Scgis Madagascar Conference Report

International Conference on
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) For Biodiversity Conservation And Sustainable
Development In Madagascar
18-22 August 2003, Antananarivo, Madagascar
Organized by
SCGIS (Society for Conservation GIS) – Madagascar OR Asa SoaAra-jeographika Madagasikara
Report by
Prashant Hedao
Co-Chair, SCGIS International Networks Committee
ESRI Conservation Program
This was the first ever conference of GIS users working in the field of conservation and
development in Madagascar and the effort was the result of the work put in by our past SCGIS
International Scholars from Madagascar. SCGIS- Madagascar (or Asa SoaAra-jeographika
Madagasikara in local Malagassy language) was formed in mid-2001 and we have been wanting
to have this conference since its inception, but had to postpone it because of the political crisis in
the country.
This conference bought together GIS professionals working with conservation/ development
NGOs, Government institutions, students and professors from various universities. The goal was
to bring them all together, share their work, exchange ideas, exchange views about data sharing,
metadata and forming partnerships in conservation. The last two days were dedicated to GIS
The conference and training was funded by the InfoDEV’s International Conference
Scholarship Fund (ICSF – and World Wildlife Fund’s Russell E.
Train Education for Nature Program (WWF-EFN – with support from
ESRI Conservation Program (ECP) and SCGIS-International Committee. SCGIS -Madagascar
and this conference was originally conceived by one of our International Scholar from
Madagascar Lalaina Razafimbololona, (1999 & 2001) from Madagascar, who did a great job in
bringing all the conservation GIS folks together at the conference. Unfortunately she could not
be present at the conference because of personal reasons but the conference was very well
supported by the SCGIS-Madagascar members and past SCGIS International Scholars from
About 80 participants attended the conference and out which almost 40 attended the GIS training.
We had some international presence – Sekar Lukose Kuriakose from India and Rose Mayienda
from Kenya. There were two past SCGIS International Scholars who also participated Sasha
Yumakaev (1997, 2001 & 2003) from Russia, Lucy Chege-Waruingi (1997 & 2001) from Kenya.
Format of the conference was such that it encouraged a lot of discussions and there was enough
time for individual presentations. There was a very good balance between Technical & nontechnical local community related Conservation presentations (see agenda below). Every
afternoon after lunch there were a lot of informal and spontaneous discussions on various issues
such as data sharing, technical aspects of conservation GIS, local communities in conservation,
GIS in conservation/environmental education in schools & universities etc.
After the conference the internationals (Lucy, Rose, Sasha and myself) were hosted by WCS. We
stayed at their guesthouse in Antananarivo and had several discussions amongst ourselves and
with the SCGIS International Scholars from Madagascar about the future SCGIS International
conferences and GIS capacity building in Madagascar.
I made 3 presentations:
 “Latest in GIS – ArcGIS 8 (presentation and demos) & future ArcGIS 9 (presentation)
 “Auroville – Eco City in the making”, about Auroville, the place where I am currently
 “Society for Conservation GIS – its mission and goals”
I also did a 2 days training of ArcGIS 8.3 and Spatial Analyst.
Apart from the conference Sasha and I spent a day in Tana meeting a few organizations:
 Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), Madagascar – We have had three SCGIS
International scholars from WCS Madagascar. They have been doing great work and it
was great to see how the SCGIS sponsored training has helped them.
 Foiben-Taosarintanin’i Madagasikara (FTM) or National Institute Geographic of
Madagascar - The government agency and equivalent of USGS (in the US), which
creates all maps in Madagascar, including the 1:25K topo maps of the whole country.
They showed us around their mapping and remote sensing facility, basically how they
have been traditionally making maps and the also latest digital maps. I am going to
recommend to the GSDI Committee to consider FTM for a GSDI grant, hope they get it.
 Office of Vice Primature (Vice Prime Minister) of Madagascar – The Vice Prime
Minister’s office extensively uses GIS to keep track of all development projects going in
the country including road network, power projects, dams etc.
