NORTH OF ENGLAND IN HAND AND MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND SHOW featuring HORSE OF THE YEAR SHOW M&M Mini, M&M WHP, M&M Ridden, Coloured and Miniature Horse qualifying rounds. OLYMPIA Veteran qualifier. and The ‘Kellythorpe Stud’ Supreme In Hand Championship Final The ‘Janus’ Supreme Ridden Coloured Championship Final The ‘Richard Leeman Supreme Veteran Championship Final and The ‘Torne Valley’ Ridden Mountain & Moorland Championship Final to be held at Arena UK, Allington Lane, Allington, Grantham, Lincolnshire, NG32 2EF (01476591569). (Leave A1 at Grantham Services and follow Brown signs for Equestrian Centre.) ( Sunday 14th July 2013 SECRETARY: Mr Stuart Hollings, Blue Slate Stables, Showley Road, Clayton-le-Dale, Blackburn, Lancs, BB1 9DP Tel: 01254 812805 Fax: 01254 814805 E-mail: Entries close 20th June 2013 (For late entry charges see next page) THE JUDGES DECISION IS FINAL There will be a Veterinary Surgeon, a Doctor and a Farrier on call. First Aid will be in attendance. The organisers of the show have taken all reasonable precautions to ensure the HEALTH & SAFETY of everyone present. For these measures to be effective, everyone must take all reasonable precautions to avoid and prevent accidents occurring, and they must obey the instructions of the organisers and all officials and stewards. No responsibility will be accepted by the organisers for any loss, damage, illness or injury sustained by the exhibitors, riders or their animals and entries are accepted on this basis. Anyone on a horse must wear a hard hat. Grooms must wear a hat when in the ring. PLEASE NOTE THAT EXHIBITOR NUMBERS ARE TO BE COLLECTED ON THE DAY OF THE SHOW Stabling available at Arena UK (01476591569) This show is affiliated to the societies below and will be run under their rules and jurisdiction. In any matter not covered by these rules the decision of the organisers will be final: The Showing Register British Miniature Horse Society Coloured Horse and Pony Society (UK) International Miniature Horse & Pony Society Ltd British Show Horse Association Veteran Horse Showing Ltd Horse of the Year Show British Show Pony Society Entry Fees HORSE OF THE YEAR SHOW Classes 1-16, 61-64 £45 LATE ENTRIES & ENTRIES ON THE DAY £55 OLYMPIA VETERAN Classes 65-70 £30 LATE ENTRIES & ENTRIES ON THE DAY £38 Classes 36,37, 57-60 £20 LATE ENTRIES & ENTRIES ON THE DAY £28 All Other Classes £15 LATE ENTRIES & ENTRIES ON THE DAY £20 N.B. Additional Horse of the Year Show entry forms can be downloaded from Prize Money Classes 1-16, 61-64 1st - £45 2nd - £20 3rd - £10 Classes 65-70 1st - £30 2nd - £15 3rd - £10 Classes 36,37,57-60 1st - £20 2nd- £10 3rd - £5 ___________________________________________________________________ All other classes 1st - £15 2nd - £5 3rd- £3 only awarded as follows: 4 or less entries forward- 1st Prize only; 5 or more entries forward- 1st and 2nd Prizes; 7 or more entries forward- 1st, 2nd and 3rd Prizes This show is a qualifier Horse of the Year Show at NEC Birmingham (Wednesday 9th OctoberSunday 13th October 2013). The highest placed pony not already qualified from the first three ponies will qualify in Classes 1-16, 61-64. The entry fees in these classes include an £11 HORSE OF THE YEAR SHOW Contribution TSR Riders Championships –Classes 1-4, 8-16,57-70 are qualifiers for the 2014 TSR Riders Championships to be held at the TSR Gala Show in July 2014. More info at Broodmares must be four years old and over. A mare that has lost her foal in 2013 may on production of a Vet cert compete in the Broodmare Class. All foals must be at least three weeks old on the day of the show and must accompany their dam into the ring and be led alongside the mare as much as possible. All Stallions and Colts, two years old and over, must hold a Stallion Licence, unless otherwise governed by the individual Breed Society. Handlers of stallions or colts must have attained their fourteenth birthday before 1st January 2013. Handlers of ponies in In Hand Classes aged fourteen years and under must wear correctly secured current British Standard Skull Caps/ Riding Hats. Registered Mountain & Moorland Ponies- All ponies to be registered in the main section of their respective stud books and all registration numbers to be quoted on entry forms. The Champion and Reserve Champions from the Show Pony Breeding section and the Show Hunter Pony Breeding section qualify for the Greenbarrow Stud Northern Breeders In Hand Supreme Championship 2013 to be held at the NPS Area 4 North of England Show on Monday 26th August 2013. NB The champions and reserve champions will qualify. Qualifiers do not have to be members of the NPS. 2 HORSE OF THE YEAR SHOW Mountain & Moorland Qualifiers- Where there are more than 20 entrants are forward in each class, the judges may split the class according to the circumstances on the day. Each