1 Unit Standard 7087 version 3 AGRICULTURAL AND HORTICULTURAL SCIENCE Analyse and evaluate relationships between market forces and a primary product. level: 3 credit: 8 final date for comment: December 2003 expiry date: December 2004 sub-field: Science purpose: People credited with this unit standard are able to: analyse the effects of market forces on the supply of a primary product; analyse the effects of market forces on the demand for a primary product; and evaluate interactions between market forces operating on a primary product and its market. entry information: Open. accreditation option: Evaluation of documentation by NZQA. moderation option: A centrally established and directed national moderation system has been set up by NZQA. special notes: 1 A primary product is the unprocessed plant or animal crop produced by the grower from the land, without any processing to change or modify its characteristics. 2 Market forces may include: quality, quantity, price, attributes, seasonality, reliability of supply. 3 A local primary product can be any product produced within the learners local region; an export primary product is one which is exported. Elements and Performance Criteria element 1 Analyse the effects of market forces on the supply of a primary product. performance criteria 1.1 The analysis identifies the market forces in terms of the supply of the primary product. 1.2 The analysis evaluates the market forces in terms of their effects on the supply of the primary product. 2 element 2 Analyse the effects of market forces on the demand for a primary product. performance criteria 2.1 The analysis identifies the market forces in terms of demand for the primary product. 2.2 The analysis evaluates the market forces in terms of their influence on demand for the primary product. element 3 Evaluate interactions between market forces operating on a primary product and its market. performance criteria 3.1 The evaluation specifies the market forces in terms of the primary product and its market. 3.2 The evaluation analyses interactions between market forces in terms of supply and demand. 3 Unit Standard 7089 version 3 AGRICULTURAL AND HORTICULTURAL SCIENCE Analyse a husbandry practice within a schedule of operations for a primary product. level: 3 credit: 5 final date for comment: December 2003 expiry date: December 2004 sub-field: Science purpose: People credited with this unit standard are able to construct a schedule of operations for a primary product, and assess a husbandry practice within a schedule of operations for a primary product. entry information: Open. accreditation option: Evaluation of documentation by NZQA. moderation option: A centrally established and directed national moderation system has been set up by NZQA. special notes: 1 A systems diagram of a schedule of operations is a structured format that links production processes with time of year. 2 Primary product attributes refers to those normally present in the generic product at harvest. 3 A schedule of operations links the husbandry practices with time, over the production cycle. 4 Husbandry practices within a schedule of operations may relate to: the environment, cultivar or breed selection, crop or livestock production technique. 5 A production technique is any husbandry activity carried out by the grower to produce the primary product. This can include practices such as pest and disease control, nutrient application or feed requirements, environmental control. 4 Elements and Performance Criteria element 1 Construct a schedule of operations for a primary product. performance criteria 1.1 The schedule of operations is presented in terms of a systems diagram. element 2 Assess a husbandry practice within a schedule of operations for a primary product. performance criteria 2.1 The assessment of the husbandry practice is in terms of its effect on the product quality or quantity. 2.2 The assessment predicts the effects of the husbandry practice in terms of maximising profits. 5 2006 AGRICULTURAL AND HORTICULTURAL SCIENCE Level Three Unit standard 7087 Analyse and evaluate relationships between market forces and a primary product. Credits: 8 And Unit standard 7089 Analyse a husbandry practice within a schedule of operations for a primary product Credits 5 “A Growing School”- Lettuce Grow Student Instructions Sheet Primary production has moved from being production driven to being market driven. Few growers would grow a product if there were little or no market demand. As a result growers will only respond to market signals which reflect consumer demand. If necessary, they will change their production practices to produce a product demanded by the consumer. This assessment requires you to research the growing of a crop, and present a written report on the marketing and the manipulations of the management practices used in the production processes to satisfy market requirements for the crop you choose. Marketing focuses on the market forces, while the production processes involve all aspects of production from site selection and establishment until the crop leaves the grower’s control. You will need to include the calendar of operations and the management practices needed to produce the crop with the attributes required by your selected market opportunity. Specific learning outcomes: At the end of this project each student should have: 1. Chosen a suitable crop which can be monitored while at school through the decision making process 2. Completed a market survey on the consumers who are most likely to buy the crop and consumer preferences/requirements. 3. Selected one suitable market opportunity and establish its requirements. 