NCS International Research Visit

The Commission for Educational & Cultural
Exchange Between the U.S.A. & the A.R.E.
(The Binational Fulbright Commission)
Fulbright New Century Scholars (NCS)
Program Application
Deadline for application: Wednesday, June 21, 2006
4:30 p.m.
AY2007-2008 New Century Scholars (NCS) Program
“Higher Education in the 21st Century: Access and Equity”
One of the oldest and largest international exchange programs in the world, the Fulbright Scholar Program is in a unique
position to respond to the opportunities ushered in by the new century in which the nations and citizens of the world are
increasingly interdependent. Its worldwide design and long standing international relationships represent a valuable platform
upon which to build new, global models for collaborative thinking among scholars of many different nationalities about the
challenges and possibilities for humankind in the 21st Century.
The Fulbright New Century Scholars Program brings together annually 30 outstanding research scholars and professionals
from the U.S. and around the world. NCS fellows engage in multidisciplinary collaboration under the leadership of a
Distinguished Scholar Leader and work together to seek solutions to issues and concerns that affect all humankind.
For the academic year 2007-2008, the research focus is “Higher Education in the 21st Century: Access and Equity.” Dr.
Bruce Johnstone, Distinguished Service Professor of Higher and Comparative Education at the State University of New
York, will serve as the Distinguished New Century Scholar Leader.
Program Description
Institutions of higher education will play a central role in addressing the challenges of the 21st Century. They are crucial for
the development of knowledge-based economies and for thriving civil societies. Their roles in leadership training and in
educating growing proportions of the population in the skills needed for complex, modern societies are essential. They provide
research and analysis for addressing problems and opportunities in both the private and public sectors. In the cross currents of
globalization, they are one of the most important points of contact between the national and the international environments.
Their global networks establish a platform for cooperation among nations and their citizens. The existence of viable institutions
of higher education is a requirement of any modern democratic society.
Yet, higher education faces significant challenges throughout the world. Among the most universal and complex are those
related to ensuring equitable access for the rapidly growing number of individuals seeking education at the postsecondary level.
Meeting the burgeoning demand for higher education and developing policies and resources that provide the benefit of higher
education to diverse populations of students will require national commitment and international cooperation. In today's global,
knowledge-based economy, the economic growth and social well being of nations around the world are increasingly dependent
on a well-educated workforce and individual access to quality education. Understanding the principal components of this
challenge and the relationship between cultural norms, social and political policies and the development of higher education
will require deeper understanding in order to realize the goals to expand access and equity.
The following three themes related to the central topic of access and equity in higher education will be examined in
1. The Cultural and Societal Norms that Affect Access and Equity
2. The Role of K-16 in Limiting or Advancing Access to Higher Education
3. The Resources and Polices that Provide Greater Access to Higher Education
For specific details regarding the themes, please visit the Council for International Exchange of Scholars (CIES) website at
Program Activities
If selected to participate, all New Century Scholars will be expected to conduct research both within their home countries and
outside during a three-month visit in the U.S. Furthermore, they should participate in all NCS program seminars of
approximately one-week’s duration each to create a platform for collaborative thinking and pursuit of tangible solutions to the
challenges posed by the NCS topic. NCS provides participants with specific opportunities to come together during the program
Orientation and Goal Setting Session (4-5 days, February/March 2007)
Mid-term Meeting (5-6 days, July 2007)
Final NCS Seminar (4 days, March 2008)
International exchange visit of 3 months, to be completed at any time between February 2007 and March 2008.
Ongoing discussion and interaction with NCS Distinguished Scholar Leader and other fellows throughout program
NCS Scholars are expected to participate in all activities of the program and to contribute to NCS group objectives throughout
the program year.
Eligibility Requirements
For academic applicants, a Ph.D. or equivalent terminal degree in a relevant field.
For applicants in the professional fields, the appropriate terminal degree in a relevant field.
Egyptian citizenship; holders of U.S. green cards and/or passports are ineligible
Applicants must demonstrate outstanding qualifications and a record of experience and accomplishment in an area
related to the New Century Scholar three key themes
Applicants must be conducting current research directly relevant to the current themes and open to exploring
international and interdisciplinary approaches to their investigations and interested in developing collaborative
activities with other NCS program participants.
Fluency in English.
Applicants must have a letter of invitation from proposed U.S. host institution confirming affiliation and specifying
plans for collaborative activities with the applicant as well as an anticipated mutual benefits resulting from the
Individual travel/research awards in the amount of $37,000
Accommodations and meals for program seminars
NCS awards are intended to provide support for travel to all program meetings, travel and maintenance for the exchange visit,
research materials and assistance, and some salary replacement.
