A POULTRY CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW 27th – 28th September 2014 POULTRY, WATERFOWL AND PRODUCE SCHEDULE OF CLASSES INCORPORATING A RARE BREED POULTRY REGIONAL SHOW HON. ORGANISER MR H EVANS, 10 Bretforton Road, Badsey, Evesham, Worcestershire. WR11 7XG. Phone: (01386) 830674 SHOW MANAGER MR N J LANGDON ASSISTANTS MR & MRS I TANDY, MR R HEATH, MRS J PARSONS, MISS K NEWMAN, MR P SUTTON, MRS H DEPPER, MR A BUNN, MRS S GOULD, MS J McKEATING, MR & MRS C ROPER, MR A PHILLIPS, MR B SYMONDS. JUNIOR STEWARDS OLIVER JOHNSON, MARY RADLEY, JODIE HART, WILLIAM ELKINGTON, JOSEPH NEAL, GEORGE WEAVER, FREDDIE HENRY-WHITE. CLERICAL STAFF MRS A LANGDON MRS A AUSTIN JUDGE MR D COPAS, MR M A HATCHER, MRS C J HADLEY, MR S D HARVEY SALES MISS S PRIEST MRS P SPARROW CLASSES ENTRY FEE INC. VAT PRIZE MONEY FIRST Poultry Egg £1.25 50p £2.00 £1.00 SALES £10.00 per pen (Maximum of 3 birds per pen) ALL ENTRIES TO BE SENT TO: Poultry Section, Three Counties Show, The Showground, Malvern, Worcestershire WR13 6NW. Tel (01684) 584900 Fax (01684) 584910 OENTRIES CLOSE ON MONDAY 8 SEPTEMBER 2014, NO LATE ENTRIES ACCEPTEDO SPECIAL REGULATIONS – All entries will be accepted with the right of the Society to make such alterations in the Rules and Regulations as may be deemed necessary in the interests of the Society and exhibitors, to appoint Judges in case of illness, etc., or Show Regulations will be dealt with by the Show Organisers whose decision must be considered final and binding and must be accepted as such. The Society’s Show Regulations, as printed in the 2014 Official Stock Prize list will apply to the Poultry, Waterfowl and Produce section where applicable, especially Show Regulation No.1 regarding responsibility. Prize money and Sales money will be paid at approx. 4pm on the second day – in the marquee. REGULATIONS PR.1 ENTRIES – the entries accompanied by a remittance to cover fees in full must be sent to reach the Poultry Section, Three Counties Show, The Showground, Malvern, Worcestershire WR13 6NW to be received not later than FIRST POST on 8 SEPTEMBER 2014. No late entries will be accepted. Please make cheques payable to T.C.A.S. PR.2 RULES – the Poultry Show is held under the Rules of the Poultry Club and exhibitors will be deemed to have agreed to abide by these rules and regulations contained therein. PR.3 DUPLICATION – is not permitted in classes for Poultry, Waterfowl and Produce. PR.4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS – of entries will not be made. No ring numbers will be issued. Pen numbers will be sent to exhibitor’s seven days prior to the Show. PR.5 RESPONSIBILITY – from the time of delivery to the time of collection or dispatch, exhibits will be in the custody of the Society’s Officials and may be handled only by them. Whilst every care will be taken of exhibits (including the services of Night Steward) it is a condition of entry that exhibitors indemnify the Society against all claims for loss or injury. Birds found to be suffering from colds or otherwise unhealthy will immediately be returned to the exhibitors and the fees paid forfeited. BIRDS WILL BE FED AND WATERED FOR THE DURATION OF THE SHOW BY OUR STEWARDS. PR.6 LICENCE CONDITIONS REGARDING AVIAN FLU- All exhibitors must cleanse and disinfect their show boxes, crates or baskets before the event and be advised that they should be cleansed and disinfected on return to the home premises, and before they are used to hold any other bird. TCAS reserve the right to exclude any birds not complying with this and entry fees will not be refunded. TCAS will adhere to all the conditions set out by DEFRA when granting the licence to hold the show. PLEASE NOTE – All exhibitors must ensure that their birds are clean and free from lice, scaly leg etc, and in general good health. TCAS reserve the right to exclude any birds not complying with this and entry fees will not be refunded. PR.7 BREED CLUB SPECIAL PRIZES – It is essential that exhibitors state on the entry form in the space provided for the purpose, to which Club/s they belong and must fulfil the conditions attached to special prizes offered by such breed clubs at the Show otherwise their exhibits will not be entered for the awards. 