Helpful resource: Shadowpoetry.com
On Monday November 30th, you will be responsible for submitting 4 original poems, typewritten by you.
You may choose the style of your 4 poems from the list below, and you may only use each style once.
Limerick Ode Nonet Free Verse Monorhyme Palindrome
Septolet Concrete/Visual/Shape Rhyming Couplet
Each of your poems must adhere to the formal qualities / structure of that style (consult the style example
sheet given to you, or Shadowpoetry.com), and must contain 2 different stylistic devices; selected from the
following list:
simile metaphor personification imagery foreshadowing caricature hyperbole
irony onomatopoeia stereotyping reverse-stereotyping or alliteration.
One of your poems must be about: Food.
The second poem must be about: Things You Don’t Understand
The third poem must be about: You
The fourth poem must be about: Emotions
50 – 60 minutes of class time will be given during each Language period this week.
Each of your poems is to be written in Language class and done in your Writing Workbook.
There is to be evidence of self-editing, and peer editing for each poem.
Laptops will be made available on Thursdays to type your work.
Level 1
Level 2
Poems loosely adhere Poems closely
to required formal
adhere to required
formal structure.
Level 4
All 4 poems adhere to required
formal structure exactly.( i.e
rhyme scheme, syllables,
stresses etc.)
Stylistic devices are
not consistently used
/ identified in the
body of the poem.
Stylistic devices are
consistently used / identified
in the body of the poem, and
used accurately and effectively
Author forced
content to match
Creativity poem type, resulting
in vocabulary and
subject matter below
grade level.
Level 3
All 4 poems adhere
to required formal
structure. ( i.e rhyme
scheme, syllables,
stresses etc.)
Stylistic devices are Stylistic devices are
consistently used / consistently used /
identified in the
identified in the body
body of the poem.
of the poem, and
They may be used
used accurately.
Content and poem
Content and poem
type are a fairly
type are a good
good match and
match and grade
vocabulary is used
to develop creative vocabulary is used in
an effort to develop
creative element.
Content and poem type
compliment one another and
grade appropriate vocabulary
is used precisely in an effort to
develop creative element.
A Cinquain is a short, unrhymed poem consisting of twenty-two syllables distributed
as 2, 4, 6, 8, 2, in five lines.
The most popular form is as follows:
Line 1: Noun
Line 2: Description of Noun
Line 3: Action
Line 4: Feeling or Effect
Line 5: Synonym of the initial noun.
kind beyond words
they protect and forgive
and make feelings of blissfulness
An Ode is a poem praising and glorifying a person, place or thing.
Example #1:
An Ode To Dreamers
When dreamers dream
And lovers love
Do they receive their visions
From heaven above?
Or do they originate
Where all things start
Within our minds
Within our hearts?
I know not all
But what I do know is this
You cannot build a Kingdom
Upon a flimsy wish
So believe in your dreams
Follow them blind
Lest you loose them all,
To the hands of time
A Limerick is a rhymed humorous, nonsense poem of five lines. Rhyming scheme of: aa-b-b-a
and then the syllable structure is: 9-9-6-6-9
This is the most commonly heard first line of a limerick: "There once was a man from
I am a pretty little flower
I am endowed with lots of power
when you pick me in green
I'll bite you 'cause I'm mean
And live to see another hour.
A nonet has nine lines. The first line has nine syllables, the second line eight syllables,
the third line
seven syllables, etc... until line nine that finishes withone syllable. It can be on any
subject and
rhyming is optional.
line 1 - 9 syllables
line 2 - 8 syllables
line 3 - 7 syllables
line 4 - 6 syllables
line 5 - 5 syllables
line 6 - 4 syllables
line 7 - 3 syllables
line 8 - 2 syllables
line 9 - 1 syllable
Haiku is an unrhymed Japanese verse consisting of three
unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five syllables (5, 7, 5) or 17 syllables in all
Example #1:
Pink cherry blossoms
Cast shimmering reflections
On seas of Japan
A Monorhyme is a poem in which all the lines have the same end rhyme.
(Also see Ghazal)
Late for Class
I realized it was half past four
When I, quite late, ran out the door.
My history class I so abhor,
But I missed two sessions the week before.
I failed a test on ancient lore
And forgot the date of the Second World War.
(Man, my brain was really sore.)
Up the marble stairs I tore,
And slid across a just-mopped floor:
I banged my knee and loudly swore,
To wake -again- at half past four!
These nightmares I can stand no more...
Palindrome Poetry
Also Known as Mirrored Poetry
A palindrome, by definition, is a word, phrase, verse, sentence, or even poem that reads
the same forward or backward.
Example #1:
Lifeimitates nature,
always moving, traveling continuously.
Falling leaves placed delicately;
foliage touching the echoing waters,
clarity removed Reflections distorted through waves rippling;
gracefully dancing
mirrored images
- reflect images mirrored.
Dancing gracefully,
rippling waves through distorted reflections removed clarity.
Waters echoing the touching foliage;
delicately placed leaves falling continuously traveling, moving always,
nature imitates
The Septolet is a poem consisting of seven lines containing fourteen words with a break
in between
the two parts. Both parts deal with the same thought and create a picture.
- Sent in by Crystal Rose.
moving swiftly
across the plain,
most intent.
grazing contently
on his meal.
Shape Poetry
-Shape Poetry is also called Concrete PoetryShape is one of the main things that separates prose and poetry. Poetry can take on many
formats, but one of them most inventive forms is for the poem to take on the shape of its
subject. So if the subject of your poem is a fish, then the poem's lines
would be written so that the poem appears to take on the shape of a fish. ><<<*>
Concrete or Visual poetry, however, doesn't have to take on a particular shape, but the
wording in the poem can enhance the effect of the words such as in this line:
an angel tumbling
to earth . . .
Example #1:
Birth of a Triangle
mama and papa and baby make three,
reaching sides of a three-sided tree.
oedipal winds rustle from leaves;
triangular shapes converting
dissimilarity into peeves.
straight lines connect
the corners turned;
mirrored sight