US History and Government Research Paper Guidelines All students are required to submit a research essay for this class. It will answer a very specific Constitutional/historical question. The text of the paper must be between 1500-2400 words of text (not including cover sheet and Works Cited page). The paper must be typewritten, double-spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman font, and consistent with MLA format. Consult Purdue University’s On-line Writing Lab, which is linked to my Web site, if you have any questions. US History Research Paper Topics: A. “Because national survival is at stake, some freedoms may be curtailed during time of crisis or war.” Evaluate the validity of this statement by tracing and analyzing the arguments over the extent to which national security and democratic ideals must be balanced in the light of: the “Quasi-War” (1798), the Civil War (1861-65), and the Great War (1917-18). B. “The federal government extended its powers far in excess of what the Founders ever envisioned during the Progressive Era (~1900-20), the “New Deal” (1933-38) and the “Great Society” (1964-68).” Evaluate the validity of this statement by tracing and analyzing the arguments over the respective powers of the states and the federal government in the context of these 20th century reform programs. C. “The doctrines of nullification and secession were perfectly constitutional.” Evaluate the validity of this statement by tracing and analyzing the arguments over the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions (1798), the War of 1812, the Nullification Crisis (1832-33) and the coming of the Civil War (1861). D. “American civil liberties were violated by Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer and Senator Joseph McCarthy in their efforts to fabricate hysteria over a fake enemy.” Evaluate the validity of this statement by tracing and analyzing civil liberties issues related to the threat of communism during the two so-called “Red Scares” in 1919-20 and 1950-54. E. “The expansion of the powers of the President during the administrations of Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt exceeded what the Constitution allows.” Evaluate the validity of this statement by tracing and analyzing the constitutional arguments over presidential powers in the context of the actions and policies of these three Presidents. F. “In Korea (1950-53) and again in Vietnam (1964-73) Congress neglected its constitutional military responsibilities. It handed them, by default, to Presidents Truman, Johnson, and Nixon, who then led the country in unconstitutional wars.” Evaluate the validity of this statement by tracing and analyzing the roles of the executive and legislative branches in time of war from 1950 to 1973. Note: Before you do ANYTHING, make sure you understand what the topic is asking you to do! 4 Excellent Scoring Rubric: U.S. History CBA 3 Proficient 2 Partial 4 3 1 Minimal 2 1 INTRODUCTION Presents a well-developed Introduces the topic introduction to the topic and includes a clear that creates interest, thesis. contains necessary background information, and includes a clear thesis. Introduction exists, No discernable introduction though it lacks a clear or thesis. thesis. MAIN POINTS Provides clear historical context of the required examples that presents an objective summary of BOTH viewpoints. Supports thesis based on the required examples and the U.S. Constitution. Each body paragraph is properly sourced with an in-text citation to support research. Lacks clear historical context of the required examples, objective summary of one viewpoint, or support of thesis based on the required examples and/or the U.S. Constitution. One or two body paragraphs lack in-text citations supporting your research. Lacks two of the following: Clear historical context of the required examples, objective summary of one viewpoint, or support of thesis based on the required examples and/or the U.S. Constitution. Three or four body paragraphs lack in-text citations supporting your research. Lacks three or more of the following: Clear historical context of the required examples, objective summary of one viewpoint, or support of thesis based on the required examples and/or the U.S. Constitution. Five or more body paragraphs lack intext citations supporting your research. ORGANIZATION/ STYLE Logical progression of ideas with a clear structure. Writing is smooth, skillful, and coherent. Diction – choice of words – is thoughtful and consistent. Logical progression of ideas. Transitions are present. Writing is clear and sentences have varied structure. Diction is appropriate. Organization or transitions are inconsistent. Writing is clear, but sentences may lack variety. Diction is inconsistent. No discernable organization; transitions are not present. Writing is confusing and difficult to follow. MECHANICS Punctuation, spelling, capitalization are correct. No errors. Punctuation, spelling, capitalization are generally correct, with few errors. (1-3) A few errors in punctuation, spelling, capitalization. (4-6) Distracting errors in punctuation, spelling, and/or capitalization. Conclusion summarizes your position and supports your thesis. It demonstrates how your view of some -but not all -- of the required examples are consistent with the U.S. Constitution. Conclusion fails to support thesis or demonstrate how your views of the required examples are consistent with the U.S. Constitution. Conclusion fails to support thesis and demonstrate how your views of the required examples are consistent with the U.S. Constitution. Paper contains distracting errors in the use of MLA style (3-4) MLA style mostly ignored. Difficult or impossible to track multiple sources based on source documentation in the paper. (May be more than one paragraph) __Thesis Statement __Background __Interest __Why is this topic important? __Body Paragraphs __Both Sides of Issue __Supports Thesis/Main points are CLEAR! __Required Examples __U.S. Constitution __In-Text Citations WORTH DOUBLE CREDIT!!!!! __Clear Structure __Transitions __Sentence flow/variety __Diction __Spelling __Punctuation __Capitalization __Grammar Conclusion contains an effective summary of your position’s main (May be more than one points, supporting your paragraph) thesis. It clearly __Effective summary/Main demonstrates how your points are CLEAR! views of the required __Supports thesis examples are consistent __Required topics and with the U.S. U.S. Constitution Constitution. CONCLUSION/ ANALYSIS Structure/Writing Paper contains proper use Paper contains minor of MLA style regarding in- errors in the use of text citations and the MLA style. (1-2) Works Cited page, which properly correspond. Sources Student properly documented the use of at least five acceptable sources (books, approved periodicals, .gov/.edu, NKHS Databases). Not overly dependent on one source. __MLA __Works Cited Page __In-Text Citations __At least five that meet requirements __None overused Student properly Student properly documented the use of documented the use four acceptable of three acceptable sources. Not overly sources. Not overly dependent on one dependent on one source. source. Student properly documented the use of two or fewer acceptable sources. Not overly dependence on one source.