4. Researched the market forces (supply and demand) that affect the marketability of the crop locally and in New Zealand 6 5. Produced a detailed production plan and time line which can be followed to meet market demand for the market opportunity selected. 6. Manipulated the management practices to produce a marketable product for the selected market opportunity 7. Followed the production plan and monitored the crop in a growers situation. 8. Marketed the crop. 9. Recorded and evaluated the enterprise in an annual report. 10. Listed a detailed list of references. Products which are suitable for this project could include: Lettuces Cabbages Tomatoes Potatoes In making your choice of crop, consider your interests, time available to research the product, availability of resources and access to commercial growers. Check with your teacher before making a final choice. The research project report will be due WEEK 1 Term 3. You will be given 2 -3 periods each week for approximately 10 weeks, in addition to your independent study to work on this assessment task. To help you, an outline of the research project requirements is given on the following page. Presentation: The report should be written up in your project book (1B5). If you choose to use the computer the report must be bound, no clear files will be accepted Each section of the report should be presented on a separate page or pages Diagrams, photos, tables and graphs should be used where appropriate Outline of the research project The times given are an indication only of in class time and additional independent research time is required. Some Tasks could be carried out at the same time. All the project details are to be recorded and handed in for marking in a 1B5 exercise book. Task 1: A. The product (approximately 7 hours) Select a crop to research and supply to one market opportunity The product should be: 7 Construct a detailed decision tree of how you arrived at your choice. The tree should show that you considered at least two crops and the reasons for your choice. Check with your teacher to get information on local growers and resources available, as well as recent grower publications, to make sure the crop chosen will cover all of the research project requirements. B. Meeting the Market Requirements. Research requirements of the chosen market opportunity for your animal product and the requirements for the product produced on a commercial scale. You need to 1. Identify the chosen market opportunity 2. Identify a commercial outlet which sells the product (This may be done by email or visiting the outlet) 3. Explain in detail the market requirements for these markets such as what attributes they want, why they demand these attributes preferred quantities and timing of supply, etc. Where possible the attributes should be quantified and units included. To gather this information you will need to: Design and carry out a simple market survey to establish the requirements of each the market opportunity: That there is a market for your chosen product The characteristics of the consumers who will buy the product ( restaurants, households, supermarkets) The attributes (sellable characteristics ) the potential consumers prefer ( size, colour, flavour, variety etc.) The quantity you will need to grow to supply the market. This may also include the quantity of different varieties that may be required. When the consumers would prefer to be supplied with the product The size and quality the consumers are looking for The price range that the consumer is looking for Repeat this survey with reference to commercial production Refer to Appendix 0ne : “How to carry out market research” MILESTONE MARKING DATE FOR STEPS ONE AND TWO WILL BE __________________ 8 Task 2: Planning the production process (approximately 4 hours) Explain, in detail, the production process used to grow your crop. It will be necessary to produce a flow chart showing the stages in the production process from site selection and establishment until the crop leaves the your control and the management practices involved in each stage. Outline the management practices involved at each stage of the production process. Explain, in detail, how ONE management practice used in the production process affects your product so that it meets the requirements of the selected market opportunity. For example – what attributes they want, why they demand these attributes preferred quantities and timing of supply, etc. Develop a calendar of operations for the market opportunity. (Refer to the appendix for layout guidelines –electronic format is available) MILESTONE MARKING DATE FOR STEP THREE WILL BE ________________________________________________ Task 3: Crop production Following the planned production process and calendar of operations to grow and market the product. This part of the project should be completed by the ________________________________________________ 7089 E1.1 7089 E2.1 7089 E2.2 9 Task 4: Market forces (approximately 10 hours work) 1. Establish which ONE market opportunity you have chosen to supply. Market Opportunity: ________________________________________ Market Forces: List some market forces that affect your chosen product related to supply and demand for the market opportunity listed above. SUPPLY Demand 3. Out of this list Choose FOUR market forces: TWO for supply and TWO for demand which affect the supply and demand for your specific product. Explain how these factors influence supply and demand of your product focusing on the commercial aspects. Complete: the one summary sheet for a commercial opportunity by visiting/contacting a market, grower or outlet that supplies the product. Use the format provided in Appendix 3 - electronic copy available It will be useful to collect articles, information and relevant annual data that illustrate the market forces influence on the supply or demand to use as resources in writing your report. MILESTONE MARKING DATE FOR STEP FIVE _____________________________________________ 7087 E 1.1 7087 E 1.2 7087 E 2.1 7087 E 2.2 10 Task 5: Evaluate the interactions between the market forces operating on your primary product and its chosen market.