Nick Reynolds Page 1 2/16/2016 DIETARY COMPETITION BETWEEN THE BLACK CAIMAN (Melanosuchus niger) AND THE SPECTACLED CAIMAN (Caiman crocodilus) WITHIN THE LAGO PRETO RESERVE, PERU. Caiman crocodilus Melanosuchus niger Nick Reynolds BSc Wildlife Conservation Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology University of Kent 2007 Nick Reynolds Page 2 2/16/2016 Abstract: This research was undertaken to determine the diets of the Spectacled Caiman (Caiman crocodilus) and Black Caiman (Melanosuchus niger) within the Lago Preto Conservation Concession, Peru. This was done as dietary competition may be one of the ecological factors affecting the lack of recovery of the Black Caiman in this area. The diets of the two species were determined similar, using the numerical and frequency occurrences of certain pre-determined prey categories found in stomach samples. A dietary overlap index showed the overlap was biologically significant within both habitat types surveyed. Results were compared to previous studies and the comparisons highlighted similarities. A comparison to results from a different region of Peru showed differences in diet preferences for the two species. However, both studies highlighted dietary competition. This research underlined further study is required to collaborate caiman size and diet of the two species within Lago Preto. Further comparative study between different regions of South America is also highly recommended. 1.0 Introduction: The Black Caiman (Melanosuchus niger) and the Spectacled Caiman (Caiman crocodilus) are the two largest crocodilians in the Amazon basin, and both species have a long history of human exploitation (Smith, 1980). Nick Reynolds Page 3 2/16/2016 The Black Caiman is the largest Neotropical predator. The species was formerly abundant in South America and present in the entire Amazon basin. During the last century the Black Caiman along with the Spectacled Caiman have faced strong hunting pressure for the leather industry, and a high rate of habitat loss (Smith, 1980 and Plotkin et al, 1983). Although these pressures have reduced greatly due to legal protection within most of their range, they seem to have had stronger adverse effects on the Black Caiman. The Black Caiman’s life history and ecological traits are believed to limit its recovery. The species is known to have a sedentary diet and to be a habitat specialist found in slow-moving freshwater rivers, lakes, wetlands, black water swamps, and seasonally flooded areas of the Amazon (De Thoisy et al, 2006). As a result, the total species population size of Black Caiman may have decreased by 90%, and concomitantly has experienced a high level of fragmentation (Ross, 1998). The Black Caiman competes ecologically with the Spectacled Caiman (Caiman crocodilus), which is believed to be a much more opportunistic species (Rebelo and Magnusson, 1983, Herron, 1991, Herron, 1994 and Thorbjarnarson, 1991). Spectacled Caiman population recovery rates have been measured at four times higher than the Black Caiman (Farias et al, 2004 and De Thoisy et al, 2006). To date, field surveys have been irregularly conducted all over both species range; but available data reveal that the Black Caiman is locally extinct in many Nick Reynolds Page 4 2/16/2016 Amazonian areas, and occurs in reduced densities in many others (Rebelo and Lugli, 2001). On the other hand, field observations indicate that some populations may have recovered (Rebelo 2001). Unfortunately the Black Caiman population within the Lago Preto Reserve in the North-Eastern Peruvian Amazon is not one of these fortunate populations. In this study the diets of the Black Caiman and Spectacled Caiman were analysed. This was achieved by taking stomach samples to investigate the factor of diet within the ecological competition between the two species. This research will hopefully help take another step towards understanding why the Lago Preto population of Black Caiman are struggling to recover. 1.1 The Study Animal: The Black Caiman (Melanosuchus niger) Common names: Black Caiman, Caiman, Caiman Negro, Caiman Noir, Lagarto Negro, Jacare Acu, Jacare Assu, Jacare Acu, Jacare Uassu, Jarace Una, Yacare Assu. Distribution: Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Perú and Venezuela (Unconfirmed) (See Fig 1) Nick Reynolds Page 5 2/16/2016 Fig 1 Habitat: Found in various freshwater habitats (e.g. slow-moving rivers, streams, lakes and flooded savannah and wetlands). Although overlapping with the range of other caiman species in South America, it appears to occupy different habitat niches ( Status: CITES: Appendix 1, IUCN: Red List: Low risk, conservation dependent Estimated wild population: 25,000 to 50,000 Summary: Widely distributed, but historically heavily exploited. Most populations appear to be recovering well ( Nick Reynolds Page 6 2/16/2016 Diet: The Black Caiman eats fish (including Piranha and Catfish) and aquatic vertebrates, including large Capybara rodents (Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris). This species shows more terrestrial hunting activity, particularly at night, having acute sight and hearing. Juveniles take crustaceans before moving onto larger terrestrial prey. Larger adult caiman of this species have been reported to attack domestic animals and humans ( Group of Black Caiman hatchlings demonstrating the safety in numbers strategy. ( Juvenile Black Caiman ( Conservation: Historically the distribution of the Black Caiman has been widely distributed throughout the Amazon basin and beyond. However, once populations of both Nick Reynolds Page 7 2/16/2016 Crocodylus acutus (American crocodile) and Crocodylus intermedius (Orinoco crocodile) became severely depleted due to over-zealous commercial hunting, attention was