6. 7. 8. 9. 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire Name: Date: PART I Read the following questions and type the number that applies next to each item: KEY: Blank = Do not consume or use 2 = Consume or use weekly 1 = Consume or use 2 to 3 times monthly 3 = Consume or use daily DIET Alcohol 7. Artificial sweeteners 8. Candy, desserts, sugars 9. Carbonated beverages 10. Chewing tobacco 11. Cigarettes 12. 13. 58 Cigars/pipes 14. Caffeinated beverages 15. Fast foods 16. Fried foods 17. Luncheon meats 18. Margarine 19. Milk products 20. Radiation exposure (1=yes) Refined flour/baked goods Vitamins and minerals Water, distilled Water, tap Water, well Diet often for weight control Typical Example of Each of the Following: Breakfast: Lunch: Dinner: Snacks: Fluids: (type and amount) Mark any medications you’re currently taking or have taken in the last month (Blank = no, 1 = yes): 54 25. Antacids 39. Diuretics Antianxiety medications 40. Estrogen or progesterone (pharmaceutical, Antibiotics prescription) Anticonvulsants 41. Estrogen or progesterone (natural) Antidepressants 42. Heart medications Antifungals 43. High blood pressure medications Aspirin/Ibuprofen 44. Laxatives Asthma inhalers 45. Recreational drugs Beta blockers 46. Relaxants/Sleeping pills Birth control pills/implant contraceptives 47. Testosterone (natural or prescription) Chemotherapy 48. Thyroid medication Cholesterol lowering medications 49. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) Cortisone/steroids 50. Ulcer medications Diabetic medications/insulin 51. Sildenafal citrate (Viagra) PART II (If Never Occurs, Leave Blank . Otherwise Mark 1= Yes but rare/monthly, 2=Yes weekly, 3= Yes daily) Section 1 Belching or gas within one hour after64.eating Heartburn or acid reflux 65. Bloating or fullness within 1 hour after 66.eating Vegan diet 67. Bad breath (halitosis) 68. Loss of taste for meat 69. Sweat has a strong odor 70. Stomach upset by taking vitamins 71. Sense of excess fullness after meals72. Feel like skipping breakfast 73. Feel better if you don’t eat 74. Sleepy after meals 75. Section 2 76. Pain between shoulder blades 90. Stomach upset by greasy foods Greasy or shiny stools 91. Yellowish cast to eyes Nausea 92. Sea, car, airplane or motion sickness 93. History of morning sickness (1 = yes) 94. Light or clay colored stools 95. Dry skin, itchy feet or skin peels on feet Headache over eyes 96. Gallbladder attacks (1= yes) Gallbladder removed (1=yes) 97. 88. Bitter or metallic taste in mouth, especially 98. after meals or in morning 99. 89. Become sick or easily intoxicated if100. you were to drink wine (1=yes) 101. 102. 103. 101. Section 3 Food allergies 108. Abdominal bloating 2 to 4 hours after 109. eating Specific foods make you tired or bloated 110. (1=yes) 111. Pulse speeds after eating Airborne allergies 112. Experience hives 113. Sinus congestion, "stuffy head" 114. Crave bread or noodles 115. Alternating constipation and diarrhea 116. 67 Fingernails chip, peel or break easily Anemia unresponsive to iron Stomach pains or cramps Diarrhea, chronic Diarrhea shortly after meals Black or tarry colored stools Undigested food in stool Stomach pain 1-4 hours after eating Stomach pain relieved from food, milk, carbonated drinks Digestive problems subside with relaxation Heartburn specifically due to spicy food, citrus, alcohol, caffeine 68 Easily hung over if you were to drink wine (blank=no, 1=yes) Alcohol per week (blank=<3, 1=<7, 2 =<14, 3=>14) Recovering alcoholic (blank=no, 1=yes) History of drug or alcohol abuse (1 = yes) History of hepatitis (1=yes) Long term use of prescription/recreational drugs (1=yes) Sensitive to chemicals (perfume, cleaning agents, etc.) Sensitive to tobacco smoke Exposure to diesel fumes Pain under right side of rib cage Hemorrhoids or varicose veins Nutrasweet (aspartame) consumption Sensitive to Nutrasweet (aspartame) Chronic fatigue or Fibromyalgia 52 Roughage/Fiber cause gas or constipation Wheat or grain sensitivity Dairy sensitivity Are there foods you could not give up (1=yes) Asthma, sinus infections, stuffy nose Bizarre vivid dreams, nightmares Use over-the-counter pain medications Feel spacey or unreal Stool floats 120. Section 4 Anus itches 128. Coated or “fuzzy” tongue 129. Feel worse in moldy or musty place 