(approximately 5 hours) (Refer to appendix three for format which is available electronically) Presentation: The report should be written up in your project book (1B5). If you choose to use the computer the report must be bound, no clear files will be accepted Each section of the report should be presented on a separate page or pages Diagrams, photos, tables and graphs should be used where appropriate Report Order: 1. Introduction Explain: Characteristics of the crop related to the chosen market. Photo/diagrams/photocopies/computer images of varieties 2. Requirements of the market opportunity Explain, compare and contrast the requirements of each opportunity. This should include: Consumer type Preferred attributes Venue Time and seasonality Quality required Quantity supplied 3. Summary of financial returns This information can be used as data in your explanations and justification. This should include: Statement of fixed and variable costs Yield per unit area A brief gross margin analysis The economic efficiency of supplying the two different opportunities 4. Summarise the factors impacting on supply and demand. This will be a brief summary from your discussion in task 5. 5. Explanation of management practices Explain in detail the management practices used to meet the attributes, quantity quality, timing and price requirements of the market opportunity. 6. Manipulation of management practices used Explain how THREE management practices within the production process were manipulated to produce a product to meet the market requirements. Use data and information gathered from tasks 1 – 4 and points 1 -6 of this task. 11 7. References List any of the following used in research: Personal contacts Books magazines, papers, magazines etc Website addresses The evaluation and justification must use data and information gathered during the project to provide the DEPTH of answers required. Where possible several examples should be given to provide the BREADTH required. PROJECT COMPLETION DATE _______________________________________________________ (note this date is final for assessment purposes) 3.1 3.2 . 12 TIMELINE FOR THE RESEARCH PROJECT: US 7087 / 7089 Term 2: Crop choice Term 2: Due date Market research Tick on completion Step 1 Step 2 Market requirements established Term 2: Due date The production process 7089 Element 1 Step 3 Term 2 Due date Crop production and marketing 7089 Element 2 Market forces research 7087 Element 1 7087 Element 2 Research project due Monday 7087 Element 3 Step 4 Term 2: Due date Term 2 Final due Date Step 5 Step 6 CHECKLIST FOR THE REPORT The written report should include: Title page and introduction A contents page with sub-headings for each new section of work Requirements of the two market opportunities Budget and relative returns for animal product grown Summary of factors impacting on supply and demand US 7087 Explanation of management practices US 7089 Manipulation of management practices used US 7089 A bibliography listing all your sources of information with the date you accessed and used the resource. An appendix containing supporting evidence such as raw data signed authenticity statement The report is due on ____________________________ and must include the information you collected as part of the research. 13 APPENDIX ONE HOW TO CARRY OUT MARKET RESEARCH Market research is used to: Establish the market potential of a product – the feasibility of selling the product i.e. is there a market for the product? Investigate the consumer preference for various attributes of a product through product research Discover the market segment which is likely to buy the product i.e. who in the community is most likely to buy the product, their spending power and lifestyle Types of market opportunities available e.g. fancy lettuces, iceberg, mescalun, etc It is essential to complete market research: To monitor changes in market preference for an existing product The results of the market research may: 1. Encourage a grower to grow a new type of crop because a potential market has been isolated and it looks financially viable 2. Discourage a grower from producing a new type of product because a potential market has not been isolated and it does not look financially viable 3. Provide the grower with information about the preferred attributes of the product and those which the consumer does not want. This may impact on the grower by helping make the choice of varieties with the preferred attributes and avoiding those with the less popular attributes 4. Allow the grower to time the production of the product so that it will be on the market when there is high demand 5. Ensure that the grower budgets to produce the product so that it can be sold at a price which suits the market segment 14 Steps to follow when conducting market research 1. Decide how the consumer will be approached – this generally involves some type of survey e.g. orally – interview or by phone or written response – through a questionnaire 2. Plan and design the survey carefully: (Use the check list to ensure your survey will provide the information you need) List what