Conference papers

List of publication
1. Markowicz, K. M., P. J. Flatau, M. V. Ramana, P. J. Crutzen,and V. Ramanathan,
Absorbing Mediterranean Aerosols Lead to a Large Reduction in the Solar Radiation at
the Surface, Geophysical Research Letters, doi:10.1029/2002GL015767, 2002.
2. Lelieveld, J., H. Berresheim, S. Borrmann, P.J. Crutzen, F.J. Dentener, H. Fischer, J. de
Gouw, J. Feichter, P. J. Flatau, J. Heland, R. Holzinger, R. Korrmann, M. Lawrence, Z.
Levin, K. M. Markowicz, Mihalopoulos, A. Minikin, V. Ramanathan, M. de Reus, G.J.
Roelofs, H.A. Scheeren, J. Sciare, H. Schlager, M. Schultz, P. Siegmund, B. Steil, P. Stier,
M. Traub, J. Williams, and H. Ziereis, Global air pollution crossroads over the
Mediterranean, Science, vol. 298, 794-799, 2002.
3. Welton, E. J., Kenneth J. Voss, Patricia K. Quinn, P. J. Flatau, K. M. Markowicz, J. R.
Campbell, J. D. Spinhirne 7, H. R. Gordon , and J. E. Johnson, Measurements of aerosol
vertical profiles and optical properties during INDOEX 1999 using micro-pulse lidars
Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 107 (D19), doi:10.1029/2000JD000038, 2002.
4. Markowicz, K. M., P. J. Flatau, P. K. Quinn, C. M. Carrico, M. K. Flatau, A.
Vogelmann, Influence of relative humidity on aerosol radiative forcing: An ACE-Asia
experiment perspective, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 108 (D23), 8662,
doi:10.1029/2002JD003066, 2003.
5. Vogelmann A. M., P. J. Flatau, M. Szczodrak, K. M. Markowicz, and P. J. Minnett,
Observations of large aerosol infrared forcing at the, Geophysical Research Letters, vol.
30, no. 12, 1654, doi:10.1029/2003GL017229, 2003.
6. Markowicz, K. M., P. J. Flatau, A. M. Vogelmann, P. K. Quinn, E. J. Welton, Clear-sky
infrared aerosol forcing at the surface and the top of the atmosphere, Quarterly Journal of
Royal Meteorological Society, vol. 129, No. 594: 2927-2947, 2003.
7. Conant, W. C., J. H. Seinfeld, and J. Wang, G. R. Carmichael, Y. Tang, I. Uno, P. J.
Flatau, K. M. Markowicz, P. K. Quinn, A model for the radiative forcing during ACEAsia derived from CIRPAS Twin Otter and R/V Ronald H. Brown data and comparison
with observations, Journal of Geophysical Research, 108 (D23), 8661,
doi:10.1029/2002JD003260 2003.
8. Seinfeld, J. H., G. R. Carmichael, R. Arimoto, W. C. Conant, F. J. Brechtel, T. S. Bates,
T. A. Cahill, A. D. Clarke, P. J. Flatau, B. J. Huebert, J. Kim, K. M. Markowicz, S. J.
Masonis, P. K. Quinn, L. M. Russell, P. B. Russell, A. Shimizu, Y. Shinozuka, C. H.
Song, Y. Tang, I. Uno, A. M. Vogelmann, R. J. Weber, J. H. Woo, and X. Y. Zhang,
ACE-Asia: Regional Climatic and Atmospheric Chemical Effects of Asian Dust and
Pollution, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Vol. 85, No. 3, pp. 367–380,
9. Remiszewska, J., P. J. Flatau, K. M. Markowicz, E. A. Reid, J. S. Reid, and M. L. Witek,
Modulation of the aerosol absorption and single-scattering albedo due to synoptic scale
and sea breeze circulations: United Arab Emirates experiment perspective, Journal of
Geophysical Research, doi:10.1029/2006JD007139, 2006.
10. Markowicz, K. M., P. J. Flatau, J. Remiszewska, E. A. Reid, J. S. Reid, A. Bucholtz, B.
Holben, and M. L. Witek, Observations and modeling of the surface aerosol radiative
forcing during the UAE2 experiment. Journal of Atmospheric Science, accepted, 2007.
11. Markowicz, K. M, P. J. Flatau, A.E. Kardaś, K. Stelmaszczyk, and L. Woeste,
Ceilometer retrieval of the boundary layer vertical aerosol extinction structure, Journal of
Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, accepted, 2007.
12. Karasiński, G., A. E. Kardaś, K. M. Markowicz, S. P. Malinowski, T. Stacewicz, K.
Stelmaszczyk, S. Chudzyński, W. Skubiszak, M. Posyniak, A. K. Jagodnicka, C.
Hochhertz and L. Woeste, LIDAR investigation of properties of atmospheric aerosol, Eur.
Phys. J. Special Topice, 144, p. 129−138, 2007.
13. Kardas, A. E., K. M. Markowicz, K. Stelmaszczyk, G. Karasiński, S. P. Malinowski, T.
Stacewicz, C. Hochhertz, L. Woeste, Properties of mineral dust aerosol as seen by
synergic lidar and sun-photometer measurements in Warsaw, submitted to Tellus, 2007.