2 PR.8 PROTESTS ETC – will be dealt with as provided in the rules of the Poultry Club. PR.9 ARRIVAL – Exhibits must reach the Show to permit penning not later than 8am on Saturday 27 September and exhibits arriving thereafter will be marked “TOO LATE FOR COMPETITION”. Exhibitors who wish to deliver their stock on Friday 27 September, may do so between 1pm & 8pm. Please note that all vehicles must be off the showground before 8am on Saturday 27 September. COLLECTION – Sunday 28 September – ALL Exhibitors to park in the CAR PARK BEHIND THE STABLES, as no movement of vehicle is allowed on the Showground prior to 6.00 pm. Stewards will assist with transporting of boxes to vehicles, those parked in the designated Poultry Area in the CAR PARK BEHIND THE STABLES may leave after 5.30 pm - BOXING UP AT 5.00 PM. THE MARQUEE WILL NOT CLOSE BEFORE 6.00 PM. PR.10 PLEASE NOTE ALL CLASSES WILL STAND – NO AMALGAMATIONS OR TRANSFERS. PR.11 PASSES – exhibitors will be sent one free admission pass for each £10.00 spent on entry fees, providing a request for the same is marked on the entry form. (Excluding sales). All exhibitors will be entitled to one delivery and collection pass. PR.12 JUDGING – will commence at 9.30am on Saturday 27 September 2014. PR.13 SELLING CLASSES – Entry fees £10.00 per pen, no commission, payable to the Society, maximum of 3 birds in a pen. Please state if you require 2ft or 3ft pens. BIRDS MUST BE A MINIMUM OF 12 WEEKS OLD – THE SHOW ORGANISERS DECISION IS FINAL ON ACCEPTANCE OF BIRDS. PR.14 FOR SECURITY – once the birds have been placed in cages they may only be handled by Stewards during the duration of the Show. TRIO CLASS 1. 2. Breeding Trio, Large Fowl, any variety Breeding Trio, Bantam, any variety RARE BREED POULTRY REGIONAL SHOW CLASSES LARGE FOWL 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. BANTAM CLASSES Andalusian, Male/Female Cream Legbar, Male/Female Vorwerk, Male Vorwerk, Female Long Tail Any Variety, Male/Female Any Variety Heavy, Male/Female Any Variety Light, Male/Female Any Variety Bred 2014, Male/Female 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Thuringian, Male Thuringian, Female Sumtaler, Male/Female Vorwerk, Male/Female Long Tail Any Variety, Male/Female Booted Bantams, Male/Female Any Other Variety, Male/Female Any Variety Bred 2014, Male/Female PLEASE STATE NAME OF BREED ON ALL VARIETY CLASSSES 3 LARGE FOWL CLASS 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Old English Game Carlisle, Male/Female Oxford Game, Male/Female Modern Game, Male/Female Asian Hard Feather, any variety, Male/Female Hard Feather 2014 Bred, any variety, Male/Female Brahma, Male/Female Cochin, Male/Female Orpington, Male/Female Rhode Island Red, Male/Female Sussex, any colour, Male/Female 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. Maran, Male/Female White Silkie, Male/Female Coloured Silkie, Male/Female Welsummer, Male/Female Wyandotte, Male/Female Light Breed, any variety, Male/Female Heavy Breed, any variety, Male/Female Soft Feather 2014 Bred, any variety, Male Soft Feather 2014 Bred, any variety, Female Any Variety Layer or Hybrid PLEASE STATE NAME OF BREED ON ALL VARIETY CLASSES HARD FEATHER BANTAMS 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. Old English Game Spangle, Male/Female Old English Game Black Red, Male Old English Game Wheaten/Partridge, Female Old English Game Black or Blue, Male Old English Game Black or Blue, Female Old English Game, any other colour, Male Old English Game, any other colour, Female 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. Old English Game 2014 Bred, Male/Female Modern Game Brown Red/Birchen, Male Modern Game Brown Red/Birchen Female Modern Game Any Other Colour, Male Modern Game Any Other Colour, Female Ko Shamo, Male/Female Asian Game, any variety, Male/Female Oxford Game Bantam, Male/ Female PLEASE STATE NAME OF BREED ON ALL VARIETY CLASSES SOFT FEATHER BANTAMS 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63 64. Australorp, Male/Female