1 Index 0. Objective ……………………………………………………………………………………3 1. Validation of simulation tool (Movak3D) .......................................................................... 3 1.1. Theoretical validation ................................................................................................. 3 1.1.1. Cylindrical tube .................................................................................................. 3 1.1.2. Cylindrical annulus ............................................................................................ 4 1.2. Experimental validation ............................................................................................. 5 2. Cryotrapping system for SPIRAL2 .................................................................................... 7 2.1. Function and efficiency of the cryotraps .................................................................... 7 2.2. Principle of the cryotraps ........................................................................................... 7 2.3. Activated charcoal behaviour ..................................................................................... 8 3. Source term of the contamination transfer ....................................................................... 10 3.1. Neutron production .................................................................................................. 10 3.2. Geometry configuration of the target ....................................................................... 10 3.3. Volatile gases in the uranium target ......................................................................... 11 4. Accommodation ............................................................................................................... 13 4.1. Accommodation interest .......................................................................................... 13 4.2. Accommodation models ........................................................................................... 14 5. Conclusion ........................................................................................................................ 18 6. References ........................................................................................................................ 19 Figures : Figure 1 : Comparison of Movak3D calculation to analytical formula ..................................... 4 Figure 2 : Relative error between Levenson formula and MOVAK3D for the transmission probability given for several Di/D0 ratios (from 0.1 to 0.8) ............................................... 5 Figure 3 : Experimental set-up in the vacuum laboratory at GANIL. The gas flow was transmitted at 20 K. Results of the experiment compared to Movak3D calculation.......... 6 Figure 4 : The cryotraps as conceived by the SPIRAL2 team ................................................... 7 Figure 5 : Areas and groups of the cryotraps ............................................................................. 7 Figure 6 : Experimental set of activated charcoal under development in the Vacuum Laboratory of GANIL ........................................................................................................ 8 Figure 7 : Nitrogen adsorption on metallic surface and on activated charcoal .......................... 9 Figure 8 : Adsorption of hydrogen and nitrogen on activated charcoal ..................................... 9 Figure 9 : Uranium carbide target in reality (left), and as modelled (right) ............................ 10 Figure 10 : Geometry configuration of the converter and the target as modelled.................... 11 Figure 11 : Beam line in the configuration of SPIRAL2 ........................................................ 13 Figure 12 Accommodation coefficient as a function of the ration of molecular masses of respectively the gas and the wall ...................................................................................... 14 Figure 13 : Windows of the SCA code, developed by GANIL................................................ 15 Tables : Table 1 : Gaseous elements in the target .................................................................................. 11 Table 2 : Activity of gases (Bq) in the target just after irradiation (0 hour) and after some periods of cooling ............................................................................................................. 