Decision, actions, strategies, programs and initatives

Decision, actions, strategies, programs and initatives
Sandy, Lynn, Jay, Griggs
 have some ‘floaters’ walk around each celebration with a smile and welcome new
folks, chat a bit, offer help if needed etc.
wear name tags (could be available at welcome table if someone would want one)
communicate more who is here to help, what type of help is offered, or other info
to new comers….perhaps a ‘class’
more visibility of board members...OR have one open meeting a year for anyone
to come to
event-meeting after service, engage new attendees, avoid the go and leave cycle,
host a café
survey, determine interests, report back results, follow up what do they like
about Jubilee, what brings them? Howard? music? community? art, dancing,
poetry, etc. events?
teams-shifting leadership: avoid burnout and engage new participants
new strategies for welcoming
report world cafe results (many want to know)
more interfaith dialogue and interfaith opportunities
non-verbal/verbal welcome to diverse people in diverse ways
‘jubilee in action’ ...streamlined in service... expanded out further
connection thru a welcome committee, contacts, access interests
create ways to strengthen bonds by classes (eg. creation spirituality)
and longer pathways programs
one lady offered to donate her time to do some tshirts for those that cannot afford
them so more could wear them.
thoughts from many...they have NEVER been downstairs and upstairs seems so
crowded with everything in the hospitality room. They feel welcome area is too
congested and small...they wondered why some things couldn’t be done down
there (such as prayer flags, other table set ups etc) and leave the hospitality room
for welcome and new comers.
 More World Café type events on Sunday’s to promote interconnections, high
touch and eye contact with one another. Have an Irish Pub theme, or Bloody
Mary’s & wine.
 Do more than the usual at celebrations on Sunday’s, which is to come in, sit down,
and leave.
The Board should read the book Love 2.0 by Barbara Fredrickson
Enlarge our ‘Circle of Compassion’ Vision to include all living beings and do this
integrally, not just as a one off, token one Sunday a year ‘for the animals’. This
larger vision may well be necessary for humanity to pull through. For example,
bring community causes to suggest spay/neuter program that will reduce the over
population of dogs/cats and reduce their negative impact on biodiversity/animals
in the wild.
Allow more time for exchanging the peace. This is when people connect with each
other. New people are welcomed, connections are made. People touch, greet, smile,
Grow the care and compassion team.
Jubilee should have in place a way that someone knows if you are gone, and can
call to check in on you. Don’t assume this person is gone because they want to be
absent. Find out what is going on in their life. Connect with them, see if they need
support or just need some distance. A buddy system?
Set up Adult Nurture Classes.
Have multiple paths to a sense of community.
Each person is assigned an ‘older’ person (meaning someone who has been a
Jubilee longer). Buddy system.
Everyone knows his/her gifts are needed.
A Quaker type meeting for introverts after the celebration.
 Stop talking and start doing;
 Respond in real-time to community needs (e.g. vigils, such as recalling the 9/11
vigil, and a participant was passionate that we are not giving pause to certain
current events in services sends a message that we are in a “protective happy
bubble” (this was not written but spoken, paraphrasing);
 “Shake things up a bit” on Sundays. “Someone gain Howard’s confidence and/to
(?) reach critical mass;”
 Focus on learning more, teaching about, using intellect to foster social connection;
 Reattach ourselves to Creation Spirituality and learn more about it;
 Be vulnerable- not just Sunday congregation, but organization and vision. Put
ourselves “out there” for social and eco justice;”
 “It feels like we’re creating programs to keep going, not having programs coming
out of our creating” [paraphrasing from verbal and note]. Need to rekindle the
same kind of fire Patte Mitchell brought to the fore, Medicine Wheels and other
experiential/spiritual education that’s an offshoot of passion and taking Jubilee to
the edge;”
 Intentional small group socializing after church activities- discussion, picnics,
drum circles- “more than a Sunday.”
 Bring back (or start) Vespers that focus on the Vias, allowing for different types of
ritual expression, and offer evening Healing Services when needed.
