XP Release Planning Model Using Fuzzy Logic Mr. Mubarak Al-rashoud Dr.mahmmoud Kamel Dr. Ibrahim Bediwi King Abdul Aziz University Faculty of Computer Science and information system Abstract The goal of XP incremental manner , is to deliver the most profitable requirements in the early releases . This is achieved by applying release planning process . XP release planning has two problems : its limitation in terms of its scalability , and its informality . The first problem is clear when there are competing stakeholder interests. In this case many point views and opinions are raised , which lead to conflicts among different stakeholders . The second problem raises because the requirements in XP are described in terms of ‘user stories’. The user stories are an informal description of user requirements. In the release planning process, the user stories are prioritized using only one factor , which is the perceived value of the user . However, deciding which user stories will be delivered in a certain release , does not only depend on the stories values , but also depends on many variables that have a complex relationship. Different stakeholder and technical precedence constraints have to be taken into account . Simultaneously, available and required effort for each increment has to be balanced. This paper employs fuzzy theory to present a model to generate XP release plan . The inputs to this model are stakeholders decision weights , stories values and priorities of the different stakeholders , as well as, the risk associated with each story. In addition to that , other two constrains are considered: precedence constrains , where some requirements cannot be implemented until another is completed , and coupling constrains , where one requirement should be implemented in the same increment as another one . 1.Introduction Extreme Programming (XP) is a new, lightweight software development approach that advocates rapid iterations , rapid feedback, rigorously tested cod , team courage and high-bandwidth communication with end users , to maximize team productivity , delivered product value and customer satisfaction , and to minimize delivery time , management overhead and risk of rapidly changes of requirements .[1][3]. XP delivers the product in a set of releases . A release is a version of a system with enough new features that it can be delivered to users outside the development group. A release represents perhaps one to three months of work. [3]. Using short releases gives many advantages. "First, requirements can be prioritized so that the most important ones are delivered first , and benefits of the new system gained earlier. Consequently, less important requirements are left until later , and so if the schedule or budget is not sufficient the least important requirements are the ones more likely to be omitted. Second, the customers receive part of the system on early and so are more likely to support the system and to provide feedback on it. Third, being smaller, the schedule/cost for each delivery stage is easier to estimate. Fourth, user feedback can be obtained at each stage and plans adjusted accordingly. Fifth, perhaps most importantly, an incremental approach allows for a much better reaction to changes or additions to requirements".[5]. However , It is not worthy to use XP incremental manner unless there is a technique that specifies the most profitable requirements. In other words a technique has to be found to optimize the selection of stories that would be implemented. Actually there is not problem when there is only one customer , and when there are no constrains that control the operation of stories prioritization. But the situation is different when there are competing stakeholder interests . [4]. In this case many point views and opinions are raised , which lead to conflicts among different stakeholders. On the other hand technical constrains have clear affects in planning process. For example , it is not possible to start implementing a story , unless the prerequisite stories of this story is already finished , even though it is less valuable to the customer . These different variables present in beginning of each release where release plan is produced , as figure 1 shows [5]. Priorities & Priorities Refined & Extended & Priorities Refined & Extended & Constraints Constraints Constraints & & & Requirements Requirements Requirements Release 1 Release 2 Release 3 ........... Figure 1 Thus, these different variables must be considered by any solution of the release planning problem. The release planning problem is addressed and illustrated formally in [4] and [5] . The authors in [4] propose a hybrid approach which is called erelease planning combining the strengths of computational intelligence with human intelligence supported . In [5] a method is called EVOLVE is proposed , this method aimed at