section must be marked and the top five ponies with the highest marks should go forward to a final judging. The marks are not to be displayed at this point and no rosettes awarded. For the final judging the top ponies should be invited back into the ring and lined up in any order. No further show will be given. The judges should then refer to their original marks. In the case of equality the pony with the highest show, freedom and action mark will be deemed the winner. If there is still equality at this point then the judge’s decision will be final. Ponies must not exceed the height limits as stipulated by the relevant Breed Societies. Ponies that qualify for the Championship at HORSE OF THE YEAR SHOW 2013 must hold a valid JMB Full Height or Annual Certificate, a copy of which must be sent at the time of entry to HORSE OF THE YEAR SHOW. JMB certificates are NOT required to enter these qualifiers. ________________________________________________________________________ RING 1 CLASSES START AT 8AM AND WILL FOLLOW ON HORSE OF THE YEAR SHOW COLOURED HORSE & PONY OF THE YEAR CLASSES SPONSORED BY CHAPS (UK) (NB See Other CHAPS (UK) Classes 33 –37) ONLY OPEN TO CHAPS (UK) MEMBERS and CHAPS (UK) REGISTERED HORSES/PONIES with a HORSE OF THE YEAR SHOW COMPETITION NUMBER. (This can be obtained from CHAPS (UK) Admin).All stallions must be graded with CHAPS (UK), First stage approved stallions are not permitted to enter HORSE OF THE YEAR SHOW classes. All Stallions must wear ID Discs in the ring; ID Cards to be worn in the ring. Lead reins not eligible for these classes. For full rulings and information on competition /qualification, please refer to CHAPS (UK) members’ handbook or visit Entries sent without a current HORSE OF THE YEAR SHOW Competition Number by close of entries will be returned by the show as ineligible to compete. Only one exhibit may qualify per class. If the first placed animal has already qualified, the qualifier may pass down to the highest placed exhibit standing to fifth place only, who has not already qualified. No spurs to be worn by junior riders (under 18 years) or by any rider competing in a restricted height section. All ages taken as 1st January in the current year. All exhibits will require a height certificate to compete in the height restricted qualifying classes and to obtain a HORSE OF THE YEAR SHOW Competition Number (a photo copy should be sent to CHAPS Admin, 1 McClaren Cottages, Abertywswg, Rhymney, Tredegar, NP22 5BH) Horses/Ponies are to be produced at HORSE OF THE YEAR SHOW in the same type category in which they qualified. Failure to comply with ANY of the Qualifying Rules will result in the forfeit of the qualifying place. The ‘pull in’ or ‘no pull in’ system is at the discretion of the judges on the day. The judges must make this decision prior to the commencement of the first class and stewards to be instructed accordingly. If no pull in is used, competitors will be asked to line up in any order from the initial presentation. Please ensure you are also fully aware of Horse of the Year Show rules which can be seen on - download rules before entering these classes. 3 JUDGES: Mr T Wiggett ( R ) Mrs P Clifford ( C ) Class 1: Coloured Ridden Native/Cob/Traditional Horse of the Year sponsored by CHAPS (UK), exceeding 14.2hh (148cms) to be shown in natural state with full mane, tail and feather or hogged and trimmed if shown as a show cob. To be ridden by the judge. Class 2: Coloured Ridden Native/Cob/Traditional Pony of the Year sponsored by CHAPS (UK), up to and including 14.2hh (148cms) to be shown in natural state with full mane, tail and feather or hogged and trimmed if shown as a show cob. To perform an individual show, not to be ridden by the judge. Class 3: Coloured Ridden Non-Native Horse of the Year sponsored by CHAPS (UK), exceeding 15.00hh (153 cms) to be shown plaited and trimmed. To be ridden by the judge. Class 4: Coloured Ridden Non-Native Pony of the Year sponsored by CHAPS (UK), up to and including 15.00hh (153cms) to be shown plaited and trimmed. To perform an individual show, not to be ridden by the judge. CH1 COLOURED CHAMPIONSHIP First and second prize winners from classes 1,2,3,4. THE CHAMPION & RESERVE CHAMPION TO GO FORWARD TO THE ‘JANUS’ SUPREME RIDDEN COLOURED CHAMPIONSHIP FINAL HORSE OF THE YEAR SHOW MINIATURE HORSE CLASSES These Classes are affiliated to the British Miniature Horse Society (BHMS) and all classes will be run under their rules. Only horses owned by a BMHS member may enter. Owners, Exhibitors and Handlers must be current Members and have paid the appropriate BHMS 2013 showing levy. Horses to report for measuring half an hour prior to classes. Classes 5,6 and 7 are qualifiers for HORSE OF THE YEAR SHOW 2013. The first prize winner not already qualified to third place only from classes 5,6 and 7 will qualify for HORSE OF