Barnevelder, Male/Female Light Sussex, Male Light Sussex, Female Any Colour Sussex, Male/Female Buff Rock, Male Buff Rock, Female Any Colour Rock, Male /Female Rhode Island Red, Male/Female Maran, Male/ Female New Hampshire Red, Male/Female 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 4 Orpington, Male/Female White Wyandotte, Male/Female Black Wyandotte, Male/ Female Barred Wyandotte, Male/ Female Silver Laced Wyandotte, Male/Female Gold Laced Wyandotte, Male/Female Blue/Buff Laced Wyandotte, Male/Female Partridge/Silver Pencilled Wyandotte, Male/Female Wyandotte, any colour, Male 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. Wyandotte, any colour, Female Brahma, Male/Female German Langshan, Male German Langshan, Female Hamburgh, Male/Female Welsummer, Male/Female 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. Poland, Male/Female Silkie, Male/Female Any Other Variety, Male/Female Any Variety 2014 Bred, Male Any Variety 2014 Bred, Female PLEASE STATE NAME OF BREED ON ALL VARIETY CLASSES TRUE BANTAMS 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. Barbu D’Uccle, Male Barbu D’Uccle, Female Barbu D’Anvers Normal Quail, Male/Female Barbu D’Anvers, Any Other Colour, Male Barbu D’Anvers, Any Other Colour, Female Dutch Gold, Male Dutch Gold, Female Dutch, any other colour, Male/Female White Pekin, Male/Female Black Pekin, Male/Female Lavender Pekin, Male/Female Mottled Pekin, Male/Female 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. Pekin, any other colour, Male Pekin, any other colour, Female Pekin, Non-Standard Colour, Male/Female Pekin, any colour 2014 Bred, Male/Female Sebright, Male/Female Japanese, Male/Female Serama, Male Serama, Female Serama Silkie feathered, Male/Female Any Variety True Bantam, Male/Female Any Variety True Bantam 2014 Bred, Male/Female PLEASE STATE NAME OF BREED ON ALL VARIETY CLASSES JUNIOR EXHIBITORS 108. 109. Any Variety Large or Bantam, Male Any Variety Large or Bantam, Female PLEASE STATE NAME OF BREED ON ALL VARIETY CLASSES EGGS 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. Six Eggs of One Colour Six Eggs of Different Colour Three Large Brown Three Large White Three Large Any Other Colour Three Different Colours Three Bantam Brown Three Bantam White 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 5 One Large Egg Contents One Bantam Egg Contents Three Waterfowl One Single Waterfowl One Waterfowl Contents Turkey Egg Six attractively displayed Eggs One Decorated Egg – (Adult) 118. 119. 120. 121. Three Bantam Any Other Colour Three Bantam Different Colour One Ideal Large Egg One Ideal Bantam Egg 130. One Decorated Egg – (Under 16) 131. One Painted Egg (Adult) 132. One Painted Egg (Under 16) Please note egg contents only first three plates will be retained after the first day. All others will be disposed off. DUCKS, GEESE, TURKEYS 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. White Call, Male White Call, Female Any Other Colour Call, Male Any Other Colour Call, Female Any Variety Bantam, Male/Female Aylesbury, Duck/Drake Rouen, Duck/Drake Saxony, Duck/Drake Pekin, Duck/Drake 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. Indian Runner Male Indian Runner, Female Any Variety Heavy, Male Any Variety Heavy, Female Any Variety Light, Male/Female Any Variety Bred 2014 Male/Female Any Variety Goose/Gander Any Variety Turkey, Male Any Variety Turkey, Female PLEASE STATE NAME OF BREED ON ALL VARIETY CLASSES SELLING CLASS (NOTE PR.13) S1. S2. IF NO PRICE IS STATED – YOUR BIRD WILL NOT BE ENTERED. PENS MAYBE RE-STOCKED. VENDORS ARE REMINDED IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO PROVIDE SUITABLE CARRYING BOXES (CARDBOARD) FOR RESPECTIVE PURCHASERS. SELLING CLASS – 2ft pen (no price limit, please state price) SELLING CLASS – 4ft pen (no price limit, please state price) TROPHIES & CASH SPECIALS Challenge Cup for Best in Show Kindly donated by J.N.Hoskins Cup for Best Large Fowl Cup for Best Bantam Rose Bowl for Best Waterfowl Cup for Best Young Bird (shown in 2014 classes) Poultry Club Star awards for Section Winners Cash Specials to all Section Winners 6