turned to those species with slightly smaller or lower-grade skins (Best 1984). The skin of the Black Caiman produces shiny, black leather. Hunting was directed very intensely towards the Black Caiman during the 1950’s. Some areas were affected more severely than others, with hunting pressures continuing into the 1970’s and beyond. However, within the 1970’s, a major shift in caiman hunting occurred in the Western Brazilian Amazon (Amazonas state). As markets for skins disappeared, hunters began selling the meat of caiman instead. By the early 1980’s, a trade in salted meat from the Amazonas to Para state in Brazil to Colombia was reported, and this trade continues to flourish (Best 1984). The Black Caiman is estimated to have been reduced in numbers by 90% in the space of the last century. Population recovery today is impeded both by continued illegal hunting and through increased competition with the more numerous Caiman crocodilus (Spectacled Caiman). This latter species has moved into areas once inhabited by the Black Caiman and proliferated due to its increased reproductive capacity. Hunters can take both species with ease. Habitat destruction through deforestation and burning of swamplands (e.g. French Guiana) continues the onslaught ( Nick Reynolds Page 8 2/16/2016 Little information was available about this species until the 1980’s, when research was carried out into both biology and population ecology. There is still much to be learnt however. Although some data is available concerning interactions with other South American Caiman species, the dramatic decline in populations of the Black Caiman have obscured trends ( Population declines have been correlated with a decrease in fish production in rivers. This is believed to be due to the removal of the nutrient-recycling component in the ecosystem as provided by apex predators such as Caiman. Both Piranha and Capybara have benefited from the reduction of their main predator. This had led to increased agricultural and livestock losses. Survey data, which is available throughout most of the species range, reveals drastically reduced populations. Further survey work is required to update this information. The Black Caiman is severely depleted in over half of the countries in which it occurs, and considered to be depleted in the rest. Only populations in isolated locations remain stable ( Management programs centre on the legal protection of remaining wild populations, but these laws are difficult to enforce effectively. Captive breeding and reintroduction was initiated in Bolivia in 1990. Both of these conservation strategies need to be extended and implemented as effectively as possible in other countries ( Nick Reynolds Page 9 2/16/2016 The Spectacled Caiman (Caiman crocodilus) Common names: Common Caiman, Spectacled Caiman, Tinga, Baba, Babilla, Babiche, Cachirre, Caiman blanco, Caiman de Brasil, Cascarudo, Jacaretinga, Lagarto, Lagarto Blanco, Yacare Blanco. Subspecies: C.c.apaporiensis (Rio Apaporis Caiman) C.c. fuscus (Brown Caiman) C.c. yacare (Yacare Caiman) ( Distribution: Brasil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba*, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guyana, French Guiana, Guatemala, Honduras, México, Nicaragua, Panamá, Perú, Puerto Rico*, Suriname, Tobago, Trinidad, United Status, and Venezuela. [*=Introduced – C.c.fuscus in Cuba and Puerto Rico]. (See Fig. 2.0) Nick Reynolds Page 10 2/16/2016 Fig 2.0 ( Habitat: The Spectacled Caiman is an extremely adaptable species found in virtually all lowland wetland and riverine habitat types throughout its range, particularly as a result of the now-diminished ranges of sympatric competitors (e.g. C.acutus, C.intermedius, M.niger). The Spectacled Caiman has the widest distribution of any species in the Alligatoridae family, it can tolerate a reasonable degree of salinity and if environmental conditions become too harsh it will burrow into mud and aestivate ( . Nick Reynolds Page 11 2/16/2016 Status: CITES: All subspecies Appendix 2, except C.c.apaporiensis (Appendix 1) IUCN Red List: Low Risk, Least concern. Estimated wild population: Over 1,000,000 Summary: The Spectacled Caiman is the most common of all crocodilian species, although some populations are locally depleted ( Diet: Juvenile Spectacled Caiman take a variety of aquatic invertebrates (insects, crustaceans, molluscs). As they grow, various vertebrates make up a greater percentage of the diet. These include fish, amphibians, reptiles and water birds. Much larger, older animals are capable of taking larger mammals such as bush pigs. Past observations have shown that the drier the conditions become the less the caiman feed, cannibalism is common at this time ( . The ecological importance of this species has been demonstrated in terms of nutrient recycling- its nitrogenous waste re-enters the ecosystem to the benefit of other plants and animals. In areas where the Spectacled Caiman has become depleted, fish populations have also been shown to decline. It has also been reputed to control Piranha numbers; however there seems little evidence to support this. In reality, it is likely that the Spectacled Caiman is very much a Nick Reynolds generalist and Page 12 adaptive predator, 2/16/2016 given its ecological success (Silveira+Magnusson 1999). Juvenile Spectacled Caiman (Caiman crocodilus) ( Conservation: This species has actually benefited from commercial utilization and over-hunting of other species within its range (Crocodylus acutus, C.intermedius and Melanosuchus niger), taking over habitat from which it would otherwise have been out-competed by healthy populations. The skin of the Spectacled Caiman is not ideally suited to tanning, as the ventral scales contain well-developed osteoderms. Only the