scholarship application form

Preservation and Transmission of the Japanese Cultural Legacy in Europe
- the 24th EAJRS Conference, BULAC, France, 18-21 September 2013 –
Scholarship - call for applications (last update: May 2013)
The European Association of Japanese Resource Specialists (EAJRS) especially wishes to encourage
the participation of librarians and young scholars from Eastern Europe and/or institutions that have
seldom or never attended an EAJRS conference. Therefore, the Bulac, host institution for the
conference in 2013, applied for funding from the Japan Foundation to cover the costs of travel and
accommodation for the duration of the conference for persons with limited means. The funding has
been approved by the Japan Foundation.
Therefore the Bulac and the EAJRS would like to offer six scholarships, which will include
 travel expenses up to a maximum of 400 Euro
 accommodation for five nights, up to a maximum of 140 Euro per night
Librarians or museum curators working in an institution that holds materials related to Japan and
young scholars, who are associated with an institution that offers courses in Japanese studies and
who are conducting research on a Japan related topic, are eligible. Preference will be given to
applicants from European, especially Eastern European countries. Applicants will be required to give
a talk at the conference introducing either, their institution and its holdings, collections etc. or their
present research, which should preferably relate to resources in the Japanese language. All
applicants should have sufficient language skills in English and Japanese, as the conference languages
are English and Japanese without simultaneous interpretation.
Application and Selection Process
The application must include:
 filled in application form below
 the title of the proposed presentation and an abstract of 200 words (in Japanese and
 a CV (indicating the association with a Japan related institution)
The deadline for the submission of the application is 15 June 2013.
Please send the application in electronic form (email attachment) to:
Please use as the object of the email "EAJRS scholarship SURNAME".
The six awardees will be selected by the board of the EAJRS and notified by 30 June 2013.
The criteria for selection will be as follows:
 proximity of topic to the core interests of the EAJRS
 novelty of topic
 country of applicant (preference of Eastern Europe / institutions that have seldom or never
 CV (preference of young scholars/librarians)
Further information
After notification by the EAJRS the awardees should book their flights/train tickets on their own.
They will be reimbursed by bank transfer. Please note, that the original invoice for the ticket will be
needed for the reimbursement procedure. The accommodation also has to be booked and paid
directly by the awardees and will be reimbursed by bank transfer.
Please see also the website:
Preservation and Transmission of the Japanese Cultural Legacy in Europe
- the 24th EAJRS Conference, BULAC, France, 18-21 September 2013 –
Scholarship – application form
Please fill in the form completely. Do not forget to attach the CV.
*Either office or private contact details are mandatory
Name of affiliated institution
Office contact details:*
Office address
Office telephone number
Office email address
Private contact details:*
Private address:
Private telephone number
Private email address
Proposed title in English
Proposed title in Japanese
Language of the paper
Abstract of the paper (about 200 words, in Japanese and English):