Ver 1.01
Version 1.01
The following rules changes and clarifications are made pursuant to P336 “Setting Specific Mechanics”.
The official BNS Errata, found at the link below, shall be valid unless it contradicts any information
contained in this document.
Chapter One - Introduction
P22, 23: Disregard all references in Ancilla, Elder, and Neonate definitions regarding Status based upon
Generation. AIT does not use Generation to determine Status.
Chapter Two – Introduction to the World of Darkness
P33: Disregard all entries in the “A Brief History of the World of Darkness” past 1990. AIT began around
that time and its history supersedes BNS history.
P44: The Assamite Clan Weakness shall read as follows: “Each point of Kindred Vitae ingested by an
Assamite will cause a point of Aggravated damage. This damage cannot be negated or reduced.” This
Weakness replaces all listed Assamite Weaknesses, regardless of Bloodline.
P65: The Tzimisce Clan Weakness shall read as follows: “A Tzimisce must use a downtime action to
specify resting with the dirt of their homeland. Having at least 1 dot in the Haven Background will ensure
that the dirt remains undisturbed between games. “
P68: The third paragraph of the Ventrue Clan Weakness shall read as follows: “Due to their refined tastes,
Ventrue must take an additional Downtime Action to Feed properly. One point of Herd will suffice for
both of the Ven4true’s Downtime Actions regarding proper feeding. Ventrue may not benefit from
another player’s Herd Background.
Chapter Three – Character Creation
Non-Camarilla clans and 7th Generation characters require Storyteller approval before they may begin
play. Players should submit their character and include a brief background regarding their character no
later than two (2) weeks before game. This shall not apply to the recreation of an existing 7th Generation
character currently on the AIT Rules 3.11.2a books. Any playtest character of 6th Generation will be reset
to 7th Generation and experience points refunded. Any playtest Non-Camarilla clan character or 7th
Generation character will be grandfathered in and considered to have Storyteller approval.
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P88: Relative to Step 3 Choose a Clan, the Merit point costs of Clans are as follows:
0:Brujah, Caitiff, Gangrel, Malkavian, Nosferatu, Toreador, Tremere, Ventrue
2: Assamite (Vizier), Giovanni, Follower of Set, Ravnos, Malkavian (Ananke/Knight), Toreador
(Ishtarri/Volgirre), Ventrue (Crusader), Gangrel (Noiad/Coyote), Tremere (Telyav)
4: Assamite (Rafiq), Cappadocian (Samedi), Daughter of Cacophony, Follower of Set (Tlacique /
Viper), Gargoyle, Lasombra, Salubri, True Brujah, Gangrel (Arhimanes), Tzimisce (Carpathian)
6: Assamite (Sorcerer), Giovanni (Premascine), Lasombra (Kiasyd), Tzimisce, Tzmisce (Koldun),
Cappadocian, Cappadocian (Lamia), Salubri (Healer), Baali, Baali (Angeli).
P92: Add the Skill “Sewer Navigation” to the list of Skills. Each point of this Skill allows a character to
safely traverse two levels deeper into the sewers. Should a character obtain the 6th point of this Skill, they
will be able to safely navigate to the Abyss that lies beyond the 10th level of the sewers. This Skill may
only be purchased at Character Creation by Nosferatu characters. After Character Creation a nonNosferatu character may purchase this skill if it is taught to them by a Nosferatu. The method of teaching
shall follow the rules for the teaching of a Discipline, saving that there is no Blood ingestion requirement.
P92: Regarding the Lore skill, the following is in effect:
To know anything other than the following will require an appropriate Lore:
Common Disciplines to level 5
Techniques based solely and wholly on Common Disciplines
Base, not Bloodline Clan stereotypes (eg Brujah are fast, strong, imposing, and angry)
Kindred Society basics (eg Masquerade, Sabbat are monsters, Anarchs are anarchistic, etc.)
Anything you possess or are.
P93: When the Craft skill is used to boost Resources, both Downtime actions must be taken in the same
P100: The Generation Background shall be capped at 4. This is in order to maintain cohesion of the
ongoing chronicle cap of 7th generation being the lowest player character Generation possible.
