Flyer Egypten 291

Please apply to:
Dom Spotkan im. Angelusa Silesiusa
Ms. Anna Kudarewska
Ul. W. Stysia 16a, 53-526 Wroclaw, Poland
Phone: +48 71 338 07 93;
Fax: +48 71 793 94 68
Tel.kom. +48 722 110 607 ;
Cooperation partners and sponsors
Germany: Gustav Stresemann Institute, Bad
Bevensen is an independent center for democracy and tolerance education. Dialogue and diversity are major tasks of its training programs. Located in Northern Germany GSI cooperates with local, national and international networks.
Poland: Angelus Silesius House in Wroclaw is
a nongovernmental, educational institution founded by Jesuits. Its activities include international
youth meetings, voluntary services and youth
seminars supporting active citizenship.
Lithuania: the Vilnius University Students
Representation (VUSA) has a general focus on
students’ activities and representation. This
includes international exchange programs with EU
member states, Baltic States, and Scandinavia.
Egypt: St. Mena Forum for Peace and Development in Beni Suef is a center of the Coptic
Church. It engages in peace building programs,
leadership training for youth workers, and
supports the construction of civil society.
Jordan: Debate Foundation, Amman, works on
spreading the culture of dialogue and debate in
the community, enhancing the acceptance of
other’s opinions. Its methods include interactive
meetings, simulation, and social media.
Tunisia: The Club Culturel Ali Belhouane
Tunis is a non-government organization running
cultural programs and projects with young people.
It supports them in engaging in intercultural
dialogue and building up civil society as part of a
better future.
Application deadline: September 19, 2014
Travel directions:
Bad Bevensen is located on B 4 between Lüneburg
and Uelzen and a train stop on the route HannoverHamburg. Closest airports are Hamburg and Berlin.
Our seminar center is located in Medingen (a district
of Bad Bevensen) directly neighboring the monastery
on the banks of the Ilmenau River. Walking distance
from train station: 20 minutes. You can order a taxi on
(05821) 3012 or 1010.
This project is sponsored by
Power, peace and politics
in Europe and the Arab World
Seminar for activists of civil society
from Germany, Poland, Lithuania,
Egypt, Jordan and Tunisia.
Bad Bevensen and Berlin
19th – 29th October, 2014
The Idea
The revolutions took place: in Northern Africa, in the
Middle East; also in Europe, just longer ago. Did they
succeed? Did they, after all, provide the way for a
democratic change? Did they help to establish stabile
democracies? Did they create the world its protagonist had been dreaming of? And what is left to do? We
will find answers to those questions with groups from
Germany, Poland and Lithuania, from Egypt, Tunisia
and Jordan. No doubt, answers to those questions will
be different depending on the country; and depending
on the region. European activists worked on different
scenes and faced different challenges compared to
their counterparts in the Arab world. But all of them
struggled for democratic change.
In this project we will share our stories of political involvement; we will compare our different approaches
strengthening civil society; we will learn from each
other, what is important to have an impact on politics;
we will encourage each other to continue on this path.
Time witnesses and project leaders will motivate us
with their experiences; visits to institutions of civil society will help us identify the structures we need to be
efficient; simulation games will support us in taking
over responsibility; the international setting will inspire
us how to take the next steps in democratic capacity
building and empowerment. After all: It is our world
that we want to make more livable.
Topics of the seminar program
Politics and biography: personal approaches on
becoming active citizens
The stony path to democracy: how people established changes & achieved stability (perspectives from Europe and the Arab world)
democracy has many faces. How to combine
historic roots and cultural characteristics to a political structure
politics and daily life: institutions of civil society
(with visits to projects in the area)
making democracy work: rules of dialogue and
interaction within the seminar
tolerance and integration: handling the challenge
of diversity
reconciliation with the past: sharing historic narratives from different countries
youth going politics: talk with a government representative in the Federal Foreign Office
human rights in cultural contexts: a challenging
debate between universal aspiration and political
reality (input on human rights education)
projects for the future: transfer of experiences to
the tasks back home
Application form
Please, send application to Angelus Silesius House:
Ms. Anna Kudarewska; Fax: (+48) 71 793 94 68
Application deadline: Sept. 19th, 2014
I hereby sign up for the Seminar
19th – 29th October, 2014
Last Name:
Fist Name:
Date of Birth:
Our methods will be designed for train the trainers
needs: inspiring, intercultural and integrative.
Suggestions for further input and changes are
most welcome.
Project Design & Technical Details
costs: 50.00 € including full board in Bad Bevensen and half board in Berlin; program costs,
round-trip to Berlin and excursions
travel expense refund: 70% of travel costs to a
maximum of 180.00 €.
Target group: youth leaders and students from
Germany, Poland, Lithuania & Northern Ireland
Date of the seminar: 19th – 29th Oct., 2014
Seminar language: English
Accommodation: double rooms in Bad Bevensen, triple rooms in Berlin
Participation certificates: will be provided in
English with details on program and sponsors
the level of my English is:
 very good
 good
date, place and signature
 sufficient
 rather low