Proceedings of Conference on Mobile and Pervasive Computing 2010 CONFERENCE ON MOBILE AND PERVASIVE COMPUTING TEMPLATE FOR MANUSCRIPT PREPARATION P.Vijayakumar, V.Vijayalakshmi Email: 1st Author’s First and Last Names, 2nd Author’s First and Last Names, and 3rd Author’s First and Last Names st Affiliation of 1 Author, Affiliation of 2nd Author, Affiliation of 3rd Author {,,} Abstract Keywords: Elliptic Curve Cryptography, Wireless Sensor Networks. 1. Introduction CoMPC’10 invites authors to submit original and unpublished work. A template in MSWORD exemplifying the required format is available in The manuscript must be limited to 4 pages (in case of absolute necessity page limitation may be relaxed) of A4 sized (210 mm x 297 mm) (IEEE Double Column format). The manuscript has to be in DOC format with a size limit of 2 MB including figures and tables. The manuscript should be typed in Times New Roman. The font sizes of different portions of the manuscript are below mentioned. 2. Scalable Key Establishment Title of the paper in 16-point bold Author name and affiliation in 12-point Main body of the paper in 11-point Section title in 12-point bold Subsection title in 11-point bold References in 10-point 3. Simulation Results Complete information including all authors, source titles, vol. no., issue no., year, page particulars of the cited references should be provided. All figures must have a caption underneath explaining the figure sufficiently. All submitted papers will undergo a review process managed by technical program committee. Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register and present the paper. Implicit Certificate Generation Process Elliptic curve implicit certificate is used to avoid the typical key management problem in pure symmetrickey based protocols. The elliptic curve implicit certificate scheme are used, because of the resulting low communication complexity, which is a dominant factor for low bit transmission channels in sensor networks as shown in Fig.1. This generation process takes processing time of merely 1115 ms for 1500 bits of key size. 1200 1000 Processing Time ----> msec In this paper, we propose an efficient authenticated key smartcards and other handheld computing devices: 800 600 400 200 0 0 500 1000 1500 Key Size ----->bits Fig .1 Processing time versus key size for Implicit certificate generation process RSA Based Aziz-Diffie Protocol The Aziz-Diffie protocol is used when the user contacts a server over the vulnerable “air interface” of a typical sensor networks. Aziz-Diffie protocol uses signature authentication. It assures mutual assurance of key freshness to prevent replays of old messages being used to re-establish an “old”, possibly compromised, session key. Fig.2 shows that processing time of AzizDiffie protocol is 20.4 sec for merely 5120 bits of key size. Proceedings of Conference on Mobile and Pervasive Computing 2010 22 800 20 700 16 Processing Time ----> msec Processing Time ----> sec 18 14 12 10 8 6 4 1000 500 400 300 200 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 Key Size ----->bits 4500 5000 5500 Fig. 2 Processing time versus key size for RSA based Aziz-Diffie protocol Mutual Authentication and Key Agreement Protocol Mutual authentication and key agreement protocol is used to establish an agreed key and session key between the user and security manager of sensor network which provides the authentication to encrypt/decrypt the message. Fig 3 shows that, for 1730 key size it will take processing time of 1350 ms to finish the authentication process. 1400 1200 100 200 400 600 800 1000 Key Size ----->bits 1200 1400 1600 Fig.4 Processing time versus key size for Hybrid key establishment protocol Modified MSR-combined hybrid key establishment Protocol Reduction of computation complexity on sensor side is done, by using the Modular Square Root (MSR) technique to encrypt sensor’s link key contribution instead of using ECC cryptography. The attractiveness of MSR for wireless network application arises from its asymmetry. MSR requires the sending party to perform only a single modular multiplication, while the receiver performs exponentiation (needed to calculate the Modular Square Root). 