CE 326 – Principles of Environmental Engineering Air Pollution Meteorology Shane Rogers Horizontal Atmospheric Motion The horizontal movement of the atmosphere is driven mostly by uneven heating of the earth’s surface and modified by the effect of the earth’s _______________________ (Coriolis effect). Schematic representation of the circulation of the atmosphere (Frederick K. Lutgens/Edward J. Tarbuck, The Atmosphere, 5e, 1992, p. 170, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.) Local Influences on Motion in the Atmosphere The general circulation pattern of the winds can be changed locally by ground friction and terrain effects (mechanical turbulence), high and low pressure systems (anticyclones and cyclones), or differences in heating and cooling rates between cities, land areas, and water bodies (thermal effects). Figure 6.15 in your text Vertical Atmospheric Motion The vertical movement of the atmosphere is driven mostly by changes in air density. Lapse rate (ambient lapse rate) – the change in air temperature with height Dry Adiabatic Lapse Rate – the rate of temperature decrease with increasing height that would result from an ideally behaving parcel of air that expands adiabatically (without a change in heat) as it rises. Dry adiabatic lapse rate (dT/dz): For fluids, the change of pressure with height can be related to the density of the fluid and the acceleration of gravity: where: P= z= = g= Pressure Vertical distance Density of air Gravitational acceleration Remembering that the density of a gas can be expressed using the ideal gas law such that: where: GMW = R= T= P(GMW ) RT Gram molecular weight of air Ideal Gas Law Constant (8.314 J/(K·mol)) Temperature (K) We can rewrite the first equation: dP gP(GMW ) dz RT 1 g (GMW ) dP dz P RT For dry air, temperature and pressure both change with elevation, therefore we cannot integrate the above equation because we need a thermodynamic expression for the change in temperature with change in elevation. For an ideal gas undergoing a reversible, adiabatic process: where: Cp = Cv = heat capacity of a gas at constant pressure = Cv + R heat capacity of a gas at constant volume Since air is 99% O2 and N2, we can assume it is diatomic. For a diatomic ideal gas, Cv = 5/2 R, and Cp = 5/2 R + R = 3.5 R. Setting the two expressions from dP/P equal, and substituting Cp = 3.5 R: Cp RT dT GMW for air: 78% N2 = 21% O2 = 1% Ar = g (GMW ) dz RT (0.78)(28 g/mol) = (0.21)(32 g/mol) = (0.01)(39.95 g/mol) = dT g (GMW ) dz 3.5R 21.84 g/mol 6.72 g/mol +0.40 g/mol 28.96 g/mol Stability – the tendency of the atmosphere to resist or enhance vertical motion ______________________________________ – thermal structure of the atmosphere neither enhances nor inhibits turbulence (ambient lapse rate = dry adiabatic lapse rate) Height (m) 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Temperature (ºC) ______________________________________________ – thermal structure of the atmosphere enhances turbulence (ambient lapse rate > dry adiabatic lapse rate) cyclones Height (m) 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Temperature (ºC) 26 _____________________________________ – thermal structure of the atmosphere inhibits turbulence (ambient lapse rate < dry adiabatic lapse rate) - anticyclones Height (m) 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Temperature (ºC) Fig. 6-14 in text The more unstable the atmosphere, the more mixing occurs, and the larger the standard deviations, Sz and Sy become. A = _______________________________ F = _______________________________ E x, y,0, H e S y S z u 1 y 2 Sy 2 e 1 H 2 S z 2