The Department of Economics
June 12-15, 2008
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Gillian Doyle (chair), Glasgow University, Scotland, UK.
Neil Alper, Northeastern University, USA
Lluís Bonet, University of Barcelona, Spain
Carlos Ulibarri, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, USA.
18:30 – 20:00
Registration Opens
Welcome: Dean James Stellar; College of Arts and Sciences, Northeastern University
Location: Room 20
10:15 – 11:45
*Pedro Costa
Creative Milieus, Gatekeepers and Cultural Production: Evidence from a Survey to Portuguese
Luciana Lazzeretti, Rafael Boix, Francesco Capone
Determination of Concentration of Creative Industries: A Comparison Between Italy and Spain
Pier Luigi Sacco, Massimo Buscema, Guido Ferilli, and Stefano Terzi
System Wide Cultural Districts: Mapping and Clustering the Tangible and Intangible Cultural
Assets for the Policy Design of the Regional Clusters in the Veneto
Luciana Lazzeretti
The Creative Capacity of Culture and the "New Creative Muilieu"
*Charles M. Gray
Scale, Scope, and "Crowding Out" in the Nonprofit Lively Arts: Economic Analysis of
Organizations in a Geographic Market
Marek Banczyk
By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them. The Impact of Public Expenditure on High Culture
Lluis Bonet
Who Benefits from Governmental Grants to Cultural Industries? The Catalan Case.
Roberto Cellini and Tiziana Cuccia
Information Externality in the Arts and the Public Intervention
Room: 170 HERITAGE 1
*Carlos A. Ulibarri
Valuation of 'Cultural Landscapes' - The Petroglyph National Monument
Andrea Báez Montenegro and Luis Cesar Herrero Prieto
Contingent Valuation and Cost-Benefit Analysis. Application to a Draft Recovery of Cultural
Heritage City in Developing Countries
Tiziana Cuccia and Ilde Rizzo
Heritage and Tourism: Theoretical Issues and Empirical Evidence
Maria Luisa Palma Martos
A Model of Book Publishing Industry in Spain
*Carla Bodo and Celestino Spada
Trends and Context of the Cultural Labour Market in Italy
Vera Borges
Architects in Portugal: Careers and Labor Markets
Maurizio Caserta
Consumption of Arts and Culture and Productivity at Work
*John O’Hagan and Nicholas Vincent
The Socioeconomic Composition of Arts Participation: Definitions, Evidence and Policy Issues
Sarah S. Montgomery and Michael D. Robinson
Dick and Jane Go to the Ballet or was it the Baseball Game? Empirical Evidence on the Battle of
Sexes, within a Human Capital Appreciation Model
Victoria Ateca Amestoy
Behavioral Differences in Cultural Participation
Carlofilippo Frateschi and Elisabetta Lazzaro
Attendance to Cultural Events and Spousal Influences: The Italian Case
Room 260: FILM 1
*S. Abraham Ravid and Will Goetzmann
The Role of Soft and Hard Information in the Pricing of Assets and Contract Design - Evidence
from Screenplay Sales
Suman Basuroy and S. Abraham Ravid
The Role of Word of Mouth in the Success of Motion Pictures
Darlene C. Chisholm and George Norman
Spatial Competition and Agglomeration: An Application to Motion Pictures
Anita Elberse and Allègre L. Hadida
State Financing and the Success of Motion Pictures
Lunch (on your own)
Location: Room 20
15:00 – 16:30
* Pier Luigi Sacco, Giorgio Tavano Blessi, David Throsby, and Tom Hutton
Cities Bundle of Capital, The Role and Value of Cultural Capital in Western Cities. A Theoretical
Kunihiro Noda
The Rise of Japanese New Urban Policy "Creative City"
Anna M. Dempster
To Dare or Not to Dare: Key Risks in London's Cultural Industries
J. P. Singh
Patronage or Networks? Creative Industries, Competitive Advantage, and the Political Economy of Representation
Room 272: ARTS MARKETS 1
*Olivier Gergaud, Karl Storchmann, and Vincenzo Verardi
Quality Evaluation by Experts and Consumers: Evidence from a Sample of New-York City
Aylin Seçkin and Erdal Atukeren
Investment Characteristics of the Market for Paintings in Turkey: 1989 – 2005
Florine Livat and Amy Mumma
A Simultaneous Estimation of Reputations' Interactions in the Case of Washington State Wines
Room 170: HERITAGE 2
*Douglas Noonan
Determinants of Historic and Cultural Landmark Designations: Why We Preserve What We
José Maria Lobo De Carvalho and António Lamas
The Economic Impact of the Monastery of Jerónimos
Luciano Greco and Elisabetta Lazzaro
A New Market of Publicly Owned Artworks in Italy
Lina Lourenço-Gomes, João Rebelo, and Lígia Pinto
Using Choice Experiments to Value a Worldwide Item of Cultural Heritage
Room 010: VIOLINS
*Kathryn Graddy and Philip E. Margolis
Fiddling with Value: Violins as an Investment?
