HIGH PURITY DISTILLATION COLUMN: SIMULATION AND OPTIMIZATION Isuru A. Udugama, Rob Kirkpatrick, Wei Yu* and Brent R. Young Chemical & Materials Engineering, The Faculty of Engineering, The University of Auckland, New Zealand *Email: w.yu@auckland.ac.nz Abstract— Distillation columns with a high-purity product (down to 7 ppm) have been studied. A steady state model is developed using a commercial process simulator. The model is validated against industrial data. Based on the model, three major optimal operational changes are identified. These are, lowering the location of the feed & side draw streams, increasing the pressure at the top of the distillation column and changing the configuration of the products draw. It is estimated that these three changes will increase the throughput of each column by ~5%. The validated model is also used to quantify the effects on key internal column parameters such as the flooding factor, in the event of significant changes to product purity and throughput. Keywords- high-purity distillation columns; steady state model, operating condition optimization I. INTRODUCTION Distillation is the dominant process for separating large multicomponent streams into high purity products. In the refining and chemical industries it consumes approximately 40% of the total energy used for operating the plant [1]. Optimization will be an efficient way to improve the energy efficiency and product quality. Optimization of distillation columns is not a straightforward process. Firstly, columns come in a variety of configurations with different operating objectives. These differences cause distinct dynamic behaviors and different operational degrees of freedom. This situation becomes more complex when the product purity is regulated down to the 10~1000 parts-permillion (ppm) range due to the complex dynamics and nonliner behavior. This highly nonlinear behavior as reported in [2-3] will bring a great challenge for control and optimization. Thirdly, column operations normally exhibit significant interactions within the control loops (i.e composition control loops) and have numerous constraints. Finally, disturbances from up-streams or utilities may result in difficulties in obtaining and/or maintaining the optimized conditions. The economic optimization of a distillation column involves the selection of the number of trays and feed location, as well as the operating conditions to minimize the total investment and operating cost. Continuous decisions are related to the operating conditions and energy involved in the separation, while discrete decisions are related to the total number of trays and the tray positions of each feed and product streams. If we can build a reliable model, it may be possible to quantify the differences in total cost and energy consumption in order to facilitate optimal design. As the number of components increase, the number of possible alternatives can be enormous and the selection of the correct sequence becomes a major challenge. Many researchers have proposed several techniques to address the optimization of the distillation column with high purity products. From a control perspective, nonlinear controllers were designed so that the distillation could be regulated with disturbances [4-6]. The dynamic and controllability of highpurity distillation columns was studied in [7]. Optimal distillation feed design for general distillation column was proposed in [8]. Optimal energy usage and energy efficiency of distillation columns were discussed in [9-10] and the optimal design of distillation columns was addressed in [11]. This paper considers the operating conditions optimization of a high purity distillation column. A comprehensive model of a high-purity distillation column for producing high purity ethanol was built using HYSYS, a commercial simulation software package. This model was validated against industrial data. Optimization was carried out based on the validated model. Each optimal operating condition was considered one at a time. Since the feed, top-product and side-stream draw locations were left open during the design, their position was tested to find the optimal solution. The effect of the condenser pressure was also investigated, and the optimal pressure selected based on the results of the simulation. The last factor investigated was the product specification, and the effect of reducing the purity of the top product on the potential increase in throughput. II. PROCESS DESCRIPTION Each distillation unit in the industry consists of a topping column and a refining column (as shown in Figure 1). The crude methanol, consists of methanol (80%), ethanol (150ppm Chemeca 2013, Brisbane, Australia, Setp. 29 - Oct. 2 w/w), butanol (95ppm w/w), water (20%) and other light gases, is first pumped into the topping column where the light gasses are taken off in the top stream. The bottoms stream is sent through a series of condensers and heat exchangers and then fed into an 88 tray refining column. Methanol (product) is taken at the top of the refining column with 99.99% purity, while water is taken from the bottom. Ethanol is predominantly taken at the fusel draw, located near the middle of the column. The product flow rate product is mainly governed by the concentration of ethanol (ppm) in the product stream, where a strict level is enforced. Failing to meet the product ethanol specification would result in a substandard product with a lower commercial value. This paper focuses specifically at the optimization of the refining column, whilst enforcing the overhead ethanol specification. same specifications as the industrial column; a purge stream with zero flow had to be added for completeness. The high purity of ethanol present throughout the column made convergence difficult. Attempting to converge the model directly to 10 ppm at first was unsuccessful, as the simulator was unable to find a feasible solution that satisfied all constraints in one go. Starting with a relaxed overhead ethanol specification of 50 ppm allowed the model to first converge to a relatively relaxed specification, allowing for the creation of a reference point. Subsequent convergence to lower ppm specifications uses this as a starting point. This method allowed to gradually tighten the ethanol specification down to 7 ppm. Once the model was converged to 7ppm, it was very robust in finding out new solutions. The output data from these