Tom and Diane Stolcals 56 Twp. Rd. 1031 Nova, Ohio 44859 1-(419)652-3925 Fax (419) 652-3924 COOLED/TRANSPORTED SEMEN AGREEMENT This contract is entered into by ___________________________referred to as Mare Owner and Country Quarter Horses referred to as Breeder for one service to the Stallion _____________________________ for the Mare ____________________________Reg. No. __________________ for the 20___ Breeding Season at the fee of $___________. The Mare Owner agrees to: 1. Pay Country Quarter Horses a collection fee of $_______ plus a $50.00 deposit on disposable shipping container or $300.00 on Equitainer to be paid prior to shipment. 2. Pay Country Quarter Horses a collection fee or $150.00 which will include the 1st shipment free. Any further shipments (with a maximum of three including 1st free shipping) will require mare owner to pay any shipping fees including airline shipment, special handling and delivery, weekend delivery, and any other costs. If mare does not settle during the present Breeding Season or if she aborts she is eligible for a return the following season with another collection fee to be paid. In each case the required veterinarian certificate must be provided within seven days. 3. Provide Country Quarter Horses with a photo static copy of mare’s registration papers. 4. Return the shipping container within 48 hours to Country Quarter Horses by fastest courier possible (FED EX, UPS, etc...) at the Mare Owners expense. 5. The Breeding must be done at a qualified breeding facility or under the supervision of a veterinarian. If for any reason the mare does not settle, Mare Owner will hold Breeder and Stallion Owner harmless. The breeding Season is from February 1 to July 1. Semen is available Monday thru Friday. Breeder must be notified by 11:00 AM Eastern time on the day the semen is to be shipped. Cancellation must be received by 3:00 PM Eastern time the day the semen was to be shipped. The Breeder agrees to: 1. A non-refundable booking fee of $________ will reserve a breeding for the 20___ Breeding Season to _________________________________________. 2. Refund the deposit on container when: A. Container is returned in acceptable condition. (AND) B. Mare is pronounced in foal. 3. There is a Live Foal Guarantee. Should foal not stand and nurse the Mare Owner will be entitled to a return service to the same mare or a substitute (with prior approval from breeder) for the following Breeder Season only. Veterinarian statement must be provided. Breeder must be notified seven days from date of birth. 4. Upon notification of a live birth, provide a breeder’s certificate to Mare Owner. 5. This contract is non-assignable and non-transferable. 6. This contract is entered into the State of Ohio and will be interpreted and enforced under the laws of Ohio. ________________________________________________________________ Country Quarter Horses Date Tom and Diane Stolcals 56 Twp. Rd. 1031 Nova, Ohio 44859 _________________________________________________________________ Mare Owner Date ______________________________________________________ Mare Owner’s Address ______________________________________________________ Mare Owner’s Phone Number(s)