Poster/Presentation Application Form A Celebration of Undergraduate Research April 14-18, 2009 Student’s Name I.D.# ___ _________ Student’s Major(s) _________ Semester and Year of Anticipated Graduation _________ Faculty Sponsor __ Faculty Signature _________ (Print faculty name) Title of Presentation _________ _________ _________ Type of presentation (check one): Category (check one): Poster Oral Presentation (15 minutes) Performance (Music, Theatre) Show (including film) Reading (poetry or creative writing) Business Education Nursing & Health Sciences DEADLINE: MARCH 13 1. Submit hard copy of this form to Alumni Hall 204 2. Email abstract for poster or oral presentation to Arts & Humanities Natural Sciences Social Sciences If you are participating in the POSTER SESSION, read the attached statement of procedures and sign here if you agree to follow those procedures: _____________________________________________ Student Signature ________________________________ Date NOTE: We will communicate with you by campus email. Please check your email daily. Undergraduate Research Poster Session 2009 Opening Reception: April 14, 5:00-7:00 PM in Frazier Hall Posters remain on display through April 15 1. Write an abstract of your project, suitable for a non-technical audience, (maximum of 250 words) to be included in the Poster Session program. 2. E-mail the abstract to the Dean’s Secretary copied to your faculty advisor by March 13. If you do not have en electronic abstract on file that your advisor has approved you will not be listed with your group in the hard copy program guests will receive. If you miss the deadline you may perhaps approach your advisor to allow your work into the poster session, but your work will be displayed on easels apart from your group in a section following the other participants. Guests will be reading from the program the participants’ abstracts, and the order must match the printed program. Because your advisor will have to contact the Dean to see if easels and boards are still available, we cannot guarantee there will be extra spots for all late entries. 3. Check Option 1 or Option 2 or COMM 400 for your foam board (40 x 60 inches): Option 1: Pay $10 for a new board and keep your board when the poster session is over. The boards will be on display through April 15. Between 5 pm on April 15 and 2:00 pm on the 16th you should remove your board and display from Frazier Hall. If you do not remove your board from Frazier Hall by 2:00 pm on April 16, and because Facilities has events scheduled in Frazier Hall, we will have to remove the board and dispose of the materials. Thus foam boards left behind will be recycled into the following year’s Undergraduate Research Celebration. Option 2: Pay a $5 deposit to rent a used board. The boards will be on display through April 15. Between 5 pm on April 15 and 2:00 pm on the 16th you should remove your display from Frazier Hall. If you do not remove your display from Frazier Hall by 2:00 pm on April 16, and because Facilities has events scheduled in Frazier Hall, we will have to remove the board and dispose of the materials. The board should be returned to the Arts and Sciences Dean’s office (AL201) no later than April 20th at 5:00 pm. If you meet the deadline and conditions for returning the board, your $5 will be refunded to you. If you do not return the board it is yours to keep and might make a nice display for a family graduation party perhaps. Check here if you are in Dr. Henson’s COMM 400 course. Your class fee included this $10 and you have already paid for the board. The boards will be on display through April 15. Between 5 pm on April 15 and 2:00 pm on the 16th you should remove your board and display from Frazier Hall. If you do not remove your board from Frazier Hall by 2:00 pm on April 16, and because Facilities has events scheduled in Frazier Hall, we will have to remove the board and dispose of the materials. Thus foam boards left behind will be recycled into the following year’s Undergraduate Research Celebration. 4. Attend the opening reception from 5-7 pm on April 14 and be available during the two-hour period to answer questions about your poster. Dress in business casual attire. 5. Remember, posters stay on display through April 15. Remove your foam board from Frazier Hall by 2:00 pm on April 16.