lateral flanks provide skin of an acceptable quality for tanning. Hunting pressures on this species remained relatively low until the 1950s. By this time populations of the sympatric crocodilian species became Nick Reynolds Page 13 2/16/2016 depleted and hunting of the Spectacled Caiman intensified. The numbers of caiman harvested since then has been huge, and they currently supply the vast majority of the hide market in America. Leather from this species is often passed off as the American Alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) or other species ( Despite pressure from hunting and also collection for the pet trade, existing surveys suggest that populations are in relatively good condition in most areas. This seems to reflect the adaptability of the species, its reproductive potential, and the increase in available habitat through the removal of competing species. Also an increase in man-made water bodies (e.g. Brazilian patanal) has also had beneficial affects. However, it is these factors which make it difficult to determine the overall status of the species, as populations are faring less well in other areas- surveys reveal severe depletion in El Salvador. More up to date surveys are required for clarification, and to examine the interactions between different subspecies. hunting. The major threat to this species and others is currently illegal Smuggling rings operating through Thailand and Singapore are extremely damaging to individual populations, and greater controls and more effective legislation are required ( Sustainable use programs are well developed in several countries. Most of these rely upon regular cropping of wild populations. The long term effects of this Nick Reynolds Page 14 2/16/2016 cropping need to be investigated. The reproductive potential of this species makes properly controlled sustainable yield programs look promising. Farming and ranching programs, while they exist, may be uneconomical in the long run, given the value of the hide and the number of animals which need to be culled in order to produce a profitable amount of hide (Gorzula+Seijas 1989). 1.2 Identification of Species: The Black Caiman (Melanosuchus niger): (Wermuth + Fuchs 1978) The Black Caiman is the largest species in the family Alligatoridae (males can reach at least 4 metres and huge 6 metre specimens have been reported but not confirmed). General appearance is not dissimilar to the American Alligator (Alligator mississippienis). As the common name suggests, they have a dark colouration. The lower jaw has grey banding (brown in older animals), and pale yellow or white bands are present across the flanks of the body; although these are more prominent in juveniles. This banding fades only gradually as the animal Nick Reynolds Page 15 2/16/2016 matures. The Black Caiman is structurally dissimilar to other caiman species, particularly in the shape of the skull. The Black Caiman has distinctly larger eyes, and a relatively narrow snout. The bony ridge extending from above the eyes down the snout, as seen in other caiman, is present. ( The Spectacled Caiman (Caiman crocodilus): (Wermuth + Fuchs 1978) The Spectacled Caiman is a relatively small to medium sized crocodilian (males generally reach 2.0 m to 2.5m, with the largest specimens reported to approach 3m- but these are undoubtedly rare). Females are smaller, reaching a mean maximum size of 1.4m, and rare individuals may approach 2m. Its common name derives from a bony ridge which is present between the front of the eyes (infra-orbital bridge), appearing to join the eyes like a pair of spectacles. A triangular ridge is present on the heavily- ossified upper eyelids, vaguely Nick Reynolds Page 16 2/16/2016 reminiscent of those on the dinosaur Allosaurus. Juveniles are yellow in colour with black spots and bands on the body and tail. As they mature, they lose this yellow colour and the markings become less distinct. The adults are dull olivegreen. The different subspecies vary in colour, size and skull shape. ( 1.3 The Study Site: The Lago Preto Conservation Concession: The Lago Preto Conservation Concession (LPCC) was awarded to the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) in August 2006, and the WCS manage it in collaboration with the Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology (DICE). It is located approximately 175km southeast of the city of Iquitos along the Yavari River; the concession is 9926.19 ha in area. The Yavari River forms the southern border of the concession area. The river, winds through the Amazonian lowlands forming the border between Brazil and northeast Peru. To the north and east the concession area is bordered by the Iquitos-Yavari logging concessions. The concession area gains its name from the local oxbow lake, which is one of a system of several oxbow lakes in the floodplain forests on the Peruvian side of the Yavari River. Nick Reynolds Page 17 2/16/2016 Fig 3.0: The coordinates of the limits of the Lago Preto Conservation Concession Point UTM East North SW corner 857949 9503866 NW corner 857943 9509773 NE corner 872019 9509711 SE corner 872005 9504831 (Bowler 2007) Fig 4.0: Map of the Lago Preto Conservation Concession ( Nick Reynolds Page 18 2/16/2016 1.4 The Habitats: The two types of habitats surveyed in this research project were lakes and rivers, three oxbow lakes and two rivers were surveyed during the research period. The three oxbow lakes were Lago Preto, Lake Tipischa and Lake Hipiranga. All these lakes are part of a system of oxbow lakes that make up the floodplain forests on the Peruvian side of the Yavari River. All these oxbow lakes are blackwater lakes, which refers to the colour of the water as the contents of these lakes drains from the surrounding floodplain forest and