1 Katholieke Universiteit Leuven FACULTY OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS NAAMSESTRAAT 69 B-3000 LEUVEN (BELGIUM) KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN APPLICATION FORM FOR THE DOCTORAL PROGRAMME for academic year 1. / I apply for the Doctoral Programme in Economics I apply for the Doctoral Programme in Business Economics 2. Name: Mr. / Ms. first middle last 3a. Permanent address: Street and number (State and) ZIP code City Country Telephone E-mail address: __________________________________________________________________ 3b. Mailing address — valid until : month day year Street and number 4. Place of birth: (State and) ZIP code City Country Telephone Date of birth: month Gender: Marital status: Number of children: Native tongue: Nationality: day year 2 5. My promotor at K.U.Leuven will be: _________________________________________________________ 6. Studies: Starting with the most recent degree you obtained and going back in time, please list below all educational programmes you attended after secondary education (high school): Name, location of institution From/till (month & year) Degree obtained Grade or GPA Note: certified and detailed copies of diplomas should be included with your application material. 7. Professional experience, including summer jobs. Please start with the most recent activity and go back in time; use a separate sheet if necessary. Type of work 8. 8a. From/till (month & year) Name of employer or organization Present status: I am a student at: _________________________________________________ Name of school (State and) ZIP code _________________________________________________________ Address: street and number City Country Telephone Degree that will be obtained: Expected graduation date: 8b. I am working with ______________________________________ Name of employer (State and) ZIP code Address: street and number City Country Telephone Job title or position: Concise job description: Is your company aware of your application? Yes No Will your company be paying for your studies? Yes No 3 9. List any papers you have published or scientific work you have done: essay (mémoire, thesis) articles: 10. Language skills (please specify: fluent, adequate, or elementary) Language Reading Speaking Writing English [Other :] 11. State briefly (1) why you seek admission to this particular programme, (2) which area you would like to specialize in and (3) why you seek admission to K.U.Leuven (Catholic University of Leuven) for these studies. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4 12. Name two referees from whom further information may be obtained concerning your qualifications and aptitude. State their occupation and address: 1. 2. I am enclosing letter(s) of recommendation. 13. I will finance my studies at K.U.Leuven as follows: 14. Diplomas and transcripts: I enclose diplomas and transcripts from the following colleges or universities: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Note: Transcripts should list, for each individual course that was taken, (1) the course title, (2) the marks obtained, and (3) the minimum mark for a "pass". Please also provide an overall percentage, GPA, and an indication of your rank in your class (percentage of students below, or honors, distinctions, etc). 15a. Application for the Doctoral Programme in Business Economics: GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) score: Not yet taken; will be taken on (specify time): Has been taken on (specify time): Result (if known) score: _________________ Waiver promotor + signature promotor: 15b. Application for the Doctoral Programme in Economics: GRE (Graduate Record Examinations) score: Not yet taken; will be taken on (specify time): Has been taken on (specify time): Result (if known) score: _________________ Waiver promotor + signature promotor: 5 16. Please add on a separate sheet any further information or considerations that you think to be relevant for your admission. 17. PLACE DATE SIGNATURE Please fill in these forms carefully. Date and sign the forms and return them together with all required documents to: Ms. Annie Vercruysse Coordinator Doctoral Programmes and PhD Faculty of Economics and Business Naamsestraat 69 B-3000 Leuven (Belgium) The Faculty Council will not consider any package that is incomplete. Please verify that you have filled in all entries correctly. Date and sign this form and return it to the above address, together with 1. certified copies of your transcripts, listing all the information mentioned under item 14 of this form 2. certified copies of all the diplomas that you mention under item 6 of this form 3. two letters of recommendation (in sealed envelopes, signed across the seal by the recommender) 4. the original or a copy of your GMAT report (application for the Doctoral Programme in Business Economics) or GRE report (application for the Doctoral Programme in Economics).