 There is an otherwise un-transcribable cartoon of a bearded man walking
energetically forward from a lit candle over which hovers “2016.” I presume this
smiling gent is happily headed toward Jubilee’s future!
Hosted by: Jim, Mona, Nancy, Dave, Tom
 Events of the week projected on screens before and after each celebration - like
what’s listed in the insert
 Potlucks after each service, if you’d like to host, put name on index cards in a
bowl near the door. Pick a card and go different places each week with different
folks (as you feel like it)
 More gatherings like this
 Sweat lodge
 Outdoor ceremonies - bonfires, etc.
 Community Garden in Howard’s backyard. (HH will love this one.)
 Make personal connections a PRIORITY
 Every Jubilant joins a team
 Greeters scattered throughout the room to welcome and chat with newcomers
 All teams use the Care & Compassion communication model. Email specific
opportunities to gather, volunteer, meet, discuss
 Encourage folks to sit in different places, especially to greet new folks
 More “get to know you” opportunities after church. (Doughnuts and coffee was a
great idea - What happened?)
 Podcasts are great!
 Keep the Directory Updated - in print AND online
 Have a Jubilee Table or booth at local festivals to spread the word. Fiesta Latina,
Goombay, LEAF, etc.
 Some way to connect folks who’d LOVE to go to lunch/brunch with new folks.
Maybe place a card in a punchbowl by the front door. Take a card, go to lunch
 Right-after-work opportunities (before folks have a chance to “go home and prop
their feet up.” Happy Hour meet-ups?
Welcome bags for Newcomers with a long stem carnation so that newbies can be
identified at each service and a welcome team can circulate after service to welcome
them; ask newcomers to stand up during service?
Tables of 8 series with a hostess providing an entree while others provide side dishes
- done in homes; perhaps done by sections of town (N, S,, E, W) a way to meet
Jubilants in your neighborhood
Coffee and donuts after every first service for anyone (including new people) to come
downstairs and meet with others (old and new) and/or after first service - brunch and
after second service - organized weekly lunch groups to go eat together nearby
Name tags - a board where people leave their nametags weekly, retrieving them
before service so people can learn each other’s names. Name tags also for
Expand Pathways - a six week course that meets at Jubilee! so that people can learn
more about the spiritual principles of Jubilee!
How to expand social, emotional and community development? Opportunities for
connection: Dinners by area of town; downstairs meet and mingle; Earthfare
Social Hour after work; Movie nights, Meet for breakfast
Can committees have regularly scheduled open monthly meetings to get input and
make connections within the committee
Posters to put up notices by committees - or other kinds of poster for announcements
Community or committee Information Fairs
Set up mid week classes in Creation Spirituality
Place a sign up sheet in Hospitality room and on web site for anyone who is
willing to lead this class, maybe have more than one throughout the areas with
many leaders.
Organize a mid week gathering to discuss the previously Sunday service, like
“Going Deeper “ was.
Set up a sister church, swap choir, minister, outreach projects
Have a weekly email sent to all who wants a reminder of what is happening that
week, email the insert
Create quarterly dinners, similar to the former Hunger dinner, and Seder dinner,
Maybe have a team formed to do this.
Bring back the Pathway weekend Retreat
Community Spiritual Retreats
Work to have more involvement with Creation Care Alliance
Have More Action as a faith community, not just thru teams.
At the beginning of each service, have Howard ask who is here for the first time,
Welcome them and let them know to see Jackie after service for more information,
maybe have a “New Person Packet”
Ask who would like to share personal information through a password protected
directory site, things such as what they like to do, core beliefs, activities.
