Journal Papers - Physical Electronics and Research Center for

Quantum-Film, Quantum-Wire, and Quantum-Box Lasers
Journal Papers
T. Kojima, S. Arai and G. U. Bacher, "Anisotropic polarization properties of photoluminescence
from GaInAsP/InP quantum-wire structures fabricated by two-step organometallic vapor phase
epitaxy growth," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol.37, no.1A/B, pp.L46-L49, 1998.
B. Jenichen, H. T. Grahn, T. Kojima and S. Arai, "Lateral periodicity and elastic stress
relaxation in GaInAsP quantum wires on InP investigated by X-ray diffractometry," J. Appl.
Phys., vol.83, no.11, pp.5810-5813, June 1998.
T. Kojima, M. Tamura, H. Nakaya, S. Tanaka, S. Tamura and S. Arai, "GaInAsP/InP
compressively strained quantum-wire lasers fabricated by electron beam lithography and 2-step
organometallic vapor phase epitaxy," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol.37, no.9A, pp.4792-4800, 1998.
T. Kojima, S. Tanaka, H. Yasumoto, H. Nakaya, S. Tamura and S. Arai, "Gain spectrum
measurement of GaInAsP/InP compressively-strained quantum-wire lasers," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.,
vol.37, no.11B, pp.L1386-L1389, 1998.
T. Kojima, H. Nakaya, S. Tanaka, H. Yasumoto, S. Tamura and S. Arai, "Temperature
dependence of internal quantum efficiency of 20nm-wide GaInAsP/InP compressively strained
quantum-wire lasers," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol.38, no.1B, pp.585-588, 1999.
International Conferences
S. Arai, "Nanometer scale semiconductor photonics - Low-dimensional quantum structures
towards high performance lasers -," Int’l Topical Workshop on Contemporary Photonic
Technologies (CPT’98), Tokyo, Wa-04, pp.99-102, Jan. 1998.
T. Kojima, H. Nakaya, S. Tanaka, H. Yasumoto, S. Tamura and S. Arai, "Optical gain
measurement of GaInAsP/InP quantum-wire lasers," 15th Semiconductor Laser Symposium, 19,
p.19, Yokohama, Mar. 1998.
T. Kojima, H. Nakaya, S. Tanaka, S. Tamura and S. Arai, "Evaluation of internal quantum
efficiency and waveguide loss of 50nm-period GaInAsP/InP quantum-wire lasers," The 10th Int.
Conf. on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials (IPRM'98), WA2-4, pp.365-368, Tsukuba,
May 1998.
H. Nakaya, T. Kojima, S. Tanaka, S. Tamura and S. Arai, "Gain spectral characteristics of
GaInAsP/InP quantum-wire lasers," The 10th Int. Conf. on Indium Phosphide and Related
Materials (IPRM'98), TuP-20, pp.591-594, Tsukuba, May 1998.
T. Kojima, H. Nakaya, S. Tanaka, H. Yasumoto, S. Tamura and S. Arai, "Temperature
dependence of internal quantum efficiency of 20nm-wide GaInAsP/InP quantum-wire lasers,"
Int. Symposium on Formation, Physics and Device Application of Quantum Dot Structures
(QDS’98), Th2-8, p.212, Sapporo, May/June 1998.
S. Arai, T. Kojima, M. Madhan Raj, N. Nunoya, S. Tanaka and S. Toyoshima,
"Long-wavelength lasers prepared by semiconductor microfabrication," submitted to the Pacific
Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO/Pacific Rim '99), (Invited), Seoul
(Korea), Aug./Sep. 1999.
Meeting Reports
T. Kojima, H. Nakaya, S. Tanaka, H. Yasumoto, S. Tamura and S. Arai, "Fabrication of
GaInAsP/InP quantum-wire lasers and evaluation of its optical gain characteristics,"
「GaInAsP/InP量子細線レーザの作製とその光学利得特性評価」 電子情報通信学会技術
研究報告、光エレクトロニクス、信学技報, OPE98-39/LQE98-33, pp.25-30, Tokyo, July
Domestic Conferences
S. Tanaka, T. Kojima, H. Nakaya, S. Tamura and S. Arai, "Regrowth temperature dependence of
GaInAsP/InP single-layer quantum-well lasers," 「GaInAsP/InP単層量子井戸レーザの埋め
込み成長温度依存性」 Nat. Conv. Res. of Japan Soc. Appl. Phys., 29p-ZH-2, DigestⅢ-p.1115,
Hachioji, Mar. 1998.
