OUR LADY ON THE RIVER PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES MONDAY, MAY 14, 2007 MEMBERS PRESENT: Fr. Tim Birney Mary Endres Midge Fannon MEMBERS EXCUSED: Ralph Buchman Bob Goldenbogen OTHERS PRESENT: Judy Beauvais Paul Ivan Matt Fett III Peggy White Celeste Salvadore Debbie Vernier Mike Rector Sandy Malik Sandy McNeely David Salvadore Don Smith Charles White Margie Smith Angela Rochon Mary Patrick OPENING PRAYER: Fr. Tim opened the Meeting with the Our Father. The meeting started at 6:45 p.m. with Sandy Malik reading a Tribute that she wrote to Fr. Tim thanking him for his merging of our churches and Parish Councils and for all the new ideas he brought. Discussion on how many outgoing members there were. Don Smith served his three years and Peggy White has served two consecutive terms of three years each for a total of six years. The by-laws state that a member accumulating six years of service must spend a year off. The names of new members will be drawn on Pentecost Sunday to fill the vacancies. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Motion to accept the March minutes was made by Debbie Vernier, seconded by Peggy White. Motion carried. VICARIATE PARISH COUNCIL REPORT: Sandy McNeely stated Bishop Boyea sends his “thanks” to everyone for all our efforts related to the merge. DRE’s looking at a five-week training program for those interested in providing Ministry to Youth in Detention. The BWV Youth Ministers had 85 youths attend a National Evangelization Team (NET) retreat at St. Mary’s in St. Clair. It is youth ministering to youth. Next year is World Youth Day in Australia. The youth ministers may join other youth in Sydney, OH for “World Youth Day at Home.” All Saints and St. Philip Neri have chosen to be called Holy Family Parish. They are in the process of merging and combining commissions. Holy Rosary is Closing October 7th. St. Stephens and Our Lady of Guadalupe have chosen the name Holy Trinity Parish. St. Joseph will close or be torn down. Our Lady of Mt Carmel in Emmett and Sacred Heart in Yale will be clustered in July. Fr. Paul Ward will be their Associate Pastor beginning in July. A Christian Service Rep. is needed to attend the VPC meeting, since Lucy Sebastian (present CS Rep) does not attend all meetings. Sandy McNeely will talk with Bobbi Ivan to see if she will become a representative. Currently, there is $30,000.00 in the VPC account. Fr. David and Lori from AOD are working on a sample budget that will be distributed to parishes based on the Annual Offertory Collection. This revenue will be used to fund Vicariate-wide expenses, programs and services. Corpus Christi 11.7 mile walk starts at 7 a.m., June 10th at Holy Rosary. Polish dinner at St. Edwards, Lakeport, May 26th from 4-7 p.m. Social Justice & Multi-Cultural Committee are working on Immigration Issues. Letters will be sent out to help voters make informed decisions. A rosary CD has been recorded by Sacred Heart Seminarians entitled: BEG THE MASTER OF THE HARVEST. To obtain a copy call (313) 883-8508 or online at www.shmsonline.org. Cost $10. Add $2.00 for S & H. Sandy also submitted a copy of the Vicariate News dated May 9, 2007 which included the calendar or events for the schools and parish through the month of July. Also a list of Basic Needs such as food, employment, shelter, transportation, etc. and the agencies that can help in time of difficulties. Barbara Susan is helping Sister from Our Lady of Guadalupe to work on Immigration Issues. Bishop Boyea also wrote letters. Craig LaDuke from Cardinal Mooney will be the new chairperson for the Blue Water vicariate next year. Foundation topics will be offered at the Sacred Heart Seminary this summer. Foundation topics for Ministry in the RCIA June 11-15 (this is for all participants in the RCIA and is the second part of the RCIA Certification Process) and Foundation Topics for Basic Catechist Certification June 18 - 22. STEWARDSHIP COMMISSION: Judy Beauvais submitted the Preliminary Parish Budget Summary. Parish is in the BLACK. Projected cash balance June 30, 2007 is $37,097 New budget will be merged budget. (Savings accounts for each Church will stay intact.) Christian Service budget was discussed. St. Catherine needs more funds. St. Marks needs an increase in funds. Fr. Tim stated that