THE YEAR SHOW 2013. The Champion will qualify for the Supreme Champion of Champions Class at the BMHS International Breed Show in August 2013. JUDGE: Class 5 Mr T Wiggett Miniature Stallion of the Year, Licensed Registered Stallions, three years and over. (Four year olds not to exceed 87 cms. Three year olds not to exceed 86 cms) Class 6 Miniature Mare/Gelding of the Year, Registered Mares and Geldings, three years and over. (Four year olds not to exceed 87 cms. Three year olds not to exceed 86 cms) Class 7 Miniature Youngstock of the Year, Registered Colts,Fillies and Geldings, young stock ,one and two year olds ( Two year olds not to exceed 84 cms. Yearlings not to exceed 82 cms) CH2 MINIATURE HORSE CHAMPIONSHIP First and second prize winners from classes 5,6,7 Champion to go forward to the Kellythorpe Stud In Hand Championship final 4 HORSE OF THE YEAR SHOW BRINETON/COLNE MINI MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND CLASSES This competition is run under the rules of Horse of the Year Show, copies of which are obtainable from Judges may only judge one qualifying competition in the current year. Marks to be awarded as follows: Show/freedom of action - 50 maximum; Breed/Type/Conformation - 50 maximum. In the case of equality the pony with the highest show/freedom of action mark will be deemed the winner . JUDGES: Class 8: Mrs N Turner (P) Mrs H Turner (C) Colne Mountain & Moorland Lead Rein Pony of the Year, mare or gelding four years and over registered in the main body of their respective stud books not exceeding 122cms (12hh). However ponies must not exceed the height limit as stipulated by the relevant Breed Societies. Riders must have attained their third but not their ninth birthday before 1 January 2013. The highest placed pony not already qualified from the first three will qualify to compete at HORSE OF THE YEAR SHOW 2013. Class 9: Brineton/Kare-Plus Mountain & Moorland First Ridden Pony of the Year, mare or gelding four years and over registered in the main body of their respective stud books not exceeding 128cms (12.2hh). However ponies must not exceed the height limit as stipulated by the relevant Breed Societies. Riders must have attained their third but not their twelfth birthday before 1 January 2013. The highest placed pony not already qualified from the first three will qualify to compete at HORSE OF THE YEAR SHOW 2013. CH3 MINI MOUNTAIN AND MOORLAND CHAMPIONSHIP First and second prize winners from classes 8,9. _____________________________________________________________ RING 2 CLASSES START AT 8AM AND WILL FOLLOW ON HORSE OF THE YEAR SHOW NPS/BAILEYS HORSE FEEDS MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND PONY OF THE YEAR QUALIFIER This competition is run under the rules of Horse of the Year Show, copies of which are obtainable from The following classes are qualifiers for the NPS/BAILEYS HORSE FEEDS M & M Ridden Pony of the Year Championship at Horse of the Year Show at NEC Birmingham ( Wednesday 9th October- Sunday 13th October 2013). The highest placed horse /pony not already qualified from the first three in each class will qualify for Horse of the Year Show 2013.Qualification will be verified by the Horse of the Year Show office. This competition is open to stallions, mares and geldings, 4 yrs and over to be registered in the main body of their respective stud books. However ponies must not exceed the height limit as stipulated by the relevant Breed Societies. Part Breds. and mares with a living foal born during the current season are not eligible to compete. Riders can be of any age with the exception of those riding stallions who must have attained their 12th birthday before 1st January 2013.Correct riding attire must be worn, spurs are not allowed and whips must not exceed 30”. Riders and/or owners in case of a junior member being a rider must be members of their respective Breed society/NPS/ Ponies(UK) /The Showing Register or BSPS. Marks to be awarded as follows: show/freedom of action-50max; breed/type/conformation-50max. In the case of equality, the pony with the highest show, freedom of action mark will be deemed the winner. 