Global Dimension Overview School Thornhill – Cath Morton Greasbrough Angie Shepherd Yr group 2 Subject area x-curr Prog info & how different to existing resources /work in school Encourage understanding of global citizenship How diff? Video of children form different parts of the work. . Texts, games and art form differed cultures. Resources Artist Dissemination Documentation Book: If the world were a village DVD: Things that make me happy tbc Joint planning with Y4 NQT. Feedback at staff meeting. 3/4 DT, Geog, History Global issues of sustainability and the environment We are going to teacher about the world in one assembly per week. I will promote Global Issues with in my class first and then resource it out to other teacher. Hoping to have a fair trade week with a coffee morning for parents to gain further knowledge and promote our enterprise skills. How diff? We have no Caribbean artefacts within school and only limited photo packs form the GA We do not have anything about Global issues like sustaininability and the environment. I normally teach fair trade with my Yr 4s alongside the Caribbean and it will promote the message further if we have a fair trade week. Caribbean artifacts Cropped photos Global Steps Fair Trade resources/week Tbc Bead work, story telling, general knowledge of country Share resources and contrib. to Zone booklet Examples of children’s work Displays Photos Video? Pupil, Staff & Parents comments Examples of children’s work Photos Pupils comments Kimberworth Julie Edwards 5 Geog/RE RedscopeKath Hutchinson 2 Creative arts, RE, Geog, History BlackburnJackie Pearce All year groups x-curr projects Thorpe HesleySheila Lincoln 2 x-curr Beliefs leading to extraordinary lives. Mother Teresa, Calcutta. Looking at similarities and differences. Challenging stereotypes, developing appreciation of economic diversity, links interdependence. How diff? We have no India/Christianity resource boxes currently. DVD of Real lives in India not used before Prior to the workshop we will research festivals of India that happen around end of Jan. The work will be based on the history of the festivals to incorporate music, art, drama, dance plus a performance. Research leading to performance. How diff. These are traditional resources that we do not have in school. KS1 – Traditional tales & drumming Y3/4 Chocolate – fair trade and block painting Y5/6 magical stories/beadwork How diff.? Southern artists not usually used in school. Existing DVDs quite dated. Books bought to fit in with various projects. Traditional stories Topic is based on stories eg Masai and I and traditional stories form DVD _ Reel lives Calcutta India artifacts box, autobiography Mother Teresa, Christianity artifacts. Mamasimitra Dates tbc One day dance and music 1 day storytelling/ rural crafts Share resources/contacts and contrib. to Zone booklet Children’s work Displays, Photos Pupil comments Indian printing blocks, stories, fabrics, artifacts loan boxes ( Life in India, Fabulous fabrics) Mamasmitre 23rd Jan and 30th Jan The artist will work with each of the classes in Y2 for half a day on both days. Share lesson plans and resources Display in schools and share booklet of work with staff. Examples of children’s work, displays, photos, video, pupil comments, staff comments. DVD & books Southern Artists Maxwell Ayamba ( 21, 22/2/08 and Rimas Tankele Morris ( 20/3/08) Sharing and monitoring of work across school by coordinator. Examples of children’s work, displays, photographs, video, pupil &s staff comments. Life in east Africa loan box Traditional 11/1/08 Rimas (1) 17.1.08 Sharing with parallel Y2 class. Sharing assembly for parents. Examples of children’s work, photographs, southern artist non fiction (Geography texts about Africa, art and design (ken-le cloth) music (drumming) and songs, Science (materials, Dance and Rama. How diff: Various artefacts to enhance children’s understanding of another country) Whole school art focus on projects based on Kenya to support the work Rimas will be doing. Sculpture, collage, textiles, drawing, painting and beadwork. How diff: To date our school has not Meadow View – Andrea Garfitt 1-6 Art Roughwood - Roberta Reilly & Steph Dean 2 Geog & Literacy Develop knowledge of own type of food eaten and compare with other countries. Look at food in supermarkets and find out where it comes from. Make comparisons and similarities with other cultures. How different: More hands on with artefact boxes Ferham – Vanessa Ward 1 Art Use artifacts as a stimulus for producing aboriginal styled artworks. Whilst doing this discuss the meaning s and relevance of the artistic symbols to the aboriginal culture. How diff: stories ( Southern Artists) Maxwell( 2) pupil comments staff comments. Global citizen ship, the handbook for primary teachers School council are using Global Steps Kenyan artefacts The World came to my place today Handa’s surprise Indian artefacts box African artefacts box Our food , Our world Rimas 16th and 17th January Workshops on beadwork and storytelling Workshops incorporated into art planning. Storytelling followed up in Literacy by class teachers. Staff meeting Examples of children’s work, photographs, pupil comments, staff comments. Rimas 2 days. 21.1.08 – 25.1.08 Storytelling, developing K&U of African foods and culture. Discussion and staff meetings. Egs of children’s work, photos, pupils comments, staff comments. Australian aboriginal arts loans collections 14th and 15th Jan Rimas 29th Feb – Maxwell Slide presentation/ Q&A All members of staff ot have experience of working with artists. Staff to discuss outcome and success, plus how to develop further during staff Egs of chidlren’s work; displays, photographs, video, pupil comments, staff comments. Australian artefacts to promote awareness of arts in other cultures storytelling a d beadwork – all classes through school. Maxwell – drumming ( whole school) and adinkra block printing (KS2) meeting