Adverb Practice Circle the adverbs in each sentence. 1. Marcella

Adverb Practice
Circle the adverbs in each sentence.
1. Marcella, deposit the money safely in the most powerful vault.
2. The recently found journal said Wallace was so lost that he just wandered aimlessly in circles.
3. Running quickly for the endzone, the widely recruited fullback tripped.
4. Lynne pushed the most talented students so they would finish the assignment quickly.
5. The author was quite annoyed when she determined that the publisher was very dishonest.
6. Wendy threw the garbage out, but the flies would not leave.
7. After she looked carefully in both directions, Amitabha sprinted across.
8. Now that Royce has arrived safely, the group can settle down.
9. Their most talented competitor still will not defeat our top contender.
10. Always think positively when you are presented an opportunity to succeed.
11. The CEO feels unusually tense today.
12. Ginger spoke glowingly of Kyoko's extraordinary acting skills.
13. The children's teacher announced that their class was the most highly rated in the district.
14. Greg's mule accepted every task willingly.
15. You should put that hibiscus inside.
16. In the winter, New York is much colder than Florida.
17. Hank waved enthusiastically at Steve.
18. Speak softly into the microphone or we will suffer greatly.
19. When Thomas pounded firmly on the door, he woke the sleeping baby.
20. "Grammar is so difficult and quite boring," the overworked student complained bitterly.
Adverb Practice Exercise Answers
1. Marcella, deposit the money safely in the most powerful vault.
SAFELY is an adverb modifying the verb DEPOSIT.
MOST is an adverb modifying the adverb POWERFUL
2. The recently found journal said Wallace was so lost that he just wandered aimlessly in circles.
RECENTLY is an adverb modifying the adjective FOUND.
SO is an adverb modifying the predicate adjective LOST.
AIMLESSLY is an adverb modifying the verb WANDERED.
3. Running quickly for the endzone, the widely recruited fullback tripped.
QUICKLY an adverb modifying the participle RUNNING.
WIDELY is an adverb modifying the participle RECRUITED.
4. Lynne pushed the most talented students so they would finish the assignment quickly.
MOST is an adverb modifying the participle TALENTED.
QUICKLY is an adverb modifying the verb WOULD FINISH.
5. The author was quite annoyed when she determined that the publisher was very dishonest.
QUITE is an adverb modifying the predicate adjective ANNOYED.
VERY is an adverb modifying the predicate adjective DISHONEST.
6. Wendy threw the garbage out, but the flies would not leave.
OUT is an adverb modifying the verb THREW.
NOT is an adverb modifying the verb WOULD LEAVE.
7. After she looked carefully in both directions, Amitabha sprinted across.
CAREFULLY an adverb modifying the verb LOOKED.
ACROSS is an adverb modifying the verb SPRINTED.
8. Now that Royce has arrived safely, the group can settle down.
NOW is an adverb modifying the entire clause.
DOWN is an adverb modifying the verb CAN SETTLE.
9. Their most talented competitor still will not defeat our top contender.
MOST is an adverb modifying the adjective TALENTED.
STILL is an adverb modifying the verb WILL DEFEAT.
NOT is an adverb modifying the verb WILL DEFEAT.
10. Always think positively when you are presented an opportunity to succeed.
ALWAYS is an adverb modifying the verb THINK.
POSITIVELY is an adverb modifying the verb THINK.
11. The CEO feels unusually tense today.
UNUSUALLY an adverb modifying the predicate adjective TENSE.
TODAY is an adverb modifying the entire clause.
12. Ginger spoke glowingly of Kyoko's extraordinary acting skills.
GLOWINGLY is an adverb modifying the verb SPOKE.
13. The children's teacher announced that their class was the most highly rated in the district.
MOST is an adverb modifying the adverb HIGHLY.
HIGHLY is an adverb modifying the predicate adjective RATED.
14. Greg's mule accepted every task willingly.
WILLINGLY is an adverb modifying the verb ACCEPTED.
15. You should put that hibiscus inside.
INSIDE is an adverb modifying the verb SHOULD PUT.
16. In the winter, New York is much colder than Florida.
MUCH is an adverb modifying the predicate adjective COLDER.
17. Hank waved enthusiastically at Steve.
ENTHUSIASTICALLY is an adverb modifying the verb WAVED.
18. Speak softly into the microphone or we will suffer greatly.
SOFTLY is an adverb modifying the verb SPEAK.
GREATLY is an adverb modifying the verb WE WILL SUFFER.
19. When Thomas pounded firmly on the door, he woke the sleeping baby.
FIRMLY is an adverb modifying the verb POUNDED.
20. "Grammar is so difficult and quite boring," the overworked student complained bitterly.
SO is an adverb modifying the predicate adjective DIFFICULT.
QUITE is an adverb modifying the predicate adjective BORING.
BITTERLY is an adverb modifying the verb COMPLAINED.