5 JUDGES: Class 10: Class 11: Mrs M A Ludlow (P) Mrs V Clark (C) NPS/Baileys Horse Feeds Mountain & Moorland Ridden New Forest / Connemara Pony of the Year NPS/Baileys Horse Feeds Mountain & Moorland Ridden Fell / Highland / Dales Pony of the Year JUDGES: Class 12 Mrs V Clark (P) Mrs M A Ludlow (C) NPS/Baileys Horse Feeds Mountain & Moorland Ridden Dartmoor/ Exmoor / Shetland Pony of the Year Class 13: NPS/Baileys Horse Feeds Mountain & Moorland Ridden Welsh Section A Pony of the Year NPS/Baileys Horse Feeds Mountain & Moorland Ridden Welsh Section B Pony of the Year Class 14: JUDGES: Class 15: Class 16 Mrs M A Ludlow (P) Mrs V Clark (C) NPS/Baileys Horse Feeds Mountain & Moorland Ridden Welsh Section C Pony of the Year NPS/Baileys Horse Feeds Mountain & Moorland Ridden Welsh Section D Pony of the Year CH4 OPEN MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND CHAMPIONSHIP First and second prize winners from classes 10,11,12,13,14,15,16. THE CHAMPION & RESERVE CHAMPION TO GO FORWARD TO THE TORNE VALLEY SUPREME RIDDEN MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND CHAMPIONSHIP FINAL *THE ‘TORNE VALLEY ‘SUPREME RIDDEN MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND CHAMPIONSHIP FINAL WILL TAKE PLACE AFTER CH 4 (IN RING 2) THE ‘JANUS’ SUPREME RIDDEN COLOURED CHAMPIONSHIP FINAL AND THE’ KELLYTHORPE STUD’ SUPREME IN HAND CHAMPIONSHIP FINAL TO FOLLOW IN THIS ORDER AT APPROPRIATE TIMES* *THE ‘RICHARD LEEMAN’ SUPREME VETERAN CHAMPIONSHIP FINAL WILL TAKE PLACE AFTER CH 31 (IN RING 6)* 6 RING 3 CLASSES START AT 8AM AND WILL FOLLOW ON SHOW HUNTER PONY BREEDING CLASSES (not to exceed 153cms at maturity) JUDGE: Mrs H Turner Class 17: Show Hunter Pony Yearling two or three year old colt filly or gelding. Class 18: Show Hunter Pony Stallion Mare or Gelding four years and over. CH5 SHOW HUNTER PONY BREEDING CHAMPIONSHIP First and second prize winners from classes 17,18. Champion to go forward to the Kellythorpe Stud In Hand Championship Final INTERNATIONAL MINIATURE HORSE & PONY SOCIETY CLASSES All horses must be registered with the IMHPS and owned by a current member. The following classes are affiliated to the IMHPS. The first three prize winners in each class will qualify for the Miniature Horse of the Year Show October 2013 at Arena UK Grantham. Details of membership available from Nicky Campbell Tel: 01892835999/07787259233 or JUDGE: Mrs H Turner Class 19: International Miniature Horse Yearling Thoroughbred/Arabian Type open to any yearling not likely to exceed 34in at maturity, must be registered with the IMHPS and owned by a current member. International Miniature Horse Two and Three year old Thoroughbred/Arabian Type open to any two/ three year old not likely to exceed 34in at maturity, must be registered with the IMHPS and owned by a current member. International Miniature Horse Four years and over Thoroughbred/Arabian Type open to any four year old or over not exceeding 34in, must be registered with the IMHPS and owned by a current member. International Miniature Draught Type any age open to any draught type not exceeding 34in at maturity, must be registered with the IMHPS and owned by a current member. Must not have competed in the previous four classes. Class 20: Class 21: Class 22: CH6 INTERNATIONAL MINIATURE HORSE CHAMPIONSHIP First and second prize winners from classes 19,20,21,22 Champion to go forward to the Kellythorpe Stud In Hand Championship Final WELSH CLASSES JUDGE: Mr S Howard (BOSTON) Class 23: Welsh Section A/ Welsh Section B Yearling two or three year old colt filly or gelding. Class 24: Welsh Section A/ Welsh Section B Stallion Mare or Gelding four years and over. CH7 WELSH SECTION A PONY CHAMPIONSHIP The two highest placed Welsh Section A Ponies from classes 23 and 24 will be eligible to compete Champion to go forward to the Kellythorpe Stud In Hand Championship Final CH8 WELSH SECTION B PONY CHAMPIONSHIP The two highest placed Welsh Section B Ponies from classes 23 and 24 will be eligible to compete Champion to go forward to the Kellythorpe Stud In Hand Championship Final 7 JUDGE: Mr S Howard (BOSTON) Class 25: Welsh Section C/ Welsh Section D Yearling two or three year old colt filly or gelding. Class 26: Welsh Section C/ Welsh Section D Stallion Mare or Gelding four years and over. CH9 WELSH SECTION C PONY CHAMPIONSHIP The two highest placed Welsh Section C Ponies from classes 25 and 26 will be eligible to compete Champion to go forward to the Kellythorpe Stud In Hand Championship Final CH10 WELSH SECTION D COB CHAMPIONSHIP The two highest placed Welsh Section D Ponies from classes 25 and 26 will be eligible to compete Champion to go forward to the Kellythorpe Stud In Hand Championship Final DALES/FELL PONIES JUDGE: Mr S Howard Class 27: Dales/Fell Pony Yearling two or three year old colt filly or gelding. Class 28: Dales/Fell Pony Stallion Mare or Gelding four years and over. CH11 DALES PONY CHAMPIONSHIP The two highest placed Dales Ponies from classes 27 and 28 will be eligible to compete Champion to go forward to the Kellythorpe Stud In Hand Championship Final CH12 FELL PONY CHAMPIONSHIP The two highest placed Fell Ponies from classes 27 and 28 will be eligible to compete Champion to go forward to the Kellythorpe Stud In Hand Championship Final CONNEMARA /NEW FOREST/HIGHLAND PONIES JUDGE: Mr S Howard Class 29: Connemara/New Forest/Highland Pony Yearling two or three year old colt filly or gelding. Class 30: Connemara/New Forest/Highland Pony Stallion Mare or Gelding four years and over. CH13 CONNEMARA PONY CHAMPIONSHIP Two highest placed Connemara