SALLIE B HOWARD SCHOOL Science – Grade K Instructional Guide TIME FRAME: FIRST GRADING PERIOD SCOS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES COMPETENCY GOAL 2: The learner will make observations and build an understanding of weather concepts. 2.01 Observe and report daily weather changes throughout the year. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, BENCHMARKS, AND SKILLS ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS Investigable Questions: 1. Does the amount of salt have an effect on how fast ice will melt? 2. What affect does temperature have on the type of participation we get? 3. What affect does the weather have on what we wear? 4. How does the change in force and direction of the wind affect objects? Essential Questions: How does weather change from day to day? units/elementary/ Benchmarks: Students will be able to describe weather changes from one day to the next. Activities: 1. Look outside and tell the weather conditions each day (cloudy, sunny, rainy) 2. Record data on a chart, table, or graph 3. Compare weather conditions today to previously recorded conditions 4. Tally the number of days for each type of weather. Vocabulary: weather, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, 2.02 Identify different weather features including: Precipitation. Wind. Temperature. Cloud cover. Essential Questions: What are the characteristics of different Activities: 1. Identify the current type of weather. weather features? 2. Describe the characteristics of the current season. Benchmarks: 3. Predict changes as new seasons approach with Students will be able to identify drawings precipitation, wind temperature, and 4. Introduce the concept of a rain gauge and cloud cover. 1 thermometer (4.02) 5. Include daily weather symbol in journal pages Vocabulary: cloudy, windy, sunny, rainy, snowy, temperature, hot, warm, cool, cold, thermometer, rain gauge 2.03 Identify types of precipitation, changes in wind, force, direction and sky conditions. Essential Questions: What are the different types of precipitation? Benchmarks: Students will be able to name types of precipitation. COMPETENCY GOAL 3: The learner Investigable Questions: 1. What will happen to an egg in soda will make observations and build an units/elementary/ and an egg in water? understanding of the properties of 2. How many spoonfuls of water will a common objects. sponge hold before it drips? 3. Does size determine if an object will sink or float? 4. Will a golf ball bounce higher on a hard or soft surface? 3.02 Develop and use a vocabulary Essential Questions: associated with the properties of How can objects be described using the Activities: materials: 1. Describe and sort various objects using their five senses? Color. senses Size. 2. Identify objects by color Benchmarks: Shape. 3. Identify objects by size Students will describe and sort objects Texture. 4. Identify objects by shape using their five senses. 3.03 Describe how objects look, feel, 5. Identify objects by texture smell, taste, and sound using their own 6. Create sensory stations for students to rotate senses. through to examine objects by sight, smell, 3.04 Observe that objects can be described taste, sound, feel 2 and sorted by their properties 7. Given properties of an object predict what the object is (mystery in a bag) 8. Identify the five senses and correctly match to the appropriate body part 9. Identify which sense would be used to describe a particular object 10. Chose an object and write a description of the object using the five senses 11. Sort various objects by their properties 2.03-H Recognize and describe the meanings of traffic signs and signals. Vocabulary: sight, sound, hearing, smell, odor, taste, sweet, sour, salty COMPETENCY GOAL 4: The learner will use appropriate tools and measurements to increase their ability to describe their world. 4.02 Observe and describe how various tools and units of measure are useful: Scissors. Pencils. Crayons. Paper clips. Hammers. Investigable Questions: 1. Who is the tallest person in our room? 2. Using units of non conventional measurement, who has the longest foot? Essential Questions: How are tools useful? What are the uses of various tools? Benchmarks: Students will use tools properly. Students will be able to match tools with their use. units/elementary/ Activities: 1. Practice using various tools 2. Match tools with their uses 3. Describe tools used in the classroom and their function 4. Use paperclips and crayons for nonstandard measurement 5. Model how to perform different task without using these tools to show their usefulness Vocabulary: scissors, pencils, crayons, paperclips, hammers, tools, measure, useful TIME FRAME: SECOND GRADING PERIOD SCOS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, BENCHMARKS, AND ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, PROJECTS, 3 COMPETENCY GOAL 1: The learner will make observations and build an understanding of similarities and differences in animals. 1.02 Observe how animals interact with their surroundings. SKILLS CONNECTIONS Investigable Questions: 1. What effect does the placement of seed in the feeder have on the birds? 