Fundamentals for Issuing Specimen Collection Permits for Academic

Fundamentals for Issuing Specimen Collection Permits for Academic Research in
Taroko National Park
1. These Fundamentals have been enacted by Taroko National Park Headquarters (hereinafter referred to as “Headquarters") pursuant to
Articles 14, 17, 18, and 21 of the National Parks Act for the purpose of securing the natural resources of this National Park.
2. The “specimens” referred to in these Fundamentals refers to animals, plants, minerals, rocks, and other natural resources used for
academic research.
3. To apply to collect specimens, the following documents shall be submitted to the Headquarters:
3.1 Application form in specified format.
3.2 Academic research plan or teaching/practice instruction.
3.3 List of collectors, photocopies of the face and back of their ID cards or passports, and two one-inch photos per collector.
3.4 An individual applicant shall submit a recommendation letter(s) from a relevant academic research institute or from two or more
professors in relevant research fields, as well as authorization certificates from the institutes in which the professors work.
3.5 A foreign public or private organization or individual who applies to collect specimens shall submit a letter or certificate from a
domestic academic research institute cooperating in research, and the application procedure shall be handled by reference to the procedure
for domestic individual applicants.
4. A research plan shall include the purpose of collection, the area, the category and quantities of specimens, the time and method of
collection, and the expected result. For a teaching/practice instruction, a letter shall be produced from a public or private education
organization to explain the teaching objectives, the movement area, the categories and quantities of the specimens, the time of collection,
and the number of collectors.
5. Upon receipt of the documents submitted by an applicant, the Headquarters shall examine the following matters:
5.1 Whether all required documents have been submitted by the applicant.
5.2 The content of the research plan or the teaching/practice instruction.
5.3 Whether the method of collection is appropriate.
5.4 Whether the categories, quantities, areas and periods of collection have been clearly explained and are necessary.
5.5 Whether the collector (organization) has ever violated Article 12 of these Fundamentals.
5.6 If the documents submitted are incomplete or unclear, the Headquarters shall notify the applicant to make them up or give explanations.
5.7 If the applicant violates the provisions of 5.3~5.5, the Headquarters will not grant the collection permit.
5.8 Where necessary, the Headquarters may commission or invite the relevant academic institutes to perform the examination jointly.
6. Specimen collectors following an academic research plan shall be limited to the proposer of the plan and other necessary researchers.
Specimen collectors following a teaching/practice activity shall be limited to the teachers (professors).
7. If any intention of commercial transaction of, or of making profit from, the specimens is found, the Headquarters will not grant the
collection permit or, if a permit has been granted, will cancel it, and proceed with the case according to law.
8. If the animals or plants to be collected belongs to a category of protected animals designated in the Wild Animals Preservation and
Nurturing Act or belongs to rare animals or plants designated in the Cultural Assets Preservation Act, Headquarters shall grant the
collection permit only provided that the applicant has acquired the consent of the competent authority in charge of such animals or plants.
9. The collecting of specimens may only be conducted outside the Ecological Conservation Areas. If it is necessary to collect specimens in
an Ecological Conservation Area, Headquarters will transfer the application to the Ministry of the Interior for approval, and grant the
collection permit only after the application is approved by the Ministry of the Interior.
10. The collector shall inform Headquarters prior to collection, and send the collection permit to Headquarters for registration. When
collecting specimens, the collector shall bring with them the collection permit and ID card in case of inquiries by the Headquarters or the
National Park Police.
11. In case of alteration of the time, place, category and/or quantity of collection, the application shall be sent back to the Headquarters in
advance, and collection may be performed only after such alterations are approved.
12. The collector shall, during the period of collection, observe the Attentions for Collection Permit Holders, the National Parks Act and
other relevant laws and regulations. If any violation is found, the Headquarters and the National Park Police Brigade may cancel the
collection permit and proceed with the case according to law.
13. After the research is finished, the collector shall send a copy of the list of the collected specimens and the research result (or research
report) to the Headquarters for reference, and return the collection permit to the Headquarters for cancellation. Otherwise, the Headquarters
may reject any application filed by the applicant in the following three years. If the specimen is collected for teaching/practice, it is not
necessary to send the research result (report).
14. These Fundamentals shall come into force after being adopted by the competent authority; the same for any amendments.