Ponies from classes 29 and 30 will be eligible to compete. Champion to go forward to the Kellythorpe Stud In Hand Championship Final CH14 NEW FOREST CHAMPIONSHIP Two highest placed New Forest Ponies from classes 29 and 30 will be eligible to compete. Champion to go forward to the Kellythorpe Stud In Hand Championship Final CH15 HIGHLAND PONY CHAMPIONSHIP Two highest placed Highland Ponies from classes 29 and 30 will be eligible to compete. Champion to go forward to the Kellythorpe Stud In Hand Championship Final 8 DARTMOOR/SHETLAND/EXMOOR PONIES JUDGE: Mr S Howard Class 31: Dartmoor/Shetland/Exmoor Pony Yearling two or three year old colt filly or gelding. Class 32: Dartmoor/Shetland/Exmoor Pony Stallion Mare or Gelding four years and over. CH16 DARTMOOR PONY CHAMPIONSHIP The two highest placed Dartmoor Ponies from classes 31 and 32 will be eligible to compete Champion to go forward to the Kellythorpe Stud In Hand Championship Final CH17 EXMOOR PONY CHAMPIONSHIP The two highest placed Exmoor Ponies from classes 31 and 32 will be eligible to compete Champion to go forward to the Kellythorpe Stud In Hand Championship Final CH18 SHETLAND CHAMPIONSHIP The two highest placed Shetland Ponies from classes 31 and 32 will be eligible to compete Champion to go forward to the Kellythorpe Stud In Hand Championship Final CHAPS (UK) COLOURED CLASSES NB: These classes will not start until after CH1 This show is affiliated to The Coloured Horse & Pony Society (UK). Both the owner and the rider/exhibitor need not be a member of CHAPS (UK) nor must the horse or pony be registered with CHAPS (UK) to compete. These classes are also qualifiers for Ponies UK Summer Championships 2013, please refer to your CHAPS Handbook .Classes 3337 are CHAPS (UK) Qualifiers. The CHAPS (UK) Championship Show will be held on 29th August – 31st August 2013. Members to apply in writing to CHAPS (UK) for appropriate qualifier card. All Stallions entering these classes must be graded or valid First Stage Approved with CHAPS (UK). All Stallions must wear ID Discs in the ring. For full rulings and information on competition/qualification please refer to the CHAPS (UK) members’ handbook or visit for rulings. JUDGE: Class 33: Mr D Park Class 34: The CHAPS (UK) Native/ Cob/ Traditional type Open In Hand Qualifier Class any height. Any age, no foals. The CHAPS (UK) Non-Native Open In Hand Qualifier Class any height.Any age, no foals. Class 35: The CHAPS (UK) Youngstock Qualifier Class . One, Two or Three Yr Olds; no Foals. CH19 CHAPS (UK) IN HAND COLOURED CHAMPIONSHIP First and second prize winners from classes 33,34,35. Champion to go forward to the Kellythorpe Stud In Hand Championship Final JUDGE: Class 36: Mr D Park Class 37: The CHAPS (UK) Non- Native Open Ridden Qualifier Class any height, any type. The CHAPS (UK) Native/ Cob/ Traditional Open Ridden Qualifier Class any height. CH20 CHAPS(UK)RIDDEN COLOURED CHAMPIONSHIP First and second prize winners from classes 36,37. THE CHAMPION & RESERVE CHAMPION TO GO FORWARD TO THE ‘JANUS’ SUPREME RIDDEN COLOURED CHAMPIONSHIP FINAL 9 MIXED MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND CLASSES Mrs P Clifford JUDGE: Class 38: Small Breeds Mountain & Moorland Yearling two or three year old colt filly or gelding. Class 39: Small Breeds Mountain & Moorland Stallion Mare or Gelding four years and over. Class 40: Large Breeds Mountain & Moorland Yearling two or three year old colt filly or gelding. Class 41: Large Breeds Mountain & Moorland Stallion Mare or Gelding four years and over. CH 21 MIXED MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND CHAMPIONSHIP First and second prize winners from classes 38,39, 40, 41. Champion to go forward to the Kellythorpe Stud In Hand Championship Final RING 4 CLASSES START AT 8AM AND WILL FOLLOW ON PALOMINO/DUN CLASS JUDGE: Miss S Chapman Class 42 Palomino/Dun Horse or Pony any age/sex. Winner to go forward to the Kellythorpe Stud In Hand Championship Final. HUNTER/SPORT HORSE BREEDING CLASSES JUDGE: Miss S Chapman Class 43: Hunter/Sport Horse Yearling two or three year old colt filly or gelding. Class 44: Hunter/Sport Horse Stallion or Brood Mare (with own foal at foot or in foal with a relevant certificate of service. Mares which have lost their foals are eligible to enter with a relevant certificate of service Certificates may be inspected on the day) four years and over. CH26 HUNTER/SPORT HORSE BREEDING CHAMPIONSHIP First and second prize winners from classes 43,44. Champion to go forward to the Kellythorpe Stud In Hand Championship Final 10 HACK/RIDING HORSE BREEDING CLASSES Held under the rules of the British Show Horse Association. Owners and Horses must be registered or have temporary membership with a Day Ticket. In Hand Horses registered with the Association must be Owned by current BSHA Members. This show is a qualifier for the BSHA