EDS The Learning Organisation YEAR 4 CURRICULUM MAP Writing Reading Autumn Word reading Comprehension Transcription Composition VGP Speaking and listening Maths Science Computing Spring Spelling programme ( NC Appendix 1) See Long Term Literacy Plan (whole school) NC Appendix 2 12 Statutory statements (NC p 17) Mental maths and basic skills – ongoing throughout the year. See overviews for specifics. Number and place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, fractions (including decimals), measurement, properties of shapes, position and direction and statistics. States of Matter, Living Things and their Habitats, Animals, including humans, Sound and Electricity. Working Scientifically – on going across the year Data Handling, Graphics, Programming/Control, Simulation/Modelling, E-Safety, Text, Multimedia, Using and Understanding Computers, Collaboration and Internet/Searches. History Ancient Greece, life and Influence What did the Ancient Greeks do for me? Geography GEOGRAPHY of HEALTH Focusing on skills, land use, patterns, changes over time. Significance of Roman Empire and impact on Britain Why did Julius Caesar’s first invasion of Britain fail? Why did the Ancient Romans march through Durham? Who built Hadrian’s wall? What did the Romans do for us? INTERESTING ITALY Region in a European Country Study a region in Italy- to include key characteristics both human and physical such as volcanoes, mountains, land use patterns, economic activity. Art and Design Cooking and Nutrition – principles of a healthy diet Biscuits (Design and make a healthy biscuit.) WE’VE GOT IT ALL IN THE NORTH EAST! Region of the U.K.Study a region in the U.K. and its key human and physical characteristics. Rivers in our local area, building upon Science knowledge and the water cyclefieldwork mandatory. Locate and identify areas on a map building upon Y3 knowledge. Fieldwork focus - River Study Could visit: Parts of the Browney Tees Barrage Port of Tyne Durham Focus on Water quality Speed of river – physical data Field sketches Fieldwork focus – health of Shildon Gather local data D.T. Summer – Phonics programme – Letters and Sounds Texts include : wide range of fiction (including fairy stories and myths and legends), poetry, plays, non fiction texts and reference books / text books and dictionaries (NC p 35/36) Structures – textiles Money Containers (Design and make a money container for themselves or someone else.) Mechanisms – levers and linkages Storybooks (Design and make a storybook that has moving parts.) Control – electrical systems and computing to program, monitor and control Lighting it Up (Design and make a new type of light that can be controlled and used for certain needs of a user.) At some point in the year cover the following: Understand how key events and individuals in design and technology have shaped the world. Thomas Edison - inventor Viewpoints – explore how to create the Take a Seat – explore the design of Journeys – explore how signs, atmosphere and story of a dream. chairs. symbols and metaphors can be used to communicate meanings about journeys. Continue to use sketchbooks to record observations Music MFL P.E. R.E. Use appropriate units from Charanga web based resource. Salut! CD. Salut! CD. Salut! CD. Food At school My home Salut! CD. My town Games, gymnastics and dance. Dance, gymnastics and games. How and why do religious people show care What do Christians believe about for others? How is this seen in Christianity Jesus? and Hinduism? Why is Lent such an important period Why do Christians call Jesus the light of the for Christians? world? Statutory subject in all year groups Curriculum must be based on Durham Agreed Syllabus 2012 for all maintained schools Salut! CD. The body Salut! CD. Sport Games, dance, athletics and OAA. What do Christians believe about God?