P102: A Haven may be located in the sewers if the owner possesses the skill of Sewer Navigation. A
Sewer Haven must choose the Quality: Location, to represent it being in the sewers. A Sewer Haven may
not possess the Qualities: Luxury, Staff. A Sewer Haven with the Quality: Guards is protected by
Ghouled Animals.
P102: When a character utilizes the Herd Background during a game session, the Blood gained is placed
directly into the character’s Blood Pool.
P104: Retainers may not use a Specialization to learn either Thaumaturgy or Necromancy. Retainers may
only interact with gameplay with Storyteller permission.
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Chapter Four – Disciplines
P115: Under Animalism, add the following line. “Summoned animals will not allow themselves willingly
to be fed upon or drained of their blood.”
P140: The Ay Befriend downtime action may be used to observe another character if the user of Ay
Befriend has the Computer Skill.
P151: The measurement of conversational distance for purposes of Awe shall be 10 steps.
P15: The measurement of distance one’s presence for purposes of Dread Gaze shall be 10 steps.
P189: Thaumaturgy Path of Conjuring power Permanency is altered as follows: Permanency will allow
Conjured items to last until sunrise.
P218: The Elder Obfuscate power Cache modifies only the Obfuscate powers of Conceal and Cloak the
P220: The measurement of distance of one’s presence for purposes of Paralyzing Glance shall be 10
Chapter Five – Merits & Flaws
P249: Code of Honor – Storyteller approval is required to take this Merit.
P249: Efficient Learner – The maximum number of Powers that may be learned over a Downtime by a
character with Efficient Learner is 4.
P253: Morality Merits – Paths may be taken only with ST Approval. A detailed background will be
required to be submitted for Approval. There is no guarantee of Approval. A Character on a Path is
required to wear a red ribbon.
P260: Cannot Cross Running Water – Disallowed
P260: Blood Rot – A character with this Flaw must wear a red ribbon.
P260: Bound to the Earth – must use a downtime action to specify resting with their important dirt .
Having at least 1 dot in the Haven Background will allow the Kindred to bypass this, as they can ensure
the dirt remains undisturbed between games.
P261: Dark Secret – Storyteller approval is required to take this Flaw. The Dark Secret must be very
detailed and feasible. There is no guarantee of Approval.
P262: Deep Sleeper – Disallowed
P262: Eerie Presence – A character with this Flaw must wear a red ribbon.
P263: Haunted –Storyteller approval is required to take this Flaw. A detailed explanation of why the
character is haunted is required. There is no guarantee of Approval.
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P264: Nightmares – Disallowed
P261: Necrophile – Disallowed
P265: Pied Piper – A character with this Flaw must wear a red ribbon.
P265: Poseidon’s Call –Selecting this Flaw will require the character to purchase a minimum 1 point
Haven with the Location Quality. The Location must be defined as on or near naturally occurring water.
A Sewer Haven will not suffice for this.
P266: Thirst for Innocence – Disallowed
P266: Derangements are serious mental instabilities in a character, and not to be taken lightly. Thus all
Derangements require Storyteller Approval. Derangements must fit the Trigger/Reaction template. Expect
silly and/or frivolous Derangements to be rejected.
Chapter Six – Core Systems
P288: Disregard all references to players refreshing Willpower. Only Storyteller refresh Willower.
Narrators that run a scene may recommend a to a Storyteller that a players Willpower be refreshed.
Chapter Seven – Dramatic Systems
Blood and Willpower will be represented by red and green cards. To represent Beast Traits the yellow
cards will be used. When a character receives Beast Trait(s), a number of Yelowl cards equal to the
number of traits will be given to the player. This will provide a quick visual aid as to how many Beast
Traits a character has at any given time.
P295: Under “Feeding from Lesser Blood” stored Human Blood is considered to be Lesser Blood and
subject to the 2:1 ratio.
