Prof. dr Živan Živković – CITATI R. br. Rad koji je citiran Rad u kome je citiran 1. V.Shatina, N.N.Asenov, L.N. Mikhalina, T.A.Semenova, Thermolysis of basic copper carbonate of various structure, Journal of Inorg. Chemistry, 16(1981)2346. 2. Hemni, Thermal decomposition of basic copper carbonate CuCo3.Cu(OH)2.H2O in carbon dioxide atmosphere, Thermochimica Acta, 96(1985)145. 3. M.Uzunov, D.G.Klissurski, A thermogravimetric study of the decomposition of Basic Copper Carbonate, Thermochimica Acta, 81(1984)353. 4. Ž.D.Živković, D.F.Bogosavljević, V.D.Zlatković, Kinetics of thermal decomposition of copper basic carbonate, Patr I, The analysis of thermogravimetric data , Thermochimica Acta, 18(1977)235. S.A.Monsour, Thermoanalytical investigations of decomposition of copper oxysalts Patr 1. Basic copper carbonate, Journal of Thermal Analysis, 42(1994)1251. 5. Z.Dung, W. Monthens, L.R.Forst, Thermal activation of copper nitrate, Journal of Materials Science Leters, 21(18)(2002)1415. 6. 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