T. Kojima, H. Nakaya, S. Tanaka, S. Tamura and S. Arai, "Temperature dependence of
threshold current density of GaInAsP/InP quantum-wire lasers," 「GaInAsP/InP量子細線レー
ザの発振しきい値電流の温度依存性」 Nat. Conv. Res. of Japan Soc. Appl. Phys., 29p-ZH-3,
DigestⅢ-p.1115, Hachioji, Mar. 1998.
H. Nakaya, T. Kojima, S. Tanaka, H. Yasumoto, S. Tamura and S. Arai, "Gain spectrum
measurement of GaInAsP/InP compressively-strained quantum-wire lasers," 「GaInAsP/InP圧
縮歪量子細線レーザの光利得スペクトルの測定」 Nat. Conv. Res. of Japan Soc. Appl.
Phys., 29p-ZH-5, DigestⅢ-p.1116, Hachioji, Mar. 1998.
S. Arai and T. Kojima, "Nano-structure fabrication using lithography and GaInAsP/InP
quantum-wire lasers," 「リソグラフィーによる極微構造形成とGaInAsP/InP量子細線レー
ザ」 電気化学会第65回大会, Nat. Conv. Rec. of the Electrochemical Soc. of Japan, (Invited)
特1H07, p.208, Meguro, Apr. 1998.
S. Tanaka, T. Kojima, H. Yasumoto, S. Tamura and S. Arai, "Fabrication of GaInAsP/InP
compressively-strained single-quantum-well laser with AlInAs ESL," 「AlInAs ESL を有する
GaInAsP/InP圧縮歪単層量子井戸レーザの作製」 Nat. Conv. Res. of Japan Soc. Appl. Phys.,
15a-A-9, DigestⅢ-p.993, Higashi-Hiroshima, Sep. 1998.
T. Kojima, S. Tanaka, H. Yasumoto, S. Tamura and S. Arai, "Regrowth layer dependence of
anisotropic polarization properties of PL from GaInAsP/InP quantum-wire structure,"
「GaInAsP/InP量子細線構造のPL偏光特性の埋め込み層依存性」 Nat. Conv. Res. of Japan
Soc. Appl. Phys., 15p-YG-1, DigestⅢ-p.1236, Higashi-Hiroshima, Sep. 1998.
H. Yasumoto, T. Kojima, N. Nunoya, S. Tanaka and S. Arai, "Temperature dependences of
1.55μm GaInAsP/InP compressively-strained MQW lasers," 「 1.55μm 波 長
GaInAsP/InP圧縮歪多重量子井戸レーザの温度特性」 Nat. Conv. Res. of Japan Soc. Appl.
Phys., 28a-B-9, Noda, Mar. 1999.
S. Tanaka, T. Kojima, H. Yasumoto, M. Morshed, S. Tamura and S. Arai, "Fabrication of
1.55μm GaInAsP/AlGaInAs compressively-strained quantum-wire laser," 「1.55μm帯
GaInAsP/AlGaInAs圧縮歪量子細線レーザの作製」 Nat. Conv. Res. of Japan Soc. Appl.
Phys., 28p-B-8, Noda, Mar. 1999.
N. Nunoya, M. Nakamura, T. Kojima, S. Tanaka, I. Fukushi, S. Tamura and S. Arai,
"GaInAsP/InP multiple-layered quantum-wire lasers fabricated by CH4/H2-RIE/ OMVPE
regrowth," 「CH4/H2-RIE/OMVPE再成長法によるGaInAsP/InP多層量子細線レーザ」 Nat.
Conv. Res. of Japan Soc. Appl. Phys., 29p-ZL-19, Noda, Mar. 1999.
New Types of Semiconductor Lasers
Journal Papers
M. Madhan Raj, K. Numata, S. Toyoshima, and S. Arai, “GaInAsP/InP Multiple Short Cavity
Laser with λ/4-Air Gap/ Semiconductor Bragg Reflectors,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol.37,
pp.L1461-L1464, 1998.
International Conferences
M. Madhan Raj, K. Numata, S. Toyoshima, H. Nakaya, and S. Arai, “Realization of Multiple
Cavity Laser with λ/4-Air Gap/Semiconductor Reflectors,” Third Optoelectronics and
Communication Conference (OECC’98), Chiba (Japan), 13B2-3, pp.44-45, July, 1998.
M. Madhan Raj, S. Toyoshima and S. Arai, ”Multiple Microcavity Laser with
Benzocyclobutene(BCB)/Semiconductor High Reflective mirrors fabricated by CH4/H2-RIE
Dry Etching,” 16th Semiconductor Laser Symposium, Yokohama, 3, March, 1999.