Applications Procedure: Each applicant is required to submit a) NCS program application cover page b) a proposal abstract,
not to exceed two single-spaced paragraphs, c) a proposal, not to exceed four single-spaced pages including bibliography d)
Justification for International Research Visit, not to exceed one single-spaced page e) a curriculum vitae and publications list
not to exceed eight pages, f) Two letters of recommendation with application reference forms, and g) letter of invitation from
the prospective host institution.
Tentative Timeline
May 3, 2006
NCS Program announced and application materials available
June 21, 2006
Deadline for submission of application materials
July 9-11 2006
Personal Interviews
November 2006
NCS Scholars announced
February/March 2007
NCS Orientation and Goal Setting Meeting
Research Exchange Visits may begin
July/August 2007
Mid-term Seminar
March 2008
Conducting Seminar
Contact Information:
Complete program description and activities are available on the CIES website: and the Binational
Fulbright Commission in Egypt website:
For inquiries, please contact Ms. Laila Hussein, Program Specialist at the Binational Fulbright Commission in Egypt, Sundays
through Thursdays, from 9:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. as follows:
21 Amer Street, Messaha, Dokki 12311, Giza, Egypt
Tel. No.:
335-9717 /335-7978
Instructions For Completing The Application Form
Please note that all questions on the application form must be completed. If a question is not applicable, please indicate so by
inserting N/A in the appropriate space. Applications and supporting documents become the property of the Binational Fulbright
Commission in Egypt upon submission.
Deadline: Applications must be received by 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 21, 2006. No applications and/or
additional documents will be accepted after the deadline.
Incomplete applications will be considered "Technically Ineligible". A complete application must include the
Application cover page and signature at the end of the page.
Proposal Abstract (not to exceed two single-spaced paragraphs; with “Times New Roman” font size 12 and 1
inch margins) describing briefly the nature of the proposed individual research project and its relevance to one of the
three themes outlined in the NCS program description, the research objectives to be accomplished during the
exchange visit and the anticipated contribution to a collaborative analysis of the NCS topic.
Proposal (not to exceed four single-spaced pages; with “Times New Roman” font size 12 and 1 inch margins)
Demonstrates how your qualifications, expertise and research competence will contribute to furthering not
only individual research objectives, but collaborative objectives as well.
Identifies one of the three program themes and discusses your contribution to its examination and further
Outlines your specific current research that directly relates to the selected NCS theme and its significance
and discusses how your research objectives would contribute to developing new approaches, perspectives, or
even solutions to the challenges posed by the NCS topic.
Describes how your research might contribute to a more comparative or global exploration and
understanding of the issues involved.
Includes a brief listing of selected bibliographic sources relevant to your current research and the NCS topic
you will examine.
Justification for International Research Visit (not to exceed one single-spaced page; with “Times New Roman”
font size 12 and 1 inch margins), describes plans for an international exchange visit, at a selected U.S. host
institution and dates for the proposed visit and includes discussion of the following points:
Specific research objectives you plan to meet during your research visit, including feasibility of meeting
stated objectives during the allotted time
How your current research matches host institution interests
How your research objectives, as well as those of your proposed host, might be mutually advanced as a result
of your visit
Areas of potential collaboration related to the NCS themes
A Tailored Curriculum Vitae, (not to exceed eight pages; with “Times New Roman” font size 12 and 1 inch
margins) including list of relevant publications.
Copy of Ph.D certificate or appropriate terminal degree in a relevant field.
Two Letters of Recommendation with the Application Reference Forms. They should be from individuals who
are in a position to evaluate the applicant's scholarly or professional qualifications as well as the merits of the research
project as they relate to the NCS topic/themes.
A Letter of Invitation from proposed host institution confirming affiliation and outlining plans for collaborative
activities with the applicant as well as anticipated mutual benefits resulting from the visit. Letters of invitation which
fail to demonstrate serious interest in intellectual exchange or collaboration with the applicant will weaken the
1. The complete application form, including all the attachments must be photocopied in four complete sets; i.e. the
Commission receives 5 complete sets.
2. Do not submit original certificate (submit copies only).
3. As Egyptian and American scholars in your academic specialization review applications, describe your project clearly,
completely and accurately.
4. English proficiency is essential.
5. Submission of an additional soft/electronic copy of the application and attachments is encouraged.
AY2007-2008 Fulbright New Century Scholars Program
Visiting Scholar Application Cover Page
(Use “Times New Roman” font size 10, and do not hand write. Answers must fit in the space provided.)
Title (check one): Dr.