Martin Wood Supreme In Hand Breeding Championship to be held at the BSHA National Championships at Addington September 13 th/14th 2013. Champion and Reserve from CH23 AND CH24 to qualify. The BSHA offers a Martin Wood Qualified rosette to the Champion and Reserve and an Owner/Breeder rosette in each In Hand Breeding class. JUDGE: Class 45: Mrs G Chapman Hack/Riding Horse Yearling two or three year old colt filly or gelding. Class 46: Hack/Riding Horse Stallion or Brood Mare (with own foal at foot or certified in foal. Pregnancy Certificates must be produced on the day) four years and over. CH23 HACK BREEDING CHAMPIONSHIP The two highest placed Hacks from classes 45 and 46will be eligible to compete. Champion to go forward to the Kellythorpe Stud In Hand Championship Final CH24 RIDING HORSE BREEDING CHAMPIONSHIP The two highest placed Riding Horses from classes 45 and 46 will be eligible to compete. Champion to go forward to the Kellythorpe Stud In Hand Championship Final ARAB BREEDING SECTION JUDGE: Class 47: Miss S Chapman Pure Bred, Anglo and Part bred Arab Yearling two or three year old colt filly or gelding. Class 48: Pure bred, Anglo and Part bred Arab Stallion Mare or Gelding four years and over. CH25 ARAB CHAMPIONSHIP First and second prize winners from classes 47,48. Champion to go forward to the Kellythorpe Stud In Hand Championship Final SHOW PONY BREEDING CLASSES JUDGE: Class 49: Miss S Chapman Show Pony Yearling two or three year old colt filly or gelding. Class 50: Show Pony Stallion Mare or Gelding four years and over. CH22 SHOW PONY BREEDING CHAMPIONSHIP First and second prize winners from classes 49,50. Champion to go forward to the Kellythorpe Stud In Hand Championship Final. 11 PART BRED CLASSES JUDGE: Class 51: Mrs H Turner Part Bred Yearling two or three year old colt filly or gelding. Class 52: Part Bred Pony Stallion Mare or Gelding four years and over. CH 27 PART BRED CHAMPIONSHIP First and second prize winners from classes 51,52. Champion to go forward to the Kellythorpe Stud In Hand Championship Final AMATEUR OWNER PRODUCED CLASSES Definition. For the purpose of the Amateur Section the following definition of professional will apply: 1. Any person who has received payment of any kind (including re numeration) for producing ponies in or for the show ring will be deemed a professional and will not be eligible. 2. Any pony during the current year which has been produced, schooled, shown, etc by any person described in No.1 will be deemed a professionally produced pony and will not be eligible. First prize winners in Classes 53,54,55,56 will qualify for The Showing Register Amateur Supreme Championship (Champion £500 & Res Champion £250) to be held at TSR Summer Gala Show on 20 th July at Arena UK, Grantham. JUDGE: Class 53: Mrs H Turner Amateur Owner Mountain & Moorland Yearling two or three year old colt filly or gelding. Class 54: Amateur Owner Mountain & Moorland four years and over. Class 55: Amateur Owner Riding Pony/Hunter Pony three years and under colt filly or gelding not to exceed 153cms at maturity Class 56: Amateur Owner Riding Pony/Hunter Pony four years and over not to exceed 153cms. CH28 AMATEUR OWNER CHAMPIONSHIP First and second prize winners from classes 53,54,55,56. Champion to go forward to the Kellythorpe Stud In Hand Championship Final 12 RING 5 CLASSES START AT 8AM AND WILL FOLLOW ON Course Builder: Amanda Cole OPEN HERITAGE WHP CLASSES This show is affiliated to the British Show Pony Society (BSPS 102/13) and all persons entering, competing, showing or otherwise taking part in BSPS classes whether or not members of the BSPS are subject to the constitution and rules of the BSPS, including the disciplinary procedures and shall be deemed to have consented to the jurisdiction of the BSPS. This show is a qualifier for the 2013 BSPS Championship Show. The first, second and third prize winners in classes 57-60 will qualify for the BSPS Championship Show provided the animal is registered in accordance with rules 23 and 28 and ridden by a BSPS member. Any pony taking part in classes judged under BSPS rules will be liable to dope testing. This show is a qualifier for the BSPS Classic Security UK Ltd Challenge. The highest placed pony in classes 5760 that has not already qualified for the 2013 HOYS will qualify in the appropriate class. If the highest placed pony has already qualified for the BSPS Challenge the qualification will be awarded to the next eligible pony. This show is a qualifier for the BSPS Premier League. First, second, third and fourth prize winners in classes 5760 will qualify. This show is a qualifier for the BSPS Champion of Champions. The Champion Open WHP Heritage Pony will qualify. The Best Rider 25 years and under in classes 57-60 will receive a card and qualify for the BSPS Black Country Saddles Best Rider of the Year at the BSPS