Alberto Grandi
A 'Semi-Invented' Tradition: The Cremona Violin Making School
Yuko Oki
Violin Makers in Cremona
*Angela Bargenda
Cultural Branding: Aesthetic Marketing Strategies in the Finance Sector
Carlo Marco Belfanti
Renaissance and Made in Italy
Mona Grinwis, Plaat Stultjes, and Kristien Werck
A Model of Translations: Application to the Netherlands and Flanders
Fabio Severino
Merchandising: A Real Business for Cultural Organizations? Four Representative Cases: MoMA,
Metropolitan, British Museum, RNM-Louvre
Room 260: FILM 2
*Sophie De Vinck and Caroline Pauwels
Somewhere, Over the Digital Rainbow? The Cultural-Economic Prospects of the European Film
Sector in a Digital Environment and their Consequences for European Policy-Making
Nachoem M. Wijnberg and Joris J. Ebbers
Latent Organizations in the Film Industry: Contracts, Rewards, and Resources
Chris Hand and Guy Judge
How Stable are the Seasonal Patterns in Cinema Admission? Evidence from the UK
Manuel Cuadrado, M. José Miquel, and Juan D. Montoro
Analysis and Implications of Cinema Consumption Habits in the Digital Era in Spain
16:45 – 18:15 Concurrent Sessions 3
*Michael Hutter and Bruno S. Frey
On the Difference between the Cultural and the Economic Value of Paintings, Rituals and
Philippe Jeannin
Performance Indicators in Cultural Economics: A Need to Rely on the Principal-Agent Theory
Simon Ellis
What Price the 'Exotic'? Measuring Cultural Exchange
Christian Handke
Innovation in the Cultural Industries
Room 272: AUCTIONS
*Filip Vermeylen
Fair Game? Eighteenth-Century Art Auctions as Value Setting Mechanisms
Muriel de Vrièse
The Impact of Auction Houses on Collectors’ Reservation Price: An Application of Heckman
Selection Model to the Art Market
Aziza Laguecir and Florine Livat
Population Ecology of the Wine's Buyers within Hospices de Beaune Auctions
E. De la Poza and N. Guadalajara
Determinants of Prices of the Primary Market versus the Determinants of the Auction Prices for the Spanish Print and Drawing Market
Room 170: HERITAGE 3
*Roger A. McCain
Some Reflections on the Economics of Preservation of Artifacts of Cultural Heritage
Amr Saleh
Internalizing Positive Externalities of Cultural Heritage in Egypt, A Model Applied to Give a Value
and Price to Heritage Within the Local context in Luxor City
Komi N'Kégbé Foga Tublu
Heritage and Economy: Economic Impacts of the Registration of Koutammakou at the list of
World Heritage of UNESCO
*Trine Bille
Labor Market and Education for Artists and in the Creative Industries
Marc Morgan
Do Australian and Dutch Visual Artists Differ from Choosing Between Working for the Market
and the Government?
Pier Luigi Sacco and Sabrina Pedrini
"The International Exposure of Young Italian Artists" An Empirical Analysis Through the Italian
Contemporary Art
Tom Bradshaw
Artists' Demographic Characteristics and Employment Patterns in the US
*Christian Jaramillo and Miguel Urrutia
A Design of Excise Taxation for Public Events
Steven Nemetz
Gifting Cultural Property in Canada: Testing a Tax Expenditure
Arthur C. Brooks
Does Giving to the Arts Make Us Prosperous?
*Gillian Doyle and Richard Paterson
Public Policy and Independent TV Production in the UK
Christian Steininger and Jens Woelke
Why it is so Hard to Enforce the Principle of Separation Between Advertising and Editorial
Content on Television
Marion Vidal
Behavioural Preferences vs. Oral Preferences: The Case of the TV's Viewer
Andreas Knorr and Christina Schultz
Public Film Funding in Germany
18:15 Adjourn
(Fee Event)
Registration Opens
8:50 – 10:00
*Dorota Ilczuk
Festival Jungle, Policy Desert? Festival Policies of Public Authorities in Europe
Ilaria Morganti, Massimiliano Nuccio, and Alessandro Rubini
Are Festivals Changing Consumer's Behaviour in Performing Arts, in Italy?
