Oxford English Dictionary

Literary Index
Gale’s Literary Index is a master index to the major literature products
published by Gale, including Authors, Contemporary Literary Criticism and Poetry
Lexis Nexis
Lexis Nexis will provide you with full-text from newspapers around the
world for up to ten years.
MLA International Bibliography
The premier scholarly index for literature, language, linguistics, and
folklore from the Modern Language Association.
Electronic Resources:
Oxford English Dictionary
The Oxford English Dictionary is the accepted authority on the evolution of the English
language over the last millennium. It is an unsurpassed guide to the meaning, history, and
pronunciation of over half a million words, both present and past. It traces the usage of
words through 2.5 million quotations from a wide range of international English language
sources, from classic literature and specialist periodicals to film scripts and cookery
Waldo CiteSite
Serves as an aid for students who need guidance citing electronic documents in their
papers using MLA, APA, Turabian, or the Chicago Manual of Style.
Academic Search Premier
The world’s largest academic multi-disciplinary database, Academic Search Premier
provides full text for more than 4,650 publications, including full text for more than
3,600 peer-reviewed journals. PDF backfiles to 1975 or further are available for well over
one hundred journals, and searchable cited references are provided for more than 1,000
titles. This database is updated on a daily basis via EBSCOhost.
Encyclopedias & Dictionaries
REF PR 19.019 1985
REF 820.9 Ox 2000
The oxford companion to English literature.6th ed. 2000.
(Bailey & Wilson)
REF 398.03 J71 1996
Larousse dictionary of world folklore. 1996
REF 820.9 Sco 8
British writers. 8 vols.
REF 823.809 N
Victorian Novelists before 1985.
REF 800.9 Ox2
REF DE 5.H31 1984
The oxford companion to classical literature. 2nd ed. 1989.
(ATS & Bailey)
REF 032.B75
Brewer’s dictionary of modern phrase and fable. 2000.
REF 398.22 J13
Encyclopedia of traditional epics. 1994.
REF PS 21.H3 1983
REF 810.9 H25 1995
The oxford companion to American literature. 6th ed. 1995.
(Bailey & Wilson)
REF 809.92M 27
Masterplots cyclopedia of literary characters. 2 vols. 1963.
REF 803.C 89
A dictionary of literary terms and literary theory. 4th ed.
REF 928 ca2
Contemporary authors. vols. 1-44, 52, 54.
REF 928 W89
World authors. 1950-1970
On-line Resources:
The American Verse Project is a collaborative project between the University of
Michigan Humanities Text Initiative (HTI) and the University of Michigan Press. The
project is assembling an electronic archive of volumes of American poetry prior to 1920.
Poets & Writers, Inc. is the primary source of information, support, and guidance for
creative writers. Founded in 1970, it is the nation's largest nonprofit literary organization.
Writer's Digest is the world's leading magazine for writers, founded in 1920. Writer's
Market, the bible for writers seeking to publish their work, was first published in 1921.
Together, they form the foundation of a wide range of informational, instructional and
inspirational offerings for writers. Today those offerings include a variety of books,
magazines, special interest publications, educational courses, conferences, Web sites and
Founded in 1883, the Modern Language Association of America provides opportunities
for its members to share their scholarly findings and teaching experiences with colleagues
and to discuss trends in the academy. MLA members host an annual convention and other
meetings, work with related organizations, and sustain one of the finest publishing
programs in the humanities. For over a hundred years, members have worked to
strengthen the study and teaching of language and literature.
The Academy of American Poets was founded in 1934 to support American poets at all
stages of their careers and to foster the appreciation of contemporary poetry.
This is a collection of 19th century American fiction, as listed in Lyle Wright's
bibliography American Fiction, 1851-1875. There are currently 2,887 volumes included
(1,883 unedited, 1,004 fully edited and encoded) by 1,450 authors.
This site combines three sites first created in 1996 to provide a starting point for students
and enthusiasts of English Literature. Nothing replaces a quality library, but hopefully
this site will help fill the needs of those who have not access to one.