N. Nunoya, M. Nakamura, T. Kojima, S. Tanaka, S. Tamura and S. Arai, “Low threshold
current density (330A/cm2) operation of 1.55μm GaInAsP/InP MQW-DFB lasers with
separated periodic active regions,” 16th Semiconductor Laser Symposium, Yokohama, 3,
March, 1999.
M. Madhan Raj, S. Toyoshima, and S. Arai, “Multiple Micro-Cavity Laser with
λ/4-Wide Deep Grooves Buried with Benzocyclobutene,” The 11th Int. Conf. on
Indium Phosphide and Related Materials (IPRM's), May, 1999.
N. Nunoya, M. Nakamura, S. Tanaka, H. Yasumoto, I. Fukushi, S. Tamura and S. Arai, "Low
damage GaInAsP/InP nano-Structures by CH4/H2 reactive ion etching and its application to low
threshold gain-coupled DFB lasers," The 11th Int. Conf. on Indium Phosphide and Related
Materials (IPRM'99), May, 1999.
Domestic Conferences
M. Madhan Raj, K. Numata, S. Toyoshima, S. Peng, Y. Miyamoto, and S. Arai, "Application of
Benzocyclobutene (BCB) Polymer to Active Opto-electronics Devices," 「ベンゾシクロブテ
ン(BCB)の動的光デバイスへの応用」Nat. Conv. Res. of Japan Soc. Appl. Phys., (30a-ZH-9),
Tokyo, March 1998.
K. Numata, M. Madhan Raj, S. Toyoshima, H. Nakaya, and S. Arai, "Fabrication of Multiple
Microcavity Laser having Air/Semiconductor-Bragg Reflective Mirrors," 「空気/半導体-ブラ
ッグ反射鏡を有する多重極微共振器半導体レーザの試作」 Nat. Conv. Res. of Japan Soc.
Appl. Phys., (30a-ZH-8), Tokyo, March 1998.
M. Madhan Raj, S. Toyoshima, Y. Saka, T. Kojima, and S. Arai, “Analysis of threshold current
of a high Optical Confinement semiconductor Laser” 「高屈折率差光閉じ込め半導体レーザ
のしきい値電流解析」Nat. Conv. Res. of Japan Society of Applied Phys., (15a-A-19),
Hiroshima, September 1998.
S. Toyoshima, M. Madhan Raj, H. Yasumoto, and S. Arai, “Fabrication of Multiple Microcavity
Laser using CH4/H2-RIE Dry etching” 「CH4/H2ドライエッチングを用いた多重極微共振器
半導体レーザの試作」 Nat. Conv. Res. of Japan Society of Applied Phys., (15a-A-25),
Hiroshima, September 1998.
M. Madhan Raj, S. Toyoshima, A. Matsutani, M. Oyake, Y. Saka, and S. Arai, “Measurement of
CH4/H2-RIE Etched Mirror Roughness and Its Application to Semiconductor Lasers”,
「CH4/H2-RIEエッチトミラーのラフネス測定と半導体レーザへの応用」Nat. Conv. Res.
of Japan Society of Applied Phys., (28p-ZC-11),Tokyo, March 1999
S. Toyoshima, M. Madhan Raj, M. Oyake and S. Arai, ”Multiple Microcavity Laser with
BCB/Semiconductor Reflectors by CH4/H2-RIE Dry Etching” 「CH4/H2ドライエッチングを
用いたBCB/半導体反射鏡を有する多重極微共振器レーザ」Nat. Conv. Res. of Japan
Society of Applied Phys., (28p-B-4)Tokyo, March 1999.
N. Nunoya, M. Nakamura, S. Tanaka, H. Yasumoto, S. Tamura and S. Arai, “ GaInAsP/InP
Lasers Fabricated by CH4/H2-RIE and OMVPE Regrowth,” 「CH4/H2-RIEとOMVPE 埋め込
み再成長によるGaInAsP/InP DFBレーザの作製」 Nat. Conv. Rec. of Japan Soc. Appl. Phys.,
28p-B-10, Chiba, March 1999.
Semiconductor Photonic Devices
Domestic Conferences
1. T. Shimizu, S. Yamazaki, S. Tamura and S. Arai, "Waveguide Width Dependence of Crosstalk
for MQW Directional-Coupler type All-Optical Switch." 「MQW方向性結合型全光スイッチ
におけるクロストークの導波路幅依存性」 Nat. Conv. Rec. of Japan Soc. Appl. Phys.,
29a-SZL-3, DigestⅢ-p.1130, Tokyo, Mar. 1998.