Jen Snowball and G. G. Antrobus
An Arts Festival Production Function: Determinants of the "Success" of Performing Arts
Productions at the South African National Arts Festival
Room 272: ARTS MARKETS 2
*Donata Favaro
A Model of Performing Arts Attendance
Nynke de Groot and Carlien Schrijvershof
The Price Elasticity of Demand for Theaters and Museums in the Netherlands
Yu-Ling Hsieh, Rong-Ping Lai, Hung-Ren Hsieh, and Yu-Ying Hsieh
The Willingness-To-Pay for Indoor and Outdoor Performing Art Facilities: A Case Study of Tainan
Municipal Cultural Center, Taiwan.
Room 170: HERITAGE 4
*Izabella Parowicz and Paul Anthony Muscat
Marketing Heritage Conservation Services - A Maltese Company's Insight
Bulent Acma
Developing to Cultural Economics: Upper Mesopotamia in Turkey
Massimo Finocchiaro Castro, Calogero Guccio, and Ilde Rizzo
A Semi-Parametric Analysis of the Determinants of Heritage Authorities Efficiency
*Davi Nakano
The Impact of Technology on the Music Industry: Some Findings on Brazilian Indies
Samuel Cameron
A Paler Shade Of Litigation: Still More Confusion In Musical Property Rights
Juan Prieto-Rodríguez, Rubén Gutiérrez-del-Castillo, and Víctor Fernández-Blanco
Analysing Author's Rights Distribution in the Recording Music Industry
*Trine Bille
The Creative Class and Preferences for Culture
Mayumi Terano
Cultural Participation of International Students - A Case Study at the University of Pittsburgh
Claire R. Owen
International Determinants of Cultural Consumption and Trade from a Subjective Well-Being
Lunch (on your own)
14:30 Break
14:45 – 16:15
Room 272: ARTS MARKETS 3
*Bronwyn Coate
Who Benefits from the Growing Market for Indigenous and Tribal Art?: An Australian Perspective
Benjamin R. Mandel
Art as an Investment and Conspicuous Consumption Good
Ismael Moya, Natividad Guadalajara, and Elana De la Poza
Is a Work of Art an Attractive Alternative Investment?
Joe Cox
Purchasing Power Parity and Cultural Convergence: The Case of the Global Video Games Market
Room 170: MUSEUMS
*Elisabetta Lazzaro and Carlofilippo Frateschi
Do We Care for Our Museums? Non-Visitors’ vs. Visitors' Perception, Participation and Local
Cultural Policies
Trilce Navarrete Hernández
Measuring Effectiveness in the Digitization Output of Museums: The Case of the Tropenmuseum
Ana Bedate Centeno, Luis César Herrero Prieto, and José Ángel Sanz Lara
Economic Valuation of a Museum of Contemporary Art: Correction of the Hypothetical Bias Using
a Certainty Question
Alessia Zorloni
Consumer Behaviour in the Museum Sector: Application in Contemporary Art
*Dorothea K. Herreiner
Intermediary Roles of Art Dealers
Pauliina Laitinen-Laiho and Kira Sjöberg
Is it Worth Being a Female Artist? - Exploring the Value of Art Through Gender
Kate MacNeill
The Materiality of Artistic Labour
Ann Markusen
Organizational Complexity in the Regional Cultural Economy: Evidence from a Study of Artists
*Sacit Hadi Akdede
Religious Culture and Economic Development: An Empirical Investigation of Turkish Cities
Nathalie Moureau and Marion Vidal
Why do People Collect Art?
Mária Tajtákova, Thomas Heskia, and Janka Kopaničová
Arbitrage of Cultural Services: What Makes Audiences Travel for the Performing Arts
Carlos Pestana Barros, Claudio Pizzi, António Luis Silvestre, and Marilena Vecco
Analysing Venice's Biennale Attraction With a Structural Equation Model
*Xavier Castañer and Maria Isabel Lemeur
The Adoption of New Technologies in the Cultural Industries: A Cognitive Study of the French
Book Publishing Industry
Dora Vargas
The Fate of Digital Art's Survival in an Exchange Economy
Byung-Hee Soh and So-young Park
Is VFX Technology Substituting Star Power? An Analysis of Successful Hollywood VFX Movies
16:30 – 18:00
Gregory H. Wassall, Richard Maloney, and *Neil Alper
Art, Culture and Community Economic Development: An Empirical Investigation
Thomas Werquin
The Impact of Cultural Infrastructure on Local Economic Development: the Construction of an Ex-
Post Evaluation Method and its Application to Lille2004, European Capital of Culture
Calogero Guccio, Ilde Rizzo, and Mahmoud Haitham Samir
Valuing Revitalization Projects in Districts of Cultural and Historic Significance: The Case of Al-
Darb Al-Ahmar
Nil Sismanyazici Navaie