Holy Cross had $1,550 in it’s budget for Christian Services. CHRISTIAN SERVICE (HOLY CROSS CHURCH): Mary Endres stated that the children collected tooth paste, soap and hand lotion to send to Guadalupe Mission. The children were given stickers and magnets for their donations. There will be a Graduation Mass for all this year’s graduates from all local schools and colleges. They will all receive a Bible. This is the 9:30 am Mass at Holy Cross the first weekend in June. CHRISTIAN SERVICE (ST. MARK) St. Mark’s helped families with utility bills, meals on wheels, mortgage payments. Some elderly were found to be eating cat food and heating with oil heaters because they couldn’t afford high gas bills. Paul Ivan stated St. Vincent DePaul Society philosophy is to get people back on their feet, then steer them to other agencies for help. CHRISTIAN SERVICE (ST. CATHERINE): Spaghetti dinner for Aaron M was successful. Aaron has Leukemia and there was not enough to cover all of his expenses. Blood drive on May 27th. Red Cross passed out t-shirts and held a raffle for donors for a BBQ Grill and steaks Assisting Funeral Luncheon Committee. Senior Bingo is starting in November. Outreach Programs. A seminar on Wills and Trusts. AED Training Session. Fr. Tim suggested saving money for the CS budget instead of using it to pay for the parish nurse. OLD BUSINESS: Angela Rochon stated that the Russell Island deal to lease St. Catherine’s parking lot is not going to happen. Diocese wants short term lease not long term or purchase. Subject dead. NEW BUSINESS: Midge Fannon reported that more handicapped parking spaces are needed at St. Mark’s. There are only 2 designated spaces now. They could use 6 spaces nearest to the Church. Fr. Tim said he can add a few more spaces. NEW BUSINESS - ACTION ITEMS: Fr. Tim stated that we now need to think of our three parishes as "one parish". How can we accomplish this? All three church communities need to know what is being done at each others site. We need to be able to tap into each other’s sites and draw off each other’s strengths. PASTOR'S REPORT: Fr. Tim stated that the doors are completed at St. Catherine’s at a savings of $76,000. The doors cost was $15,000. This came about after 8 months in the Steering Commission. We should continue to give to the CSA as it benefits us all. The Holy Cross Preserving Our Landmark of Faith has completed both the church roof and the rectory roof and is now working on the rectory deck. $100,000 will go towards our debt with completion of each project. The roof cost I $500,000. Paul Ivan is continuing to followup on pledge donations with a committee of 5-6 other people. The Volunteer Dinner was successful and is getting bigger each year. We might think of doing Themes in future dinners for greater interest. Vicariate monies are given for Catholic Education. Holy Cross students will receive approximately $21,000 in tuition assistance. Fr. James F. Lopez, the new pastor will arrive July 1st. Margaret Schefke, the Holy Cross Elementary School Principal resigned. The search committee has chosen a teacher from St. Mary’s St. Clair as our new principal. She is a native a St. Clair and will be hired as of July 1st. Our new Pastoral Minister is Sr. Mary Ann Ankoviak, S.J. She will be living with Sr. Geraldine at the St. Catherine rectory. Her duties will be Adult education, coordinating the Christian Service committee and RCIA and Baptism preparations. Fr. Tim stated that it has been a great four years working with the Parish Council. “You are one Church. Lay-driven groups make for a great parish.” Fr. Lopez will come to Holy Cross with his bulldog, “Allie”. All Masses will remain the same. When asked how he was informed of his new assignment, Fr. Tim stated that Msgr. Zenz called him to inform him. The Bishops meet with Cardinal Maida once a month. The Diocese actually wanted Fr. Tim last year but knew he was involved with the merging of the three parishes and needed to complete that work. Parish picnic will be September 16 at the Algonac State Park. ADJOURNMENT: Mary Endres said the Concluding prayer at 8:00 p.m. and ended our Parish Council meeting for this season. The next meeting will be Monday, September 10, 2007 at St. Catherine of Alexandria. Respectfully submitted Peggy White Parish Council Secretary