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Herb List
New herbs are being added throughout the year. This is by no means a complete list.
If you do not see what you want on the list, please ring, we may have it.
Also, please be aware, not all the herbs are available all of the time, nor are some of
them available all of the time, but they are all available some of the time!!
Alpine Strawberry Fragaria vesca
Perennial, thrives in moist well drained soil. Small but very sweet crimson fruit, eat
when very ripe for best flavour.
Angelica Angelica archangelica
Biennial (3yr) extended to 4 if flowers are removed. Will reach 5 to 8 ft in 1 yr. Deep
moist soil in partial or light shade. Crystallised stems used for cake decoration. Helps
coughs colds rheumatism and indigestion.
Anise Hyssop Agastache anethiodora
Hardy perennial reaching 2 to 3 ft. Purple/blue flower spikes appear late summer. Any
soil in a sunny site. Attractive to bees , leaves can be used in tea, pleasant scent.
Balm Lemon Melissa officinalis
Hardy herbaceous perennial reaching 18 inches. Strongly lemon scented leaves Likes
some sun and will tolerate most soils. Used to flavour stuffings and jams etc. Makes a
good tea to relieve catarrh, fever, headaches and tension. Good bee plant.
Balm Lemon Variegated Melissa officinalis variegata
Green and yellow variegated leaves with small white/yellow flowers. Good lemon
Basil Sweet Ocimum basilicum “Sweet genovese”
The most common sweet basil used in Mediterranean cooking. Likes long sunny days
(16 Hrs) so best in full sun. Prefers well drained soil and sheltered site. Will tolerate
being in a pot on a sunny window sill. Tender annual so will not tolerate any frost.
Basil many others in variety
Bay Laurus nobilis
Evergreen tree, prefers a sunny position in good garden soil. Can be clipped to any
size/shape. Used in many forms of cookery. Will tolerate being grown in a pot.
Bergamot Red Monarda didyma Cambridge Scarlet
Herbaceous perennial with scarlet red flowers and aromatic foliage.Will reach 3 ft.
Used to make a relaxing tea. Excellent bee plant. Commonly called the bee balm.
Borage Borago officinalis
Hardy annual reaching 18 inches. Bright blue flowers often used in pimms. Leaves
and flowers have nice cucumber flavour. Good bee plant.
Borage White Borago officinalis alba
White flowers version of above.
Catmint Nepeta faassenii (syn. Mussinii)
‘Walker’s Low’. the best blue. . .grown here in the long borders
Celery Leaf Apium graveolens
Hardy biennial with soft tender green leaves used in salads. Cut back hard to
encourage fresh leafy growth.
Chamomile Lawn Anthemis nobilis “Treneague”
Evergreen perennial with a prostrate habit. A dense mat of aromatic green foliage is
produced which never produces flowers making this the ideal Lawn Chamomile as no
mowing will ever be required. Most soils well weeded and free of most stones, sun or
partial shade.
Chamomile Double Anthemis nobilis flore pleno
Evergreen perennial. Apple scented leaves and flowers. Double cream flowers.
Flowers can be used to make a tea and are also used in pot pouri. Any soil, sun or
light shade.
Chervil Curly Leaved Anthriscus cerefolium
Hardy biannual reaching 10 to 15 inches. Lacey fern like green leaves. Likes some
partial shade in summer but enjoys early spring sunshine. Likes a light well drained
soil, ideal in window boxes or pots. Used widely in French cooking use generously in
soups, salads, sauces, fish and egg dishes.
Chervil Plain Leaved Anthriscus cerefolium
Similar to curly chervil except this variety has long straight leaves. Just as good in
cookery but less attractive.
Chives Allium schoenoprasum
Hardy perennial reaching 15 inches. Mauve/Purple pom pom edible flowers and
narrow cylindrical grass like leaves. Likes a moist garden soil with some sun but will
tolerate partial shade. Chop leaves and use in soups salads etc, onion flavour.
Chives Garlic Allium tuberosum
Hardy perennial reaching 18 inches. White flowers in late summer. Long narrow flat
green leaves with a very mild garlic flavour. Prefers a rich moist garden soil in a
sunny position. Leaves can be blanched by covering the plant with a suitable
container. Flowers are good in salads and soup.
Comfrey Bocking 14 symphytum officinale
Herbaceous perennial reaching 3 to 4 ft. Violet/purple bell like flowers with large
dark green hairy leaves. Likes most damp soils with some shade. Makes excellent
organic fertiliser. Either soak leaves in water to make liquid feed, or add chopped
leaves straight into soil.