Creative Change: An Interdisciplinary and Multi-Sectoral Approach to Culture and Economic
*Francoise Benhamou
Does Diversity In Supply Serve Diversity In Consumption? Evidence from Books and Films Supply
and Demand in France in 2003 and 2005
Sung-Hee Choi, Keunjae Lee, Byeongho Choe
The Effects of Vertical Integration on Movie Exhibition in Korea: Foreclosure, Run-length
Preference and Diversity
Heritiana Ranaivoson
How to Improve Cultural Diversity? A Quantitative Analysis of What Influences Cultural Diversity
in the Recording Industry
Cyril Duchene and Daniel Urrutiaguer
The Diversification of Resources and the Disparities in Arts Development in France
Room 170: POLICIES
*Kazuko Goto, Anna Mignosa, and Lyudmilla Petrova
Tax Incentives as a Tool for Cultural Policy: The Experience of Japan, Italy, and Bulgaria
Arjo Klamer, David Kombrink, and Sander Smith
Cultural Monitor: A Measure of Cultural Capital
Shabbar Jeffry and Alexandros Apostolakis
Willingness to Pay for Alternative Policy Options in the British Museum
Anne-Kathrin Last
The Monetary Value of Cultural Goods: A Contingent Valuation Study of the Municipal Supply of
Cultural Goods in Lueneburg, Germany
Room 010: MUSIC
*Stefano Baia Curioni, Laura Forti, and Beatrice Mezzogori
Music Consumption and the Raising of Music Industry: The "Early" Case of Milan in the Rossini
William Luksetich and Patricia Hughes
Effects of Subsidies on Symphony Orchestra Repertoire
Iván Orosa Paleo, Nachoem M. Wijnberg, and Gerda Gemser
Organisation Tranversality and Classification Dynamics: The Case of Dutch HipHop
Juan D. Montoro and Manuel Cuadrado
Promotion and the Dynamics of Success in the Prerecorded Music Industry in Spain
*Ricardo H. Cavazos-Cepeda, Felipe Vasquez, and Jeffrey LaFrance
The Market for Broadway Shows
Marta Zieba
Estimation of Demand Function for German Public Theatre: The Importance of Allocation of
Leisure Time and Quality Factors for the Consumption of Performing Arts
Vidar Ringstad and Knut Løyland
The Demand for Theatre Performances in Norway
Michele Trimarchi and Martha M. Friel
Information and Selection in the Arts Sector: Listing vs. Performance as Policy Tools
Room 260: FILM 3
*Jordi McKenzie
Competition for Shelf Space with Perfectly Differentiated Goods: Survival of Motion Pictures at
the Australian Box Office
Luis Orea, Víctor Fernández-Blanco, and Juan Prieto-Rodriguez
Temporal Competition in the Spanish Movie Distribution Market: Strategic Determinants of
Films' Box Office Revenues
Bilyana Tomoya and Diana Andreeva
The Efficacy of Markets Versus Interventions in the Provision and Arts and Culture - The Example
of Bulgarian Film Industry and the National Film Market
Alan Collins, Antonello Scorcu, and Roberto Zanola
Distribution Conventionality in the Movie Sector: An Econometric Analysis of Cinema Supply
9:30 – 10:40
*Michael Rushton
The Arts and Economic Development in Rural America
Naoko Sato and Xavier Greffe
Artists and Craftsmen: A Strategic Bond for Development
Calogero Guccio, Isidoro Mazza, and Anna Mignosa
The Expenditure for Culture of OECD Countries
Room 272: ARTS MARKETS 4
*Jesús Sánchez Fernández and José Sánchez Maldonado
A New Multidimensional Decomposition of the Gini Index. Application to the Study of
Consumption for Cultural Goods and Services in Spain.
Svanhild Aabø
Public Library Valuation Research: A Status Report
Christiane Hellmanzik
Age-Price Profiles of Prominent Modern Artists and the Location Effect
Room 170: RIGHTS
*Sophie Ragot
Pirates vs. Majors: A Game Theory Modelling
Joëlle Farchy
Are Free Licenses Suited for Cultural Works?
*Hilppa Sorjonen
Economic Thinking and Reasoning of the Directors of Performing Arts Organizations
Stine Rye Bårdsen
Management Control in the Performing Arts - An Empirical Study
Carol Newman and Marta Zieba
Understanding Production in the Performing Arts: Estimation of Production Function for German
Public Theaters
*Thomas Heskia and Mária Tajtáková
Cultural Economics and the Media Consequences of Convergence
Mariko Uchida
Self-Sustaining Possibility in the Cultural Business Through Multi-Use Strategy: Understanding
the Japanese Models
Anna P. Della Valle
US Media Markets: Is Continued Intervention Still Necessary?
10:45 Break
Brief presentation on ACEI 2010 conference in Copenhagen
Location: Room 20
Close of conference