Autumn 2013 Week 12 Briefing

All Staff
Thursday 28th November 2013
Autumn 2 2013: Week 12 briefing
This week’s briefing includes the following:
News, updates and reminders.
Calendar of events for Autumn 2013 Weeks 12 and 13.
News, Reminders and Updates:
Building expansion update:
As you will have no doubt have seen preparations for the start of building works are
already in progress. The administration area will have been emptied and cleared by the
end of school tomorrow, Friday 29th November when the main office will move into the
portacabin. Parents will be informed of this by letter today, Thursday 28 th November.
We have also had a temporary gate fitted across the end of the playground at the side of
the hall to spate it from the ball playground which will be used as a temporary car park.
We now know that the contractor is Fullwood who will move on site very early in the New
Year. Staff should expect to find contractors with us on return from the Christmas holiday.
Leadership Away Day:
The Leadership Team took a day out of school last Friday, 22nd November, to plan into the
forthcoming Spring and Summer terms. This proved to be a very productive and positive
meeting at which the following was addressed:
The Leadership Action Plan and current status of the school were reviewed and
actions for 2014 were identified.
The impact of the building works was evaluated and a plan for ensuring the safety,
well being and smooth running of the school agreed.
A business plan for Spring and Summer term was agreed mapping out meetings,
events, reviews etc through the end of the academic year.
Future staffing needs, initiatives and challenges were identified and discussed.
Outcomes from much of the above have been put into a status report and into other
information which will be made available to staff over the next 2 weeks.
Spring term Events:
Only 3 weeks remain until we close for the end of term and the Christmas holidays.
Please can you make sure that all known events, trips, visits, courses etc for Spring 2014
are put into the office diary ready for inclusion in the Events Schedule.
Christmas Fayre:
The School Christmas Fayre will be held on the afternoon of 4th December 2013. Mumtaz
has requested volunteers to bake or decorate pre packed buns and cakes. If you can do
this and donate to this worthy event please let Mumtaz know.
Nurture Group:
PLEASE NOTE who are registered to attend Nurture Group and/or SEALs must do so and
arrive on time. Under no circumstances is attendance to be withheld as a punishment for
bad behaviour, failure to complete work etc.
Nurture Group has been established as part of our Inclusion Programme to support and
help children overcome significant barriers to learning. Regular attendance is essential if
Nurture Group is to prove effective and achieve the desired result with some of our most
vulnerable children.
Additional time for Working Groups etc
Please remember that Working Groups and subject leaders can request time out of class to
plan, prepare and deliver initiatives for school improvement. If you need it just ask.
Policy regarding Staff Absence:
Staff attendance for work is very good in our school with a significant majority of staff rarely,
if ever, having time off for sickness or other reasons. However we do continue to have a
problem with a small number of staff who are absent on a regularly absent usually due to
Whilst we would never want anyone to feel obliged to attend for work when they are
genuinely too sick to be here we nevertheless have to address the difficulty that persistent
staff absenteeism presents to colleagues, children and the whole school. As part of the
strategy to deal with this problem Governors are currently considering the adoption of a staff
absence management policy. This policy has been recommended by Bradford HR and
complies with all employment legislation. A copy can be found on the web site on the
Weekly Briefing page below this week’s briefing. Copies will also be distributed and
discussed at the staff meeting on 3rd December.
Christmas Panto:
The school Christmas Pantomime, Cinderella, due to be presented on Wednesday 11 th
December at 4 pm is a sell out! Whoohoo! Broadway here we come!
Reviewing Curriculum & Provision:
Curriculum and Provision Maps will have to be reviewed and updated for the Spring Term.
Jane Arundale has been engaged to support each year group in this work as follows:
Tuesday 10th December:
Y5 (09.00 to 10.30)
Wednesday 11th December: Y2 (09.00 to 10.30)
Y3 (10.45 to 12.15)
Thursday 12th December:
Y6 (09.00 to 10.30)
Y4 (10.45 to 12.15)
Y1 (12.30 to 14.00)
Reception (14.00 to 15.15)
The amount of time allocated to each year group is not very long. Prior to meeting with
Jane teachers should use Base meeting time to review their P&C maps and identify
changes and amendments that are required. Do not forget to take into account all the work
that has been done with Christine Crowther and Sue Sutcliffe this term and ensure that
maths, reading and writing are being taught across the curriculum.
The time with Jane should be used to present, evaluate, discuss and explore your Spring
term map which you should have already given considerable thought and time to. This
meeting should not be regarded as the start of the process nor is it a meeting at which
everything will be done for you. It should be regarded as an opportunity to make final
amendments and improvements to your Spring term map in readiness for making a good
start after the Christmas holiday.
Autumn Assessment and Pupil Progress:
Week 13, the week beginning Monday 9th December, is Autumn 2 assessment week.. Pupil
progress returns will be required by close of school on Thursday 19th December.
Pupil progress targets for Autumn 2013 are as follows:
1.8 points
1.4 points
(5pts progress over the year)
(4pts progress over the year)
Christmas Events:
Please remember that it is very important that you enter everything you have planned up
to the end of term into the school diary and that you check what others have planned too
to avoid clashes and problems on the day. It is going to get very busy as we get closer to
Christmas and the diary is going to get very full.
Remember that Christmas lunch will be served on Tuesday 17th December. So please do
not organise class parties, concerts etc for that day.
Christmas holiday opening:
It may be useful to you to know well in advance when the school building will be open to
staff over the Christmas holiday so if you do intend to come in for any reason please note
the following:
Monday 23rd December:
OPEN 09.00 to 15.00
Tuesday 24th, Wednesday
25th, Thursday 26th December.
Friday 27th December:
OPEN 09.00 to 15.00
Monday 30th December:
OPEN 09.00 to 15.00
Tuesday 31st December &
Wednesday 1st January:
Thursday 2nd & Friday
3rd January
OPEN 09.00 to 15.00
Please be prepared for restricted parking and building workers being on site.
Calendar of events for Autumn 2013 Weeks 12 and 13:
WEEK 12 (09/12/13 to 15/12/13):
Interviewing for part time N2E Teacher
15.40: SLT meeting
15.40: Staff meeting
Claire P. and Neesha attending training course
Gina attending Media Literacy course
Blue Base using the hall from 08.30 to 11.40
Claire P and Neesha attending Leading Learning from the
14.30: Contractor’s Site Meeting
WEEK 13 (09/12/13 to 15/12/13):
Rob out of school visiting Sheffield Primary Executive
Headship schools
Y2 trip to Imax cinema to see “Polar Express”
09.15: Vision testing for Reception children.
15.40: Pantomime rehearsal (Rob back for this)
Jane Arundale working on Spring 2014 Curriculum
and Provision Maps with Y2 (09.00 to 10.30), Y3 (10.45
to 12.30),
A.M: Silver Learning Habits award winners Pizza in the
16.00: Christmas pantomime; Cinderella
Jane Arundale working on Spring 2014 Curriculum
And Provision Maps with Y6 (09.00 to 10.30), Y4 (10.45 to
12.15), Y1 (12.30 to 14.00) and Reception (14.00 to 15.15)
10.00: Y2 rehearsal in the main hall
14.00: Y2 Christmas Production
Jane Arundale working on Spring 2014 Curriculum
and Provision Maps with Y5 (09.00 to 10.15)
10.00: Y1 rehearsal in the main hall
14.00: Y1 Christmas Production
15.40: Staff meeting
18.00: Governor’s meeting
Autumn 2 Pupil assessment data submitted by close of
A.M: Bronze Learning Habits winners visit Café Patisserie
09.00: Green Base require hall
Staff Christmas Night Out