1000 800 600 400 200 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Key Size ----->bits 1400 1600 1800 Fig.3 Processing time versus key size for Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) Proposed Hybrid Key Establishment Protocol Simulation results shows that both Hybrid protocol require less processing time of 1350ms hence less power consumption of computing the link key. The hybrid key establishment protocol also achieves the least bandwidth requirements, as shown in Fig.4. In real-time execution, the sensor is required to compute only one elliptic-curve scalar multiplication of a random point ,two elliptic-curve scalar multiplication of fixed points, one symmetric key decryption, one modular multiplication, one modular addition, one hash, one key derivation and two random number generations. Further it requires only 760ms to process these protocol for key size 1437 bits. In real-time execution of the MSR-combined hybrid key establishment protocol, the sensor is required to compute three elliptic-curve scalar multiplication of fixed points (two for verifying the ECDSA signature and another one for generating the ephemeral key), one symmetric key decryption, one modular multiplication, one number public key decryption and elliptic-curve scalar multiplication of a random point are all moved to the security manager side, which is more computational powerful. The total processing time at the sensor side is approximately 455 msec. 500 450 400 Processing Time ----> msec Processing Time ----> msec 600 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Key Size ----->bits 3000 3500 4000 Fig.5 Processing time versus key size for MSR-combined hybrid key Establishment protocol Proceedings of Conference on Mobile and Pervasive Computing 2010 [2] Elianie Shi and Adrian Perrig, Carnegie ,”Designing Secure Sensor Networks”,IEEE Wireless Communication, December 2004.pp.38-43. [3] M. Aydos, T. Yan and C. K. Koc. “A Highspeed ECC-based Wireless Authentication Protocol on an ARM Microprocessor”. 16th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC'00), Dec. 2000, New Orleans, Louisiana. [4] A. Aziz, and W. Diffie. “A secure communications protocol to prevent unauthorized access privacy and authentication for wireless local area networks”. IEEE Personal Communications, First Quarter 1994. [5] M. Aydos, B. Sunar, and C.K. Koc, ” An Elliptic Curve Cryptography Based Authentication and Key Agreement Protocol for Wireless Communication”. In 2nd International Workshop on Discrete Algorithms and Methods Computing and Communications Symposium on Information Theory, Dollas, Texas, October 30,1998. [6] D. S. Wang and A. H. Chan. Mutual authentication and key exchange for low power wireless communications. In IEEE MILCOM 2001 Conference Proceedings (2001). [7] Q. Huang, J. Cukier , Hisashi Kobayashi, Bede Liu, Daqing Gu, and Jinyun Zhang, “Fast Authenticated Key Establishment Protocol for Self Organizing Sensor Network. Proceeding of Second ACM International Workshop on Wireless Sensor Network and Applications 2003. [8] M. J. Beller, L.-F. Chang, and Y. Yacobi. “Privacy and authentication on a portable communications system”. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol.11, no.6 1993. 4. Comparison of Simulation Results Table 5.1 show that both our hybrid protocol and its MSR-combined version require less processing time hence less power consumption of computing the link key. The hybrid key establishment protocol also achieves the least bandwidth requirements, Table 5.1 Comparison of the different protocol Protocols Aziz-Diffie Processing time 20.4 sec Key Size 5120 bits ECMQV implicit 1155 msec 1478 bits ECDSA 1350 msec 1730 bits ECDHE 1350 msec 1796 bits Hybrid 760 msec 1437 bits MSR-Hybrid 455 msec 3682 bits While its MSR-combined version has the least processing time but requires modest communication complexity compared with other public-key based key establishment protocols. 5. Conclusions Technical Papers will be included in the Conference Proceedings with ISBN and unique barcode published and distributed during the conference. The proceedings will also be made available through the digital library. The Adjunct Proceedings will also be published electronically on the conference Web server. The revised version of all accepted eventually presented papers will also be appeared in the issues of ‘International Journal of Mobile and Pervasive Computing’ to be pioneered by TIFACCORE in Pervasive Computing Technologies at Velammal Engineering College, Chennai. References [1] Chee-Yee Chong, Srikanta P. Kumar, ”Sensor Networks : Opportunities, and Challenges”, Proceeding of the IEEE,Vol.91,No.8 ,August 2003.pp.1247-1256.