12 2 0. Objective This report gives details about the contribution of GANIL to the SAFERIB program concerning the subtask T-J10-3: Technical concept to confine volatile radioactivity. This work deals with the radioactive contamination transfer in beam lines and the technological solution to limit this migration, namely the solution called “cryotraps”. The problem of the migration of the contamination is very constraining in e.g. the SPIRAL2-project at GANIL, since a very high level of radioactivity will be produced. In this project the fission process will be used to generate very intense beams of exotic nuclei. This production scheme requires a very high fission rate. With 5 mA of 40-MeV deuterons on a converter target followed by a high density uranium target (11 g.cm-3) the fission rate will be about 5 1013 up to 1014 fission.s-1. The activity in the target, after 90 days of continuous irradiation, will be about 4 1014 Bq, where more than 65 % (~ 3 1014 Bq) will be in a volatile state at 2000 °C, the heating temperature of the target. The containment of this volatile activity is crucial for the nuclear safety to avoid the transfer of the contamination in the facility, namely to the experimental areas. The cryotrap is the technological solution developed to limit the migration of non-ionised atoms into the facility. So it is considered as an important element for nuclear safety (Elément Important pour la Sûreté) for the future installation of SPIRAL2. This work will be considered as a good experience perfectly applied for several projects as SPIRAL2 and EURISOL, where the problem of the contamination will normally be more constraining and more severe. . 1. Validation of simulation tool (Movak3D) Movak3D is a computer program dedicated to the transport probabilities calculus of particles in a definable vacuum system under molecular regime. The code is valid only for large Knudsen numbers, which correspond to the high and ultra high vacuum ranges. The validation study goal was to verify the coherence of Movak3D simulation results with the principles of vacuum physics namely as they are given in the literature and with experimental studies 1.1. Theoretical validation a. Cylindrical tube For theoretical validation, we chose simple and complicated shapes and geometries for which we calculated by Movak3D the transmission probability of molecules and compared them to theoretical estimation. The example of a cylindrical tube with constant section is interesting. Santler1 (1986) tried to give an analytical formula to evaluate the transmission probability as a function of the ratio between length (L) and the diameter (D) for this geometrical shape. Movak3D reproduces exactly the predictions from the expression of Santler (figure 1). 3 1 6 L L' L 1 1 / 3 7 D 0,25 0,2 Pr 3 L' Pr 1 : 4 D Santler expression where MOVAK3D 0,15 Santler 0,1 0,05 0 0 10 20 30 40 L/D Figure 1 : Comparison of Movak3D calculation to analytical formula b. Cylindrical annulus Davis (1960) and Levenson et al. (1960; 1963) as well as Carette et al. (1983) used the Monte-Carlo calculational method for determining the conductance of simple and complex shapes. From calculation results, Levenson tried to give an analytic formula of the transmission probability of cylindrical annulus. Thus he proposed the following expression 2: Pr 1.33 K 0 D0 Di L 1.33 D 0 D i where K0 is an experimental factor depending on the ratio Di/D0. K0 is given for few values of Di/D0 (figure 6.). By fitting experimental points we propose an empirical formula giving K0 as a function of diameters ratio: 4 3 2 D D D D K 0 3.565 i 5.2457 i 2.5688 i 0.1034 i 1.0002 D0 D0 D0 D0 Using these results, we calculate the transmission probability according to Levenson of a cylindrical annulus for various values of Di/D0, where Di is the interior diameter and D0 is the exterior one. We see that the MOVAK3D calculation results are in a very good agreement with the Levenson formula results for small ratios Di/D0 (figure 2). The relative error is less than 10 % for small ratios and it increases when the ratio Di/D0 increases. 