the continuous planning of incremental software development based on a genetic algorithm. The authors stated that, in the release planning process three main considerations that need to be taken in account which are the technical precedence inherent in the requirements, the typically conflicting priorities as determined by the representative stakeholders, as well as the balance between required and available effort. The authors in [6] , develop a cost-value approaches for prioritizing requirements. They use the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to compare the customer alternatives in a stepwise fashion and measure their contribution to the customer objectives. In the section 2 of this paper the different variables of the release problem will described . also the statement of problem will be presented . in the section 3 a model uses fuzzy theory will be presented . conclusions will be presented in section 5 . 2. Formulation Problem of XP Release Planning As it is stated above many variables are considered to make the decision about planning a release these variables is defined by ruhe in as follow Stakeholders evaluations "Each stakeholder gives two kinds of evaluation. First one is the perceived value of each requirement to each stakeholder (expected relative impact on business value of the final product). The other one is prioritization according to the degree of urgency (time criticality) of each requirement to each stakeholder. It is assumed that a software system is initially specified by a set R1 of requirements, i.e. R1 = {r1; r2…rn}: At this stage (k=1) we wish to allocate requirements to the next and future releases. In later phase k>1 , an extended and modified set of requirements Rk will considered as starting point to plan for release or increment k (abbreviated by Inck ). The requirements are competing with each other (to become implemented). Their individual importance is considered from the perspective of q different stakeholders abbreviated by S1, S2… Sq. Each stakeholder Sp is assigned a relative importance (0, 1). The relative importance of all involved stakeholders is normalized to one ie ∑p = 1...q p =1. Each stakeholder Sp assigns a priority denoted by Prio (ri, Sp, Rk) =1 means highest priority in term of set of requirements ri Rk from the perspective of stakeholder Sp . Typically, different stakeholders have different priorities for same requirements. The requirements by themselves are assumed to be understandable by all stakeholders and sufficiently detailed to estimate the effort for their implementation. Similarly, each stakeholder Sp assigns a value denoted by Value (ri, Sp , Rk) {1,2,......, } to requirement ri as part of set of requirements Rk at phase k of the planning approach. Value(ri , Sp , Rk) =1 means highest priority in terms of the supposed impact of requirement ri to the final business value of the final product, taken from the perspective of stakeholder Sp. Effort constraint Effort estimation is another function assigning each pair (ri , Rk) of requirement ri as part of the set Rk the estimated value for implementing this effort, i.e. effort( ) is a function: (ri , Rk) → R+ where R+ is the set of positive real numbers. Typically project releases are planned for certain dates. This introduces a size constraint Sizek in terms of available effort of any released increment Inck: We have assumed that the effort for an increment is the sum of the efforts required for individual requirements assigned to this increment. These results in constraints ∑r (i) inc(k) effort(ri,Rk)<= Sizek for all increments Inck. Precedence and other dependency constraints Let us first define ωk which assign each requirements ri of set Rk to the number s of its increment incs , i.e. ωk : ri Є Rk → ωk(ri)=s {k,k+1,k+2,....}. Precedence and other dependency constraints are clear in a typical real world project where some requirements must be implemented before others. There might be logical, technical or resource related reasons that the realization of one requirement must be in place before the realization of another. Since we are planning incremental software delivery, we are only concerned that their respective increments are in the right order. More formally, for all increments k we define a partial order k on the product set Rk X Rk such that (ri,rj) k implies ωk(ri) ≤ ωk(rj) .With similar arguments as earlier there might be logical, technical or resource related reasons that the realization of one requirement must be in place in the same increment as another one. Again, since we are looking at incremental software delivery, we are only concerned that their respective increments are in the right order. More formally, for all increments k we define a binary relation k on Rk such That (ri ,rj) k implies that ωk(ri) = ωk(rj)." [5] In addition to the previous factors, the risk