upland terraces. All the lakes are surrounded by dense varzea forest, and one has to use a canoe to enter the lakes during the wet season (Bowler 2007). The two Rivers surveyed were the Yavari and the Yavari Miri . The Yavari River, winds through the Amazonian lowlands forming the border between Brazil and northeast Peru. It is over 500km long and is one of the larger tributaries of the Amazon River (Bowler 2007). The Yavari Miri has its headwaters in the upland formations that divide the Yavari and Amazon valleys. Both rivers are Whitewater Rivers, which consist of muddy water that has an abundance of fine suspended inorganic material. Usually this suspended matter originates from erosion of Andean slopes and consists of former marine sediments rich in minerals, particularly calcium, magnesium and phosphorus (Furch 1984). Nick Reynolds Page 19 2/16/2016 1.5 Aims and Objectives: This study was undertaken to answer the following questions: (1) Which prey types are consumed by the Spectacled Caiman and the Black Caiman within the Lago Preto Conservation Concession? (2) Are the diets of the two species similar? Both these questions are being answered to investigate if there is any dietary competition between the species, to try and explain the Black Caimans lack of recovery within the Lago Preto Conservation Concession. It is already known that the Spectacled Caiman is a much more opportunistic predator than its larger relative, and has definitely benefited from the demise of the Black Caiman indicated by its population increase within this area. However, the reason behind the lack of recovery by the Black Caiman within this area is still yet to be established. The purpose of this study is to investigate the factor of dietary competition, as it may be significant in the recovery of the Black Caiman in this area of Peru. 2.0 Methods and Materials: 2.1 Sample Collection For this study a total of 53 Caiman stomach samples were analysed. Within my personal period of field work 24 caiman were caught during the onset of the summer dry season within the Lago Preto Conservation Concession. The study period was between the 25th May and the 14th June 2007. However, to contribute to a more thorough comparative analysis, other studies data from the same area Nick Reynolds Page 20 2/16/2016 was used. Caiman dietary data from a field study straight after mine was used (Smith 2007), as well as Black Caiman data from a study done in 2005 (Swan 2005). Altogether the captures consisted of 40 Spectacled Caiman, and 13 Black. The data analysed within this study was compared to three other data sets to highlight any similarities. Two of the comparisons were data collected from Lago Preto (Swan 2005, Mountain 2005). The final data set was collected from Pacaya Samiria National Reserve, Peru (Street 2003). This final data set would allow a comparison of the two species diet in two different regions of Peru. The caiman were caught in three oxbow lakes, Lake Hipiranga, Lake Tipischa and Lago Preto, and two rivers, the Yavari and the Yavari Miri. 19 Caiman were caught along the Yavari, 25 Caiman were caught along the Yavari Miri, 6 were caught in Lake Tipischa and 1 individual was caught in Lago Preto, 2 individuals were caught within Lake Hipiranga. All animals were caught at night, between 20.00hr and 23.30hr. Captures were made either by hand or by a noose from two types of vessel. The crew numbered 5 which were two field guides, myself and another student researcher, and a supervisor/coordinator. The two vessels were a small wooden canoe, required when entering the lakes as the entrances were still flooded areas of floodplain varzea forest. For the wider river habitats a larger wooden boat was used which had a canopy for cover. The Caiman were located for capture with the use of a large spotlight. When the spotlight was shone on the Caimans eyes an orange glow was reflected back to give away the animal’s location; within 80m Nick Reynolds Page 21 2/16/2016 of approach to the individual the engine was cut and the approach continued silently to avoid a flight reaction and submersion from the individual. A global positioning system (GPS) was used to measure the distance of each transect completed, and the geographic location of each capture on the individual transect. 2.2 Caiman handling and restraint: Once the Caiman were caught and brought aboard the boat, the individual was restrained using nylon rope. Firstly the jaws were tied shut, followed by both sets of legs being tied together behind the animals back. Once this was done, when the individual was actually held, a firm grip was placed just behind the animals head and at the base of the tail. The grip at the base of the individual’s tail was important because if the animal struggled all the individuals’ power would come from this area. 2.3 Measurements: Once the animal was restrained, various morphological measurements were recorded these included: 1) Species 2) Weight (kg) 3) Total length (cm/m) 4) Snout-vent length (SVL) Nick Reynolds Page 22 2/16/2016 5) Head length (cm) 6) Muzzle-eye longitude (cm) 7) Sex 2.4 Collection of Dietary data: With every individual captured the contents of their stomach was removed using an adaptation of the hose-Heimlich technique after Fitzgerald (1989). Once secured, the caiman’s mouth was opened, by gently tapping the tip of the snout and a PVC cylinder was tied in place between the jaws. The length and diameter of the cylinder was chosen in accordance to head length of the particular individual. A lubricated Teflon tube (0.5-1.5cm diameter) was then carefully inserted down the oesophagus into the stomach where it could be felt by palpation of the flanks. A trickle of water through the tubing served as a lubricant, easing its passage