4 relative error (%) 120 100 0.8 80 0.7 0.6 60 0.4 40 0.1 20 0 40 60 80 100 pipes lenght (au) 120 140 Figure 2 : Relative error between the Levenson formula and MOVAK3D for the transmission probability given for several Di/D0 ratios (from 0.1 to 0.8) 1.2. Experimental validation For experimental studies, several experiments were carried out in the vacuum laboratory of GANIL to determine experimentally the transmission probability of a gas flow and to compare it to the Movak3D simulations. The following figure gives an example of an experimental set-up, where we studied the transmission of two gases, nitrogen and argon. The tube to stimulate the condensation is cooled to 20 K by means of a cryogenerator (industrial reference CTI-1020). So it presents the region of condensation. The transmission probability is given by the ratio of the pressure of the gas at the exit and the entrance of the cooled tube, respectively. The vacuum is produced by using a turbo molecular pump with a pumping speed of 550 l.s -1 (Varian V-550). The pressure at the entrance and the exit of the system was measured using a Balzers vacuum gauge sensor (industrial reference : IKR 050) and a Pfeiffer gauge (industrial reference : PBR 260). The pressure in the tube was about 1.3 10-6 mbar. Results of the measurement listed below show an acceptable agreement between simulation and experiment. The following table presents the transmission probability of the gases. N2 Ar Measurement Movak3D 0.21 0.063 0.19 0.057 0.12 0.01 0.12 0.01 5 Figure 3 : Experimental set-up as used in the vacuum laboratory in GANIL. The gas flow was transmitted at 20 K. Results of the experiments are compared to Movak3D calculations 6 2. Cryotrapping system for SPIRAL2 2.1. Function and efficiency of the cryotraps To confine the radioactive contamination and to limit its migration into beam lines in the future installation of SPIRAL2, a cryotrapping system was developed (it is called CRYOTRAPS) and is presently under construction (figure 4). Many experimental and simulation studies were conducted to dimension the system and to validate its conceptional design. These studies showed that for the most penalizing gases (fission products), the cryotrap has an efficiency of about 99.9 %, which means that 99.9 % of the incoming radioactivity will be trapped on the cryotraps surfaces. With such efficiency, and for a cryotraps established at about 3 meters far from the source, the transferred activity to the beam line after the cryotraps will be about 109 Bq which is less than the expected activity of radioactive beams. Figure 4 : The cryotraps as designed by the SPIRAL2 team 2.2. Principle of the cryotraps The cryotraps is designed as an assembly of 5 condensation areas (see figure 5) : The most external areas (areas 1 and 5, in blue colour in figure 5) are dedicated to the group 1 of volatile gases, which the condensation temperature is less than 80 °K. This group is constituted of almost only the fission products, so they present more than 85% of the total gaseous activity. The areas 2 and 4 are for the second group of gases whose the condensation temperature is less than 20 °K. It is mainly constituted of rare gases. The 3d group with tritium and hydrogen needs a specific solid absorber (like the activated charcoal) to be condensed at 20°K. This group will be mainly condensed in the area 3, which is covered by activated charcoal. Figure 5 : Areas and groups of the cryotraps 7 2.3. Activated charcoal behaviour Experiments were conducted in GANIL to verify the behaviour of activated charcoal under low temperature. The developed experimental set up allowed to compare the condensation of some gases (nitrogen and hydrogen) in metallic surfaces (copper) and metallic surfaces covered by activated charcoal (figure 6). Activated charcoal exhibits good properties to stimulate the condensation of some gases like hydrogen. To check this characteristic, we used two gases, nitrogen and hydrogen. Then we measured the gas adsorption as a function of the cryogenic temperature. We show that in order to trap nitrogen molecules, the metallic surface has to be cooled to very low temperatures, while a surface coated with activated charcoal can act as an absorber up to 100 K (figure 7). The experiments showed that hydrogen is much more difficult to be absorbed compared to nitrogen. The cooling temperature does not exceed 50 K even with activated charcoal (figure 8). Activated charcoal Figure 6 : Experimental set of activated charcoal under development in the Vacuum Laboratory of GANIL 8 Figure 7 : Nitrogen adsorption on metallic surface and on activated charcoal Figure 8 : Adsorption of hydrogen and nitrogen on activated charcoal 9 3. Source term of the contamination transfer The activation of the uranium target under nominal operation (5 mA of 40 MeV deuterons on a graphite converter) after 90 days of irradiation represents the source term of the contamination transfer. 