Standard and Benchmark Assessed:

Grade 8 Ohio Achievement Test for Social Studies – May 2008
Annotated Item 6
Standard and Benchmark Assessed:
Standard: History
Benchmark: E. Explain the causes and consequences of the American Revolution, with
emphasis on both Colonial and British perspectives.
Short Answer Question:
In your Answer Document, describe two actions taken by colonial patriots to protest the
authority of the British government in the years leading up to the American Revolution (2 points)
This short answer item requires students to show understanding of the causes of the American
Revolution with emphasis on the perspective of the colonial patriots. The response that earns
the maximum number of points (2) will describe two ways colonial patriots took action against
the British government in the years leading up to the American Revolution. Student responses
may include, but are not limited to, any of the following actions: Colonists threw tea into Boston
Harbor during the Boston Tea Party to protest the British East India Company’s control over the
American tea trade. They boycotted British products. They refused to pay taxes levied by the
British government. They organized militias to fight against British troops. They wrote letters
complaining about the government to the British Parliament.
Performance Data:
The percent of public school students earning each score point for question 6 on the May 2008
Ohio Achievement Test:
Percent at Each Score Point
Scoring Guidelines:
Sample Responses for Item 6 (Short Answer):
Colonists boycotted British products to protest British taxes and secretly organized colonial
Other correct responses may include, but are not limited to:
Colonists threw tea into the Boston Harbor.
Colonists taunted the British troops in a public protest that turned into the Boston Massacre.
Source: Ohio Department of Education
July 08
Grade 8 Ohio Achievement Test for Social Studies – May 2008
Annotated Item 6
Colonists refused to pay taxes.
Colonists harassed British tax collectors (e.g., tarred and feathered custom officials).
Colonists formed a Continental Congress.
Colonists formed secret societies (e.g., the Sons of Liberty).
Colonists established the Committees of Correspondence.
Colonists wrote letters of complaint to the British Parliament.
Colonists published propaganda against the British or published/distributed pamphlets (e.g.,
Common Sense).
Scoring Guidelines for Item 6:
Score Point
2 points
The response correctly describes two ways colonial patriots took action
against the British government in the years leading up to the American
1 point
The response correctly describes one way colonial patriots took action
against the British government in the years leading up to the American
Revolution. A second description may be incorrect, vague or missing.
0 points
The response does not meet the criteria required to earn one point. The
response indicates inadequate or no understanding of the task and/or the
idea or concept needed to answer the item. It may only repeat information
given in the test item. The response may provide an incorrect
solution/response, and the provided supportive information may be totally
irrelevant to the item, or possibly, no other information is shown. The
student may have written on a different topic or written, “I don’t know.”
Keywords: American Revolution, perspectives, patriots, Stamp Act, Townshend Acts, the Tea
Act, Intolerable Acts, Boston Tea Party, boycotts, Sons of Liberty, petitions
Source: Ohio Department of Education
July 08