Quantum Coherent Electron Devices
Journal Papers
1. T.Oobo, R.Takemura, K.Sato, M.Suhara, Y.Miyamoto and K.Furuya, "Effect of spacer layer
thickness in energy level width narrowing in GaInAs/InP resonant tunneling diodes grown by
OMVPE",Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Vol.37(1998) pp.445-449,Part 1, No. 2, 1998.
2. Y.Miyamoto,
"Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor emitter with epitaxial CaF2 layer as insulator" , J. Vac. Sci.
Technol. , vol.B 16, pp.851-854, no. 2 , Mar/Apr 1998.
3. Y.Miyamoto, J.Yoshinaga, H.Toda, T.Arai, H.Hongo, T.Hattori, A.Kokubo and K.Furuya,
"Sub-micron GaInAs/InP Hot Electron Transistors by EBL process and size dependence of
current gain", Solid State Electronics, vol.42, No. 7-8, pp.1467-1470, 1998.
4. N. Machida, B. Hansson, K. Furuya, L. -E. Wernersson and L. Samuelson, “Proposal for a Solid
State Biprism Device”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Vol. 37 (1998) pp. 4311-4315, Part 1, No. 8, 1998.
5. N. Kikegawa, K. Furuya, F. Vazquez and Y. Ikeda; “Characteristics and Reduction of Noise in
Scanning Hot Electron Microscopy”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys Vol. 37 pp. 6580-6584 (1998).
International Conferences
Y.Miyamoto, "Analysis of deflection sub-milimeter-wave amplifier" 11th International Vacuum
Microelectronics Conference, Asheville, NC, USA, Aug. 1998
Y.Miyamoto, H.Tobita, K.Oshima, and K.Furuya "GaInAs/AlAs/InP resonant tunneling diodes
by MOVPE", Topical Workshop on Heterostructure Microelectronics (TWHM'98) Hayama,
Japan, Aug.-Sept., 1998.
M.Suhara, T.Oobo, X.Z.Xu, Y.Miyamoto, and K.Furuya, "Evaluation of phase coherent length
at high temperature up to 180 K using triple barrier resonant tunneling diode", 25 th Int. Symp.
Compound Semiconductor, We-P23,Nara, Japan, Oct., 1998.
M.Suhara, L. -E. Wernersson, B. Gustafson, N. Carlsson, W. Seifert, L. Samuelson and K.
Furuya, "Gated resonant tunneling structures with buried tungsten grating adjacent to
semiconductor heterostructure", International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials,
C-2-2, Hiroshima, Japan, Sep.,1998.
N. Machida and K. Furuya, “Analysis of Phase Breaking Effect in Triple-Barrier
Resonant-Tunneling Diodes”, 6 th International Workshop on Computational Electronics
(IWCE-6), TuE14, Osaka, Japan, Oct., 1998.
Meeting Report
Y.Miyamoto, “Analysis of sub-millimeter-wave amplification by Deflectron,” 「ディフレクト
ロンによるサブミリ波増幅の解析」 Technical Report of IEICE, ED98-170,
K. Oshima, Y. Miyamoto, W. Saitoh, T. Maruyam and M. Watanabe, “Improvement of emission
current stability and lowering of emission threshold voltage using tetrahedral amorphous carbon
of MIS tunneling emitter with epitaxial CaF2 insulator layer”, 「エピタキシャルCaF2を用い
電圧の低下」, Technical Report of IEICE, ED98-168, 1998.
Domestic Conferences
T. Oobo, K. Kyo, M. Suhara, Y. Miyamoto and K. Furuya, “Design and Fabrication of
GaInAs/InP Triple-Barrier Resonant Tunneling Diodes toward the Estimation of Phase
Coherence of Electron Wave”,「電子波位相コヒーレンス評価のためのGaInAs/InP 3重障壁
共鳴トンネルダイオードの設計と作製」, Nat. Conv. Rec. of
Japan Soc. Appl. Phys.,
28a-R-7, Hachioji Mar. 1998.
N. Machida, B. Hanssosn, K. Furuya and L. Samuelson, “Theoretical Analysis of Electron
Wave Biprism Effects in Solid State”, 「固体中電子波バイプリズム効果の理論解析」, Nat.
Conv. Rec. of Japan Soc. Appl. Phys., 31a-R-1, Hachioji Mar. 1998.
Y.Miyamoto, “Analysis of Deflection Sub-millimeter-wave Amplifier,” 「真空中偏向ビーム
によるサブミリ波増幅の解析」 Nat. Conv. Rec. of IEICE, Yamanashi, C-10-25. 1998.
Y.Miyamoto, H.Tobita, K.Oshima, and
K.Furuya, GaInAs/AlAs/InP resonant tunneling
diodes by MOVPE「MOVPEによるGaInAs/AlAs/InP共鳴トンネルダイオード」, Nat. Conv.
