
Ron Harding
What if every person in the church did what the world teaches us to do?
 Every Disciple only ever did what was best for them individually and only live by their perspective
 What kind of church would this be?
a. 1st thing to understand is that your perspective is Very Important
b. Must consider how different they are: Kaliedescope, Bent Mirrors at a Carnival, The Sky
c. Your Perspective comes from your past: Pre/Post Jesus, wisdom from scriptures
d. Israelites perspective both young/Old: Moses was conceded and was leading them to their death
e. Right now, in the middle of 1st Principles: They’re undisputable-They’re salvation issues
f. Most issues after baptism are not a matter of salvation: Matters of choice
g. Most choices are not a matter of right & wrong: Good, Better, Best
h. Spiritually, what creates our perspectives is our experiences couple with wisdom from scriptures
Perspectives are not right/wrong of the things we forget most in
a. 1st thing to understand is that Your perspectives are Very Important: “POINT A”
b. What it means to have a Great Relationship, Whether or not You’re Loved
c. Relationships:
 Encourage Daily, Spur One Another, Challenge
 Are there wounds from your friend? Heb 4:
d. Being Loved:
 Biblical Love in Giving not taking,
 Loving like Jesus is not a feeling, it’s conviction from the scriptures
e. Suffering:
 Our perspectives tell us to run from suffering, avoid it at all costs
 Jesus’ perspective was that it was the path to learning obedience
f. Your decision to obey the Bible or not comes from your perspective on the given situation
g. STORY: Perspective on spending time alone – 2 years pure – almost killed me/Tracy
There’s a way that seems right to you that leads to death
a. 1st thing to understand is that Others perspectives are Very Important
b. We’ve got your perspective, I’ve got mine. But then there’s 74 other perspectives to consider
c. You’re perspective, My Perspective, and then there’s the final Perspective
d. Somehow we’re brainwashed into thinking that our strong convictions equal being right
e. Your Opinion and a scripture does not always equal the truth
f. Super Important when it comes to “The Leadership” – something from our
 Issues with authority – that perspective creates rebellion
g. STORY: Perspective on spending time alone – 2 years pure – almost killed me/Tracy
h. If you can grasp that on most issues your perspective isn’t the only perspective and that your
perspective and your leaders perspective can both work
There’s Your Perspective, My Perspective, but there’s one final perspective: Jesus’ perspective
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Ron Harding
a. Jesus never sinned, but still had to learn obedience
b. He came down from heaven and was at risk of death: not making it back to heaven
c. Mark 7:14-23
 Their Perspective: what happens to you
 Jesus’ perspective: It how you’re doing spiritually & how you respond
 Are you still so dull? Most perspectives would say, get mad this is no way to speak to
d. Matthew 16:21-28
 Peter’s Perspective: You should have to suffer to win the world
 Jesus Perspective: Suffering is the only way to Biblical obedience and to save everyone
e. You and I need to come to a conviction: We’ve got no clue how to evangelize the world
f. Without the perspective of Jesus driving us we’re sunk
Today, you need to understand that You’ve got your Perspectives, Other
people have their Perspectives: They are all simply Perspectives. Better
practice choosing what’s good, better, or best and being OK with any of
those depending on the Leader determines is best for the church and
movement. You need to be committed to learning and gaining Jesus’
Perspective. That’s the only Perspective that comes out on top EVERY
TIME. It’s the ONLY perspective that will evangelize this world!
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