steady state models were then compared with industrial data. After the validation of the steady state results with industrial data, this model was used for the optimization process where an adjuster block was introduced to streamline the optimization process. The selector block was assigned the task of changing the reboiler duty to bring the product ethanol concentration down to the prespecified limit of 7 ppm. This is shown as ADJ-1 in Figure 2. Figure 1: Distillation process III. MODEL DESCRIPTION A. Modelling To identify throughput optimizing operational changes that could be made, it was necessary to build a steady state model of the distillation column. This steady state model was then used to test different operational changes and quantify the effect they would have on the throughput and internal column factors, such as flooding. Based on the results obtained from the steady state model, plant trials were conducted using a subset of operational changes tested with the simulations that were practical to carry out at the plant. In the absence of a steady state model, as developed in this instance, every single operational change would need to be tested in an industrial setting, which can result in significant production losses, as well as safety issues. Moreover, the steady state model gives a better insight into how operational changes affect internal column parameters than carrying out a simple plant trial. Figure 2: Distillation column model using HYSYS simulation software The process simulation software package HYSYS (Figure 2) was chosen to build the preliminary model to match the steady state data provided by industry. The property package WilsonVirial/ Poy was used to simulate the column, which had the Chemeca 2013, Brisbane, Australia, Setp. 29 - Oct. 2 IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION carries some error and that most of the simulated component splits are well within the limits of error. A. Steady State Model Validation It was decided to specify outlet flow rates, reboiler duty and the pressure profile. These variables resulted in a stable simulation and allowed a streamlined optimization process. The fluid package was adjusted within acceptable limits to arrive at the observed component distribution across the three streams. The industrial data estimated the tray efficiencies to fluctuate between 75 – 85%. Assuming all trays in the column have the same efficiency, the tray efficiencies were adjusted to get a better match on the component distribution. Table 1 shows the results obtained with tray efficiency adjusted to 80%. Table 1: Tray efficiency The percentage error associated with the butanol distribution in the fusel draw is significant. However this discrepancy did not hinder the validation of this model for the following reasons: The industrial information available on the butanol concentration in both the fusel and bottoms draws are estimates only. The butanol concentration profile forms the expected bell shape, with peaks near the bottom of the column. A slight shift in this profile will result in significant changes in the predicted butanol value which would not be accounted for by the industrial estimate. Industry generalizes all alcohols heavier than ethanol as iso-butanol, this generalization may be incorrect. The industry does not have limitations imposed on the butanol distribution. The absolute error associated with all component splits can be regarded as minor and does not affect the ability of the simulator to carry out optimization work. It is also important to note that the data gathered from the industrial process The analysis of the output data against the benchmark steady state data from industry revealed that the process simulation program HYSYS was well suited to modeling the behavior of these refining columns. The simulated column also showed the expected non-liner behavior between the reboiler duty and the product ethanol ppm specification. V. OPTIMIZATION The initial focus of the optimization work was to arrive at operational changes that could be implemented without significant plant interruptions or modification, using existing piping and equipment. Many different variables were methodically tested to see the effects on throughput. A theoretical approach to optimization was also adopted, to find ways to increase throughput without sacrificing product quality. The validated HYSYS model was employed to see if the changes resulted in improvements. If a certain operational change reduced the required reboiler duty, it was considered a positive operational change, as reboiler duty is directly proportional to internal tower traffic. Thus, reduced reboiler duty reduced tower traffic, which enables a greater throughput. A large number of solutions were found at the end of this process. To proceed further with these solutions it was necessary to look into the practical and operational impact of these solutions. Upon closer evaluation, it was apparent that most changes would not be practical. The handful of solutions left were then carefully scrutinized in all aspects. The model was used to accurately predict the expected throughput increase from each operational change. Key personnel at industry were also informed of the proposed changes and their inputs were taken into consideration. It was assumed that any new throughput optimizing changes had to maintain the current ethanol product specification. This process identified the following key operational changes as practical and easily implementable: A. Changing the condenser pressure. B. Changing the feed and fusel flow locations. C. Changing the location of the product draw. A. Changing condensor pressure Based on both the steady state simulation and process engineering principals, operating a distillation column at a lower pressure makes the methanol/ethanol separation easier. Thus, reducing the reboiler duty required to make the 7ppm specification. However lowering the pressure at the top of the tower increases the flooding factor of the trays at the top significantly. The top is the most vulnerable part for flooding, thus reducing the pressure at the top of the column is not practical. Chemeca 2013, Brisbane, Australia, Setp. 29 - Oct. 2 In contrast, increasing the pressure at the top of the column makes the methanol/ethanol separation difficult, but this reduced the flooding factor. Therefore, increasing the pressure at the top of the column enables the column to accommodate higher flow rates, and increase the throughput of the column. The only drawback of this method is the marginal increase in the reboiler duty required to meet the ethanol specification. Figure 3 shows the flooding factors for different column pressures at the top. As stated previously lowering the top pressure increases the flooding factor, whilst increasing the pressure reduces the flooding factor. Increasing throughput at a given top pressure changes the flooding profile of the column, but only has a marginal effect on the flooding factors at the top of the column. 