Rec. of Japan Soc. Appl. Phys., 18p-YA-7 , Hiroshima Sep.1998
K. Oshima, Y. Miyamoto, W. Saitoh, T. Maruyama and M. Watanabe, “Improvement of
emission current stability of MIS tunneling emitter”, 「MIS電子トンネルエミッタのエミッ
ション電流安定化」, Nat. Conv. Res. of Japan Soc. Appl. Phys., 17a-A-8, Hiroshima, Sep.
M. Suhara, L. -E. Wernersson, B. Gustafson, N. Carlsson, W. Seifert, L. Samuelson and K.
Furuya, “Vertical current control due to a buried fine metal gate in resonant tunneling
structures”, 「微細埋め込み金属ゲートを用いた共鳴トンネル電流の制御」, Nat. Conv.
Res. of Japan Soc. Appl. Phys., 15a-ZN-2, Hiroshima, Sep. 1998.
M. Nagase, T. Oobo, M. Suhara, Y. Miyamoto and K. Furuya, “Measurement of resonant
energy widths in triple-barrier resonant tunneling diodes - Emitter Fermi energy dependence -”,
「3重障壁トンネルダイオードの共鳴準位幅測定 - エミッタのフェルミ準位依存性 - 」,
Nat. Conv. Res. of Japan Soc. Appl. Phys., 15a-ZN-9, Hiroshima, Sep. 1998.
N. Machida, K. Furuya. B. Hansson. L. -E. Hansson, L. Samuelson, “Analysis of interference
fringes in Solid State Biprism Devices”, 「固体バイプリズムデバイス中の干渉縞解析」,
Nat. Conv. Res. of Japan Soc. Appl. Phys., 16a-ZN-12, Hiroshima, Sep. 1998.
B. Zhang, K. Furuya, Y. Ikeda and N. Kikegawa, ”Effect of valence electrons on tunneling
current in the experiment of SHEM for n+-Si/CaF2/Au structure”, Nat Conv. Rec . of Japna Soc.
Appl. Phys.,15ax-2 Hiroshima,1998.
10. N. Kikegawa, B. Zhang, K. Furuya, Y. Ikeda and N. Sakai,;” Hot electron detection for
Scanning Hot Electron Microscope”, 「走査型ホットエレクトロン顕微鏡に向けたホット
、Nat Conv. Rec . of Japna Soc. Appl. Phys.,15ax-3 Hiroshima,1998
11. Y. Ikeda, B. Zhang, N. Kikegawa and K. Furuya;” Theoretical hot electron current density of
GaInAs/AlAs DBRTD emitter”, 「GaInAs/AlAs
の電流密度とエネルギの関係」、Nat Conv. Rec . of Japna Soc. Appl. Phys.,15ax-1
12. N. Kikegawa, K. Furuya, N. Matsumoto and Y. Ikeda,;” noise reduction for SHEM using the
digital measurement”, 「ディジタル計測処理による走査型ホットエレクトロン顕微鏡の
、Nat Conv. Rec . of Japna Soc. Appl. Phys.,30PZD-9 Tokyo,,1998.
High-Speed Electron Devices Using Nanometer-thick Metal/Insulator
Layered Heterostructures
Journal Papers
1. M. Asada, K. Osada and W. Saitoh, "Theoretical Analysis and Fabrication of Small Area
Metal/Insulator Resonant Tunneling Diode Integrated with Patch Antenna for Terahertz Photon
Assisted Tunneling" Solid State Electron., vol.42, pp.1543-1546,1998.
2. M. Tsutsui, W. Saitoh, K. Yamazaki and M. Asada, "Proposal and Analysis of Coupled Channel
Tunneling FET with New Heterostructures on Silicon" Solid State Electron, vol.42,
pp.1547-1551, 1998.
3. W. Saitoh, K. Yamazaki, M. Tsutsui and M. Asada, "Analysis of the Influence of Carrier
Scattering in the Channel of a Metal/Insulator Tunneling Field Effect Transistor" Japan. J. Appl.
Phys., vol.37, pp.5921-5925, 1998.
4. W. Saitoh, K. Yamazaki, M. Tsutsui, A. Itoh and M. Asada, "Fabrication and Characteristics of a
Field Effect Transistor Using CdF2/CaF2 Heterostructures on a Si Substrate" Japan. J. Appl.
Phys., vol.37, pp.L1138-L1140, 1998.
