Officers Report (Planning)_A4

Ref No:
Case Officer:
Mrs B Kinnear
Proposal: Demolition of existing conservatory and erection of a single storey side
extension to provide two bedrooms and new sun room
Ivy Lea, Fourth Avenue, Talacre, Holywell, Flintshire, CH8 9RQ
Mrs A M Dean
Date Valid: 19 September 2013
Expiry Date: 14 November 2013
Consultation & Responses
Local Member: Councillor G Banks No response received at time of writing.
Llanasa Community Council: No objection.
Head of Public Protection:
Pollution : I can confirm that I have no adverse comments to make regarding this
Conservation : I have no concerns on this proposal from a design perspective. The
plans do not indicate the proximity to other houses or percentage of garden to be
lost , No objections.
Natural Resources Wales:The application site lies entirely within zone C1 as defined
by the Development Advice Map referred to under TAN 15 Development and Flood
Risk ( July 2004).
Given the scale of the development , and in the absence of a Flood Consequences
Assessment , we consider the risk could be acceptable subject to the developer
being made aware of the potential flood risks and advised to install flood-proofing
measures as part of the development.
Recommend that consideration be given to the use of flood proofing measures and
the free flood warning service that operates for this area.
The application site is located 50metres from the Dee Estuary SSS1, SPA and
Ramsar site. It is not considered that the proposed development will have any
significant impact, either directly or indirectly, on the features , functionality or
integrity of the Protected Sites.
Building Control: No response received at time of writing.
Neighbours: No response received at time of writing.
Linden Lea
Relevant History & Policies:
370/90 Replacement dwelling and garage Permit 17.05.90
Flintshire Unitary Development Plan
GEN 1 General Requirements for Development
HSG12 House Extensions and Alterations
D2 Design
The proposal would comply with the above policies.
Planning Appraisal:
This application seeks consent for the demolition of the existing conservatory and
the erection of single storey side extension, to provide for a bedroom and sun room
The existing conservatory measures approx 6m2 in its footprint and the proposed
extension is to include this area , and amounts to approx 35m2 in its footprint .Both
the side elevations are proposed to be blank , with the windows and patio doors
overlook the applicant s garden. The extent of the projection amounts to 4.5 m, with
a 14m separation distance to the gable wall of Thirlmere and 11m to Stella , the
adjacent property.
The ridge line of the proposed roof is set below the main ridge line, the extension is
within the existing enclosed garden area . The scale of the development is
considered to be subsidiary to the existing property and the design and materials
proposed are reflective of the existing property.
The proposed scheme is considered to be compliant with the above policies.
Recommendation Code: /
In considering this planning application the Council has acted in accordance with the Human Rights
Act 1998 including Article 8 of the Convention and in a manner which is necessary in a democratic
society in furtherance of the legitimate aims of the Act and the convention.
Notes to Applicants
N14 Coal Mining Informative
National Resources Wales letter dated 9October 2013.
N13 Plans
Application form
Date received 19 September 2013.
Drawing No 01 Rev A existing floor plan received 29 August 2103.
Drawing No 03 Rev A proposed floor plan received 29 August 2013.
Drawing No O1 Rev A existing elevations received 19 September 2013.
Drawing No 04 Rev A proposed elevations received 29 August 2013.
Drawing No 04 Rev B Proposed elevations received 19 September 2013.
Drawing No 05 Rev A Location Plan received 29 August 2013.
Note to Applicant
Your attention is drawn to the enclosed letter from Natural Resources Wales dated 9
October 2013. With particular regard to the installation of flood proofing measures to
reduce the impact of flooding , such measures may include barriers on the ground
floor doors, windows and access points, the placement of the electrical services in to
the building at a high level so that plugs are located above possible flood levels.
Natural Resources Wales (NRW) operates a free Flood Warning Service for this
area and you are encouraged to register your details with the NRW. Further
information on this is available via the Flood line on Tel 0845 988 1188 or on the
Date of Recommendation: 17.10.13