110 kPa 0.35 It is recommended to carry out these changes in three phases. Firstly, the fusel draw should be diverted to the bottoms and any changes to the plant should be monitored. It is predicted that there will be a minor gain in reboiler duty. In phase two the feed location should be changed from the current position to the lowest possible position, as a result the ethanol specification at the products draw should reduces below 7ppm. In phase three, the feed rate should be increased until the product ethanol specification of 7 PPM is reached. Some distillation facilities in industry cannot combine the fusel stream with bottoms stream, as these plants are not equipped with adequate water treatment facilities. If so it is recommended to lower both the fusel stream and feed stream. C. Changing the location of the product draw 134 kPa 0.33 150 kPa 0.31 F Factor very bottom of the distillation column. It is estimated that this scheme would allow for an increased throughput of 2%. 150 kPa High flow 0.29 0.27 0.25 0.23 0.21 Currently the product draw of refining column is located on the 85th tray. The remaining three plates at the top of the column are used as a pasteurization zone, for light gases that have not been removed at the topping column. If the topping column was performing adequately, this zone would not be necessary. Thus, the product draw could be diverted from the 85th tray to the reflux flow, via existing piping. The reflux flow is located three stages higher up the column. Thus, the reflux should contain a lower ethanol fraction. 0.19 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 Tray # Figure 3: Flooding factor Based on data shown in Figure 3, the industry was advised to operate the distillation columns at a high top pressure to optimize for throughput, provided that the plant was not suffering from steam shortages. This should allow for ~2% increase in throughput. If the plant is suffering from steam shortages it was advised to operate the column at slightly lower pressures as this allows for an easier separation. B. Feed & Fusel flow location Based on steady state simulations, it was found to be optimal to change the feed location to the column to a lower tray. This could be done without any additional capital expenditure, as the columns in industry already have the necessary piping to carry this out. It was also recommended to close the fusel draw and combine it with bottoms draw. This change allows a greater number of trays to carry out the methanol/ethanol separation. This action lowers the area where ethanol concentrates in the column, from the fusel draw location to the Preliminary analysis of the above mentioned situation shows that the throughput can be increased by ≈ 1% of production at the same reboiler duty. The change should be carried out in two phases. In phase one, the reflux should be diverted to the product draw, this should result in a lower ethanol ppm specification in the product. In phase two the feed rate should be increased, until the product ethanol specification of 7 ppm is reached. VI. RELAXING THE ETHANOL SPECIFICATION Upon a request from industry, the simulated distillation column was used to investigate the potential throughput optimization, which could be achieved by relaxing the overhead ethanol ppm specification from the current value of 7ppm to 10ppm and 50 ppm. The results are listed in Table 2. As expected increasing the ppm specification reduced the required R/D ratio, which in turn reduces the required reboiler duty. Increasing the flow utilizes this excess reboiler duty and enable for a significant throughput optimization. The simulation was then used to check the effect these significant changes would have on the tray flooding factors. Chemeca 2013, Brisbane, Australia, Setp. 29 - Oct. 2 The overhead circulation rates between the three cases were identical. This means the column traffic at the top, where the column is most vulnerable to flooding remained fairly stable. Table 2: Throughput optimization Based on the above evidence the industry was advised, that relaxing the ethanol ppm specification from 10ppm to 50ppm would allow for a significant increase in throughput, without significantly affecting the internal traffic and flooding factors, despite the huge changes in external flows. [6] Groebel, M., Allgower, F., Storz, M., Gilles, E.D., “Nonlinear control of high purity distillation columns”, AIChE Annual Meeting, November 13-18, 1994, San Francisco, USA. [7] Fuentes, C., Luyben, W.L., “Control of high-purity distillation columns”, Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev., 22:361-366 (1983). [8] Lee, S.H., Binkley, M.J., “Optimize design for distillation feed”, Gas-to-Liquids (GTL) Technology Forum, July 3031, 2013, Houston, Texas, USA. [9] White, D.C., “Optimize energy use in distillation”, Chemical Engineering, Progress, March 2012, 35-41. [10] Halvorsen, I.J., Skogestad, S., “Energy efficient distillation”, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 3,571-580 (2011), [11]Bennett, D.L., “Optimize distillation columns”, Chemical Engineering Progress, May 2000, 19-34. CONCLUSION In this paper, a steady state model was built using a commercial simulation software HYSYS. The operating optimal conditions were identified for a high purity distillation column. On average these changes are expected to improve the throughput by 5%. The model was also used to predict changes to key internal column parameters, in the event of relaxed ethanol specification and high throughput. For the future work, all factors will be considered simultaneously. Also the distillation unit as a whole (topping column and refining column) will be taken into consideration. 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Chemeca 2013, Brisbane, Australia, Setp. 29 - Oct. 2