Week 8- September 23 rd
Week 8
3 rd - 5 th Grade
September 23, 2012
LESSON- What is Salvation?
Prize Box
Double Sleeve Folders
“What’s In The Bible” Volume 2
“Follow the Directions” Quiz
“Exodus” Worksheets
Toilet Paper Rolls (1 per child)
Brown and peach felt,
3” x 2” scraps of cardboard
Acrylic paint in peach and pink
White yarn
Brown chenille stem
Cotton balls
Black marker
Tacky glue
Hot glue gun
Books of the Old Testament printed on a piece of paper and cut into strips
4 jump ropes
BIBLE POINT- Children will be introduced to the book of Exodus and key concepts like
salvation and redemption.
BOOKS MEMORIZATION- Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi
Week 8- September 23 rd
CIRCLE TIME- (5-10 Minutes)
As the children enter the room, have them find their name tag on the ribbon hanging inside the black cabinet doors. Then have the children place their name tag on a pocket on the paper pockets hanging outside the door. Then have the children sit in a circle on the carpet. Go around the circle asking each child if they know the 1 st ten books of the Bible. If they do, allow the child to pick a prize from the prize box and then place their prize in the paper pocket with their name on it.
Memorized Books: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy,
Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings, 1 Chronicles, 2
Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of
Songs, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos,
Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk
*Please mark in the student’s folder that they said the books of the Bible to you today.
GOD’S WORD (5 minutes)
Supplies: Student Folder, “New Testament Books of the Bible” Worksheets, Pencils
Have the kids ge t out their “New Testament Books of the Bible” worksheet. Tell them to grab a Bible and fill in the next 5 books of the Bible on their worksheet.
COME TOGETHER (10 minutes) Follow the Directions
Supplies : Pencils, “Follow the Directions’ Quiz
What you will do:
Give each child one copy of the quiz sheet and a pencil. Instruct them to take the quiz, paying close attention to the instructions. (This quiz is an old favorite, and has appeared in several different forms with different questions. Some children may already be familiar with it. You will know if they finish quickly. If this happens, have them observe the rest of the class and decide who performed the best.)
Discussion Questions:
1. How many of you thought you were doing a good job by doing what each question said?
2. Why was it so easy to miss the important instruction at the beginning of the quiz?
3. What does this quiz teach us about God’s instructions?
4. Where do we find God’s instructions?
Week 8- September 23 rd
THE STORY (20 minutes)- What is Salvation
Supplies: Student Folders, Pencils
, “Exodus” Worksheet
Hand out kids ’ folders and pencils
Today you will be showing Volume 2 of “What’s in the Bible?” second episode “ What is
Salvation?” You will be playing the second half of the second show in the video. You will start the show from at 38:02 video time (when the Buck Denver puppet is saying
“What’s the next book of the Bible?”) and watch until the end of episode 2.
Ask: It is easy to judge the Israelites and think how silly they were to worship statues and forget about God so often, but what are things in our lives that we
“worship” and allow to replace God in our lives? (Allow the kids to share their thoughts)
Let’s pray together that God will help us keep our focus on Him and only worship him. (Encourage children to pray with you.)
First sanitize the children’s hands with the hand sanitizer before handing out the snack. Snacks are in the black cabinet. Please make sure to check each child’s name tag for any food allergies before serving the snack.
EXPLORE MORE (10-15 Minutes) Moses
Supplies : Cardboard tube (cut into 3 sections), Brown and peach felt, 2-
3” x 2” scraps of cardboard, Acrylic paint in peach and pink, White doll hair or yarn, Brown chenille stem,
4-5 cotton balls, Black marker, Scissors, White craft glue, Paintbrush, Hot glue gun
Week 8- September 23 rd
1. Paint the top portion of the cardboard tube peach. No need to paint the back or anywhere else as the rest will be covered with felt. Use a cotton swab or your fingertip to pick up some pink paint. Blot most of it off with paper towel so that it's almost dry. Dot on the cheeks.
2. Glue white yarn around the peach area (face). Glue on for hair and beard.
3. From a sheet of brown felt, cut a large half circle.
4. Insert cotton balls inside the cardboard tube. There should be enough that they will provide roundness for the top of the head, but not too many that the tube cannot stand on its own. Glue inside to secure.
5. Wrap the brown felt around the tube, starting at the top and back of the head and wrapping around both sides, meeting in the front. Trim if needed to fit and glue in place.
6. Trim cardboard rectangles to give them rounded top edges. Glue one behind the other, allowing it to be shown from the back. Use black marker to write some of the commandments on the front tablet (i.e. thou shalt not steal, honor thy mother and father, etc)
7. Glue tablets to the left side of the robe.
8. Bend the top of brown chenille stem into a cane shape. Glue to the other side of the robe.
9. Cut out two small circles from peach felt. Glue one on to the chenille cane (hands) and the other to the left side of the tablets.
10. Use black marker to add dots for eyes and draw on eyebrows.
GAME (10-15 Minutes)- Paper Ladder
Supplies: Books of the Old Testament written on a piece of paper and cut into strips, 4 jump ropes, clothespins
What you will do:
Divide the children into two or more teams. Give each team two pieces of rope, clothespins, and a set of paper strips that contain the books of the Old Testament. Tell the children that, on your signal, they are to lay the ropes side by side on the floor.
Using the clothespins, each team should then connect the books of the Old Testament between the ropes in the correct order, so that the strips resemble the rungs of ladder.
The first team to complete their ladder correctly and hold it up wins. Remember the books must be in the right order to win.
The books of the Old Testament: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy,
Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings, 1 Chronicles, 2
Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of
Songs, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah,
Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi
Week 8- September 23 rd
Directions: Please read all of the questions very carefully before answering any of them.
1. Write your name on the bottom of this page.
2. If a man has 10 apples, and gives 5 of them away, how many does he have left? _______
3. How many brothers and sisters do you have? _________
4. Clap your hands together two times.
5. Stand on your chair and count from one to ten.
6. Look up John 11:35, and pretend to do what Jesus did in this verse.
7. Write down at least five books of the Bible.
___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________
8. If you know it, say the Lord’s Prayer aloud quickly.
9. Turn around 7 times, and then jump up and down 7 times.
10. Write you name on the top of this page.
11. Turn around and shake the hand of another classmate.
12. Hold this paper up to the light to see if there is a secret message.
13. "Sing, Hallelujah!"
14. Tear off a small piece of paper from the top left corner and give it to someone.
15. Now that you have read all the questions, do not do any of them. Just get up and give this quiz back to the teacher.