Coriander Coriandrum sativum
Hardy annual reaching 3ft when run to seed. Well known and loved in Asian cooking
Coriander vietnamese Persicaria odorata
This tropical perennial grows to 90 cm and has highly aromatic green leaves with a
distictive dark green vee. Used sparingly in stir frys and with pork and pineapple.
Prefers sun and moist soil
Cowslip Primula veris
Hardy herbaceous perennial. Sturdy stems support upto 30 flowers. The flowers are
made up of golden petals. Likes an open sandy but moist soil in light shade.
Curry Helichrysum angustifolium
Half hardy evergreen sub-shrub reaching 18 inches. Tiny clusters of yellow flowers.
Narrow needle like silver leaves with a sweey curry scent. Likes sun and will thrive in
most garden soils. Leaves can be used in salads, it is also said to repel cats. Will
tolerate drought conditions.
Dill Anethum graveolens
Hardy annual easily confused with fennel. Thin feathery blue foliage with a slight
aniseed scent. Tiny yellow flowers also sweetly scented. Likes a sunny aspect with a
well drained soil. Very popular with fish dishes and in pickling. Seeds leaves and
flowers are edible. Helps the digestion. Will reach 3 ft when in flower.
Fennel Bronze Foeniculum vulgare “Bronze”
Perennial reaching 3 ft. Fine feathery deep bronze foliage with nice anise scent. Likes
nice loamy soil and some sun. Good as a garnishing herb.
Fennel Common Foeniculum vulgare
Perennial reaching 5 ft. Easily confused with the annual dill. Feathery lime green
foliage with sweet anise scent. Flat clusters of yellow flowers . Prefers warm sunny
position in well drained soil. Primarily used with fish dishes.
Feverfew Chrysanthemum parthenium
Hardy perennial. Single white daisy flowers aromatic green foliage. Well known
herbal remedy to migrane. Any soil in sun.
Feverfew Golden Chrysanthemum parthenium aureum
Bright golden foliage all year round with sigle white daisy like flowers. Any soil with
sun. Uses as common feverfew.
Garlic Allium sativum
Perennial reaching 2 ft. White flowers with flat tough leaves. Likes full sun with
shelter in a dry sandy soil. Garlic is one of the most popular herbs widely used worldwide. Besides its well known culinary uses it is found to be beneficial to health.
Germander Teucrium chaemedrys
Evergreen perennial bushy habit with dark green shiny leaves. Deep pink flowers.
Makes a good edging plant.
Heartsease Viola tricolour
Hardy perennial reaching 25 cm Flowers from spring to autumn. Very pretty flowers
with deep mauve, white and yellow flowers. Add flowers to salads
Horseradish Amoracia rusticana
Perennial with large elliptical leaves. Likes a rich deep soil with some sun. Use roots
for the sauce used in fish and beef dishes.
House Leek Sempervivum tectorum
Hardy evergreen perennial. Rosettes of reddish tinted succulent leaves. Sunny site
with a thin well drained soil. Apply sliced leaves to minor burns, bites and stings.
Hyssop Hyssopus officinalis
Hardy semi-evergreen sub shrub. Small pointed dark green leaves with blue flowers
from June to September. Prefers a sunny site and a well drained soil. Grows to 18
inches. Good bee and butterfly plant as are the pink and white forms.
Hyssop Rock Hyssopus officinalis aristus
Hardy semi-evergreen sub shrub reaching 1 ft. More compact than common hyssop
with densly clustered deep blue flowers. Likes a sunny spot with a well drained soil.
Ideal for walls and rockeries.
Ladys Mantle Alchemilla mollis
Soft blue green almost circular leaves with toothed lobes around the edges. Can reach
18 inches when in flower. Flowers are loose clusters of bright lime. Traditionally used
to help cure gynaecological problems. Young leaves can be used in salads.
Lavender Old English
Lavender angustifolia ‘Little Lady’ weather resistant, good for edge of border or
We grow many varieties of lavender
Lemon Verbena Aloysia tryphylla
Half hardy shrub. Reaches 4 ft in our garden ut I have seen it grow 15 ft in a hot spot
against a wall in West Cornwall.. Woody stems with long narrow green leaves. Very
good lemon scent used in perfume oils and to flavour cakes and makes a good tea. Ve
Lovage Levisticum officinale
Hardy herbaceous perennial. Large aromatic toothed leaves are borne on long hollow
stems with a reddish tinge. Excellent in stocks and soup. My Swiss friend says the
literal translation of the word is ‘Soup Weed’!