down the oesophagus. Water was then poured through a funnel down the tube. The caiman’s stomach filled with water, and with the flow maintained, a second person gently massaged the belly. The individual was then turned upside down resulting in the expulsion of the water and stomach contents into a bucket. The process was repeated three times until only water was expelled by the Caiman. With the animal still secure, the morphological measurements were taken; the entire process lasted approximately fifteen minutes and was repeated on all Caiman caught in the study. Nick Reynolds Page 23 2/16/2016 2.5 Analysis of Stomach Contents: After removal of the stomach contents, the samples were analysed, all items were grouped into one of ten major classes: (1) Bird (Aves) (2) Mammal (Mammalia) (3) Parasite (Nematoda) (4) Insect (Insecta) (5) Crustacean (Crustacea) (6) Fish (Pisces) (7) Vegetation (8) Reptile (Reptilia) (9) Gastropods (Gastropoda), and finally (10) Non-food items (consisting of items not considered to be ingested for sustenance, e.g. stones, string, metal etc). Whilst in the field the designated food categories were separated from each sample and then dried for 12 hrs, then they were weighed in grams to obtain a dry weight. However, due to the wide variation in degree of food digestion, data is analysed as numerical and occurrence percentages, rather than volumetric and weight measurements. The numerical method (N%) describes the number of items in a given prey class, expressed as a percentage of the total number of items across all the stomachs of the species. The frequency occurrence method (O%) describes the number of stomachs containing a particular item expressed as a percentage of all stomach samples of the species. Nick Reynolds Page 24 2/16/2016 Fig 5.0 Prey categories with description Food category Description/example Crustacean Freshwater crab carapace etc. Gastropod Freshwater snails, fragments of shell etc. Fish Whole fish, flesh, bones, scales etc Insect Bird Whole insects, exoskeletons, wing cases etc. Feathers, flesh, claws, bones etc. Mammal Flesh, bones, fur etc Vegetation Leaves, sticks, bark etc Parasites Nematode spp, other stomach parasites. Reptilian scales, claws, teeth etc. Reptile Non-food items species, claws, Sticks, stones, metal etc (Items not considered to be ingested for sustenance). 2.6 Sexing of Caiman: In some species of Crocodilian females may have narrower snouts, and a more slender body, but such traits are highly unreliable indicators of sex. There’s only one realistic way to be 100% certain-looking inside the vent. To be certain of a crocodilian’s sex, you need to either feel or visually identify the penis (male) or clitoris (female) ( In this study the vent of the individual was carefully opened with a small lubricated pair of tweezers, this managed to expose the sex organs be it a penis Nick Reynolds Page 25 2/16/2016 (male) or clitoris (female). The male has a single, very obvious penis with a fleshy head and a cartilaginous shaft. It originates from the wall of the cloaca, directly in front of the vent on the belly side, and curls backwards so the shaft and head lies directly beneath the vent opening. Females have a clitoris in the same location which is quite similar in shape to the male’s penis, but it is much smaller and not cartilaginous ( 3.0 Statistics: The first stage of the analysis was calculating the numerical frequencies (N%), and frequency occurrences (O%) of each prey class for each species. 3.1 Numerical method: N% = number of a prey class expressed as a percentage of total number of items across all stomachs of the species. No of a particular prey class No of all prey items collected for that species x 100 = N% 3.2 Frequency method: O% = number of stomachs containing a particular item expressed as a percentage of all stomachs of the species. No of stomachs containing a particular prey class No of total stomachs sampled for the species x 100 = O% Nick Reynolds Page 26 2/16/2016 3.3 Quantifying diet overlap: The next stage was to quantify diet overlap of the two species overall, and within the two habitats (River + Lake). This was done using the Schoener index (Darvishi et al 2004), and it is calculated as equation: PSIxy = 1- 0.5 (∑ |Pxi – Pyi | ) Where: PSIxy = overlap index Pxi = proportion of food category (i) in the diet of species (x) And Pyi = proportion of food category (i) in the diet of species (y) The result of the index ranges from a value of 0.0 to 1.0 and is considered to be biologically significant when the index exceeds 0.60. 4.0 Results: 4.1 Morphology of Caiman Sampled: The largest M.niger sample captured was a male animal with a total length of 1.94m, its weight could not be measured as the scales we had were not of suitable size or strength, its weight was estimated at >30kg. This individual was captured in Lake Tipishca in the water alongside a vegetated bank. During this particular capture, once the animal was noosed it had to be taken to a bare bank to be beached, as it was too large to be brought into the canoe safely. The smallest M.niger sample captured was a female animal with a total length of Nick Reynolds Page 27 2/16/2016 95.5cm; its weight was 6.5 kg. This individual was captured along the Yavari Miri River, in amongst tree fall. The largest C.crocodilus sample captured was a male animal with a total length of 1.82m, with an estimated weight of >30kg as again the animal was too large to accurately weigh with our equipment. This individual was captured along the Yavari Miri river, on a vegetated bank. The smallest C.crocodilus sample captured was a female animal with a total length of 69.8cm, and a weight of 1kg. This individual was captured along the Yavari River, in the water by a vegetated bank. 4.2 Diets