There is desire for deeper connections within and a desire to connect outside with
more diverse populations. It can only happen when people get together to share
something - food, stories, etc. (Michelle Smith)
There is tremendous amount of love, compassion, desire to be closer to each other and to be closer to community we live in to change the world for the better (Tree)
There is a need for closer connection - all drops of water that want to be in the
ocean (unknown)
Wants good looking, young people in the room to help us (a 76 yr old)
Age diversity is wanted (43 yr old)
Cohesiveness, unifying message of Creation Spirituality is needed - and to explain
for all “what is it” with more pro-active communication (Barbara)
People who live longest are connected, happiest. Terrible things in the world come
from people who are disconnected (Julia)
Each individual needs to connect and give and do work outside the community not just official Jubilee! outreach (Nancy)
We must make sure energy comes from a deep source - programs not just to insert
yourself into - where has fire and passion gone? (Barry)
How does someone on the periphery with an idea or passion find a way to do it
Finding ways to connect is a big idea (Daniel)
An idea could be to have this type of gathering on a quarterly basis - many
appreciated this event (Sue)
More regular coffee hours
Irish Pub night
Meets & greets for newcomers
Field trips to other faith communities
Small group ministries (not necessarily at Jubilee) where people could get to know
others more intimately
Endeavor to deepen our connections with the organizations we support through
our funding our service
More World Café type events
More “fun” events
Links on our web site for volunteer activities
Market ourselves through social media and Mtn Xpress, etc.
Conduct a skills survey (questionaire for Pathways participants?) to compliment
passion, action, needs and opportunities
Create opportunities for the 20-30 somethings to get together among themselves
Have monthly “educational” workshops (not necessarily Team activities)
Someone suggested we Google “Global Family”
More purely social opportunities on a regular basis
Hosted by: Jenn, David, Terry, Sue
Get additional staff time for Community Life development.
Welcome Muslims.
Increase young adult involvement
Exchange of Ministers: mix congregations/greeters. (not business oriented)
More small group ministries.
More money, more pledging units
2500 “Jubilants”, only 275 pledges.
Find/create more space?
Add staff
Capital Campaign
Succession plans for Ministerial staff
Places for conversations/stories
Better use of space. Less rental space use.
We are constrained by space.
Help the community get better opportunities.
Keep the circles
Discuss other spirituality with other people
Create a new team for “esoteric/mystics meet up” for those interested in more
“fringe” spiritual experiences/studies/sharing. Diana Christopher is willing to
spearhead this.
Brainstorm how to attract young adults to be involved in Jubilee =
interested/active influencing/co-creating.
Gather the ideas/feedback/visions of 40ish, 30ish, 20ish people.
 Create small groups
 coffee groups
 Follow up to Pathways
 Adult Sunday meetings
 Expand themes to congregate around yoga, music, young couples, mature
couples, hiking,
 Create more opportunities for Jubilants to get to know one another
 More activities for the community that do not cost to attend
 Create passion groups… “ I have a passion for….., whom would like to meet with
 Greet a new person each week.
 Establish small groups of common interest that meet at least 10 times to deepen
spiritual bonds, ie yoga, Tai Chi
 “Spiritual Mentoring” for new people or others desiring a morepersonal one-onone way to integrate into the Jubilee Community. Ongoing classes to learn about
 More interfaith emphasis. Less Christianity. More earth-based wisdom.
 Emphasize DIVERSITY in all Jubilee activities.
 Take a survey (quarterly, annually) to assess inner and outer growth.
 Name tags.
 Once a year in January have another visioning process like this one to vision and
 “Help Needed” process beyond the bulletin board for services offered and needed.
This could be called “Jubi-Cycle” where people can offer and locate resources.
 Make information about Jubilee Teams readily available so that members--old
and new--are informed about what is currently going on with Team activities and
 Ways to reconnect for members who have been here for many years: more
informal groups, Sunday adult study groups, etc.
Sunday group activities. important for those who live out of town and cannot
easily come in during the week. Example: meeting for lunch on Sundays.
Every Sunday a new person gets a minute or so to tell their story during the
service--very brief. We love stories. Very connecting.
Virtual community. [I assume this means on-line.]
Offer daily opportunities to gather for ritual (as the Muslims do), to be inclusive
for everyone.
Offer hands-on healing, therapeutic touch, Reiki, etc. during the
Sunday service and during the week.
More physically active during Sunday mornings.
On Sundays, first time visitors recognized.