
Ninth District
June 16, 2011
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If you are having trouble viewing this email please visit my website at
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PDF version. Please feel free to copy any of this information for use at your meetings
or in your newsletters!
Tina Ward-Pugh
9th District Councilwoman
601 W Jefferson Street
Louisville, KY 40202
Phone: 502.574.1109
Fax: 502.574.7844
Kyle Ethridge
Legislative Assistant
Phone: 502.574.3908
Fax: 502.574.7844
Last call for VOLUNTEERS to help return $4.2 Million
to 9th District Residents
I’ve partnered with State Treasurer, Todd Hollenbach, for an exciting opportunity for
the 9th District. THIS Saturday, June 18th from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm we will host the
9th District Treasure Finders Kentucky event. Treasure Finders is a proactive outreach
designed to locate Kentucky residents who may have unclaimed property/money
that’s entitled to them. We need volunteers to help us out for anytime you may have
during that four hour period on Saturday, June 18th at the Clifton Center, 2117 Payne
Street. Volunteers will be making phone calls to 9th District residents who have been
identified as having unclaimed property in the amount of $100 or more. The residents
who receive phone calls will then come to the Clifton Center to start the paperwork
to recoup those funds or given information to start the process on another day.
Volunteers from each neighborhood in the 9th District are needed! If you are
interested in volunteering please contact my office at 574-1109 or email
kyle.ethridge@louisvilleky.gov. For more information about
this program please check out video,
JUNK Collection Week for 9th District Residents
A new tool was added to the www.louisvilleky.gov website that will helps residents
quickly find their garbage, recycling and junk pick up dates, plus their metro council
district, police district and beat and fire district. It's called MetroCall 311 Quickfind.
If you live in the 9th District your junk collection set out dates are coming up this
month. Some residents will set out their junk this weekend (June 17-19) with collection
next week and others will set out their junk next weekend (June 24-26) with collection
the week of June 20th. Please visit our website at www.louisvilleky.gov to confirm
your collection date! If you have any problems please call our office at 574-1109.
David Caldwell
Special Project Coordinator
Phone: 502.574-1109
9th District Blog
Ohio River Bridges Project (ORBP) Meeting
The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet and the Indiana Department of Transportation
are preparing a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) for the
Louisville-Southern Indiana Ohio River Bridges Project as a result of proposed
changes in the project. Cost-saving measures are being explored which include,
but are not limited to:
 Reconstructing the Kennedy Interchange in its current location
Please feel free to copy
any of this information for
use at your meetings or in
your newsletters. If you
would like to be removed
from this communication
please email
gov with “REMOVE” in the
subject or body. Thank
Removing the pedestrian/bicycle lane from the Downtown Bridge
Reducing the lanes on the East End portion of the project
The meeting will be held on Monday, June 20th at the Mellwood Arts Center,
Event Room 2, 1860 Mellwood Avenue. The meeting will include presentations
that summarize the process and show design changes. For more information call
394-3840 or visit www.kyinbridges.com. This is your chance to influence the outcome
and components of the ORBP.
9th District BATS Night Out – June 29, 2011
UPDATE: There are only a limited number of tickets still available. Call or
sign up online TODAY to ensure you and your family have seats!
It’s that time of year again for the 9th District BATS Night at Slugger Field. Mark your
calendars for Wednesday, June 29th. Tickets are available to 9th District residents on
a first-come, first-serve basis until they run out. The tickets are good for one FREE
admission, a FREE hot dog and FREE soft drink on June 29th. To reserve tickets online
please visit the “new link” at, http://www.jotform.com/form/11073610006 or you
may contact my office directly at 574-1109. Groups are encouraged to attend!
Tickets will be available for pickup at the rear entrance of Slugger Field (corner of
Preston/River Road and E Witherspoon). Hope to see you there!
CAKES needed for upcoming 4th of July Festival
Crescent Hill’s Old Fashioned 4th of July’s Cake Booth needs cakes and volunteers
for Sunday, July 3rd and Monday, July 4th. Cakes may be homemade or purchased
from Bussmann’s Bakery (893-3822) or the lower Brownsboro Road Kroger
(in-store purchase only). Purchased cakes will be picked up by booth staff.
Homemade cakes may be dropped off on the front porch of 212 Kennedy Avenue
anytime Saturday, July 2nd or at the cake booth during the event. Contact Trish
Fleischman at 439-3671 or Ginger Mehling at 896-4756 for more information.
Cake Booth volunteers are needed for 2-hour shifts beginning at 10 am to 8 pm,
with 4-6 people needed per shift. Fill a shift with friends and family and make it fun –
come work the microphone, spin the wheel and keep those cakes moving to benefit
the Crescent Hill Community Council and Kennedy Court Park Restoration Project!