Marjoram Gold Plain Leaf Origanum vulgare aureum
Striking golden foliage reaching 18 inches. Hardy perennial likes a sunny spot but
with some midday shade. Will thrive on a well drained alkaline soil. Use leaves
chopped into salads, sauces and with meat dishes. Attractive to butterflies. Use leaves
in tea to relieve sore throat.
Marjoram Gold Curled Leaf Origanum aureum crispum
Crinkled golden foliage. Much flatter habit than plain leaved.
Marjoram Compact Origanum vulgare compactum
More compact dwarf form of pot marjoram. Dark green leaves tightly bunched. Good
flavour and scent. Forms a small mound.
Marjoram Sweet Origanum marjorana
Slender red tinted stems bearing ovate grey/green leaves. Sweet spicy scent.Chop
finely and add to salads and sauces for fish. Add to meat dishes in the last few
minutes of cooking.
Mint Mentha spp.
There are Hundreds of different forms of mint, many very similar. They are hardy
herbaceous perennials that thrive in rich moist soil. Mint will almost grow anywhere
but will thrive in partial shade or sun. They reach up to 3ft and the flowers are very
attractive to bees.
Mint apple Mentha suaveolens or rotundifolia
Large round light green hairy leaves with a mild mint flavour. Excellent culinary mint
use with new potatoes and in mint sauce.
Mint Basil Mentha x.piperita citrarata “Basil”
Very similar to eau de cologne but with a slight hint a basil.
Mint Bowles Mentha x villosa alopecuroides
Large round hairy leaves with toothed edges, very similar to applemint. Spearmint
Mint Chocolate Mentha x.piperita “Chocolate”
Peppermint with chocolate scent. Reminiscent of after eights.
Mint Corsican Mentha requienii
Tiny peppermint scented bright green leaves. Creeping habit up to 1 inch. Ideal for
planting between slabs and as a general ground cover plant out of scorching sun.
Tashkent Mint Curly Mentha spicata crispa
Curly leaves with excellent spearmint flavour. Light mauve flowers from midsummer.
Good in mint sauce.
Mint Eau de Cologne Mentha x. piperta citrata “Eau de Cologne”
Smooth dark leaves with a wonderful strong cologne scent. Add leaves to salads
sparingly. Ours grows freely around the pond margins.
Mint Ginger Mentha x gentilis
Pretty little plant which is late to emerge in the garden, Golden variegated leaves with
slight ginger scent. Prune to renew golden foliage. Use in summer drinks.
Mint Horse Mentha longifolia
Long silvery grey leaves with tall spikes of purple flowers. Sometimes called buddleia
mint. Favoured by bees.
Mint Moroccan Mentha spicata “Moroccan”
Spear mint- Garden Mint
We sell more of this than any other mint. Tight bright green tothed leaves with a good
strong spearmint flavour. This is the mint to use in mint tea, also excellent in sauce for
Mint Black Peppermint Mentha x piperita
Dark leaves with very strong peppermint aroma and flavour. Excellent in home made
Mint Pineapple . Creamy white and green foliage.Very pretty in herb garden.
Pot Marigold Calendula officinalis
Hardy annual with bright orange daisy like flowers.Light green lanceolate leaves.
Often self seeding. Flower petals make good food dye. Also many medicinal uses.
Myrtle Myrtus communis
Half hardy evergreen shrub. Small dark green narrow leaves with a sweet spicy smell.
Flowers are creamy white with gold stamens also sweet smelling. Use in stuffing for
pork. Use in potpourri mixtures.
Myrtle Myrtus ugni Chilean Guava
Evergreen shrub. Delicious berries much favoured by Queen Victoria who used to
order them to be sent up on the train from Penzance.
Nasturtium Tropaeolum majus
Annual with bright scarlet, orange and yellow flowers which can be used in salads etc
The flavour is very similar to watercress.
Oregano Origanum vulgare
Perennial reaching 1ft to 18 inches. Square stems with mid green oval leaves. Purple
flowers in late summer. Likes a well drained sunny position. Use fresh in Italian
Oregano Greek Origanum var.
Stronger more fiery flavour than standard oregano. It has small white flowers an will
grow to about 12 inches. Likes a well drained soil and a sunny position.
Oregano Country Cream Origanum var.