Championships Show. JUDGES: Mr C Baxter (J) Miss S Turner (C) Class 57: The BSPS Mountain & Moorland Heritage Open WHP. Registered Pure Bred Ponies 4 years old or over not exceeding 122cm. Riders any age. Class 58: The BSPS Mountain & Moorland Heritage Open WHP. Registered Pure Bred Ponies 4 years old or over exceeding 122cm but not exceeding 133cms. Riders any age. Class 59: The BSPS Mountain & Moorland Heritage Open WHP. Registered Pure Bred Ponies 4 years old or over exceeding 133cm but not exceeding 143cms. Riders any age. . Class 60: The BSPS Mountain & Moorland Heritage Open WHP. Registered Pure Bred Ponies 4 years old or over exceeding 143cms. Riders any age. CH29 HERITAGE WHP CHAMPIONSHIP First and second prize winners from classes 57,58,59,.60 The Champion will qualify for the BSPS ‘Mitten Asbestos’ Champion of Champions 13 HORSE OF THE YEAR SHOW PRP RESCUE SERVICES MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND WORKING HUNTER PONY OF THE YEAR QUALIFIER This competition is run under the rules of the Horse of the Year Show, copies of which are obtainable from The following classes are qualifiers for the PRP RESCUE SERVICES M & M Working Hunter Pony of the Year Championship at Horse of the Year Show at NEC Birmingham (Wednesday 9th OctoberSunday 13th October 2013). The highest placed horse /pony not already qualified from the first three in each class will qualify for Horse of the Year Show 2013.Qualification will be verified by the HORSE OF THE YEAR SHOW office. This competition is open to stallions, mares and geldings, 4 yrs and over to be registered in the main body of their respective stud books. However ponies must not exceed the height limit as stipulated by the relevant Breed Societies. Part Breds and mares with a living foal born during the current season are not eligible to compete. Riders can be of any age with the exception of those riding stallions who must have attained their 12 th birthday before 1st January 2013.Correct riding attire must be worn, spurs are not allowed and whips must not exceed 30”. Riders and/or owners in case of a junior member being a rider must be members of their respective Breed society/NPS/Ponies(UK)/The Showing Register or BSPS. JUDGES: Miss S Turner (J) Mrs G Chapman (C) Class 61: PRP Rescue Services Mountain & Moorland 122cm Working Hunter Pony of the Year. Class 62: PRP Rescue Services Mountain & Moorland 133cm Working Hunter Pony of the Year. Class 63: PRP Rescue Services Mountain & Moorland 143cm Working Hunter Pony of the Year. Class 64: PRP Rescue Services Mountain & Moorland exc 143cm Working Hunter Pony of the Year CH30 MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND WHP CHAMPIONSHIP First and second prize winners from classes 61,62,63,.64 14 RING 6 CLASSES START AT 8AM AND WILL FOLLOW ON THE HOME PRODUCED VETERAN HORSE SHOWING LTD Mixed Regional Qualifier for Olympia 2013 (Sponsored by Dodson & Horrell) JUDGES: Mrs N Turner (P) Mr D Park (C) IN HAND SECTION Class 65: PRE –VETERAN 15-19 years. Horse or Pony. Exhibitor any age. Class 66: VETERAN 20-24 years. Horse or Pony. Exhibitor any age. Class 67: VETERAN-PLUS 25 years & over. Horse or Pony. Exhibitor any age. RIDDEN SECTION Class 68: PRE –VETERAN 15-19 years. Horse or Pony. Exhibitor any age. Class 69: VETERAN 20-24 years. Horse or Pony. Exhibitor any age. Class 70: VETERAN-PLUS 25 years & over. Horse or Pony. Exhibitor any age. CH31 VETERAN OLYMPIA CHAMPIONSHIP First prize winners from classes 65,66,67,68,69,70 THE CHAMPION TO GO FORWARD TO THE 2013 OLYMPIA FINAL IN DECEMBER The same competitor cannot go forward to the championship as the winner of both in hand and ridden classes. If this situation occurs, a choice must be made by the competitor between which section, in hand or ridden, he/she will enter for the championship. The second placed competitor in either the in hand or ridden section not chosen by the winner will then qualify and go forward for the championship. THE CHAMPION, RESERVE CHAMPION & SECOND RESERVE TO GO FORWARD TO THE ‘RICHARD LEEMAN’ SUPREME VETERAN CHAMPIONSHIP FINAL Competitors wishing to qualify for Olympia must have qualified at a VHS Area Qualifying show and must hold a valid Regional Qualification/Acceptance Card, which must be shown on entry with current membership/registration card. In order to compete at the London Olympia Grand Final all horses/ponies must meet the current FEI Vaccination regulations. COMPETITORS MUST DISPLAY THE AGE OF THE HORSE/PONY ON THE BRIDLE, RIDDEN AND IN HAND CLASSES All competitors must adhere to VHS LTD standards or turnout. No Spurs, galloping or wearing of face/body jewellery is permitted. Minimum age of handler for In Hand classes is 9 years old and over. Minimum age of Handler/Rider with a stallion is 16 years of age and over. No competitor may enter the ring once the command of trot has been given. 