5. W. Saitoh, K. Yamazaki, M. Tsutsui and M. Asada, "Analysis of Structure Dependence of Very
Short Channel Field Effect Transistor Using Vertical Tunneling with Heterostrucures on
Silicon" IEICE Trans. Electron., vol.E81-C, pp.1918-1925, 1998.
Domestic Conferences
1. W. Saitoh, K. Yamazaki, M. Tsutsui, A. Itoh and M. Asada, "Fabrication of Field Effect Transistor
Using CdF2/CaF2 Heterostructures on Si Substrate", 「Si 基板上 CdF2/CaF2 ヘテロ構造を用
いた電界効果型トランジスタの作製」, Nat. Conv. Rec. of Japan Soc. Appl. Phys., 28a-R-4,
Hachioji Mar. 1998.
2. W. Saitoh, S. Yamagami, A. Itoh and M. Asada, "Fubrication of Sub 0.1 μm Channel Schottky
MOS-FET on SIMOX Substrate", 「SIMOX 基板上 Sub 0.1μm チャネル Schottky
MOSFET の作製」, Nat. Conv. Rec. of Japan Soc. Appl. Phys., 15a-P9-8, Hiroshima Sep. 1998.
3. Y. Oguma, N. Sashinaka, W. Saitoh and M. Asada, "Fabrication of Patch Antenna and
Measurement of induced voltage in submilimeter wave range for observation of Photon Assist
Tunneling", 「フォトンアシストトンネリング観測用サブミリ波帯パッチアンテナの作
製と高周波誘起電圧の測定」, Nat. Conv. Rec. of Japan Soc. Appl. Phys., 17p-ZB-13,
Hiroshima Sep. 1998.
4. W. Saitoh, S. Yamagami, A. Itoh and M. Asada, "35nm metal gate p-type Schottcky MOSFET on
SIMOX Substrate", 「SIMOX 基板上 35nm 金属ゲート p 型 Schottky MOSFET の作製」,
Nat. Conv. Rec. of Japan Soc. Appl. Phys., 30p-ZM-13, Noda Mar. 1999.
5. A. Itoh, W. Saitoh, S. Yamagami and M. Asada, "Analysis of short channel Schottcky MOSFET
on SOI Substrate and Fabrication of n-type devices",「SOI 基板上 短チャネル Schottky
MOSFET の特性解析と n 形素子の作製」, Nat. Conv. Rec. of Japan Soc. Appl. Phys.,
30p-ZM-14, Noda Mar. 1999.
6. Y. Oguma, N. Sashinaka, W. Saitoh and M. Asada, "Observation of THz rectification of the
Triple-barrier resonant tunneling diode", 「三重障壁共鳴トンネルダイオードにおける THz
検波出力特性の観測」, Nat. Conv. Rec. of Japan Soc. Appl. Phys., 30a-Y-10, Noda Mar. 1999.
Light Emitting Devices Using Semiconductor(Metal)/Insulator
Journal Papers
1. M. Watanabe, W. Saitoh, Y. Aoki, J. Nishiyama, "Epitaxial growth of nanometer-thick
CaF2/CdF2 heterostructures using partially ionized beam epitaxy," Solid State Electron., 42, 7-8,
pp.1627-1630, 1998.
2. M. Watanabe, T. Matsunuma, T. Maruyama, Y. Maeda, "Electroluminescence of Nanocrystal Si
Embedded in Single-Crystal CaF2/Si(111)," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 37, 5B, pp.L591-L593, 1998.
3. M. Watanabe, Y. Aoki, W. Saitoh and M. Tsuganezawa, "Negative Differential Resistance of
CdF2/CaF2 Resonant Tunneling Diode on Si(111) Grown by Partially Ionized Beam Epitaxy,"
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 38, 2A, pp.L116-L118, 1999.
4. M. Watanabe, T. Maruyama, S. Ikeda, "Light emission from Si nanocrystals embedded in CaF2
epilayers on Si(111): effect of rapid thermal annealing," J. Luminescence, to be published.
International Conferences
1. M. Watanabe, T. Maruyama, S. Ikeda, “Light Emission from Nanocrystal Si
Embedded in CaF2 Epilayers on Si(111): Effect of Rapid Thermal Annealing,”
E-MRS 1998 Spring Meeting, B-II/P.10, pp.B-29-B-29, Strasbourg, France, June
16-19, 1998.
2. M. Watanabe, Y. Aoki, W. Saitoh, M. Tsuganezawa, “Negative Differential
Resistance of CdF2/CaF2 Resonant Tunneling Diode on Si(111) Grown by Partially
Ionized Beam Epitaxy,” 40th Electronic Materials Conference, G9, pp.13-13,
Virginia, U.S.A., June 24-26, 1998.
