Hall D Interlocks Version Draft July 3, 2000 Hall D interlocks Prepared by the JLab Safety Systems Group Revision Draft July 3, 2000 Hall D Protection Systems.doc printed 2/17/16 pp 1 Hall D Interlocks Version Draft July 3, 2000 Hall D Protection Systems This document describes the hazards associated with Hall D beam operation and the means used to mitigate the hazard. Hall D description material may be found at the following web site: http://dustbunny.physics.indiana.edu/HallD/ Beam Containment has three objectives: Beam containment for personnel protection. Beam Containment for protection of the environment. Beam containment for equipment protection – MPS. This analysis assumes that shielding is adequate for worst credible case beam loss. Shielding may include fencing around potential high radiation areas. Hazards Prompt ionizing radiation Powered Arc Dipoles Limits Prompt Ionizing Radiation – Dose and Dose rates outside shielding (as best I can understand from conversations with Bob May) 15 rem/hr for up to 20 minutes - worst case credible accident 100 mrem/hr continuous inside controlled area (radcon fence) 5 mrem/hr in uncontrolled area (outside radcon barrier) but inside site fence 10 mrem at site fence integrated over 1 year (assume 32 weeks operation per year gives 2urem/hr) Radiation exposure (dose per event > 5 rem) beyond DOE/Federal limits has an assumed severity of the same level as permanent disability. This is not due to the actual risk but rather due to the perceived risk. One lawsuit will result in >>$ 100k in expenses. NCRP 88 rates exposure of 5-25 rem as ‘high’. Our limit is 15rem in any hour (15rem/hr x 20 minutes max). Electrical Hazards >50 V and > 5 mA accessible conductor (OSHA definition) Equipment limits Diamond Radiator ?? kW beam power Electron Beam Dump 60 kW Photon Beam Dump ?? kW Collimator ??kW intercepted photon flux Hall D Protection Systems.doc printed 2/17/16 pp 2 Hall D Interlocks Hazard Version Draft Source July 3, 2000 Example Cause Effect Likelihood1 Risk Code2 Administrative Layer Independent Protection Layer3 Safety System Prompt Ionizing Radiation Transient4 electron beam into photon line. Tagger Magnet Failure. Abrupt change in tagger current. Hysteresis cycle while beam on. Beam directed to Hall D. Elevated radiation levels outside shielding. 1/10 years 3 Tagger Software Interlocks Permanent Magnets in beam line bend beam down. Tagger Supply Interlocks PSS BCM in photon line Tagger current compared to vertical bend current. Prompt Ionizing Radiation Prompt Ionizing Radiation Continuous5 electron beam into photon line Tagger Magnet Failure 1/10 years 3 Tagger Software Interlocks Collimator missing Human error 1/15 years 3 Pre start-up inspection. Collimator software interlocks. Permanent Magnets in beam line bend beam down. Tagger Supply Interlocks Collimator position interlock fail-safe. PSS BCM in photon line Tagger current compared to vertical bend current. PSS CARM in counting room. MPS beam loss monitors detect elevated radiation at photon dump. Prompt Ionizing Radiation Collimator iron missing Human error Beam directed to Hall D Elevated radiation levels outside shielding. Full Power light beam on photon target. Elevated radiation levels in counting room. Elevated radiation levels outside photon dump Elevated radiation levels outside shielding. 1/10 years 3 Pre start-up inspection. None Prompt Ionizing Radiation Prompt Ionizing Radiation Electrocution Collimator sweeper magnet missing Human error Elevated radiation levels outside shielding 1/10 years 3 Pre start-up inspection Sweeper interlocks High current beam sent to Hall D Catastrophic beam loss Destruction of radiator 1/10year 3 Gun/Separator set up MPS BCM Max Current Monitor. Electrocution 1/10 years 3 Operations Procedures None Prompt Ionizing Radiation Transient Beam Loss in vertical bend RF Separator misphased Gun laser misphased Chopper misphased >800 VDC wrt ground. Magnets powered during access Short in upper Dipole Magnet. Beam is directed to surface. Magnet yoke a thick target. PSS CARM in counting room. MPS beam loss monitors detect elevated radiation at photon dump. MPS Beam loss monitors. PSS CARM in counting room. MPS beam loss monitors detect elevated radiation at photon dump. PSS BCM CARM Elevated external radiation. Beam Burn through (>2.5kW) 1/10 years 3 Box Supply interlocks Beam Position Locks Beam loss monitor Prompt Ionizing Radiation Continuous Beam Loss in vertical bend Short in upper Dipole Magnet. Beam is directed to surface. Magnet yoke a thick target. Elevated external radiation. Beam Burn through (>2.5kW) 1/10 years 3 Box Supply interlocks Beam Position Locks Beam loss monitor Prompt Ionizing Radiation Transient Beam Loss before tagger (horizontal section) Beam misteered up Elevated external radiation over beamline. 1/month 3 Beam Position Locks Operator Monitoring Prompt Ionizing Radiation Continuous Beam Loss before tagger (horizontal section) Beam misteered up 1/month 3 Beam loss monitor Operator Monitoring Prompt Ionizing Radiation Obstruction in electron vertical bend Bad Valve Component left in beam line 1/5years 3 EPICS read back Passive Shielding Vacuum System Berm fenced off Beam Loss monitors at bends Local BCM Passive Shielding Berm fenced off Beam Loss monitors at bends Local BCM Passive Shielding Vacuum System Beam Loss Monitor Local BCM Passive Shielding Vacuum System Beam Loss Monitor Local BCM Local BCM Exposed leads on dipole magnets 1 Likelihood after application of administrative and independent protection layers but before safety system. Likelihood is best guess based on experience with similar equipment or estimates. Estimated per JLab EH&S manual chapter 3210. 