15 Dodson & Horrell have kindly sponsored Feed Voucher to 1st Place. All Class rosettes/ Finalist Rosettes. Regional Champion Rosette. Reserve Champion Rosette. The Veteran Horse Showing Ltd has kindly donated Champion Trophy/Champion Rosettes. Veteran Horse Showing Ltd, Suncrest, 119 High Lane, Brown Edge, Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire. ST6 8RT. Tel: 01782 503526. E-Mail *THE ‘RICHARD LEEMAN’ SUPREME VETERAN CHAMPIONSHIP FINAL WILL TAKE PLACE AFTER CH 31 (IN RING 6)* THE ‘RICHARD LEEMAN’ SUPREME VETERAN CHAMPIONSHIP Kindly sponsored by ‘RICHARD LEEMAN‘ JUDGES: Frank Kane and Madge Taylor PRIZE MONEY 1st- £1000 2nd- £400 3rd- £100 4th- £50 5th- £25 6th- £25 7th- £25 8th- £25 Sashes to the Champion and Reserve. Rosettes to all other prize winners and finalists The winner to receive the ‘Richard Leeman Trophy’ kindly presented by the Leeman Family The Champion, Reserve Champion and Second Reserve from CH31 at this show are eligible and those previously qualified at the following shows: Newark & Notts Royal Windsor Cheshire County Midland Counties Stafford County Three Counties Lancashire Championships VHS Championships Royal Norfolk South of England Spring Show Derby County NPS Area 14 Suffolk County Royal Bath & West 16 THE ‘TORNE VALLEY’ SUPREME RIDDEN MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND CHAMPIONSHIP Kindly sponsored by ‘TORNE VALLEY FARM & COUNTRY SUPPLIES’ Tickhill, Doncaster tel: 01302 756000 JUDGES: Madge Taylor and Frank Kane PRIZE MONEY 1st- £1000 2nd- £400 3rd- £100 4th- £50 5th- £25 6th- £25 7th- £25 8th- £25 Sashes to the Champion and Reserve. Rosettes to all other prize winners and finalists The winner to receive the ‘Garrick/ Waring Collins Trophy’ The Champion and Reserve Champion from CH4 at this show are eligible and those previously qualified at the following shows: BSPS Winter Championships North of England Spring Pony Show Royal Windsor Lancashire Championships Cheshire Premier Suffolk County NCPA Open Derbyshire Festival of Showing Otley North East Counties White Rose County Lincolnshire Spring Show Royal Highland Stafford County South of England Spring Show BSPS Area 7 South Lincolnshire (Baston Show) BSPS Area 15 NPS Area XI Hambleton Staffordshire Country Festival Royal Norfolk Royal Bath & West Derby County BSPS Area 4a BSPS Area 5 NCPA Lancashire Spring Show BSPS Area 1b Cheshire County North of England Summer Pony Show Midland Counties NPS Area 5 Spring Show NPS Area 15 BSPS Area 6 Lurgan Show (N Ireland) Lincoln County Shropshire Country Spring Show BSPS Area 14 17 THE ‘JANUS’ SUPREME RIDDEN COLOURED CHAMPIONSHIP Kindly sponsored by ‘LISHA AND JANAY LEEMAN’ JUDGES: Frank Kane and Madge Taylor PRIZE MONEY 1st- £1000 2nd- £400 3rd- £100 4th- £50 5th- £25 6th- £25 7th- £25 8th- £25 Sashes to the Champion and Reserve. Rosettes to all other prize winners and finalists The winner to receive the ‘ George Hollings Perpetual Challenge Trophy’ kindly presented by the Hollings Family The Champion and Reserve Champion from CH1 and CH20 at this show are eligible and those previously qualified at the following shows: BSPS Winter Championships Royal Highland CHAPS (UK) South East Regional Show CHAPS (UK) Northern Regional Show CHAPS (UK) South West Regional Show Midland Counties Newark & Notts Staffordshire Country Festival Royal Windsor Cheshire Premier White Rose County Hambleton Royal Bath & West North West Championships (NPS Area 5) Lincolnshire Spring Suffolk County North East Counties Red Rose County CHAPS (UK) North West Regional Show (Derbyshire Festival of Showing) Cheshire County CHAPS (UK) Welsh Regional Show Lincoln County CHAPS (UK) Midlands Regional Show BSHA Southern Spring Show 18 THE ‘KELLYTHORPE STUD’ SUPREME IN HAND CHAMPIONSHIP Kindly sponsored by ‘THE LEEMAN FAMILY ‘ JUDGES: Madge Taylor and Frank Kane PRIZE MONEY 1st- £1000 2nd- £400 3rd- £100 4th- £50 5th- £25 6th- £25 7th- £25 8th- £25 Sashes to the Champion and Reserve. Rosettes to all other prize winners and finalists The winner to receive the ‘Duke of Newcastle Trophy’ kindly presented by Joanna Hayes The runner up to receive the ‘Pearson Challenge Trophy’ kindly presented by Karen Pollard The following Champions from CH2, CH5 to CH19, CH21 to CH28 at this show PLUS the Winner of Classes 42 is eligible and those previously qualified at the following shows: Suffolk County Royal Highland Royal Windsor Derby County Stafford County NPS Area 15 NPS Area XI Royal Norfolk Midland Counties SHB(GB) North West Spring Show Newark & Notts Royal Bath & West NCPA Open, Yorkshire SHB(GB) Show Cheshire County NPS Spring Festival North West Championships (NPS Area 5) CHAPS (UK) Northern Regional Show Red Rose County Lurgan (N Ireland) Hambleton Show SHB(GB) North West Summer Show Derbyshire Festival of Showing Staffordshire Country Festival NPS Area 4 Spring Show Lincoln County 19