of Caiman from Lago Preto: Table 1: Summary of Prey Categories in the Diet of 40 Spectacled Caiman overall and within each habitat type, expressed as percentage of number (N) and frequency of occurrence (O). Overall N = 126 N = 40 Habitat type River N = 115 N = 36 N% O% N% Food category Bird Mammal Parasite Insect Crustacean Fish Vegetation Reptile Gastropod Non-food items 0.79 1.6 7.1 16.7 16.7 20.6 22.2 3.2 3.2 7.1 2.5 5 22.5 52.5 52.5 65 70 12.5 10 22.5 O% 0.9 1.7 7.8 17.4 17.4 18.3 21 4.4 2.6 7.8 2.8 5.6 25 56 56 58.3 67 47.2 8.3 25 Habitat type Lake N = 11 N=4 N% O% 0 0 0 9.1 9.1 36.4 36.4 0 9.1 0 0 0 0 25 25 100 100 0 25 0 Nick Reynolds Page 28 2/16/2016 I analysed stomach contents from 40 Spectacled Caiman. Spectacled Caiman ate a variety of prey in Lago Preto. Vegetation, fish, insects and crustaceans were the categories of prey that occurred at the highest frequencies. Vegetation made up the highest percentage of the Spectacled Caiman sample, with fish a close second (Table 1). Table 2: Summary of Prey Categories in the diet of 13 Black Caiman overall and within each habitat type, expressed as a percentage of number (N) and frequency of occurrence (O). Overall Habitat type River Habitat type Lake Food category Bird Mammal Parasite Insect Crustacean Fish Vegetation Reptile Gastropod Non-food items N=38 N=13 N= 26 N=8 N=12 N=5 N (%) O (%) N (%) O (%) N (%) O (%) 0 2.6 11 23.6 11 16 29 0 2.6 5.3 0 7.7 30.8 69.2 30.8 46.2 84.6 0 7.7 15.4 0 0 15.3 26.9 7.6 15.3 23 0 3.8 7.6 0 0 50 87.5 25 50 75 0 12.5 25 0 8.3 0 16.6 16.6 16.6 41.6 0 0 0 0 20 0 40 40 40 100 0 0 0 Nick Reynolds Page 29 2/16/2016 I analysed the stomach contents from 13 Black Caiman. Again a variety of prey was ingested by the Black Caiman within Lago Preto. Vegetation, insect, fish and crustacean were the categories of prey that occurred at the highest frequencies. Vegetation was also recorded as the highest percentage of the Black Caiman sample, with insect highlighted as the second highest (Table 2). 4.3 Schoener Index Quantifying Diet Overlap: PSIxy = 1 - 0.5 (∑ |Pxi - Pyi | ) Habitat Table 3: Dietary overlap River 0.8 Lake 0.71 Overall overlap 0.82 The result of the index ranges from a value of 0.0 to 1.0 and is considered to be biologically significant when the index exceeds 0.60 (Darvishi et al 2004). Using the above scale it can be seen that the diet overlap between the Spectacled Caiman and the Black Caiman within Lago Preto is biologically significant, and there is some level of competition for food resources between the two species. In relation to habitat, it can be seen there is significant diet overlap of the two species in both habitat types. However, the diet overlap and competition for food resources is slightly greater within the river habitat (Table 3). Nick Reynolds Page 30 2/16/2016 4.4 Previous Studies from Lago Preto: Figure 6 gives the percentage occurrence of each food category based on mean mass data for C.crocodilus and M.niger from a study done in Lago Preto in 2005 (Swan 2005). Figure 6.0: Percentages of Prey Categories of C.crocodilus+M.niger C.crocodilus er Ot h sit e n Pa ra ta tio al Ve ge am m Av es M h se ct In Fis st ro M.niger Ga Cr u st ac % 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Prey Category The highest diet proportions consumed by C. crocodilus were insects (21.73%) fish (19.70%), and particularly ‘other’ food components (27.73%). The most notable components of the ‘other’ category were found in Lake Tipisca and consisted of species of worm (in three individuals), and even the foreleg bone of a caiman (species unidentified), possibly indicating cannibalism. Nick Reynolds Page 31 2/16/2016 The diet of M. niger was found to comprise mainly of insects (37.17%) and vegetation (31.05%), also with relatively high amounts of fish (13.15%) and crustacean (11.11%), (Swan 2005), (Figure 6.0). Figure 7.0: Figure 7 gives the percentage occurrence of each food category based on mean mass data for C.crocodilus and M.niger from another study done in Lago Preto in 2005 (Mountain 2005). Mean percent of diet in each prey category 35 30 25 20 Mean % 15 10 5 0 C.crocodilus Ot he r Ve g s h Bi rd Fis al s am m M pt il es cs Re ol lu s st ac M Cr u In se ct s M.niger Prey category The highest diet proportions consumed by C.crocodilus were insects, vegetation and crustaceans. The highest diet proportions of M.niger were vegetation, insects and crustaceans. For both species fish also made up a high proportion (Figure 8.0) (Mountain 2005). Nick Reynolds Page 32 2/16/2016 4.5 Caiman diet in Pacaya Samiria National Reserve, Peru: Figure 8 shows the overall mean masses (g) of prey categories in samples of both species, from a study done within the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve in Peru in 2003 (Street 2003). This allows a comparison between two different regions of Peru. Figure 8.0: Mean mass (g) of prey categories in stomach contents of C.crocodilus + M.niger 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 Mean mass (g) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 C.crocodilus n No er Ot h In se ct h Fis ro st Ga Cr u st ac M.niger Prey category It can be seen that C.crocodilus is a consumer of all prey types. Its most common prey type was fish with a total of 12.6 g, which accounted for the greatest biomass in the sample. While insects account for the lowest biomass in the sample with only 0.3g. The most common prey type for M.niger was fish, which comprised a total of 24.2g this accounts for the greatest biomass, while gastropod accounts for the lowest biomass of the species at 1.3g (Figure 9) (Street 2003). Nick Reynolds Page 33 2/16/2016 5.0 Discussion: Five important points must be considered when interpreting data on Crocodilian stomach contents: 1. Different prey types are digested at vastly different rates. Jackson et al (1974) discuss this in relation to secondary ingestion, but a more important effect is that the frequency of occurrence of a prey type in stomach samples will be inversely proportional to its rate of digestion (Garnett, 1985). 