For more information and to sign up for volunteer shifts, visit
www.signupgenius.com/go/crescent or email kennedycourtpark@gmail.com.
Walden Theatre Summer Camps
Walden Theatre camps are now enrolling for ages 9-18 that feature programs
in Playwriting, Improv, Stand-Up Comedy, Shakespeare, Audition Skills, Scene
& Song Study, and Teen Acting Intensive. They also have space remaining
in their Imagination Camp for ages 5-7 called The Woodland Fantasy Workshop,
wherein kids bring their imagination to life with active, fun character and story
development that ends the week with a showcase for friends and family. For
information call 589-0084 or email mail@waldentheatre.org.
Ninth District Events!
Below are some Ninth District calendar events! To view
a full listing of events please visit the Ninth District
Blog at http://district9news.wordpress.com/.
If you would like to submit events to be considered for
the blog calendar please email
kyle.ethridge@louisvilleky.govor call 574-1109.
Wednesday, June 15: Carmichael's Bookstore, 2720 Frankfort Avenue, will feature
a reading from Richard Horan's Seeds at 7:00 pm. He will recount his cross-country
expedition to gather seeds from his favorite writer's homes across the country. For
more information call 896-6950.
Friday, June 17: Law & Order: Fairy Tale Unit by Jonathan Rand presented by the
Walden Theatre Summer Academy. Two houses have been flattened, and a Wolf
has been prowling the neighborhood. But is the cause of the trouble as clear as it
seems? And can we count on hard-boiled detective Humpty Dumpty to, uh, crack
the case? This funny play is a mash-up of the Law & Order television show's
conventions and a full slate of oddball characters and twisted situations based on
children's stories. All performances at Walden Theatre, and tickets are $8, general
admission. Call 589-0084 or email dwelch@waldentheatre.org for tickets. For show
information see schedule below.
Session I - directed by Alec Volz
June 17 @ 7:30pm and June 18 @ 2pm and 7:30pm
Session II - directed by Hallie Kirk-Dizdarevic
June 24 @ 7:30pm and June 25 @ 2pm & 7:30pm
Session III - directed by Charlie Sexton
July 22 @ 7:30pm and July 23 @ 2pm & 7:30pm
Session IV - directed by Julane Havens
July 29 @ 7:30pm and July 30 @ 2pm & 7:30pm
Session V - directed by Heather Burns
August 5 @ 7:30pm and August 6 @ 2pm & 7:30pm
Saturday, June 18: Treasure Finders Event hosted by Councilwoman Tina
Ward-Pugh and State Treasurer Todd Hollenbach from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
at the Clifton Center, 2117 Payne Street. Volunteers are needed to help
make phone calls during this event. For more information and to sign up
please contact 574-1109.
Saturday, June 18: Volunteer Event in Cherokee Park from 9:00 am - Noon.
Celebrate Before the sweltering Summer officially begins, come out and help
preserve our cool shade trees! Help Olmsted Parks Conservancy restore, enhance
and preserve Louisville’s historic Frederick Law Olmsted Parks. For more
information and to register, go to www.olmstedparks.org or call 456-1623.
Monday, June 20: The Ohio River Bridges Project Area Advisory Team Meeting
from 6:30 - 8:30 pm at Mellwood Arts Center, Event Room 2, 1860 Mellwood Avenue.
This meeting will include presentations that summarize the process and show
design changes. For more information call 394-3840 or visit www.kyinbridges.com.
Monday, June 20: City of Seneca Gardens Monthly Meeting at 6:30 pm at the
Kenneseth Israel Synagogue on Taylorsville Road.
Tuesday, June 21: Whether it be breakfast, lunch, or dinner; when you visit
Chick-fil-a on June 21, 2011 and present a special coupon (Chick-fil-A Coupons 062111),
St. Matthew’s Area Ministries (St. MAM) will receive 20% of the proceeds from
your purchase. This applies to both ‘drive-thru’ and ‘dine in’ purchases between
6:30 am and 10:00 pm. (These coupons are also available at your St. MAM Church’s
office/reception desk or at St. MAM, 201 Biltmore Road.) This special fund-raising
event applies only to the Chick-fil-a located at 5001 Shelbyville Road in St. Matthew’s.
For more information visit www.stmam.com.
Wednesday, June 22: Participate in an Action Plan for Louisville's Urban Forest –
Community of Trees is an association of agencies, organizations, and individuals
concerned about the maintenance of Louisville's urban tree canopy. Meeting is
scheduled for 10:00 am at the Center for Interfaith Relations, 415 W Muhammad
Ali Blvd. Purpose of the meeting is to prepare an action plan for the next three years.