Burying your pet at home

Burying your pet at home
You have chosen to bury your pet at home. We understand that this is a sad and difficult time but hope that
this information and guidance will ensure that your pet is buried safely and with dignity.
The law
It is legal for you to bury your pet at home as long as you do not pay an organisation to do it for you. Your vet
has judged it safe for your pet to be buried at home without causing a risk to you or other animals.
Please ensure that your chosen burial site is not close to a waterway, well or spring. The site chosen must be
within your property. You must not bury your pet on land owned by someone else or on public land without
express permission. If in doubt it would be advisable to contact your local authority.
Preparing your pet for burial
You should take care when handling your pet, such as wearing gloves and cleaning soiled areas with
disinfectant. Remember to wash your hands thoroughly when you have completed the burial.
You will probably want to wrap your pet in a blanket or sheet before interment. It is best to avoid using plastic
as this will affect natural decomposition. Should your pet be returned in a plastic bag, this can be gently
perforated. It is also possible to purchase a coffin for your pet.
Preparing the grave
When preparing a grave, remember the size and depth must be sufficient to accommodate your pet. There is a
risk of disturbance from wild animals or future owners of the property. Where possible try to allow for at least
one metre (three feet) of depth above your pet. We advise placing a stone or slab above the body to protect
the site. It is possible to purchase markers, such as plaques and memorial stones, for your pet’s grave.
More information
If you require more information, please do feel free to contact us: