1 Appendix 2 Model Description 3 To assess potential relationships between the benthic foraminiferal derived 4 productivity and the CM events, we use an updated version of the box model developed by 5 Diester-Haass et al. [2009] and Lefebvre et al. [2010]. This box model contains four 6 reservoirs for the global ocean (low latitude surface ocean, low latitude thermocline, high 7 latitude surface ocean, deep ocean) and one for the atmosphere. It calculates the budgets of 8 carbon, alkalinity, phosphorus and dissolved oxygen in the ocean reservoirs, and those of 9 carbon dioxide and oxygen in the atmosphere. The carbon isotope budget (13C values) is also 10 calculated for each reservoir, as well as carbonate speciation. Biological productivity in the 11 surface oceanic reservoirs is driven by phosphorus inputs to these reservoirs; the model only 12 predicts export production (i.e., the productivity corresponding to the amount of organic 13 matter that escapes oxidation in the surface reservoirs and is transferred to the thermocline or 14 the deep ocean). 15 Inclusion of an oxygen budget is new compared to the previous version of the model 16 [e.g., Diester-Haass et al., 2009, Lefebvre et al., 2010]. It is a relatively classical description 17 of the oxygen cycle, with production of O2 in the atmosphere or the surface ocean, transport 18 of O2 through ocean circulation and consumption of O2 when organic matter is oxidized in the 19 thermocline and the deep ocean. More details on this module can be found in Lefebvre 20 [2009]. 21 Input and output fluxes of carbon, alkalinity, phosphorus, and oxygen to/from the 22 ocean-atmosphere system are calculated from a geochemical sub-model [Diester-Haass et al., 23 2009; Lefebvre, 2009] which takes into account the volcanic release of CO2 (assumed to be 24 constant through time for the present study), weathering of silicate and carbonate rocks, 25 weathering of old organic carbon (kerogen) from sedimentary rocks, and organic carbon 1 26 deposition from both land and marine sources. In the treatment of silicate rock weathering we 27 distinguish between basalts and other silicates (granites), for which separate weathering rate 28 laws are used [Lefebvre, 2009; Lefebvre et al., 2010; Grard et al., 2005; Dessert et al., 2001, 29 2003]. Both rates increase with runoff (linear relationship), temperature (exponential 30 relationship) and soil CO2 partial pressure (power law with 0.3 exponent, soil pCO2 being 31 related to atmospheric pCO2 through terrestrial productivity, using the approach of Volk, 32 1987). They are both proportional to a mechanical weathering factor mech, used to take into 33 account the dependence of chemical weathering on changes in physical erosion. The value of 34 mech is derived from reconstructed accumulation rates of terrigenous sediments [Wold and 35 Hay, 1990]. For this study, we used a relative flux of terrigenous sediments of 0.25 at middle 36 Miocene times compared to today, a value comparable to that used by Wallmann [2001]. The 37 weathering rate law for carbonate rocks assumes that the water draining carbonate rocks is 38 saturated with respect to calcite. It depends on temperature and soil pCO2. Kerogen 39 weathering is assumed to be proportional to runoff and to vary with physical erosion as 40 mech0.3, but no direct temperature dependence is considered in the standard version of the 41 model. Outcrop areas of all types of rocks are taken as proportional to the land area. 42 Carbonate deposition occurs as coral reef formation on the shelf and as rain of calcite 43 or aragonite on all the seafloor above the respective compensation depths. Coral reef 44 formation is proportional to shelf area and varies with the saturation ratio of surface seawater 45 with respect to calcite. Carbonate rain rates vary proportionally to biological productivity. 46 Lysoclines for calcite and aragonite are calculated as a function of the CO3= concentration in 47 the deep oceanic box and a correction proportional to productivity is made to obtain the 48 compensation depths. The areas above these compensation depths are obtained from the 49 hypsometric curve. Organic deposition in the sediment is proportional to the fraction of the 50 produced organic matter not decomposed in the water column and reaching the seafloor in 51 each reservoir and, hence, also depends on the hypsometric curve. Organic deposition on land 2 52 is prescribed as in Diester-Haass et al. [2009] to linearly increase from 2.31012 mol/yr to 53 3.31012 mol/yr between 19 Ma and 16 Ma, then remaining constant between 16 Ma and 14 54 Ma, and finally decreasing back to the original value between 14 and 12 Ma. As discussed by 55 Diester-Haass et al. [2009], such an increase produces a long-term excursion in the 13C 56 record similar in amplitude and phase to the Monterey excursion of the Middle Miocene. 57 Since the weathering rates on land as well as the carbonate equilibrium constants and 58 solubilities in the ocean depend on temperature, the geochemical model is coupled to an 59 energy balance model [François and Walker, 1992] that evaluates mean surface temperature 60 in 18 equidistant latitude bands. Runoff on land in each latitude band is evaluated from the 61 parameterization developed in the same study. 62 Besides carbon, weathering and deposition fluxes also bring or remove alkalinity, 63 phosphorus and oxygen (O2) to or from the ocean. Alkalinity is brought to the ocean through 64 silicate and carbonate weathering and is removed through carbonate deposition, the ratio 65 between alkalinity and carbon being dictated by the stoichiometry of the 66 weathering/deposition reactions [e.g., François and Walker, 1992]. Phosphorus is assumed to 67 be provided to the ocean mainly through silicate weathering, its input flux associated with 68 weathering is thus taken as proportional to total (basalt+granite) silicate weathering. It is 69 removed from the ocean through organic carbon and carbonate deposition. As François and 70 Walker [1992], we use a constant C:P ratio of 1000:1 for carbonates. By contrast, the C:P 71 ratio of buried organic matter is assumed to vary linearly with the oxygenation level of the 72 ocean reservoir in which the deposition occurs [Van Cappellen and Ingall, 1996], the C:P 73 ratio reaching 200:1 in well oxygenated waters ([O2]>0.20 mol m-3) and 4000:1 in anoxic 74 waters ([O2]<0.05 mol m-3). The O2 budget is only calculated for the atmosphere, the 75 thermocline and the deep ocean reservoirs. Indeed, in the surface ocean reservoirs, dissolved 76 oxygen is assumed to be in equilibrium with atmospheric O2. The source and sink of 77 atmospheric O2 correspond respectively to deposition of organic carbon (ocean + land) and 3 78 kerogen weathering. O2 is transported through ocean circulation from the surface to the 79 thermocline and deep water reservoirs, where it is consumed by organic matter 80 remineralisation in the water column. The remineralized fraction of organic matter settling 81 from the above reservoir increases linearly with dissolved oxygen concentration, from 0.02 in 82 anoxic waters to 1 in oxygenated waters (same [O2] thresholds as above). 83 84 85 86 References 87 Dessert, C., B. Dupré, L. M. François, J. Schott, J. Gaillardet, G. J. Chakrapani, and S. Bajpai 88 (2001), Erosion of deccan traps determined by river geochemistry: Impact on the global 89 climate and the 87Sr/86Sr ratio of seawater, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 188, 459-474. 90 Dessert, C., B. Dupré, J. Gaillardet, L. M. François, and C.J. 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