Newfield School Lees Hall Road Sheffield S8 9JP Telephone 0114 255 7331 Attendance Officer 0114 229 0940 Fax 0114 258 3625 Co-Headteachers: Mrs Emma Anderson and Mr Dean Webster Executive Headteacher: Mrs Lesley Bowes Chair of Governors: Mr Steve Chew Our ref: EA/DW/ES 17 December 2015 Dear Parents and Carers Consistent Discipline Model We would like to reiterate our commitment to improving the standards at Newfield School and this begins with us all demanding impeccable standards of behaviour and discipline in our school and community. Our Consistent Discipline Model will start the first day back in January. This will ensure that behaviour for learning is given priority so our students flourish. There will be significant changes to routines and rules which we have shared with all students in assemblies and tutor time this week. The changes are outlined here. Planner The student planner is a compulsory item and is integral to the Consistent Discipline Model. It will be used to record reward stamps as well as comments about behaviour that falls short of our expectation. We therefore place great importance on its use and it will quickly become part of our daily routine. All students will be provided with a new professionally produced planner. The planner is required every day, every lesson. Parents should check the planner to see how many rewards their child has gained or if there are any behaviour comments written in by school staff. If a student does not have their planner in school they will be given a replacement for the day, this is the one chance the student has in a school year. On the second time and thereafter, the student will be isolated. Replacement planners will cost £5. A student will not be allowed to return to lessons until a new planner is purchased. We understand this change of rule may cause some initial anxiety but we are confident that the planner will quickly be part of the normal school routine. Mercia Learning Trust, a Company Limited by Guarantee, Registered in England (8119703). Registered Office: Totley Brook Road, Dore, Sheffield, S17 3QU (an exempt charity) Rewards We are very keen to congratulate our students for positive attitude to learning and consideration of their school and local community. Students will collect learning points in the student planner in the form of learning stamps. A stamp is rewarded for: Performance above expectation (homework and classwork) Significant contributions to the school community outside the classroom This may include being good ambassadors for the school in the local community, showing care and concern for the environment or other students, or making a substantial contribution in extracurricular activities. All points will be recorded weekly in tutor time. The form tutor will check each student’s planner and record the number of reward stamps. A letter of achievement will be rewarded for gaining a set number of stamps. Stamps will act as rewards points and contribute towards bigger rewards and privileges. Tutor Time Tutor time is for preparing students to learn. Tutors will check planners, uniform and equipment daily. Students who do not follow uniform, equipment and planner rules, will be sanctioned. Students should start the day with a pen (these can be purchased from student reception before and during school). Behaviour points will be issued if students do not meet this basic expectation. Any student without correct uniform will be expected to change into the school’s supply of spare uniform. Refusal to comply with this will be treated as defiance and sanctioned by either isolation or exclusion. During tutor time students will be participating in independent study. We advise all students to have a book to read in their bag. Behaviour in Class In order to start each lesson with purpose, students will begin the lesson by standing at their chair in silence as they get out their planner and pen. When the teacher tells the class to sit down it signifies the start of the lesson. We have reduced the amount of warnings a student gets for any behaviour that disrupts learning. A student will be removed from learning if there has been no improvement after two warnings given by the teacher. Any student who is removed from learning twice in a day will be excluded. Any student that misbehaves in isolation will also be excluded, and will repeat isolation before returning to normal lessons. Behaviour in and around School We expect our corridors and environment to be safe and calm at all times. This includes before school, between lessons, at social times and after school. If a child displays unacceptable behaviour or breaks our rules, they will receive a comment from the teacher in their planner. If a child receives 5 comments in their planner during a school week, they will be isolated for a full day. If a child receives 10 comments in a school week they will be excluded. Behaviour Points All behaviours that are unacceptable incur behaviour points. All unacceptable behaviours are on a tariff from 1-5, depending on the severity. In an academic year the following rules apply: If a student gets to 50 behaviour points they will receive a Formal Warning If a student gets to 75 behaviour points they will receive a Final Formal Warning If a student gets to 100 behaviour points they will face Permanent Exclusion All students will start from 0 behaviour points in January. It should be noted, however, that when a child receives their fifth exclusion during their time at Newfield, a permanent exclusion may also be actioned depending on the context. Normal permanent exclusion rules apply outside of the above tariff. This would be in response to a serious breach, or persistent breaches of the school behaviour policy and where allowing the child to remain in school would seriously harm the education or welfare or others. We have high expectations and aspirations for all of our students. The introduction of the Consistent Discipline Model will ensure that the vast majority of students who want to learn can thrive in our school. We do not want your child’s future affected by the poor behaviour of others. We are committed to providing an outstanding school for our communities and this starts by being insistent on impeccable standards in everything that we do. We hope you support us in our quest in making Newfield a first class school in which student achievement and welfare is our priority. We wish all of our students and their families an enjoyable festive break and a prosperous New Year. Yours faithfully Mr D Webster Co-Headteacher Mrs E Anderson Co-Headteacher Mercia Learning Trust, a Company Limited by Guarantee, Registered in England (8119703). Registered Office: Totley Brook Road, Dore, Sheffield, S17 3QU (an exempt charity)