Thomas Jefferson used the phrase, “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of

Thomas Jefferson used the phrase, “Life, Liberty, and the
Pursuit of Happiness” in the Declaration of Independence. A
similar phrase was first developed by John Locke
In Rousseau’s concept of a social contract, an entire society
agrees to be governed by its general will.
Montesquieu’s most lasting contribution to political thought was
his analysis of the governmental system of checks and balances.
The advances in science during the 1600s led Enlightenment
philosophers to believe that human ideas and institutions could
be understood through: Reason and natural laws
One similarity of the Scientific Revolution and the Age of
Enlightenment is that both emphasized the value of human
Enlightenment philosophers such as John Locke and JeanJacques Rousseau encouraged people to engage in
revolutions to establish democratic governments.
Rousseau wrote The Social Contract, it influenced the American
and French governments because they supported movements for
social and political change.
one idea that the leaders of the American Revolution shared with
Enlightenment thinkers was that The people have the right to
overthrow their government if it abuses its powers.
The call for the fall of the absolute monarchy in France was
influenced by enlightenment ideas
Laissiez-faire is the idea that Government should stay out of the
economy to allow the free play of natural economic forces.
US Colonists believed they had a right to rebel against Britain
because taxes were imposed without their consent.
The Enlightenment philosophers believed that the power of
government come from those who are governed
Writers of the Enlightenment were primarily interested in
changing the relationship between people and their government
John Locke and Jean Jacques Rousseau would be most likely to
support a society in which the people chose the ruler
During the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment, one
similarity in the work of many scientists and philosophers was
that they examined natural laws governing the universe
A major concept promoted by philosophers of the
Enlightenment was the need for the use of reason for rational
and logical thinking
Isaac Newton’s universal law of gravitation showed how one
law could explain all motion in the universe.
Montesquieu’s beliefs about government is that no one person
should have too much power in a government
Francis Bacon, an English philosopher, believed scientists
should use the scientific method (inductive reasoning)
The application of science and reason to understanding the
world resulted in the 1700s being known as the Age of
the following are ideas from the Enlightenment
People have natural rights
Problems could be solved by using reason
Government should serve the people
John Locke’s ideas suggest that people were molded by their
According to the Enlightenment philosophers, all people have
rights given to them at Birth
The idea of natural rights is best defined as rights belonging to
all people because they are human
Adam Smith believed that individuals should be free to pursue
their economic self-interests without government interference
Enlightenment and Revolution Quiz review
Thomas Jefferson used the phrase, “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” in the
Declaration of Independence. A similar phrase was first developed by _____________
In Rousseau’s concept of a social contract, an entire society agrees to be governed by its
Montesquieu’s most lasting contribution to political thought was his analysis of the
governmental system of _____________ and _______________
The advances in science during the 1600s led Enlightenment philosophers to believe that human
ideas and institutions could be understood through: _____________and __________________
One similarity of the Scientific Revolution and the Age of Enlightenment is that both
emphasized the value of ____________________________
Enlightenment philosophers such as John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau encouraged people
to engage in __________________ to _____________________ governments.
Rousseau wrote The Social Contract, it influenced the ________________ and ______________
governments because they supported movements for _____________and _______________
One idea that the leaders of the American Revolution shared with Enlightenment thinkers was
that the people have the right to __________________ their government if it _____________
The call for the fall of the absolute monarchy in France was influenced by
_________________________ ideas
Laissiez-faire is the idea that Government should ___________ of the _____________________ to allow
the free play of natural economic forces.
US Colonists believed they had a right to rebel against Britain because _____________ were
imposed without _________________________.
The Enlightenment philosophers believed that the power of government come from those who
are __________________
Writers of the Enlightenment were primarily interested in changing the relationship between
________________ and their ____________________
John Locke and Jean Jacques Rousseau would be most likely to support a society in which the
During the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment, one similarity in the work of many
scientists and philosophers was that they examined _______________________ governing the
A major concept promoted by philosophers of the Enlightenment was the need for the use of
______________ for _____________ and _______________ thinking
Isaac Newton’s universal law of gravitation showed how one law could explain
_______________ in the _________________
Montesquieu’s beliefs about government is that no ______________ should have too much
____________________ in a government
Francis Bacon, an English philosopher, believed scientists should use the
________________________ (inductive reasoning)
The application of science and reason to understanding the world resulted in the 1700s being
known as the _______________________________________
The following are ideas from the Enlightenment
John Locke’s ideas suggest that people were _________________________________________
According to the Enlightenment philosophers, all people have rights given to them at _________
The idea of _____________________ is best defined as rights belonging to all people because
they are human
___________________ believed that individuals should be free to pursue their economic selfinterests without government interference