2. Within prey types, larger items will take longer to digest, and larger animals will digest equivalent sized prey faster than small individuals. 3. Some prey have indigestible parts that accumulate in the crocodilians stomach, allowing estimation of the total number of prey eaten (e.g. the carapace of crustaceans), whereas the least digestible parts of other prey types do not allow such estimation (e.g. mammal hair and fish scales). 4. The retention of indigestible items may depend on the overall passage rate through the stomach, i.e. the amount of other food eaten (Magnusson et al 1987). 5. Different prey of equivalent mass or volume may have vastly different nutritive value for a carnivore (Lance et al 1983). The choice of prey categories can critically influence the interpretation of results. I have used categories that I believe may reflect different foraging methods used Nick Reynolds by the caiman. Page 34 2/16/2016 The prey categories I have used have been used in previous major studies of crocodilian diet (Da Silveira et al 1999, Magnusson et al 1987, Santos et al 1996). The types of prey consumed by C.crocodilus and M.niger in the Lago Preto Conservation Concession were similar, as they are in many other areas of the Amazon basin (Magnusson et al 1987). In regards to the proportional analysis of the caiman’s diet, the following conclusions can be made: Vegetation was very common in the diets of C.crocodilus and M.niger in this study; in fact it made up the highest percentage of both species samples. However, the ingestion of plants by caimans within Lago Preto was probably accidental, since plant protein is not digested or assimilated by crocodilians in the wild (Coulson et al, 1983). Fish was highlighted as the second highest prey category for C.crocodilus, making up 20.6% of the sample. In contrast fish made up 16% of the M.niger sample, which highlights fish as an important prey item for both species. The importance of fish in both species diet was to be expected, as most other major diet studies have demonstrated this (Silveira et al 1999, Santos et al 1996, and Magnusson et al 1987). Insects were also highlighted as important prey items for both species (C.crocodilus -16.7% / M.niger – 23.6%); however the significance appeared more apparent for M.niger. Further study is required to correlate size of caiman and insects as a prey item, as past studies demonstrate that insect’s Nick Reynolds Page 35 2/16/2016 significance in the caiman’s diet will reduce with greater size (Silveira et al 1999, Santos et al 1996, and Magnusson et al 1987). A relationship made apparent within the analysis was that fish made up a higher part of both species stomach samples within the lake habitat. This would make sense as fish will be easier to catch within a lake habitat. This is due to the lack of powerful currents within an oxbow lake compared to the rivers. Also the lakes get cut off from the main rivers during the dry season, so there will be only limited space to hide for prey. This relationship is supported by previous studies (Magnusson et al 1987). In regards to the Schoener’s index to quantify dietary overlap between the two species, overall this study highlighted a significant overlap between the diets of M.niger and C.crocodilus. Both habitats highlighted dietary overlap; however the dietary overlap seemed more significant within the river habitat. The fact that a significant dietary overlap was highlighted was to be expected as other studies have demonstrated the similarities in the two species diet (Magnusson et al 1987). Further investigation will be required to establish the reason behind the higher dietary overlap within the river habitat compared to the lake. A current suggestion to this question is that a more specialist feeding strategy is adopted by the different species within the lake habitats. This is believed to be due to the fact that during the dry season the oxbow lakes are often cut off from the main rivers, and the regular incoming supply of prey stops for several months. This Nick Reynolds Page 36 2/16/2016 compared to the river habitats where even in the dry season there is a constant incoming supply of prey. This enables both caiman species to target the most nutritious prey types which most likely are the cause of the dietary overlap. This suggestion however needs further investigation (Magnusson et al 1987). When compared to previous dietary studies from Lago Preto, the results from this study are very similar. In all the studies, fish, insect and crustacean are highlighted as important prey types for both C.crocodilus and M.niger. The similarities continue with vegetation making up large proportions of most of the Lago Preto study samples for both species. However, the highest proportions of vegetation are highlighted within the M.niger samples (Swan 2005, Mountain 2005). As vegetation is not considered to be a deliberate part of a crocodilians diet, the higher vegetation proportions within the M.niger samples may be a reflection of its foraging methods. When the Lago Preto studies are compared to the results collected from the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve; certain dietary differences become apparent. For both species, fish is again highlighted as an important prey type. However, regarding C.crocodilus, insect is very rarely identified within the sample and the crustacean proportion is much lower than Lago Preto. The M.niger sample highlights much lower