2. How does the behavior of the goldfish change if new objects are placed in its bowl? 3. What is the behavior of a worm when it is placed on the surface of a container of soil? Essential Questions: How do an animal’s surroundings affect its behavior? Does an animal’s behavior change if you change its surroundings? Benchmarks: /units/elementary/ Activities: 1. Identify animals living environments as land, air, water 2. Show and tell pet day 3. Sort animals by their habitats 4. Describe and compare various animals living in the same habitat 5. Go on a nature walk and observe animals in your local community. 6. Observe interactions between animals and their surroundings (food, shelter, and protective skills) 7. Animal matching of animal to habitats Vocabulary: habitat, shelter, interact, environment, surroundings, protection 1.03 Observe the behaviors of several common animals. Essential Questions: What are some of the behaviors of animals seen in our school yard? Benchmarks: Activities: 1. Observe and discuss behaviors of animals maintained in the classroom (fish, crayfish, butterflies, tadpoles) 2. Identify basic behaviors of animals from your environment (eating, sleeping, movement) 3. Sort animals behaviors by one attribute 4 4. Write one sentence and illustrate to tell about a particular animal behavior Vocabulary: animal behaviors, hibernation, movement 1.04 Demonstrate how to care for a variety of animals. 2.02-H Demonstrate proper technique for brushing teeth and summarize reasons for not sharing a toothbrush. 4.03-H Identify foods and beverages that are healthy choices for teeth and bones. Essential Questions: What are the needs of the animals in our classroom / home? Benchmarks: Students will describe how to care for animals. Activities: 1. List needs of classroom pets 2. List needs of home pets 3. Compare the needs of home and classroom pets 4. Identify different types of foods that pets eat 5. Demonstrate proper care for a classroom pet through role playing 6. Illustrate and write a sentence to tell how you care for your pet at home. 7. Share weekend responsibilities of caring for a class pet Vocabulary: shelter COMPETENCY GOAL 2: The learner will make observations and build an understanding of weather concepts. Investigable Questions: 1. Does the amount of salt have /units/elementary/ an effect on how fast ice will melt? 2. What affect does temperature have on the type of participation we get? 3. What affect does the weather have on what we wear? 4. How does the change in force and direction of the wind affect objects? 5 2.04 Observe and determine the effects of weather on human activities. Essential Questions: How does weather affect what we do? What affect does the weather have on what we wear? Benchmarks: Students will be able to match appropriate activities depending on the weather conditions. Students will be able to sort clothing to the weather condition. Activities: 1. Identify human activities for current season using pictures 2. Describe and classify activities according to weather conditions (rainy, windy, snowy) 3. Students match appropriate clothing to the current season 4. Create and appropriately dress figures for the season. 5. Create collage of pictures from magazines that illustrate the current season 6. Draw an outdoor scene with appropriate actions to illustrate the current season 7. Identify human activities for current season using pictures 8. Describe and classify activities according to weather conditions (rainy, windy, snowy) 9. Students match appropriate clothing to the current season 10. Create and appropriately dress figures for the season. 11. Create collage of pictures from magazines that illustrate the current season 12. Draw an outdoor scene with appropriate actions to illustrate the current season Vocabulary: winter 1. Vocabulary: autumn, fall COMPETENCY GOAL 3: The learner will make observations and build an understanding of the properties of common objects. Investigable Questions: 1. What will happen to an egg in soda and an egg in water? 2. How many spoonfuls of water will a 6 sponge hold before it drips? 3. Does size determine if an object will sink or float? 4. Will a golf ball bounce higher on a hard or soft surface? 3.01 Observe and describe the properties Essential Questions: of different kinds of objects (clay, wood, What are the properties of various cloth, paper, other) and how they are used. objects? What are some of the uses of various objects? Benchmarks: Students will be able to give the physical properties of various objects. Students will be able to give uses for various objects. COMPETENCY GOAL 4: The learner will use appropriate tools and measurements to increase their ability to describe their world. 4.03 Use nonstandard units of measure to describe and compare objects. Investigable Questions: 1. Who is the tallest person in our room? 2. Using units of non conventional measurement, who has the longest foot? Essential Questions: How can objects be compared and described using nonstandard units of measurement? Benchmarks: Students will compare objects using nonstandard units of measure. Activities: 1. List various properties of different objects (size, color, shape, texture) 2. List uses for various objects 3. Compare two objects by a particular property. 