information you wish to learn from the survey Using this information write out a series of questions which should give you the answers you want. Aim the level of the questions at the type of consumer you are surveying ( e.g. very simple for younger consumers) Only ask a few clear questions ( Four or five will give you most of the information you need) Design a response format which is easy to record and analyse e.g. a choice of three options with a “tick the box” response When designing a questionnaire generally only cover the maximum of one side of A4 paper. Make the questionnaire look attractive with relevant pictures or cartoons 3. Conduct the survey using a minimum sample of ten consumers. These consumers should be potential buyers of the product. They should also span a range of potential market opportunities e.g. staff, students, parents, general public. 4. Analyse the results of the survey. The information should be averaged and summarised in such a way that it can be used by the grower to plan the production of the crop, or, change the crop so that it better suits the market. Tables and graphs should be used where appropriate. 5. Present a report evaluating the analysis and summary. This should include advice to the grower on how the information could be used in planning crop production and marketing. Detail should be given including: Varieties preferred Volumes of different varieties required to be grown Quality (Attributes, consistency, uniformity, presentation) required When the product should be ready for sale All the statements in the evaluation should be justified using detailed information (values where possible) gathered in the survey. 15 Survey Check list Introduction: Explanation for the survey to potential consumer Name of product Varieties available: Photocopied pictures or digital photos may help Potential end uses: (at least 2) Potential points of sale: (at least 2) Timing: When the consumers for each opportunity would prefer the crop to be ready Quality : Size and presentation of product preferred by each opportunity Quantity: Number of units each consumer envisages buying Acceptable price range: The price the consumers are willing to pay for the size and presentation selected APPENDIX TWO Presentation of flow diagram SITE SELECTION Choice of: Environment choice of : method irrigation pest and disease control PROPAGATION HUSBANDRY pest and disease control choice of: base fertiliser timing HARVEST method Procedure and presentation for the calendar of operations: 1. Develop a time line showing the sequence of production activities of your crop product. This should : 16 Span the intended period of production in months start at site selection and conclude at where the product leaves your control (harvest/sale) show the periods when each activity is at its peak Method of drawing up a calendar of operations: 1. Make a list of the major management practices required in crop production 2. Note: (a) How long each practice takes ( I week/1 monthe/1 day etc.) (b) The time each practice begins and ends 3. List practices on the left hand side , with weeks/ months etc across the top 4. Using the information gathered in 1 – fill in the practices in order 5. Using the information gathered in 2 – fill in the time bars. e.g. Management practice (examples) july A u g Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar April May Key management practice selected for detailed investigation. __________________________________________________________ APPENDIX THREE Task 4: Market forces Market forces Supply Factor One: Factor Two: Demand Market Opportunity : June 17 Factor One: Factor Two: 18 APPENDIX FOUR TASK FIVE: Explanation and justification of management practices used in the production process. 1. Introduction: Describe the characteristics of the product and those specific to the varieties grown include photo/diagrams/photocopies/computer images ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 19 2. Requirements of the market opportunity: Explain the requirements of the market opportunity supplied including: ( use the information gained from your survey) a. Consumer type b. Preferred attributes c. Venue d. Time and seasonality e. Quality required f. Quantity supplied ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 20 3. Summary of financial returns: a. b. c. d. Statement of fixed and variable costs Yield per unit area A brief gross margin analysis The economic efficiency ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 21 4. Summarise the market forces impacting on supply and demand: Include your sheet of the commercial production of the product (US 7087) ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 22 4. Explanation of management practices: Explain in detail the management practices used to produce the product. ( insert task 3) (US7089) 5. Manipulation of management practices used: Choose THREE management practices which were manipulated to meet at least TWO of these requirements of the market opportunity: a. Preferred attributes b. Time and seasonality c. Quality required d. Quantity supplied USE VALUES AND OBSERVATIONS GAINED FROM THE PREVIOUS TASKS TO PROVIDE DETAIL Management practice One : ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 23 ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Management practice Two : ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 24 Management practice Three : ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 25 6. References: List names of personal contacts, magazines, papers, books or website addresses used in this research. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________