3.1. Neutron production The fission reaction of a natural uranium target with fast neutrons will allow for the production of a broad range of exotic neutron-rich nuclei. The aim is to obtain a high fission rate within the interval [5 × 1013 ; 1014 ] fissions.s-1. The primary beam (deuterons of 40 MeV and 5 mA) is converted by the stripping interaction in a graphite converter, into fast neutrons. The converter is a graphite cylinder of 1 cm of thickness and 8 cm of diameter. The density is 1.8 g.cm-3. The beam is entirely stopped in the converter [3]. 3.2. Geometry configuration of the target The target consists of 19 stacks of natural uranium carbide (UC2) pellets in a hexagonal arrangement within a matrix of carbon (figure 9). The diameter of each pellet is 1.5 cm and its thickness is 0.1 cm. The density of UC2 is 11 g.cm-3. The pellets are mounted in a distance from each other of about 0.03 cm. The active length of the target is 8 cm. A safety window is placed between the converter and the target to stop the deuteron beam if the converter is accidentally lost or destroyed (figure 10)4. This system was modelled using the code MCNPX5. Figure 9 : Uranium carbide target in reality (left), and as modelled (right) 10 UC2 target is covered by tantalum and carbon cylinders 4 cm Deuterons 40 MeV ; 5 mA 8,4 cm UC2 target Converter (graphite) Safety windows (carbon) Figure 10 : Geometry configuration of the converter and the target as modelled An important fraction of the radioactivity is created in the target by the neutrons induced from the converter (~1013 n.cm-2.s-1). After 90 days of irradiation, the total activity in the target is about 4.4 × 1014 Bq. About 70 % of this activity originates from fission products, 10 % from actinides, 8% from halogens (iodine) and 8% from rare gases. The target loses about 73 % of this activity after 8 hours of cooling (to 1.5 × 1014 Bq). After one year of cooling, the activity is 9.4 1011 Bq and it reaches 5.9 × 1010 Bq after 10 years. The activation was calculated by the code DARWIN PEPIN2[6]. 3.3. Volatile gases in the uranium target Since the ISOL method will be used to extract the ions, the target will need to be heated at high temperature (~2000 °C). We assume that all elements produced in the target with a melting temperature less than 2000 °C are in gaseous state and therefore constitute the source term of the radioactive contamination transfer “feeding” the cryotraps. The following table presents these elements with their melting temperature. The total activity of these gases after 3 months of irradiation is about 3.0 1014 Bq. The table 2 gives the activity after cooling. Table 1 : Gaseous elements in the target Designation Melting (°C) Designation Melting (°C) Te 450 Y 1523 Ba 725 Ce 795 Sr 790 Pr 935 Sb 630 Rh 1966 Np 640 Nd 1010 Zr 1852 Sn 232 Designation In Se Sm Eu Cd Pd 11 La 920 As Sublimation à 613 °C Ag Melting (°C) Designation Melting (°C) Designation Fusion (°C) Designation Melting (°C) Designation Melting (°C) Designation Melting (°C) 156 Ge 937 Pu 639 Fe 1535 Ta 303 Kr -157 217 Th 1750 Ni 1453 Be 1278 Ru 39,6 Xe -112 1072 Zn 420 Tm 1545 Mn 1245 Cs 28,5 3 H -256 822 Dy 1420 Yb 824 Po 254 I 113,7 321 Ho 1470 Co 1495 Ra 700 Ga 29,9 1552 Tb 1360 Li 180 Pb 327 T -259 Table 2 : Activity of gases (Bq) in the target just after irradiation (0 hour) and after some periods of cooling Activity (Bq) 0 hour 3.0 1014 8 hours 6.2 1013 5 days 2.6 1013 12 3 months 4.9 1012 1 year 1.1 1012 962 Er 1522 Lu 1656 Bi 271 Br -7,1 4. Accommodation 4.1. Interest in the accommodation coefficient Accommodation is an important phenomenon for molecule transfer under the regime of molecular flow. The accommodation is badly known and experimentally there are few experiments which allowed to measure the accommodation coefficient for some surfaces and some gases. It was necessary for us to develop theoretical models predicting this coefficient. It is evident that if we do not take into account this phenomenon in the transfer calculations, results would be very penalizing of the dimensioning of the installation. The accommodation coefficient is defined as the ratio of the energy actually transferred between impinging gas molecules and a surface, and the energy which would be theoretically transferred if the impinging molecules reached complete thermal equilibrium with the surface7. We can consider the example given by the figure 11 to show the importance of the accommodation phenomenon. The example shows the separator with two pumps, a pumping system on the beam line and at the end of this line we set the cryotraps. The source is heated at 2000 °C and the beam line wall is at the ambient temperature (20°C). In this condition, and without accommodation, 0.2 % of the cesium is transferred to the cryotraps. If we take into account the accommodation phenomenon with a coefficient of 0.7, we find by calculation that only 0.022 % will be transferred. 