proportions of insect and crustacean. High proportions of ‘other’ and ‘non’ prey categories are highlighted for both species, especially the ‘non’ prey category with M.niger. However, it is unclear what these categories Nick Reynolds Page 37 2/16/2016 contain, and as vegetation was not a separate category within this study; it may come under the ‘non’ prey category. This may explain the high ‘non’ prey category proportion within the M.niger sample, if correlation between the two regions was to be assumed. The diets of the two species do differ from those in Lago Preto. However, in Pacaya Samiria the two species diets are still very similar, indicating dietary competition. It has to be remembered however, that the comparative dietary studies have used a different method of analysis to calculate their prey proportions. The previous studies have used the biomass weights of the prey to calculate the prey proportions. This is compared to this particular study which has used the numerical and frequency occurrences of the prey items. The difference in analysis does not allow a completely accurate comparison, as over and under representation of particular prey categories may affect the other studies (see section 5.2). 5.1 Stomach Flushing Techniques: Stomach flushing techniques have often been used to obtain specimens stomach contents (Fitzgerald 1989). Such techniques are useful for diet analysis of protected species such as the Black Caiman. The ‘hose with Heimlich manoeuvre’ was used by myself in the field. It is also important to stress that although methods of stomach flushing cause minor irritation, (Fitzgerald 1989) observed no other ill effects. Nick Reynolds Page 38 2/16/2016 5.2 Digestion Rates: As Caiman are unable to digest chitin, an analysis of diet based solely on prey category weights and biomass is inappropriate. This would lead to over representation of certain prey groups such as gastropods, crustaceans and insects. However, on the other hand flesh is rapidly digested by caimans, so prey categories such as fish may be under represented (Plough 1983). Therefore this dietary analysis was done using the numerical frequencies (N%) and the frequency occurrences (O%) of the prey categories. Due to the slow rates of digestion in reptiles and particularly in crocodilians, the amount of food recovered from all caimans was low. This would therefore suggest that the populations of each species are unlikely to demonstrate an impact on the regional fish populations in the area (Silveira et al 1999). During this study the difficulty in observing animals at night was realised. This highlighted that caiman hunting behaviour and aspects of their ecology have had little investigation, and will need to be studied further (Silveira et al 1999). Diets of Caiman vary depending on age, size and habitat of the individuals along with season and prey availability (Webb et al 1982). Gorzula (1978) carried out a study on C.crocodilus in Venezuela and identified that they consume more food during the wet season when food is more available. Thus conducting surveys throughout the year would allow for the calibration of seasonal differences. Nick Reynolds Page 39 2/16/2016 This study was just to gain an overall picture of what the two species of Caiman are preying upon within the Lago Preto Conservation Concession. Further studies are required within this area, preferably with a longer period in the field to gain a larger sample from M.niger. This would enable a better picture to be created of exactly which prey groups the species are competing over. Also diet of the caiman and the size of those caiman need to be combined and analysed within Lago Preto. But again a larger M.niger sample is required, along with other capture methods for larger individuals for the analysis to be significant. Further comparison between Caiman populations in Lago Preto and Pacaya Samiria needs to be done. This would allow investigation into why M.niger’s recovery has been more successful within Pacaya Samiria. 6.0 The Future: One of the main points that this study has highlighted is that further research on Neotropical crocodilians is essential for their future conservation and management. Important questions need to be answered regarding M.niger within the Lago Preto area of Peru. These important questions include: Where is M.niger breeding? What conditions do they require when breeding, e.g. habitat preferences? Which areas do the large M.niger individuals inhabit within Lago Preto? Nick Reynolds Page 40 2/16/2016 New avenues of research on M.niger within this area may include: Live capture of adult individuals using baited traps The capture of these individuals would allow radio telemetry research to be conducted if the funding is available. This research would answer many important ecological questions. This type of research has proved vitally significant in the conservation and management of saltwater crocodiles in Australia ( Regarding C.crocodilus, this study has highlighted the fact that there is a very healthy population within the Lago Preto area. This knowledge raises issues such as sustainable culling of the population by local human communities to raise an income. This option can definitely be considered as it would potentially reduce any illegal poaching activity, and would definitely lighten the current ecological pressure on the population of M.niger in the area. However, this management option can only be seriously considered if the correct monitoring and enforcement measures are put in place. Other major studies, have demonstrated that sustainable culling of particular species can have beneficial effects on the local ecosystem when the natural balance has been previously disrupted by human action (Silveira et al 1998).