4. Describe objects in terms of the materials they are made of (clay, metal, cloth, paper, etc.) 5. Sort a group of objects based on a particular property Vocabulary: texture, color, size, large, medium, small, rough. smooth, shape /units/elementary/ Activities: 1. Compare various objects using nonstandard units of measure 2. Take and record various objects 3. Use a nonstandard unit of measure to measure two or more objects and tell how they compare to each other 4. Identify various nonstandard units for length, weight, and capacity 5. Predict nonstandard measurements of various objects 7 Vocabulary: nonstandard units of measure, compare TIME FRAME: THIRD GRADING PERIOD SCOS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES COMPETENCY GOAL 1: The learner will make observations and build an understanding of similarities and differences in animals. 1.01 Observe and describe the similarities and differences among animals including: Structure. Growth. Changes. Movement. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, BENCHMARKS, AND SKILLS ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS Investigable Questions: 1. What effect does the placement of seed in the feeder have on the birds? 2. How does the behavior of the goldfish change if new objects are placed in its bowl? 3. What is the behavior of a worm when it is placed on the surface of a container of soil? Essential Questions: How can animals be grouped? units/elementary/ Benchmarks: Students will be able to group by similarities and differences. Activities: 1. Identify major structures of animals (head, body, wings, legs, etc.) 2. Observe and sort animals by one attribute 3. Create circle maps about various animals to include body type, movement, changes, and characteristics 4. Make clay animals with appropriate body structure 5. Go on a nature hunt and identify animals that are similar 6. Class pet observation 7. Observe, describe, and sequence how animals grow and change 8. Tell how animals are alike and different 9. Compare two animals using structure, movement, growth and changes Vocabulary: fly, walk, jump, similar, different, growth, change, movement, structure, antennae, wings 8 COMPETENCY GOAL 2: The learner will make observations and build an understanding of weather concepts. 2.03 Identify types of precipitation, changes in wind, force, direction and sky conditions. COMPETENCY GOAL 4: The learner will use appropriate tools and measurements to increase their ability to describe their world. 4.01 Describe how tools can be used to make comparisons. Investigable Questions: 1. Does the amount of salt have an effect on how fast ice will melt? 2. What affect does temperature have on the type of participation we get? 3. What affect does the weather have on what we wear? 4. How does the change in force and direction of the wind affect objects? Essential Questions: How does the change in force and direction of the wind affect objects? How does the sky change with different weather conditions? Benchmarks: The students will be able to determine the direction on the wind using a wind sock. Students will be able to show the changes in sky conditions over a period of time. Investigable Questions: 1. Who is the tallest person in our room? 2. Using units of non conventional measurement, who has the longest foot? Essential Questions: What tools would be used to measure long objects? Short objects? units/elementary/ Activities: 1. Identify different types of precipitation 2. Identify changes in the wind 3. Identify wind direction and the degree of force 4. Record a daily log of types of precipitation and wind direction 5. Match types of precipitation with the correct season in which it typically appears Vocabulary: rain, sleet, snow, thunderstorm, tornado, hurricanes units/elementary/ Activities: 1. Select the best tools to measure particular 9 How can we use tools to measure objects of different size? Benchmarks: Students will be able to select the best tool for measuring different objects. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. objects Identify tools used at home and school List the ways in which you can use tools to make comparisons Demonstrate how tools can be used as a nonstandard unit to make comparisons Use simple tools as nonstandard units Make comparisons between various objects by using nonstandard units Use a tool and compare how it effects different objects (scissors cut paper, but not wood) Vocabulary: nonstandard units, measure TIME FRAME: FOURTH GRADING PERIOD SCOS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, BENCHMARKS, AND SKILLS 4.04 Demonstrate the use of standard units Essential Questions: of measure and compare with nonstandard How can objects be compared and units of measure. (Teacher demonstration) described using standard units of measurement? Benchmarks: ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS Activities: 1. After watching the teacher measure the same object with several nonstandard units of measure and a standard unit of measure, tell how the standard unit is more consistent 2. Determine appropriate tools needed to measure length, weight, and capacity 3. Predict and measure various objects Vocabulary: standard units of measure 4.05 Demonstrate that standard units of measure produce more consistent results than nonstandard units, allowing information to be shared.