130. Taken antibiotic for a total accumulated 131.time of (1= <1 month, 2= <3 months, 3= >3132. months) Fungus or yeast infections 133. "jock itch", "athletes foot", nail fungus134. Yeast symptoms with sugar, starch or135. alcohol Stools hard or difficult to pass 136. History of parasites (1=yes) 137. Less than one bowel movement per day 138. Alternating diarrhea and constipation Section 5 History of carpal tunnel syndrome (1=yes) 150. History of lower right abdominal pains151. (1= yes) History of stress fracture (1=yes) 152. Bone loss (reduced density on bone scan) 153. Are you shorter than you used to be?154. (1=yes) Calf, foot or toe cramps at rest 155. Cold sores, fever blisters or herpes lesions 156. Frequent fevers 157. Frequent skin rashes and/or hives 158. Herniated disc (1=yes) 159. Excessively flexible joints, "double jointed" 160. Joints pop or click 161. Pain or swelling in joints 162. Bursitis or tendonitis 163. 164. 167. Section 6 Experience pain relief with aspirin169. (1=yes) Crave fatty or greasy foods 170. Low- or reduced-fat diet (blank=never, 171. 1=years ago, 2=within past year, 172. 3=currently) Tension headaches at base of skull 64 Stools are flat or ribbon shaped Stools are not well formed (loose) Irritable bowel or mucus colitis Blood in stool Mucus in stool Excessive foul smelling lower bowel gas Bad breath or strong body odors Cramping in lower abdominal region Dark circles under eyes Feeling that bowels do not completely empty More than 3 bowel movements per day 75 History of bone spurs (1=yes) Morning stiffness Nausea with vomiting Crave chocolate Feet have a strong odor History of anemia Whites of eyes (sclera) blue tinted Hoarseness Difficulty swallowing Lump in throat Dry mouth, eyes and/or nose Gag easily White spots on fingernails Cuts heal slowly and/or scar easily Decreased sense of taste or smell 22 Headaches when out in the hot sun Sunburn easily or suffer sun poisoning Muscles easily fatigued Dry flaky skin or dandruff 173. Section 7 Awaken a few hours after falling asleep, 181. hard to get back to sleep 182. Crave sweets during the day Binge or uncontrolled eating 183. Excessive appetite 184. Need coffee or sugar to keep yourself 185. going Sleepy in afternoon 186. Fatigue that is relieved by eating 187. Headache if meals are skipped or delayed Section 8 21 Fatigue after meals 193. Eating sweets doesn’t relieve sugar 194.cravings Must have sweets after meals 195. Raised cholesterol 196. High Blood Pressure Section 9 Muscles become easily fatigued 212. Feel exhausted or sore after mild213. or moderate exercise 214. Vulnerable to insect bites 215. Loss of muscle tone, heaviness in216. arms/legs Enlarged heart or congestive heart 217. failure Pulse below 65 per minute (0=no,218. 1=yes) Ringing in the ears (Tinnitus) 219. Numbness, tingling or itching in hands 220. and feet 221. Depressed 222. Fear of impending doom 223. Worrier, apprehensive, anxious 224. Nervous or agitated 225. Feelings of insecurity Heart races Section 10 Tend to be a "night person" 228. Difficulty falling asleep 229. Tend to be keyed up, trouble calming 230. down Blood pressure above 120/80 231. Headache after exercising 232. Clench or grind teeth 233. Calm on the outside, troubled on 234. the inside Perspire easily even with little or 235. no activity Under high amounts of stress 236. Weight gain when under stress 237. Wake up tired even after 6 or more 238. hours sleep 239. Slow starter in the morning 240. Feeling wired or jittery after drinking 241.coffee Chronic low back pain, worse with242. fatigue 243. 45 Irritable before meals or if meal is skipped Shaky or lightheaded especially if meals are delayed or missed Nervous, easily upset or agitated Family members with diabetes Frequent thirst Frequent urination Poor Memory, Forgetful Waist girth equal to or greater than hip girth Frequent urination Increased thirst and appetite Difficulty losing weight 78 Can hear heart beat on pillow at night Whole body or limb jerk as falling asleep Night sweats Restless leg syndrome Cracks at corner of mouth (Cheilosis) Fragile skin, easily chaffed, as in shaving Polyps or warts MSG sensitivity Wake up without remembering dreams Small bumps on back of arms Strong light at night irritates eyes Nose bleeds and/or tend to bruise easily Bleeding gums