constraint should be considered . The risk constraint is defined formally as follow: Risk Constraints Risk estimation is another function assigning each pair (ri , Rk) of requirement ri as part of the set Rk the estimated value for risk of implementing this requirement , i.e. Risk( ) is a function: (ri , Rk) → R+ where R+ is the set of positive real numbers. Typically each requirement has a risk to implement it. The risk has big impacts on speeding up or delaying the implementation of a requirement. Because it might be found a requirement with a high value and high urgency but with high risk of development. More formally, for all increments k we define a binary relation k on Rk such That (ri, rj) k Risk(ri) ≤ Risk(rj) implies that ωk(ri) ≤ ωk(rj). 3.Problem Statement for Software Release Planning "At any phase k we assume an actual set of requirements Rk. Taking into account all the notation, concepts and constraints as formulated above, we can now formulate our problem as follows: For all requirements ri Rk determines an assignment ω* with ω*(ri) =s {1, 2,…} to increments Incs such that (1) ∑r (i) inc(m) effort(ri,Rk)<= Sizem for m=k,k+1,k+2,........ (Effort constrains) (2) ω*(ri) ≤ ω*(rj) for all pairs (ri,rj) k (Precedence constraints) (3) ω*(ri) = ω*(rj) for all pairs (ri,rj) k (Coupling constraints) (4) A = ∑p=1......q p [ ∑r (i),r(j) R(k) penalty (ri,rj,Sp,Rk, ω*)] min ! with penalty(ri,rj,Sp,Rk , ω*) := (4.1) 0 if [prio(ri , Sp , Rk)- prio(rj , Sp , Rk ) ][ ω*(ri) – ω*(rj)]>0 (4.2) | prio(ri , Sp , Rk)- prio(rj , Sp , Rk ) | if ω*(ri) – ω*(rj) (4.3) | ω*(ri) – ω*(rj)| if prio(ri , Sp , Rk)= prio(rj , Sp , Rk ) (4.4) [prio(ri , Sp , Rk)- prio(rj , Sp , Rk ) ][ ω*(ri) – ω*(r j)] Otherwise (5) B=∑p=1......q p [ ∑r (i) € R(k) benefit (ri,Sp , ω*)] max ! with benefit (ri,Sp,Rk, ω*) = [ - value(ri , Sp , Rk)+1] X [ - ω*( rj) +1] and = max {ω*( ri) : ri Rk} (6) C(α)=( α-1)A+ αB max ! with α (0,1) . (7) Determine K best solution from C(α1) , C(α2) , C(α3) With 1≤K≤10 and 0< α1< α2< α3<1." [5]. (8) ωk(ri) ≤ ωk(rj) for all pairs (ri,rj) k (Risk constraint) The function (4) is to minimize the total penalties defined as the degree of deviation of the monotonicity property between requirements. Monotonicity property between two requirements is satisfied if one requirement is evaluated more promising than another, and this is true also for the sequence of the assigned increments. The function (5) is to maximize the total benefit. For a fixed stakeholder, the benefit from the assignment of an individual requirement to an increment is the product of some value difference and some difference in increment numbers. The product is the higher, the earlier the requirement is released and the more impact on final business value is supposed. Finally the overall objective function (6) for one fixed value of a is to maximize a linear combination of (4) and (5). The case of α close to 0 means to give a (strong) priority to stakeholder priorities. In a similar way, α close to 1 means a (strong) priority is given to the achieved benefits of assignment ω*. 4. XP Release Planning Using Fuzzy theory Release planning problem is a decision making problem since many stakeholders participate in the planning effort, which lead to difficulties to reach the same decision about the prioritizing of the user stories. The application of fuzzy set theory is a good alternative to solve this problem , because the problem is vague by its nature , since many stakeholders give their estimations to a specific piece of requirement. The estimation is based on human taste and human linguistics. For example , when the customer says " user story X is important and user story Y is very important " . There is no precision and certainty in this kind of estimations. "On other hand, the application of fuzzy set theory in real world decision-making problems has given very good results. Its main feature is that it provides a more flexible framework, where it is possible to solve satisfactorily many of the obstacles of lack of precision" [2] . Figure 2 shows the proposed model that uses fuzzy system to optimize the solution of release planning problem. The model goes through four steps:1) For each user story , specify coupled and preceding user stories , and represent them using graph data structure. 2) Use fuzzy system to generate a numerical decision (rank) , to order the user stories according to their effect on the final product . 3) Maintain the values of the user stories ranks to meet the precedence constraint. 4) Determine the scope of the release . US Stakeholders Estimation Specify Coupling and Precedence Constraints Determine Release Scope Maintain (USRP) USRP USFRV Explored User Stories Release Plan Development Team Risk Estimation Figure 2 proposed Model 4.1 Specify coupling and precedence constraints Matrix implementation of graph is used , to represent coupling and precedence relationship , among different user stories. If there are n user stories , then user stories matrix US is defined of n X n dimension. To represent coupling constraint the following simple algorithm is used:If Coupled (usi & usj) US[I,j] =US[j,i] = 'C' Else if Precedence (usi & usj) US [i, j] ='P'. 