2 pumps Separator Beam line Pumps Cryotraps entrance Figure 11 : Beam line in a configuration near from SPIRAL2 configuration 13 4.2. Accommodation models Two models of accommodation were developed in this work : The first (called M1) is based on a simple formulation of elastic scattering. In this model we define two configurations, M1C1 where the accommodation coefficient is considered as constant during the thermalisation of the molecule and M1C2, where it varies as a function of the temperature during the thermalisation process of the molecule. In that case, the accommodation coefficient is calculated as the average of all accommodation coefficients depending on the temperature. The second model uses the formalism developed by Manson8, which takes into account differential coefficients of reflection and incidence. Two configurations are considered : first a one-dimensional calculation (M2D1) and second a three-dimensional calculation (M2D3)9. The comparison of calculated values to measured ones (figure 12) shows clearly that the calculation results often underestimate the experimental values, however experimental and theoretical trends seems to be identical (same trends of the variation). These results show the difficulty of the quantification of the accommodation coefficient. Since it is not easy to quantify exactly this coefficient, it would be of great interest to predict it theoretically with different approaches and to choose the adequate values depending on the objective of the calculation and the dimensioning. The result of the efforts towards this goal are shown in the next section. 1,2 1 Accomodation coefficient 0,8 0,6 experience M1C1 0,4 M1C2 M2D1 0,2 M2D3 0 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2 Mg/Mw Figure 12 Accommodation coefficient as a function of the ration of molecular masses of the gas and the wall, respectively. 14 4.3. SCA code We developed the SCA code (Scattering Coefficient of Accommodation) in the aim to calculate easily the accommodation coefficient. With this code we can choose the model of the calculation (M1C1, M1C2, M2D1 or M2D3) (figure 13). The required input data are the atomic mass of the gaseous species, the atomic mass of the wall material, the gas temperature at the source, the wall temperature and the condensation temperature of the gaseous element. The code is publicly available and can be downloaded from the presently constructed new website of GANIL. Figure 13 : Graphical User Interface windows of the SCA code, developed by GANIL 15 5. Release measurement It is important to note that in a near domain, experiments were conducted during 2007 at the ISOLDE facility at CERN to measure releases of some key isotopes. These experiments were conducted by a team including the “Experts Group” of SPIRAL2 and physicists from GANIL working for the SPIRAL2 project. We present here still preliminary results, since the analysis of the data are has not yet been completely finalized. The detailed study and analysis of these results will allow to understand better the phenomena of diffusion and desorption and especially to have experimental data about the behaviour of some elements under extreme conditions (fire for example) in the contamination transfer. These cases are of great interest for the nuclear safety. Two campaigns of experiments were conducted in ISOLDE at CERN to study the implantation of volatile radioisotopes on different metal surfaces in the frame of the study of the contamination transfer and releases, which is highly related to the radioactivity confinement. Six metals were used for these experiments : Cu, Al, Inox, W, Sn and Zr. Radioactive beams used for implantation (at 30 keV) were 85Kr-m, 91Sr, 128Sb, 132Te, 132I, 135 Xe, 135I, 86Rb, 135Xe, 136Cs, 140Ba, 140La, 141Ce. These masses were chosen since they are the most penalizing in SPIRAL2 . The second experiment used samples on Al, Cu, W, Zr, Ti, Inox, Au, Pt, DLC, C, Quartz, Re and Rh with following beams : 79Kr, 84Rb, 123I, 125Xe and 132Cs. Nuclei of several masses (86, 135, 136, 140 and 141) were implanted at 30 keV in a sample of zirconium. Preliminary results show that there is no release at ambient temperature. Figure 14 : Activity as a function of the time after implantation : measured (observed) and estimated with the hypothesis that there