3. M. Watanabe, Y. Maeda, A. Yamada, “Epitaxial growth of nanocrystal ZnO on CaF2/Si(111),”
1998 Materials Research Society Fall meeting, D4.8, pp.84-84, Boston, U.S.A., Nov. 30-Dec. 4,
Domestic Conferences
1. Y. Aoki, M. Tsuganezawa, W. Saitoh and M. Watanabe, "Negative Differential
Resistance of the Triple-barrier RTD using Epitaxial CaF2/CdF2 Superlattice,"
「CaF2/CdF2 ヘテロ超格子による 3 重障壁共鳴トンネルダイオードの微分負
性抵抗」The 45th Spring Meeting of The Jpn. Soc. Of Appl. Phys. And Related
Societies, 28a-R-2, Tokyo, March , 1998.
2. Y. Maeda, A. Yamada and M. Watanabe, "Electroluminescence spectra from ZnO
nano-structure on CaF2/Si(111)," 「CaF2/Si(111)基板上 ZnO ナノ構造からの EL
発光スペクトル」The 45th Spring Meeting of The Jpn. Soc. Of Appl. Phys. And
Related Societies, 29a-S-2, Tokyo, March , 1998.
3. K. Osada, Y. Aoki, M. Tsuganezawa and M. Watanabe, "Analysis of Si/CaF2
intersubband transition lasers,"「Si/CaF2 超格子によるサブバンド間遷移レーザ
レーザの解析」The 45th Spring Meeting of The Jpn. Soc. Of Appl. Phys. And
Related Societies, 30p-R-4, Tokyo, March ,
4. T. Maruyama, S. Ikeda, M. Watanabe, "Growth condition dependence of
photoluminescence spectra from nano-cryatalline Si embedded in CaF2/Si(111) thin
film," 「CaF2/Si(111)薄膜中に形成された Si 微結晶からの PL 発光スペクトル
の成長条件依存性」The 45th Spring Meeting of The Jpn. Soc. Of Appl. Phys. And
Related Societies, 29a-p-8, Tokyo, March , 1998.
5. T. Maruyama, N. Nakamura, M. Watanabe, "RTA ambient dependence of PL
spectra from nano-crystalline Si embedded in CaF2/Si(111) thin film,"
「CaF2/Si(111)薄膜中に形成された Si 微結晶からの PL 発光スペクトルの
RTA 雰囲気依存性」The 58th Autumn Meeting of The Jpn. Soc. Of Appl. Phys,
16a-ZE-8, Hiroshima, Sept. , 1998.
Processing for Nanometer Structures
Journal Papers
1. H. Hongo, Y. Miyamoto, J. Suzuki, M. Suhara, and K.Furuya, "Wrapped alignment mark for
fabrication of interference/diffraction hot electron devices", Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.. vol.37,
pp.1518-1521, No.3B 1998.
2. A.Kokubo, T.Hattori, H.Hongo, M.Suhara, Y.Miyamoto , and K.Furuya, "25 nm Pitch
GaInAs/InP Buried Structure by Calixarene Resist"
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol.37 No. 7A,
pp.L827-L829, 1998.
Y.Miyamoto , A.Kokubo, T.Hattori, H.Hongo, M.Suhara, and K.Furuya, "25 nm pitch
GaInAs/InP buried structure : Improvement by calixarene as EB resist and TBP as P-source in
OMVPE regrowth", J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, vol.16, no.6, pp.3894-3898, 1998.
M. Tamura, T. Ando, M. Nunoya, S. Tamura, S. Arai and G. U. Bacher, "Estimation of Sidewall
Nonradiative Recombination in GaInAsP/InP Wire Structures Fabricated by Low Energy
Electron-Cyclotron-Resonance Reactive-Ion-Beam-Etching," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol.37, no.
6A, pp.3576-3584, 1998.
T. Kojima, X. Y. Jia, Y. Hayafune, S. Tamura, M. Watanabe and S. Arai, "Size Fluctuation of
50nm Periodic GaInAsP/InP Wire Structure by Electron Beam Lithography and Wet Chemical
Etching," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol. 37, no. 11, pp. 5961-5962, 1998.
M. Tamura, T. Kojima, T. Ando, N. Nunoya, S. Tamura and S. Arai, "Sidewall Recombination
Velocity in GaInAsP/InP Quantum-Wire Lasers with Wire-like Active Region Fabricated by
Wet-Chemical Etching and Organo-Metallic Vapor-Phase-Epitaxial Regrowth," Jpn. J. Appl.
Phys., vol. 37, no. 12A, pp. 6569-6574, 1998.