Conference papers
1. Flatau, P. J., Mitchell, G., Welton, E. J., Wieland, J., Markowicz, K., Nolan, J., Voss, K.,
Gordon, H., Miller, M., Kahru, M., Nakajima, T., 2000, Comprehensive ocean color
measurements during the 1999 INDOEX project, Eos, Transactions, vol. 80, no. 49, 1999,
p.274, January 24-28, 2000, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography,
American Geophysical Union, 2000 Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Antonio, Texas.
2. Welton, E. J., Flatau, Voss, K. J., P. J., Gordon, H. R., Markowicz, K., Campbell, J. R.,
Spinherne, J. D., 1999, Measurement of the vertical distribution of the vertical
distribution of aerosols and clouds during INDOEX 1999 using micro-pulse lidars, Eos,
Transactions, AGU 1999 Fall Meeting, Volume 80, Number 46, November 16, 1999,
December 13-17, 1999, San Francisco, California, American Geophysical Union.
3. Bajer K., K. Markowicz, S. Malinowski, Influence of the small-scale turbulence structure
on the concentration of cloud droplets w: 13th International Conference on Cloud and
Precipitation, Proceedings, str. 159-162, International Commision on Clouds and
Precipitation (ICCP) of the International Assocoation of Meteorology and Atmospheric
Sciences (IAMAS), r. 2000.
4. Flatau, P. J., M. K. Flatau, K. Markowicz, P. Quinn, A. Vogelmann, Influence of relative
humidity on aerosol radiative efficiency, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco.
5. Markowicz, K. M., P. J. Flatau, A. Vogelmann, Modeling of infrared radiative forcing
during the ACE-Asia experiment: influence of dust and sea-slat, AGU Fall Meeting, San
6. Vogelmann, A. M., P. J. Flatau, M. Szczodrak, K. Markowicz and P. J. Minnett, 2002,
Infrared radiative forcing of the ACE-Asia aerosol observed during the NOAA ship R.H.
Brown cruise, Joint International Symposium on Atmospheric Chemistry within the Earth
System, September, Crete, Greece. CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, 2002,
7. Markowicz, K. M., P. J. Flatau, J. P. Crutzen, V. Ramanathan, Aerosol Radiative Forcing
at Finokalia Sampling Station during the MINOS Experiment, Joint International
Symposium on Atmospheric Chemistry within the Earth System, September, Crete,
8. Markowicz, K. M., Flatau, P. J.; Ramana, M. V; Crutzen, J. P.; Ramanathan, V.
Absorbing Mediterranean Aerosols Lead to a Large Reduction in Solar Radiation at the
Surface, EGS - AGU - EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, April 2003.
9. Markowicz K. M., Flatau, P. J.; Vogelmann, A. M.; Quinn, P. K.; Bates, D. E, Infrared
aerosol radiative forcing at the surface and the top of the atmosphere, EGS - AGU - EUG
Joint Assembly, Nice, France, April 2003.
10. Markowicz K. M., Flatau, P. J.; Quinn, P. K.; Carrico, C. M.; Flatau, M. K.; Vogelmann,
A. M.; Liu, M, Influence of Relative Humidity on Aerosol Radiative Forcing: ACE-Asia
Experiment Perspective, EGS - AGU - EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, April 2003.
11. Markowicz, K. M., A. E. Kardaś, C. Hochherz, K. Stelmaszczyk, A. Rozwadowska, T.
Zieliński, G. Karasiński, J. Remiszewska, M. Witek, Sz. Malinowski, T. Stacewicz, L.
Woeste, Observation of optical properties and radiative forcing of nonspherical particles
over Poland, ACCENT symposium, Urbino 2005.
12. Reid, E. A., J. S. Reid, K. M. Markowicz, K. E. Ross, A. A. Mandoos, A. A. Mangoosh,
Atmospheric Characterization at a Rural Coastal Site in the UAE from August to
September 2004, AGU, San Francisco, 2006.
13. Markowicz, K. M, A. E. Kardas, Retrieval of aerosol optical properties and estimation of
aerosol forcing based on multi-spectral sun photometer observations, AMS, Madison
14. Kardas, A. E, K. M. Markowicz, K. Stelmaszczyk, G. Karasinski, S. P. Malinowski, and
T. Stecewicz, SAWA experiment—evaluation of dust particles properties by means of lidar
and sun-photometer synergic measurements, AMS, Madison 2006.
15. Remiszewska, J., K. M. Markowicz, J. S. Reid, E. A. Reid, and M. Witek, Modulation of
the aerosol absorption and single-scattering albedo in Southwest Asia due to large scale
and sea breeze circulations, AMS, Madison 2006.
16. Markowicz, K. M., P. J. Flatau, J. Remiszewska, E. A. Reid, J. S. Reid, M. Witek,
Observation and modeling the surface aerosol radiative forcing during UAE2 experiment,
GRA vol. 8, 09417, EGS - AGU - EUG Joint Assembly, Vienna, 2006.
17. Markowicz, K. M., A. E. Kardaś, C. Hochherz, K. Stelmaszczyk, Anna Rozwadowska,
Tymon Zieliński, G. Karasiński, J. Remiszewska1, M. Witek, Sz. Malinowski, T.
Stacewicz, and L. Woeste, Observation of optical properties and Radiative forcing of
nonspherical particles over Poland, GRA vol. 8, 06233, EGS - AGU - EUG Joint
Assembly, Vienna, 2006.
18. Zielinski, T. K. M. Markowicz, G. Chourdakis, N. Mihalopoulos, B. Pflug i A.
Rozwadowska, Aerosol radiative forcing studies at different types of sites, 7th
International Aerosol Conference w St Paul, USA, 2006.