IBM Content Manager OnDemand Toolbox Troubleshooting FAQ

IBM Content Manager OnDemand Toolbox
IBM Content Manager OnDemand Toolbox
Troubleshooting FAQ
Known Issues
 OD Delete generates error
ARS_OLE_RC_SERVER_CANNOT_CONNECT instead of deleting a
This error occurs then using different version of the OnDemand Client and OnDemand
Server. If you have the version of the Windows Client installed it is only
possible to delete documents from an OnDemand server running the same version.
It works fine if you use an older release of the client.
We are working on this problem.
 A log file error is displayed at the startup of an OD Application:
An error like this is displayed at the startup of any of the OD Toolbox component
This may occur at the first startup of the application. It notifies you that the logging
system is currently disabled. At some system configurations, the logger cannot gain
write access to the log file.
To solve this error insure the following:
 If this error only appears once, click ok close the application and restart
it. If it does not occur any more than it was just an initialization
problem of the .NET runtime engine which was automatically fixed
after the first application’s launch
 Check if the user has write access rights to the application’s directory
IBM Content Manager OnDemand Toolbox
 One of the OD Toolbox components cannot be started and an error
message complaining about ARSOLE.OCX is displayed.
This error occurs if the arsole.ocx component is not property registered or if the
OnDemand Windows client is not installed.
To solve this error insure the following:
 Ensure you have the OnDemand Windows client installed
 Open a command line window, navigate to your OnDemand Client
application directory (“cd c:\program files\ibm\OnDemand”) and type
the following command:
regsvr arsole.ocx
 Reinstall the OnDemand Windows client
 OD Store and OD Filesystem Monitor cannot be started and an
error message complaining about ARSOLE_Wrapper.dll is
This error occurred if the interop wrapper for the ARSOLE is not registered.
To solve this error insure the following:
 Ensure you have the OnDemand Windows client installed
 Open a command line window, navigate to your OnDemand Toolbox
application directory (“cd c:\program files\ibm\OnDemand Toolbox”)
and type the following command:
regsvr ARSOLE_Wrapper.dll
 Reinstall the Toolbox