Dear (Teacher): - Institute for Student Achievement

ISA TOOL SI 07 & 08
Protocol for Analyzing Teacher Assignments and Corresponding Student Work for Evidence
of College Readiness
1. Provide each group member with a folder that includes: teacher assignments and corresponding
student work, chart for analyzing teacher assignments, and chart for analyzing student work
a. Organize the teacher assignments and student work samples so that the teacher
assignments are clipped on top of student work samples that are responses to the
b. Provide each team member with charts for analysis of teacher and student work
2. Explain to group members that they will analyze a teacher assignment for evidence of the demand
for college readiness skills and then the corresponding student work for evidence of students’
demonstration of college readiness skills. They will repeat this process for each set of teacher
assignments and corresponding student work samples.
3. Procedure for analyzing teacher assignments:
a. Individually, each team member analyzes the first teacher assignment for evidence of
demand for college ready skills and writes the evidence in the appropriate column:
1. Does the assignment demand that the student engage in inquiry?
a. What is the evidence? (Write the evidence in the column.)
2. Does the assignment demand higher order thinking?
a. What is the evidence? (Write the evidence in the column.)
3. Does the assignment demand analytic writing?
a. What is the evidence? (Write the evidence in the column.)
4. Does the assignment demand analysis of numerical information?
a. What is the evidence? (Write the evidence in the column.)
5. Does the assignment demand that the student engage with ideas/intellectual
content? (Write the evidence in the column.)
4. Procedure for analyzing each student work sample
a. Individually, each team member analyzes the corresponding student work sample(s) for
evidence of college ready skills and writes the evidence in the appropriate column:
1. Does the student work demonstrate inquiry?
a. What is the evidence? (Write the evidence in the column.)
2. Does the student work demonstrate higher order thinking?
a. What is the evidence? (Write the evidence in the column.)
3. Does the student work demonstrate analytic writing?
a. What is the evidence? (Write the evidence in the column.)
4. Does the student work demonstrate analysis of numerical information?
a. What is the evidence? (Write the evidence in the column.)
5. Does the student work demonstrate engagement with ideas/intellectual content?
a. What is the evidence? (Write the evidence in the column.)
5. Procedure for Group discussion: For each set of teacher assignments and corresponding student
work samples, group members:
a. Present and discuss the evidence for each of the college ready indicators on their charts
b. For each assignment and corresponding student work sample, the group discusses:
1. Is the assignment’s demand for college ready skills sufficient? Why? Why not?
2. Did the student work samples demonstrate sufficient college ready skills?
Why? Why not?