STANDARD COURSE OUTLINE (11/05/03) College of Liberal Arts Department of Geography I. General Information: A. Course Number: Geography 475 B. Title: Topics in Applied Remote Sensing C. Units: 4 D. Prerequisites: Geography 140, Geography 160, Geography 473, and Geography 474 (or permission) E. Course Classification: 3 units at C-5 and 1 unit at C-13 F. Responsible Faculty: Lee, Laris G. Terms Offered: spring H. Prepared by: Lee and Rodrigue I. Date of Submission/revision: 11/11/03 II. Catalogue Description: Prerequisites: GEOG 140, 160, 473, and 474. Focuses on remote sensing applications. Students will be introduced to sophisticated imagery and analysis techniques, as applied to weather and fire modeling, arid lands environmental problems, or the urban environment. Traditional grading only for Majors/Minors. Repeatable once with permission of advisor (Lecture 3 hours, lab activities 2 hours.) III. Expected Outcomes: A. Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to: B. understand the basic concepts of geographic remote sensing C. understand the basic resolution characteristics of available airborne and satellite imagery and their appropriate use D. discuss the federal government initiatives to standardize spatial data formats E. understand the various resolutions and formats of digital elevation models (DEMs) and the appropriate application of each F. understand the concept and techniques for using maps as testable hypotheses G. understand the structure and programs of the main remote sensing imagery providers IV. Course Outline: A. Geographic Applications of Remote Sensing 1-(2 weeks) a. Mapping, monitoring, and modeling b. Morphometric analysis c. Temporal Analysis d. Cause and effect analysis e. Fuctional and ecological systems analysis f. Biophysical analysis B. Sensor Systems (1-2 weeks) a. Landsat b. SPOT c. AVHRR d. MODIS e. Ikonos C. Resolution Considerations (1-2 weeks) a. Spatial b. Spectral c. Temporal d. Radiometric D. Data Standards (1-2 weeks) a. National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) b. Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) E. Imagery Overview a. Digital Orthophotography b. High spatial resolution sensors c. High temporal resolution platforms F. Digital Elevation Models a. LIDAR b. IFSAR c. STRMM d. uncertainty issues G. Applications (one or more of these four applications at discretion of instructor) a. NASA applications i. Earth Science Enterprise ii. Planetary science b. Fire hazard applications: i. Southern California Wildfire Hazards Center ii. Fire management in West Africa c. Applications in urban environments i. Land use planning ii. Transportation analysis iii. Brownfield remediation iv. Utility lifeline management v. Port facility mapping d. Applications in arid and semi-arid environments: i. Vegetation change in southwest deserts ii. Delineating physiographic provinces iii. Bedouin raidfed agriculture in Egypt iv. Famine early warning systems: Africa v. Groundwater and vegetation analysis: Tanque Verde V. Methods of Presentation (A through C required, D at discretion of instructor) A. Lecture B. Discussion C. Laboratory exercises and demonstrations D. Outside labs and/or field activities VI. Methods of Evaluation (A through C required) A. Exams B. Laboratory Exercises C. Project Bibliography Abdelsalam, M.E., C. Robinson, F. El-Baz, and R.J. Stern, 2000. Applications of orbital imaging radar for geologic studies in arid regions: The Saharan testimony, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, Vol.66, No.6, pp.717-726. Asrar, G., and J. Dozier, 1994. Science strategy for the Earth Observing System, American Institute of Physics, Woodbury N.Y., 119p. Countryman, C, and W. Dean, 1979. Measuring moisture content in living chaparral. PMS 814. NFES 2142. National Wildfire Coordinating Group. 27p. Cowen, D.J., and J.R. Jensen, 1998. Extraction and modeling of urban attributes using remote sensing technology. People and Pixels: Linking Remote Sensing and Social Science. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C., pp. 164-188. EOS Science Steering Committee, 1991. From Pattern to Process: The strategy of the Earth Observing System, EOS Science Steering Committee Report, 140p. Farr, T.G. and O.A. Chadwick, 1996. Geomorphic processes and remote sensing signatures ofalluvial fans in the Kun Lun Mountains, China, Journal of Geophysical Research 101:23,091-23, 100. Forester, B.C., 1985. An examination of some problems and solutions in monitoring urban areas from satellite platforms, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 6:139151. Glenn, E.P., C.T. Lee, R. Felger, and S. Zengel, 1996. Effects of water management on the wetlands of the Colorado River delta, Mexico. Conservation Biology, Vol. 10, No.4, pp.1175-1186. Glenn, E.P.; Lee, C.T.; and Valdes-Casillas, C. 2001. Introduction: Colorado River Delta. Journal of Arid Environments 49 (special issue): 1-4. Hutchinson, C.F., 1978. The digital use of Landsat data for integrated land resource survey: A study in the eastern Mojave Desert, California. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of California, Riverside, 267p. Hutchinson, C.F., P.T. Gilruth, R.T. Hay, S.E. Marsh, and C.T. Lee, Geographic Information Systems applications in crop assessment and famine early warning. Arizona Remote Sensing Center Report 92-l, January, 1992, 57p. Jensen, J.R. (editor), 1983. Urban/suburban land use analysis, Manual of Remote Sensing, Second Edition (R.N. Cowell, editor), American Society of Photogrammetry, Falls Church, Virginia, pp. 1571-1666. Jensen, J.R., 1995. Issues involving the creation of digital elevation models and terrain corrected orthoimagery using soft-copy photogrammetry, Geocarto International, 10:1-17. Jensen, J.R., and D.L. Toll, 1983. Detecting residential land use development at the urban fringe, Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 48:629-643. Jensen, J.R., D.C. Cowen, J., Halls, S. Narumalani, N. Schmidt, B.A. Davis, and B. Burgess, 1994. Improved Urban Infrastructure Mapping and Forecasting for BellSouth Using Remote Sensing and GIS Technology, Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 60:339-346 King, M.D. and R. Greenstone (eds).1999 EOS Reference Handbook, EOS Project Science Office, Code 900, NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center, Greenbelt Maryland, 361p. King, M.D. (ed) 1999. EOS Science Plan, EOS Project Science Office, Code 900, NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center, Greenbelt Maryland, 397p. Laris, Paul. 2003. Grounding environmental narratives: The impact of a century of fighting against fire in Mali. In African Environment and Development: Rhetoric, Programs, Realities, ed. William G. Mosely and B. Ikubolagheh Logan, pp. 63-86. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate (forthcoming in December). Laris, Paul. 2002. Burning the seasonal mosaic: Preventative burning strategies in the wooded savanna of southern Mali. Human Ecology 30, 2: 155-186. Lee, C.T. and S.E. Marsh, 1995. The use of archival Landsat MSS and ancillary data in a GIS environment to map historical change in an urban riparian habitat. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, Vol.61, No.8, pp.999-1008. Lee, C.T., P. Johnson, and R.A. Hay, 1998. Mapping vegetation dynamics in the lower Colorado River Delta using archival Landsat MSS satellite imagery. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Remote Sensing: October 5-7,1998, San Diego, California. Environmental Research Institute of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI, pp.207-219. Lo, C.P., 1995. Automated population and dwelling unit estimation from high-resolution satellite images: A GIS approach, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 16:1734. Lo, C.P., D.A. Quattrochi, and J.C. Luvall, 1997. Application of high-resolution thermal infrared remote sensing and GIS to assess the urban heat island effect, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 18(2): 287-304. Marsh, S.E., J. Walsh, C.T. Lee, L. Beck, and C.F. Hutchinson, 1992. Comparison of multi-temporal NOAA-AVHRR and SPOT-XS satellite data for mapping land-cover dynamics in the West African Sahel. International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol.13, No.16, pp.2997-3016. McCarthy, L.E., C.T. Lee, and S.E. Marsh, 1996. Identification of disrupted surfaces due to military activity at the Fort Irwin National Training Center: An aerial photograph and satellite image analysis. Proceedings of the Eleventh Thematic Conference on Geologic Remote Sensing: Practical Solutions for Real World Problems, February 27-29,1996, Las Vegas, Nevada. Environmental Research Institute of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI, pp.236-246. Roberts, D.A.; Dennison, P.E.; Gardner, M.; Hetzel, Y.L.; Ustin,S.L.; and Lee, C. 2003. Evaluation of the potential of Hyperion for fire danger assessment by comparison to the Airborne Visible Infrared Imaging Spectrometer. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 41: 1297-1310. Roberts, D.A., P.E. Dennison, M. Morais, M.E. Gardner, J. Regelbrugge, and S.L. Ustin. Mapping wildfire fuels imaging spectrometry along the wildland urban interface, Proceedings of the 1999 Joint Fire Science Conference and Workshop, June 17-19, Boise Idaho, 13p. Roberts, D.A., R.O. Green and J.B. Adams, 1997. Temporal and spatial patterns in vegetation and atmospheric properties from AVIRIS, Remote Sensing of Environment, 62: 223-240. Warner, W.S., R.W. Graham, R.E. Read, 1996. Chapter 15: Urban Survey, Small Format Aerial Photography, Wittles Publishing, Scotland, pp.253-256. Zebker, H.A., P.Rosen, S. Hensley, and P.J. Mouginis-Mark , 1996. Analysis of active lava flows on Kilauea volcano, Hawaii, using SIR-C radar correlation measurements, Geology, 24:495-498. VIII. Justification The Department of Geography has identified three core areas in geography as emphases, one of which is the geospatial techniques. It has hired four faculty within the last three years with expertise in this critical disciplinary area (Laris, Lee, Rodrigue, and Wechsler) and is expanding its curricular offerings in this area. The proposed course fits into this initiative, serving as an advanced specialty course in the application of remote sensing to various problems in the natural and social sciences. It is meant to serve as a culminating experience in the remote sensing area, with introductory courses in physical and human geography, statistics, and map reading serving as basic grounding, followed by a course in remote sensing (Geog 473) and a more specialized course in digital image processing (Geog 474). The course was formed by combining three extant applications courses. It was felt that they could not all be offered on a three year rotation, given the low enrollments produced by the sequence of increasingly specialized courses that are necessary as prerequisites. Given that the particular applications to be discussed will change with the very rapid development of remote sensing technology, it is appropriate to allow students to repeat this course once, after securing approval of the appropriate advisor, whose responsibility is to confirm that two separate offerings of the course are sufficiently distinct in terms of applications discussed..