4.2 User Story Ranking Process (USRP) USRP is a process that uses fuzzy system to give each user story a (User Story Final Rank (USFR)). USFR is a numeric number that shows the degree of importance of the story. As this number increases , as its order in the release plan decreases. USRP takes stakeholders evaluations (the value and priority of each user story), as well as the estimated risk (estimated by the developers) as input variables. Depending on many rules , the USFR is generated. If there are coupled stories , then they are treated as one unit in the ranking operation . i.e. the stakeholders are asked to give one value and one priority for each group of coupled stories. That means the USFR are equal for all coupled stories. For sake of simplicity , USRP assumes three levels of stakeholders: level1 represents a stakeholder with high decision weight (for instance top management). Level2 represents stakeholders with medium decision weight (for instance departments' engineers) .While level3 represents stakeholders with low decision weight (for instance operators). As figure 3 shows USRP is constructed of many fuzzy processes. Lev1PrioEst Lev1PrioValEstPro Lev1EstAggregate Lev1ValEst Lev1PrioEst Lev2PrioValEstPro Lev2EstAggregate USPrioValAggragatePro USW Lev1ValEst Lev1PrioEst Lev3PrioValEstPro Lev3EstAggregate Lev1ValEst USFRPro USFR Risk Figure 3 USRP Each fuzzy process has its inputs variables, its rules and its output variables. The output variable of a processes might be an input variable to another process. All fuzzy processes are based intuition method , which depends on the innate intelligence and understanding of the human. Triangular fuzzy numbers are used. The choice is backed not only by its simplicity , but also by its closeness to the human natural way to estimate the importance of the things under uncertainty , using three possible values: important , not important and the most likely important . the universe of discourse for all processes is defined to be [0..5] where : 1 is the bottom value , 3 is the intermediate value and 5 is the top value . While 2 and 4 are the intermediate values between two adjacent judgments. These processes are defined as follows: Stakeholder Priority and Value Estimation Process (SHPrioValEstPro): takes a stakeholder evaluation of the priority and the value for a certain user story as inputs , and output a single numeric , that represents the aggregation of the degree of value and the degree of the urgency for that user story. For each stakeholder level there is an instance of SHPrioValEstPro : Lev1PrioValEstPro , Lev2PrioValEstPro and Lev2PrioValEstPro . Therefore there are three output variables : Lev1EstAggregate , Lev2EstAggregate and Lev3EstAggregate . Table 1 shows the membership functions of input variable and output variables . Also it shows the rules that control the output of SHPrioValEstPro . Inputs Low High And Rules Low Required High Required Output and Critical and Small and Critical Low 0 Important Important and 5 and Medium Priority High Important Required and Critical MFs and Low Important High V Important 0 and Critical Large Medium 0 Very Important and Large Small important Important 5 5 LevnEstAggr V Important egate V n {1,2,3} alue MFs Table 1 User Story Priority and Value aggregate Process (USPrioValAggragatePro): takes the output variables of SHPrioValEstPro instances (Lev1EstAggregate , Lev2EstAggregate and Lev3EstAggregate) as inputs to generate an aggregation (weight) of the priorities and values , that are estimated by all stakeholders levels, for a certain user story . User Story Weight (USW) is The output variable of USPrioValAggragatePro . the membership functions of input variable and output variables and the rules that control the output of USPrioValAggragatePro are shown in table 2 Inputs And Rules Output Required important Very Important Required Small Important Small V Important Small Required Small Important Small V Important Small Required Small Important Medium V Important Medium Required 0 5 Lev1EstAggreg Required Important ate Required important Small Very Important 0 V Important Required Medium Important Medium V Important Medium Required Medium Required 0 5 Lev2EstAggreg Important ate Important Required Required important Very Important Required Medium Important Medium Important Medium V Important Medium Required Medium Important Medium V Important Large V Important V Important Medium 0 5 Required Lev3EstAggreg Large Important V Important Important ate V Important Required Large Large Large V Important