with problems
than legalizing suites
CRD Candidates
Carole Eyles
 Not beyond possibility to work with B&Bs, restaurants or caterers and artists to put
together package deals that include local produce and studio visits with art
Garth Hendren
 Developing a Ganges Harbour Management plan
 Completing the Boardwalk
 Continuing to develop transit service
 Establishing walking trails, bike lanes and sidewalks
Wayne McIntyre
 I will work to ensure applicants for potential CRD project funding clearly
understand the process and rules
 I will look for ways to support low impact and new tourism opportunities, such as
shoulder season conferences, art shows, agri-tourism, etc
Leslie Wallace
 I can increase tourism by supporting organizations and initiatives that attract
 Focus on neighbouring communities and develop year-round programs
 Secure funding for Fulford-Vesuvius bike path
 Plan to beautify Ganges, and to re-route traffic to turn part of downtown into a carfree commons
Q 6. What is your position regarding BC Ferries fares? How would you pursue the
interest of SS islanders in having affordable travel?
Islands Trust Candidates
David Borrowman
 Advocacy with BC Ferries is crucial and I would play a role
George Grams & Mark Wyatt
 We will lobby for a reduction in fares
 We will support our ferry committee
Peter Groves
 I will join my voice of concern with others
Larry Woods
 Fares are too high. I would work with our Ferry Advisory Council and all the other
islands to present a united front to BC Ferries
CRD Candidates
Carole Eyles
 I would lend any influence I could bring to bear on lowering ferry fares
 A special resident rate for major routes as well as minor routes would be a start
Garth Hendren
 I have weighed in on the ferry fares with the Minister of Transportation and shall
continue to do so
Wayne McIntyre
I will fight hard for lower ferry fares, stressing the economic impacts
Leslie Wallace
I will lobby BC Ferries for incentives for people travelling with 2 or more
adults in their vehicles
A passengers only ferry, or a small flotilla of boats, would make it more
affordable for people to visit
Q 7. How will you support SSAC’s requests for inclusion of island arts in ferry gift
shops and a meeting with ferry officials?
Islands Trust Candidates
David Borrowman
 See question 6
George Grams & Mark Wyatt
We will support this proposal and lobby BC ferries and Ferry Commissioner
Peter Groves
 I will fully support SSAC
Larry Woods
 I would support these constructive SSAC requests
CRD Candidates
Carole Eyles
 I would support any initiative to heighten awareness of our vibrant arts community
and make local products readily available on all ferries.
 The “artist in residence’ program could be expanded to all major routes
 Package deals of ferries plus “arts weekends” is one obvious suggestion
Garth Hendren
 I shall monitor the discussions
Wayne McIntyre
 I will push for more exposure of local products. What about educational art shows
on the ferries?
Leslie Wallace
 I strongly support this move.I will request BC Ferries to include locally made
products in ferry and terminal gift shops