is no release (expected) 16 Other measurements of releases were done for several heating temperatures (up to 1200 °C). Samples, after implantation, were heated during one hour under a pressure of about 4.10-5 mbar. Preliminary results show the strong dependence between the release mechanism and the temperature of the sample. This is the case for example for rubidium on copper (figure 15) : the release fraction is 10 % at 400 °C and 100 % at 600 °C. For caesium, it is about 35 % at 400 °C and 75 % at 800 °C. For cerium and barium we see that the heating, for this interval of temperature, has no effect on the release. Figure 15 : Release fraction for some isotopes as a function of the heating temperature of the samples 17 6. Conclusion and dissemination There exists a major interest on the cryotraps in an installation as SPIRAL2. It will be considered as an Important Element for the Safety “Element Important pour la Sûreté” since it will be a barrier between the red and yellow radiological zones. With a significant efficiency of ~99.9 %, the cryotraps will contain a great portion of the radioactive contamination and avoid that it were transferred on the beam line system up to experimental areas. The first experimental tests of the prototype of the cryotraps are planned for 2008. The SCA code can be downloaded from the new website of GANIL, which is under construction. Finally, this work was presented at several workshops and meetings : * SPIRAL2 week, GANIL (caen), November 2007 Two posters : 1. About the production rates and the activation of the uranium carbide target of SPIRAL 2. Containment of volatile isotopes for SIRAL2 * Common EURISOL DS - EURONS Town Meeting, Helsinki, Finland, September 2007 Poster : Containment of volatile isotopes for SIRAL2 * 51st Workshop on Modern Problems & Capability of Vacuum Gas Dynamics, Värmdö (Sweden), July 2007 Présentation : “Simulation and experimental studies for the containment of radioactive volatile isotopes in SPIRAL2” * XVth International Conference on Electromagnetic Isotope Separators and Techniques related to their Applications (EMIS), Deauville (France), June 2007 Poster : “About the production rates and the activation of the uranium carbide target of SPIRAL2” * SAFERIB and EURISOL joint meeting (Safety and Radioprotection), Jüelich (Germany), May 2007 Présentation : Conformity to legislation, comparative study in European Union * SAFERIB and EURISOL joint meeting (Safety and Radioprotection), Warsaw (Poland), June 2006 Présentation : Ganil progress report, WP 5 EURISOL and SAFERIB * 14th Biennial Topical Meeting of the ANS Radiation Protection and Shielding Division, April 2006, Carlsbad, New Mexico, USA Présentations : 1. Neutronic perturbation of the uranium target activation in SPIRAL 2 2. Radioactive contamination transfer in Spiral 2 - Simulation and experimental studies * First Workshop on Actinide Target Development, Vancouver (Canada), April 2006 18 Présentations : 1. Neutronic perturbation of the uranium target activation in SPIRAL 2 2. Radioactive contamination transfer in Spiral 2 * Workshop on Operational Radiation Protection at High-Energy Accelerators, CERN, Geneva, November 2005 Présentation : Radioactive contamination transfer in Spiral 2 - Simulation and experimental studies * SAFERIB and EURISOL joint meeting (Safety and Radioprotection), Saclay (France), October 2005 Présentation : Definition and conception of a cryotrapping system for SPIRAL2 7. References Santler, D.J., and M.D. Boeckmann, 1987b, Combining transmission probabilities of different diameter tubes. J. Vac. Sci.&Technol 2 Levenson et al., 1963, Le Vide 18, Paris. 3 More information concerning SPIRAL2 can be found at http://www.ganil.fr. 4 M.Fadil et al, « About the production rates and the activation of the uranium carbide target for SPIRAL 2” EMIS Conference, Deauville, France, 2007 1 5 Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport Code System for Multiparticle and High Energy Applications, Version 2.5.e. Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Contributed by Los Alamos National Laboratory. USA DARWIN version 2.1. Manuel, Commissariat à l’énergie atomique, CEA/Saclay, DM2S/SERMA 7 A. Roth, Vacuum Technology, Elsevier Science 8 Ali Özer, J.R. Manson, Comparison of one-dimensional and three-dimensional models for the energy accommodation coefficient, Surf. Sci. 502-503 (2002) 352-357 9 André Muis, J.R. Manson, Calculation of the energy accommodation coefficient using classical scattering theory, Surf. Sci. 486 (2001) 82-94 6 19