3 Independent Protection Layer is a verifiable mitigating measure that may be under configuration control but is not a safety system. 4 ‘Transient’ is an unsustainable condition. e.g. high power beam loss will eventually lead to burn through and beam shutdown. 5 ‘Continuous’ is a condition sustainable for > 20 minutes, e.g. low level beam loss, operation into thick radiator. 2 Hall D Protection Systems.doc printed 2/17/16 pp 3 PSS interlock of magnets. Power off during access. CARM on top of berm CARM on top of berm CARM on top of berm CARM on top of berm CARM on top of berm Hall D Interlocks Hazard Version Draft Source Example Cause July 3, 2000 Effect Likelihood1 Risk Code2 Administrative Layer Independent Protection Layer3 Safety System Prompt Ionizing Radiation Prompt Ionizing Radiation Prompt Ionizing Radiation Obstruction in electron horizontal line Bad Valve; Component left in beam line Elevated radiation level outside shielding. 1/5years 3 Operator intervention Passive Shielding Local BCM Obstruction in electron dump line Bad Valve Component left in beam line Elevated radiation level outside shielding. 1/5 years 3 Operator intervention Dump Ion Chamber None Photon Beam loss in photon line Incorrect beam position on target 1/5 years 3 Operator intervention Beam loss monitors in front of collimator. CARM outside berm Prompt Ionizing Radiation Photon beam loss in collimator Collimator misaligned 1/1 year 3 Operator intervention Ion Chamber in photon beam line CARM inside Counting House CARM at end of dump Prompt Ionizing Radiation Collimator apertures misaligned Instrumentation error 1/6 months 3 Software alarm Collimator position interlock. CARM inside Counting House CARM at end of dump Prompt Ionizing Radiation Thick target in photon line Bad valve. Object left in beam line. Human error Elevated radiation levels outside shielding. Elevated radiation levels in counting house. Elevated radiation levels outside shielding. Elevated radiation levels in counting house. Elevated radiation levels outside shielding. Elevated radiation levels in counting house. Damage to collimator. Elevated radiation levels outside shielding 1/2 years 3 Operations/Maintenance procedures. EPICS read back of valve status. Beam loss monitoring. Valve FSD interlock CARM outside shielding Prompt Ionizing Radiation Loss of tagger dump cooling Stuck valve. Catastrophic leak. No fill after maintenance. Destruction of dump for power > 2 kW. Cost > $10k 1/10 years 3 Control software monitoring and alarm. Dump monitor chassis and alarm. MPS interlock on dump cooling. Prompt Ionizing Radiation Prompt Ionizing Radiation Equipment Damage Transient Beam loss in dump line Beam misteered Incorrect tagger magnet current 1/ month 2 Beam Position Locks Operator monitoring Dump ion chambers CARM outside of berm Continuous Beam loss in dump line Beam misteered Incorrect tagger magnet current 1/2 years 2 Dump ion chambers CARM outside of berm Viewer IN, no limit on beam power Switches buggered out. EPICS readback stuck. Elevated external radiation levels. Destruction of viewer. 1/5 years 2 Operator confirmation of viewer operation. Software heartbeat for viewer software. CARM outside berm. Equipment Damage Tune-up dump IN, no limit on beam power Switches buggered out. EPICS readback stuck. Destruction of dump. Water damage to beam line. 1/10 years 2 Operator confirmation of dump operation. Software heartbeat for dump software. None Hall D Protection Systems.doc printed 2/17/16 Operator monitoring pp 4 Hall D Interlocks Version Draft July 3, 2000 Recommendations for interlocks: Tagger Interlocks 4-20 mA current transducer on tagger power leads. Current must be in proper range for interlock to clear. (PLC?) Set point can be tied to arc energy measurement similar to BELS. (Think about operational considerations such as either system doing hysteresis.) Current Monitors Beam current accounting between start of vertical bend (downstairs) and primary radiator. Include max current monitor function to trip if current > limit. PSS BCM in front of beam stoppers PSS BCM in photon beam line. Ion Chambers/BLMs Loss monitor at primary target Loss monitor at primary beam dump Loss monitors in front of collimator Loss monitors in front of photon beam dump CARMs CARM on top of vertical beam bend berm CARM in counting house CARM at rear of photon endstation (roof?) Maybe one additional CARM between tagger and tagger dump (outside beam line) Other considerations Wire scanner must be linked to beam loss detection devices to avoid false trips when scanning. Search and secure? Operating and access modes need to be defined Considerations for confined space Believe that dump placement is not in the best interest of ALARA Inhibit beam when magnets are cycling, e.g. hysteresis Plan for insertable 2KW dump downstairs in front of PSS critical devices. Hall D Protection Systems.doc printed 2/17/16 pp 5 Hall D Interlocks Version Draft July 3, 2000 Hall D interlock devices Beam Current Monitor Beam Dump Tagger Magnet Permanent Magnet Dipole Magnet Magnet Target/Detector Magnet Collimator Magnet Magnet Beam Loss Monitor Area Radiation Monitor Beam Stopper Risk Assessment Table from JLab EH&S manual, section 3210. Hall D Protection Systems.doc printed 2/17/16 pp 6