Important Large V Important Large Table 2 Medium Large 5 USW User Story Final Ranking Process (USFRPro): takes the output variables of USPrioValAggragatePro (USW) , and the Estimated risk for each user story as inputs . USFRPro generates a User Story Final Rank (USFR), which represents the degree of importance of that story to the final product . USFR is an aggregation of the priority , value and the risk associated with each user story . The membership functions of input variable and output variables and , the rules that control the output of USFRPro are shown in table 3. Inputs Small Medium And Rules Not Risky and Large and Small Risky and 0 5 Definitely Risky USW Not Risky Risky Not Risky Definitely Risky 0 Should have Nice to have Nice to have Should have and Medium Risky 0 Definitely Risky Not Risky and Large Should have Must have Nice to have Nice to have and 5 Risk MFs and Output and Risky and Definitely Risky Nice to have Must have 5 USFR Must have Should have Table 3 After applying USRP we need to adjusts USFR values to reflect the precedence constraints that defined in section 3 4.3 Maintaining USFRs In this process the ranks of user stories are maintained to achieve precedence constraints. To do this let us define User Story Final Rank Vector (USFRV) of dimension n to hold USFRs for n user stories . If usi is a precedence of usj US[usi][[usj] ='P' . However , in some cases it could be found that USFRV[usi ] < USFRV[usj] that means theoretically , usj should be implemented earlier than usi , which is against the truth . Therefore USFRV contents should be maintained to achieve precedence among different user stories . In other words the following condition have to be meet : USFRV[usi] = USFRV[usj] + σ . The value of σ should be less than the minimum difference between two USFR for all user stories. The reason behind that is to eliminate the impact of maintaining process , to be only on the stories that have precedence among each others . The following algorithm is applied to find σ . σ = Max (USFRV) for (i=1 , i<= n, i++) for (j=i , j<=n , j++) if (ABS(USFRV[i] – USFRV[j]) < σ ) then σ= ABS(USFRV[i] – USFRV[j]) end if end for end for σ= σ/ Max (USFRV) the following algorithm uses the value of σ and the contents of US to maintain the USFRV . for (i=1 , i<= n, i++) for (j=i , j<=n , j++) if ((US[i][j]='P' ) && (USFRV[i]<USFRV[j])) USFRV[i]=USFRV[j]+ σ End if End for End for 4.4 Determining the scope of the release The scope of a release is the user stories that will be implemented in that release . In this moment , all user stories are already ordered according to their effects to the final product . Also each effort needed to implement each user story is already estimated . in this stage release size is declared . The release size is the time that is specified to finish the release . figure 4 shows the algorithm to determine the scope of the release . USFRV …. Set Release Size User stories List Pickup user story with max(USFR) . Add to the Release Scope Delete user story No Release Plan subtract the effort needed to implement this story from release size Release size <=0 Yes 5. Conclusion End The corner stone of XP process is the release planning. It is not worthy to apply XP incremental fashion, if the customer does not receive the most important features in the early releases . The problem of XP release planning is clear when there are many stakeholders with different opinions and judgments . In this case, many variables control release planning problem : the priorities and the values of the requirements , from different stakeholders point views , and the risk associated with each requirement . Furthermore the precedence's and coupling among requirements have a clear effect on release planning process . Release planning is a vague problem. It has a high degree of vagueness and uncertainty. Therefore fuzzy theory is good choice to solve this problem. The proposed model that is presented by this paper , is combined of four areas : I) specifying coupled and preceding user stories For each user story, and represent them using graph data structure. II)Using fuzzy system to generate a numerical decision (rank) , to order the user stories according to their effect on the final product . III) Maintaining the values of the user stories ranks to meet the precedence constraint. And IV) Determining the scope of the release . in addition to that , the effort that is needed to finish the release (release size) should be considered when the scope of the release is specified . 6. References [1] K. Beck, Extreme Programming Explained . Addison Wesley, Reading, MA,2001. [2] C.Cheng . A simple Fuzzy Group Decision Making Method . IEEE International Fuzzy System Conference , 1999. [3] William C, Wake, Extreme Programming Explored . Adison-Wesley Boston, MA,2000. 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