P318: In addition to the Hand Gestures and Symbols, AIT makes use of colored ribbons to represent
various statuses, as follows:
Green: Appearance change
Yellow: Hiding power
White: Psychic Projection
Purple: Majesty
Red: Something unusual (this ribbon will also be used to represent the BNS hand signs for “I
look like an animal” and “I look obviously Monstrous”.)
Red + White: Manifested Psychic Projector
Orange: Out of play
Blue: Storyteller in Storyteller mode
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Chapter Eight – Storytelling
P348: Base experience points shall be awarded as follows:
0-100 earned xp: 7 XP / game
101-200 earned xp: 6 XP / game
201-300 earned xp: 5 XP / game
301-400 earned xp: 4 XP / game
401+ earned xp: 3 XP / game
Experience for roleplaying, costuming, setup, cleanup, comestibles, etc shall be added onto the base for
that month.
In the event of character death or retirement, the player shall be refunded an amount of experience
determined by the formula: (Spent Earned XP * .75) + (Unspent Earned XP).
Chapter Nine – The Camarilla
Note that AIT’s history diverges from BNS canon in the 1990’s. Disregard any BNS history past 1990.
P400: Disregard all reference to Generation with regards to Status. Social Status is determined by the
Harpies, not by one’s Generation. This allows greater social mobility given our chronicle length.
P404: Machiavellian Prodigy – Not Allowed, generation is decoupled from status
P404: Master of Puppets – Not Allowed
P405: Accused of Heresy – Not Allowed, Generation is decoupled from status and class.
Chapter Thirteen – Influences & Equipment
We have chosen to say that item purchases take a flat 30 minutes to complete per item. The purchaser
must remain out of game for that entire time. There are 2 modifiers to this action.
#1: If the purchaser has a flesh-and-blood Retainer of any level, then the Retainer may be used to deliver
the item 30 minutes later, thus the purchaser does not have to spend any time out of play.
#2: If the purchaser has an appropriate contact for the item to be purchased, the wait time is halved to 15
minutes out of play. This will however, count as one use of the Contacts background for the night.
Both modifiers may be combined so that with an appropriate Contact, the Retainer will deliver it 15
minutes later.
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The changing magical paradigm has rendered previously existing magical items inert. Such items crumble
to dust.
Business units shall be converted into additional Background XP using the following formula:
1-5 BU = 2xp, 6-10 BU = 4xp, 11-25 BU = 6xp, 26-100 BU = 8xp, 101+ BU = 10xp
In order to allow for players to know what they can get for their Resources, the following prices have
been determined for combat equipment.
Armor Qualities
Ballistic: $2,000
Chest Plate: $500
Concealable: $5,000
Full Body: $3,000
Hardened: $500
HazMat: $5000
Impact Absorption: $500
Hardened: $1,000
Ranged Weapon Qualities
Accurate: $8,000
Antique: $2,000
Ammo Capacity I: $250
Ammo Capacity II: $500
Armor Piercing: $5,000
Artisan: $20,000
Automatic: $1,000
Brutal: $1,000
Cold Iron: $12,000
Concealable: $5,000
Deadly: $8,000
Fast: $200
Incendiary Ammo: $15,000
Knockback: $1,000
Long Range: $5,000
Masterwork: $50,000
Quick Draw: $100
Rapid Reload: $100
Silver Ammunition: $20,000
Spread: $750
Staking: $1,000
Strange Composition: $10,000
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Melee Weapon Qualities
Accurate: $10,000
Antique: $2,000
Armor Piercing: $2,500
Artisan: $20,000
Balanced: $1,000
Brutal: $1,000
Cold Iron: $12,000
Concealable: $5,000
Deadly: $10,000
Disabling: $2,000
Fast: $200
Flaming: $15,000
Impaling: $1,000
Masterwork: $50,000
Reach: $2,000
Quick Draw: $100
Silver: $20,000
Strange Composition: $10,000
Trip: $500
Revision History
V 1.0: Original document
V 1.01: Addition of link to and clarification of use of Official BNS errata, added section on B/W/C cards,
added section regarding Lore Skill, cleared up wording on Tzimisce Clan Weakness and Bound to the
Earth Flaw, general grammar edits, font change.
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