International Conferences
Y.Miyamoto , A.Kokubo, T.Hattori, H.Hongo, M.Suhara, and K.Furuya, "25 nm Pitch
GaInAs/InP Buried Structure by Calixarene Resist", 42nd International Conference on Electron,
Ion and Photon Beam Technology and Nanofabrication, Chicago, IL, USA, May 1998.
Meeting Report
1. A. Kokubo, T. Hattori, M. Kurahashi, H. Oguchi, M. Suhara, Y. Miyamoto and K. Furuya, “A
25-nm-pitch buried heterostructure and a 80-nm-pitch electrode for hot electron interference
device, ”「ホットエレクトロン干渉現象観測のための25nm周期埋込みヘテロ構造と80nm
周期電極の作製」 Technical Report of IEICE, ED98-132, pp.51-56, 1998.
Domestic Conferences
T.Arai, E.Zhang, T.Hattroi, A.Kokubo, M.Suhara, Y.Miyamoto and K.Furuya, “Fabrication of
20 nm tungsten wire by SiO2 lift-off and InP buried growth,” 「SiO2リフトオフによる幅
20nmタングステンワイヤの作製とInPの埋め込み成長」 Nat. Conv. Rec. of Japan Soc.
Appl. Phys., 28aPC-22, Hachioji, Mar. 1998.
13. A.Kokubo, T.Hattroi, M.Suhara, Y.Miyamoto and K.Furuya, “Fabrication of a 25 nm pitch
GaInAs/InP buried structure,” 「25nm周期GaInAs/InP埋込み構造の作製」 Nat. Conv. Rec.
of Japan Soc. Appl. Phys., 29aPC-19, Hachioji, Mar. 1998.
14. T.Arai, M.Suhara, Y.Miyamoto and K.Furuya, “Buried growth of InP over tungsten stripes
using organometallic vapor phase epitaxy,” 「OMVPE法を用いたタングステンのInP埋め込
み成長」 Nat. Conv. Rec. of Japan Soc. Appl. Phys., 17p-YE-11, Hiroshima, Sept.. 1998.
15. A.Kokubo, T.Hattroi, M.Suhara, Y.Miyamoto and K.Furuya, “Improvement of regrowth
condition for a GaInAs/InP buried periodic structure with TBP,” 「TBPを用いたGaInAs/InP埋
め込み周期構造の再成長条件」 Nat. Conv. Rec. of Japan Soc. Appl. Phys., 17p-YG-10,
Hiroshima, Sept.. 1998.
16. A.Kokubo, M.Kurahashi, H.Oguchi, Y.Miyamoto and K.Furuya, “Fabrication of a periodic
electrode by lift-off using two-layer resist consisting of ZEP incorporating and PMMA,” 「C60
複合ZEP-520/PMMA2層レジストリフトオフによる周期電極の作製」 Nat. Conv. Rec. of
Japan Soc. Appl. Phys., 16a-B-1, Hiroshima, Sept.. 1998.
10. T. Shimizu, S. Yamazaki, S. Tamura and S. Arai, "Waveguide Width Dependence of Crosstalk
for MQW Directional-Coupler type All-Optical Switch." 「MQW方向性結合型全光スイッチ
におけるクロストークの導波路幅依存性」 Nat. Conv. Rec. of Japan Soc. Appl. Phys.,
(29a-SZL-3), Tokyo, Mar. 1998.
11. M. Tamura, T. Ando, N. Nunoya, S. Tamura and S. Arai, "Estimation Sidewall Recombination
Velocity of GaInAsP/InP Multiple Wire Laser from Its Spontaneous Emission Efficiency,"
Conv. Rec. of Japan Soc. Appl. Phys., (29p-ZH-4), Tokyo, Mar. 1998.
12. N. Nunoya, M. Nakamura and S. Arai, "Depth Profile of Damage Induced by ECR-RIBE with
Cl2 gas," 「塩素ガスECR-RIBEによるInP系結晶底面方向への損傷分布のPL評価」 Nat.
Conv. Rec. of Japan Soc. Appl. Phys., (17p-P12-2), Hiroshima, Sep. 1998.
13. M. Nakamura, N. Nunoya, I. Fukushi, S. Tamura and S. Arai, “CH4/H2 Dry Etching/OMVPE
Regrowth for GaInAsP/InP Low-Dimensional Quantum-Well Structure,” 「GaInAsP/InP 低次
元量子井戸構造のためのCH4/H2ドライエッチング/埋め込み再成長」 Nat. Conv. Rec. of
Japan Soc. Appl. Phys., 28-p-ZC-9, Chiba, Mar. 1998.