(Teacher Essential Questions: Do standard units of measurement produce more consistent results than nonstandard units of measure? Activities: 1. After watching the teacher measure the same object with several nonstandard units of 10 demonstration) Benchmarks: Students will compare objects using standard and nonstandard units of measure. measure and a standard unit of measure, compare the process and results 2. Recognize standard units of measure 3. Describe which unit of measure is more dependable in accurately measuring objects 4. Measure objects with nonstandard and standard units and compare them to see the usefulness of standard units Vocabulary: accuracy, consistency COMPETENCY GOAL 1: The learner will make observations and build an understanding of similarities and differences in animals. 1.05 Observe the similarities of humans to other animals including: Basic needs. Growth and change. Movement. 6.01-H Demonstrate non-locomotor movements using different parts of the body. 6.02-H Demonstrate a variety of beginner locomotor and combination skills in a movement pattern. 6.04-H Demonstrate rolling movements. 7.01-H Identify fundamental movement patterns. Investigable Questions: 1. What effect does the placement of seed in the feeder have on the birds? 2. How does the behavior of the goldfish change if new objects are placed in its bowl? 3. What is the behavior of a worm when it is placed on the surface of a container of soil? Essential Questions: How are our basic needs similar to other animals? How does our growth compare to other animals? Is the way we move the same as other animals? Benchmarks: Students will be able to describe the basic needs that are the same between humans and other animals. Students will be able to compare how we move with other animals. /units/elementary/ Activities: 1. Compare the basic needs of animals and humans (food, water, shelter) 2. Observe human baby pictures and human adult pictures 3. Observe various baby animal pictures and various adult animal pictures 4. Compare the movement of animals and humans 5. Chart the growth of various animals and compare it to the growth of humans. 6. Using venn diagrams, compare how we move and how other animals can move 11 7. After seeing how various animals grow and change, tell how this is similar and/or different from humans 8. Sequence the growth pattern of animals and of humans over time Vocabulary: growth, change, movement Vocabulary: changes, metamorphosis COMPETENCY GOAL 2: The learner will make observations and build an understanding of weather concepts. 2.05 Use common tools to measure weather. Investigable Questions: 1. Does the amount of salt have an effect on how fast ice will melt? 2. What affect does temperature have on the type of participation we get? 3. What affect does the weather have on what we wear? 4. How does the change in force and direction of the wind affect objects? Essential Questions: What kinds of tools are used to measure the weather? Benchmarks: Students will be able to name the tool used to measure the various aspects of weather. Students will be able to make various weather measurement tools. Students will be able to use various weather tools. /units/elementary/ Activities: 1. Identify tools to measure weather: pinwheels, weather vanes, wind socks, rain gauges, thermometers 2. Describe the function of these tools 3. Make simple measurement tools: rain gauges from drink bottles, wind socks and pinwheels from paper 4. Measure and record weather conditions each day using thermometers, rain gauges, wind vanes 5. Include in your daily journal entries a report of the weather Vocabulary: thermometer, rain gauge, wind vane 12 COMPETENCY GOAL 3: The learner will make observations and build an understanding of the properties of common objects. 3.05 Identify some common objects and organisms that are considered to be natural resources in our world. Investigable Questions: 1. What will happen to an egg in soda and an egg in water? 2. How many spoonfuls of water will a sponge hold before it drips? 3. Does size determine if an object will sink or float? 4. Will a golf ball bounce higher on a hard or soft surface? Essential Questions: What makes something a natural resource? What are some of our natural resources? Benchmarks: Students will be able to name common natural resources. /units/elementary/ Activities: 1. Name common natural resources such as water, air, land, plant 2. Identify the purpose of natural resources Water for drinking, washing, cooking, swimming Air for breathing, flying kites, air conditioning Land for animals, growing plants Plants for eating, wood, decoration 3. Sort natural resources and man made resources Vocabulary: natural resources, man made resources 13 Internet Sites: (search for different themes or vocabulary terms) 14