Gender: Male
Middle Initial
Current Position:
Institutional Affiliation and Address (include street, city, country):
Home Address:
Preferred mailing address: Home
US Social Security # (if available):
Country(ies) of citizenship:
City and Country of Birth:
Date of Birth:
Major Academic Discipline:
Academic Credentials (list two highest degrees, disciplines, dates and institutions):
Publications (list 3 major publications relevant to the NCS theme):
Project Title:
US Host Institution:
Faculty Associate at US Host Institution (name and mailing address):
Dates of visit (Two minimum/Three months maximum)
Start date (mm/dd/yy):
End date (mm/dd/yy):
Names and institutions of two referees:
Previous Fulbright Grants (dates & country):
By my signature, I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the information provided in all parts of my application is accurate and complete.
I understand that final approval of my application is dependent upon my eligibility for a visa to the United States.
Proposal Abstract
(Do not exceed two single-spaced paragraphs, use “Times New Roman” font size 12 and 1 inch margins)
(Do not exceed four single-spaced pages, use “Times New Roman” font size 12 and 1 inch margins)
You may use additional white paper for continuation pages. Number each subsequent page.
NCS International Research Visit
(Do not exceed one single-spaced page, use “Times New Roman” font size 12 and 1 inch margins)
Curriculum Vitae
(Do not exceed eight pages with “Times New Roman” font size 12 and 1 inch margins, including list of relevant publications)
You may use additional white paper for continuation pages. Number each subsequent page.
AY2007-2008 Fulbright New Century Scholars Program
Applicant should complete part I and then give this form to the referee. Complete form and recommendation letter
should be put in a sealed envelope and submitted by the applicant, or sent directly to: The Binational Fulbright
Commission in Egypt: Attention: Laila Hussein no later than Wednesday, June 21, 2006.
Part I
To Be Completed by the Applicant
Home Institution:
I have waived
/ not waived
my right of access to any information contained in your evaluation.
Part 2
To Be Completed by the Referee
The person identified as “applicant” above is applying for the Fulbright New Century Scholars Program. The reference letter is
for the use of the screening committee. Detailed responses will be of most value to the candidate in the review process. A
missing letter may prejudice or delay the review of the application.
Address the applicant’s qualifications and merit of the proposal as they relate the New Century Scholars Program, in particular:
Academic/Professional background (degrees, training, rank/position; national/international reputation in his/her field;
Quality of academic/professional accomplishments as demonstrated through experience in the relevant field,
publications, grants, other academic/professional achievements;
Merits of the applicant’s Project Proposal including the international visit, and its feasibility of creating solutions to
the global challenges of higher education in the 21st Century;
Potential for the applicant to contribute to a high-level interdisciplinary, cross-cultural discussion of the NCS theme
and to collaborate on an international level;
Ability of the applicant to carry out the project.
AY2007-2008 Fulbright New Century Scholars Program
Applicant should complete part I and then give this form to the referee. Complete form and recommendation letter
should be put in a sealed envelope and submitted by the applicant, or sent directly to: The Binational Fulbright
Commission in Egypt: Attention: Laila Hussein no later than Wednesday, June 21, 2006.
Part I
To Be Completed by the Applicant
Home Institution:
I have waived
/ not waived
my right of access to any information contained in your evaluation.
Part 2
To Be Completed by the Referee
The person identified as “applicant” above is applying for the Fulbright New Century Scholars Program. The reference letter is
for the use of the screening committee. Detailed responses will be of most value to the candidate in the review process. A
missing letter may prejudice or delay the review of the application.
Address the applicant’s qualifications and merit of the proposal as they relate the New Century Scholars Program, in particular:
Academic/Professional background (degrees, training, rank/position; national/international reputation in his/her field;
Quality of academic/professional accomplishments as demonstrated through experience in the relevant field,
publications, grants, other academic/professional achievements;
Merits of the applicant’s Project Proposal including the international visit, and its feasibility of creating solutions to
the global challenges of higher education in the 21st Century;
Potential for the applicant to contribute to a high-level interdisciplinary, cross-cultural discussion of the NCS theme
and to collaborate on an international level;
Ability of the applicant to carry out the project.
Application Checklist
A correctly prepared application package facilitates the review process and increases the applicant’s chance for an award. It is
the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that the application is complete before submitting it to the Binational Fulbright
Commission in Egypt.
All applicants must complete and submit the following items:
Application cover page
Proposal abstract
Justification for international research visit
Tailored Curriculum Vitae
Two reference forms along with the recommendation letters
A letter of invitation from host institution
Copy of Ph.D. certificate or terminal degree in a relevant field
One passport size photo
The complete application form, including all attachments, must be
submitted in five complete sets (original plus four copies)