28 March 2012, 16.00 ELGIN GAS LEAK: Update 3 Further to

28 March 2012, 16.00
Further to previously issued updates, TOTAL in the UK confirms that the gas leak at the
Elgin Well Head Platform remains ongoing, although the situation is currently stable. We
continue to take all possible measures to confirm the source and cause of the leak and to
bring it under control.
A further Oil Spill Response (OSRL) surveillance flight left this morning at 08:00 to
review the situation. Initial reports from OSRL indicate that the gas cloud is visible and
heading east. A sheen is visible on the surface of the sea, but our surveillance data
indicates that the area it covers remains unchanged. Seawater samples have been taken
and sent to a specialist laboratory for analysis.
As a precautionary measure, fire fighting vessels are on location in the field, as well as
the Allseas Highland Fortress Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Support Vessel which is
on standby should the need to deploy an ROV arise.
TOTAL in the UK continues to work closely with the Secretary of State’s Representative
(SOSREP), the HSE, DECC, Marine Scotland and the Coastguard. We are also working
closely with other operators in the area.
We have mobilised specialists from within the TOTAL Group in key operational areas
including reservoir engineering, drilling and well control.
The precise cause of the gas leak is still being investigated and our efforts continue to
focus on bringing it under control.
We will continue to make information available via the following:
Telephone number for media enquiries – 01224 296988