Variegated cream and green foliage. Compact habit good flavour. Very pretty plant
with pale pink flowers.
Parsley Curled Petroselenum crispum
Hardy biennial bright green finely cut leaves. Likes a rich moist soil in a sunny or
semi sunny spot. Rich in vitamins.
Parsley Flat Leaved Petroselenum crispum neapolitanum
Sometimes called French or Italian parsley. This hardy biennial plant has superior
flavour to curled parsley. The leaves as the name suggests are flat making it easily
distinguishable. Will reach 12 to 14 inches in height.
Pennyroyal Mentha pulegium
This hardy perennial has two forms, one is a creeper reaching not more than 6 inches
while the upright form can reach 14 inches. Small green leaves on thick green stems.
Strong mint scent. Moist soil preferred but will grow almost anywhere. Strew leaves
to deter ants and fleas.
Rocket Salad Eruca vesicaria sativa
Fast growing annual. Lance shaped leaves with creamy white flowers with purple
veins. Any soil in some sun. Eat the young leaves for their spicy flavour, add flowers
to salads.
Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis var.
A range of hardy evergreen shrubs. Long narrow needle like foliage that is tough and
resinous. Flowers appearing from April onwards and are borne in clusters. Prefers to
be grown on a light sandy soil with a high pH. Will benefit from a sheltered position.
Adds flavour to meat dishes especially lamb. Is said to stimulate circulation and
strengthen the memory. We grow a wide range of rosemary varieties.- both upright
and trailing.
Barbecue The strongest growing rosemary. Large thick shiny light green leaves on
upright woody stems. Upright habit. Used for making barbecue skewers. Excellent
Blue Lagoon Fine leaved with arching habit. Deep blue flowers. The best dark blue
rosemary we know of.
Fox Tail (trailing) Best trailing variety. Masses of mid blue flowers in summer.
Excellent for pots and hanging baskets.
Primley Blue Hardy variety with mid blue flowers, grows up to 3 ft.
Miss Jessops Very strong upright habit. Makes a good hedge up to 7 ft. pale blue
flowers good flavour.
White Upright habit reaching 3 ft. White flowers late spring onwards. Not as hardy
as blue forms.
Rue Ruta graveolens
Perennial with steely blue/green foliage and a strong scent. Yellow flowers from June.
Thrives on a well drained chalky soil. Can cause skin rash under certain conditions.
Sage Green Salvia officinalis
Hardy evergreen shrub reaching 2 to 3 ft. Thick downy leaves set in pairs, grey/green
in colour. Flowers borne in spikes are mauve. Likes a well drained soil in a sunny
position. Used in stuffings and to add flavour to meat and poultry.
Sage Golden (Icterina) Salvia officinalis “Icterina”
Perennial evergreen with green and gold variegated leaves. Rarely flowers. Prefers a
warm sunny location in a well drained soil.
Sage Pineapple Salvia elegans “pineapple”
Half hardy perennial reaching 3 ft. Soft green pineapple scented leaves and bright
scarlet flowers on spikes in the winter. Use leaves in fruit salads or with pork.
Sage Tangerine Salvia elegans “Tangerine”
Half hardy perennial reaching 3 ft. Soft green tangerine scented leaves and bright
scarlet flowers on spikes in the winter. Use leaves in fruit salads or with pork.
Sage Purple salvia officinalis purpurea
Purple leaves with square stems. Stronger flavour than green sage. Very decorative
and useful. Use in a gargle to help relieve sore throat.
Sage Tricolour Salvia officinalis tricolour
Not as hardy as common sage. Leaves are green splashed with white and pink. Needs
full sun and light dry soil. Keep dry in winter. Mild flavour, use as green sage.
Santolina (Cotton Lavender) Santolina chamaecyparissus
Hardy evergreen sub-shrub. Aromatic finely divided silver foliage. Bright yellow
button like flowers. Deters moths and other insects. Good knot garden edging.
Santolina Viridis Santolina c.viridis
Very similar to the species but light green foliage.
Santolina Virens Santolina c.virens
Smaller leaves than the previous two. The foliage is a vivid bright green and more
compact, yellow contrasting flowers.
Savoury Creeping Satureja repanda
Makes a carpet of fine green foliage with white flowers in late summer. Hardy
evergreen perennial.
Savoury Summer Satureja hortensis
Annual with narrow leaves and pale lilac flowers. Use in bean dishes and in savoury
jellies. Strong aroma.