especially when brushing teeth 84 Become dizzy when standing up suddenly Difficulty maintaining chiropractic adjustment Pain after manipulative correction Arthritic tendencies Crave salty foods Salt foods before tasting Chronic fatigue, or get drowsy often Afternoon yawning Afternoon headache Asthma, wheezing or difficulty breathing Pain on the medial or inner side of the knee Tendency to sprain ankles or "shin splints" Tendency to need sunglasses Allergies and/or hives Weakness, dizziness Section 11 239. Early sexual development (before245. age 10) (1=yes) 246. Increased libido 247. Splitting type headache 248. Memory failing 249. Reduced sugar tolerance (1= yes) Tolerate sugar well (1=yes) 250. Section 12 Sensitive/allergic to iodine 266. Difficulty gaining weight, even with large 267. appetite Nervous, emotional, can't work under 268. pressure 269. Inward trembling 270. Flush easily 271. Fast pulse at rest or heart palpitations 272. Intolerance to high temperatures 273. Insomnia Night Sweats 274. Difficulty losing weight Mentally sluggish, depressed or lack of motivation Section 12 – Men Only Prostate problems 279. Difficulty with urination, dribbling 280. Difficult to start and stop urine stream 281. Pain or burning with urination 282. Frequent urination 283. Waking to urinate at night 284. Interruption of stream during urination 285. Pain on inside of legs or heels 286. Feeling of incomplete bowel evacuation 287. Decreased sexual function 288. Decreased libido 289. 290. 291. 25 Decreased libido Excessive thirst Weight gain around hips or waist Menstrual disorders or lack of menstruation Delayed sexual development (after age 13) (1=yes) Tendency to ulcers or colitis 54 Easily fatigued, sleepy during the day Sensitive to cold, poor circulation, feel cold hands, feet or all over Chronic problems with constipation Excessive hair loss and/or coarse hair Morning headaches, wear off during the day Loss of or thinning of outer 1/3 of eyebrow Thinning hair on scalp, face, genitals, or excess hair loss Dryness of skin and/or scalp 63 Decrease in spontaneous morning erections Decrease in fullness of erections Mental fatigue Inability to concentrate Spells of depression Muscle soreness Decrease in physical stamina Unexplained weight gain Increased fat distribution in chest and/or hips Sweating attacks More emotional than in past 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 299. 300. 301. 302. 303. 304. Section 13 – Women Only Menstruating Women 42 Menopausal Postmenopausal Women Depression during periods 305. Mood swing associated with periods (PMS) 306. Crave chocolate around periods 307. Breast tenderness associated with cycle308. Excessive menstrual flow 309. Scanty blood flow during periods 310. Pain and cramping during periods 311. Occasional skipped periods 312. Variations in menstrual cycle lengths 313. Endometriosis 314. Uterine fibroids 315. Breast fibroids, benign masses 316. Excess facial or body hair 317. Acne breakouts with menstrual cycle 318. Hair loss, thinning hair 319. Section 14 Aware of heavy and/or irregular 303. breathing Discomfort at high altitudes 304. "Air hunger" or sigh frequently 305. Compelled to open windows in a closed306. room Shortness of breath with moderate 307.exertion Section 15 Pain in mid-back region 311. Puffy around the eyes, dark circles 312.under eyes History of kidney stones (1=yes) Section 16 Runny or drippy nose 319. Catch colds at the beginning of winter 320. Mucus producing cough 321. Frequent colds or flu (1 = yes) 322. Other frequent infections (sinus, ear, lung, 323. skin, bladder, kidney, etc.) (1 = yes) 324. 325. 42 Excess facial or body hair Thinning skin Hair loss, thinning hair Hot flashes Painful intercourse Vaginal discharge Vaginal dryness Vaginal itchiness Decreased libido Mood swings Night sweats (in menopausal females) Mental fogginess Depression Shrinking breasts Bleeding following menopause (1=no) 27 Ankles swell, especially at end of day Cough at night Blush or face turns red for no reason Dull pain or tightness in chest and/or radiate into right arm worse with exertion Muscle cramps with exertion 13 Cloudy, bloody or darkened urine Urine has a strong odor 30 Never get sick Acne (adult) Itchy skin (Dermatitis) Cysts, boils, rashes History of Epstein Bar, Mono, Herpes, Shingles, or