 Conservation International - Madagascar, Center for Biodiversity Conservation (CBC)
– They want to have a partnership with SCGIS to fund conservation folks from
Madagascar to come to the SCGIS conference in US. They also want to fund a GIS
training workshop in Madagascar for conservation folks in near future.
 World Wildlife Fund, Madagascar – Saw their GIS mapping office and the work they
are doing. Got some beautiful posters on lemurs and biodiversity of Madagascar.
I believe that this is a great way we are contributing to conservation in any country i.e. helping
build the network of conservation GIS users in that country and supporting them, just like we
have done here in Madagascar. I hope SCGIS will continue to focus its efforts and resources in
this direction.
Finally I would like to thank SCGIS-Madagascar members & SCGIS International scholars from
Madagascar especially Lalaina, Patrick, Dina, Fara, Fidy, Marius, Jean-Solo and Lanto for
making this conference a success and for making us (all internationals) feel at home in
Antananarivo. Also thanks to WCS for hosting us and letting and us use their vehicle for moving
in and around Antananarivo.
Thanks to InfoDEV - ICSF and WWF-EFN for funding this conference.
International Conference:
Monday August 18,2003
Session of presentation:
Introduction: SCGIS Madagascar, Lalaina Razafimbololona
“Species distribution and GIS”, Marius Rakotondratsima, WCS Madagascar (Wildlife
Conservation Society)
“GIS Products in conservation”, Rakotozafy Robert, National Institute Geographic of
Madagascar (FTM)
“Building Conservation GIS Community in Russia”, Sasha Yumakaev, SCGIS Russia
“Conservation of the Mikea Forest”, Mahefa Raherison, National Center for the
Environmental Research, Madagascar (CNRE)
“GIS and geography for the environmental studies”, Ms. Simone Ratsivalaka, University
of Antanananarivo, Geography Department
“Building GIS for Ambohimanga castle”, Mrs. Vero Rasamimanana, University of
Antananarivo, Department of Information System
“GIS and Indigenous People for Bio-Diversity Conservation – A Parambikulam
experiment”, Mr. Sekhar Lukose Kuriakose, Enter Technologies Pvt. Ltd., India
Tuesday, August 18,2003
Session of presentation:
Introduction: SCGIS Madagascar, Lalaina Razafimbololona
“GIS and conservation, case of the pin forest in Madagascar”, Anjara Andriamanalina,
WWF Madagascar
“An International Community/ Eco City Auroville”, Prashant Hedao, SCGIS
International Committee and ESRI Conservation Program, USA
“Utilization of GIS for the environment in Madagascar”, Mr. Jean Roger
Rakotoarijaona, National Office for the Environment of Madagascar (ONE)
“GIS Enhancing Landscape Level Conservation”, Rose Mayienda, African Wildlife
Foundation (AWF) –Kenya
“Utilization of GIS for the forest management”, Ms. Fabi Randrianarison, Conservation
International, Madagascar
“Towards Community Conservation with GIS”, Lucy Chege-Waruingi, African
Conservation Center (ACC) – Kenya
Wednesday, August 20,2003
Session of presentation:
Introduction: SCGIS Madagascar, Lalaina Razafimbololona
“GIS application for the governmental program”, Mr. Fanja Randriamanantenasoa,
Ministry of Infrastructure, Madagascar
“Clay characteristic in Madagascar”, Mr. Nicolas Rakotondrainibe, Ministry of
National Education
“GIS application for the local development”, Mr. Mana Florent Parfait, NGO
Ambovombe, Toliary Madagascar
“GIS application for the infrastructure development of Antananarivo” Mr. Jean Lala
Rabenirina, Samva, Madagascar
“Presentation/Demo ArcGIS 8 and the next release ArcGIS 9”, Prashant Hedao, SCGIS
International Committee and ESRI Conservation Program, USA
Thursday 20 – Friday 21, August
GIS Training:
- ArcGIS 8.3 and Spatial analyst 8.3, by Prashant Hedao and Sasha Yumakaev
- Basic ArcView 3x Training, by Lucy Chege-Waruingi and Sasha Yumakaev