Savoury Winter Satureja montana
Hardy evergreen shrub with small narrow dark green pointed leaves. Grows to 12
inches high. Use as per summer savoury.
Sorrel Buckler leaved (French) Rumex scutatus
Small shield shaped leaves with silvery patches. More acidic than broad leaved sorrel.
Creeping habit. Likes free draining soil with some sun. Makes good soup, widely used
in French cooking.
Southernwood Artemesia abrotanum
Hardy deciduous subshrub. Sweet scented thread like grey green foliage. Use dried
leaves as an insect repellent. Grow near plants that suffer from pest damage.
Sweet Cicely Myrrhis odorata
Herbaceous perennial. Fragrant fern like leaves with a bluish hue and a downy
underside. Likes light shade and a rich moist soil. Use as a sweetener when cooking
fruit. Aids digestion.
Tarragon French Artemesia dracunculus
Perennial but only hardy to about 2 degrees of frost. Long narrow grey green leaves
smelling of aniseed when crushed.Likes a sunny site with a light well drained soil.
Will need protection in the winter. This is the best culinary Tarragon by far and has
many culinary uses.
Thyme Thymus spp.
Thymes come in all shapes, sizes and colours. The leaves and flowers are often
sweetly scented and attractive to bees. Thymes are evergreen and many but not all are
quite hardy. They range in heights from 1 inch up to 18 inches. They like warm sunny
sheltered sites with well drained soil.
Archers Gold Arching golden foliage with pink flowers. Will reach 6 inches in
Bressingham Pink Creeping habit with dark green leaves and prolific pink flowers.
Favoured by bees.
Broadleaved Large bronze/green leaves with arching habit. Good culinary thyme
with excellent flavour.
Caraway Creeping habit with pinkish stems and small green leaves. Strong caraway
scent with light purple flowers. Known as herba-barona, will reach 4 inches.
Camphor Creeping Habit. Small tough leaves with a strong camphor scent.
Common Dark green leaves and a bushy habit. Excellent flavour. Light pink
Creeping Red Creeping habit forming a dense carpet of foliage with strong red
Doone Valley Creeping habit with green and gold foliage. Lemon scent. Prune hard
to restore variegation.
Fragrantissimus Light grey foliage and upright habit. White flowers and a stron
citrus scent.
Golden Upright habit with tight golden foliage all year round. Likes a sunny spot.
Golden Creeping Creeping habit with brilliant golden foliage. Pink flowers in the
Lemon Bushy upright growth with dark green leaves. Pink flowres in summer.
Wonderful lemon scent.
Lemon Creeping Flat habit with dark leaves. Lemon scented with prolific flowers
in summer.
Lemon Variegated (Golden) Bushy upright green and gold variegated foliage with a
strong lemon scent. One of the best for flavour and appearance.
Minimus Tiny green leaves with a flat habit. Pink flowers in midsummer.
Orange Scented see fragrantissimus
Porlock Upright habit with bright green leaves. Very early lilac flowers.
Russetings Dark green foliage and a very prostrate habit. Prolific purple flowers,
one of the best decorative thymes.
Silver Posie Silver and light green variegated foliage. Bushy upright habit. Good
culinary flavour, use as common.
Silver Queen Bushy upright form with silver and green variegated foliage. Strong
lemon scent and pretty pink flowers.
Woolly Low growing mat forming thyme with grey green hairy leaves. Mauve/pink
flowers loved by bees.
Violet Sweet Viola odorata
Hardy perennial reaching 6 inches. Dark green heart shaped leaves with fragrant
purple flowers in spring. Moist soil with midday shade. Use flowers in salads.
Water cress nasturtium officinale
This hardy perennial needs less water than you way think. Will grow on a window
sill, but I grow mine in a shallow trough under a leaky gutter. Good excuse not to
mend the leak!
Welsh Onion Allium fistulosum
Hardy perennial. Gives a continuous supply of onions for use as salad onions. Hollow
stems with white flowers that can be used in salads.
Woodruff Sweet Galium odoratum
Hardy perennial with spreading habit. Makes good groundcover. White star shaped
flowers in spring. Likes some moisture in spring but will tolerate dry shade through
the summer. Used in may wine and the flowers added sparingly to salads.
Wormwood Artemisia absinthium
Hardy shrub with silvery grey foliage. Strong bitter scent. Tiny yellow flowers in
summer. Sunny site on most garden soils. Used to dispel worms and in herbal
medicine as a diuretic.